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Mark Deuwig • 2 years ago

Il-Gahan tkellem.

Aristide Galea • 2 years ago

U l-Imbeċilli mmuta u mar jistaħba.

Joe borgo • 2 years ago

Dak li tilef gahan xismu?

Dav Calleja • 2 years ago

Il-poplu malti.

P. Ciantar • 2 years ago

Your comment will put us nationalist in opposition forever . We need Mario de marco more than ever

Mark Deuwig • 2 years ago

Who cares? This vote is a mass suicide by the electorate. The next years are going to be nice to watch.

Angelo Polidano • 2 years ago

Especially if all the promises made are kept.

C Refalo • 2 years ago

Who cares? Int bis-serjeta? Din it-tip ta' arroganza kisret lil Partit. Nies bhalek, b'attegjament arroganti bhal tieghek mhuma xejn hlief piz fuq il-partit. Ifrah issa. Gahan. 5 snin ohra. U nice to watch, xi trid tghid biha? Ara veru trid tkun gahan biex tifrah li tela l-Labour so "the next years will be nice to watch". Partit glorjuz u serju bhal PN kissirtuh b'arroganza liema bhala gejja minn nies bhalek. Partit li dejjem refa lil pajjizna fuq spallejh imtela b'arroganza u b'nies bhalek. Ifrah bil-Lejber issa. Nice to watch...iwa mela.

Mark Deuwig • 2 years ago

Arroganza? Iktar ma jghaddi z-zmien iktar tohrog korruzzjoni, u iktar ma tohrog korruzzjoni, iktar tigi vvutata b'entuzjazmu u fiducja.
Wiehed x'jista jaghmel iktar milli diga ghamel? X'tista taghmel min tinsultah f'wiccu sakemm qed titfalu 100 euro fil but u jghidlek grazzi u jtik l-vot?

Int miskin iehor li mohhok iktar fil-partit milli mohhok fil-pajjiz. Mohhok iktar fil-glorja tal-partit milli r-reputazzjoni u rispett tal-pajjiz.

Nice to watch. Tidher li ma tafx xinhi ironija.

C Refalo • 2 years ago

Mohhi fil-partit? Ghidli ftit min jista jeghleb lil Labour xi darba?

Ironija? Bhalissa zmien l-ironija?

U imbaghad x'tippretendi? Tghajjar lil haddiehor gahan u tippretendi li jivvotalek?

Arroganti kollok kemm int. Il-partit m'ghandhux bzonnok. Bernard ghamel li seta imma ma jistax jibqa mdawwar b'nies bhalek. Jekk ghadek ma ndunajtx, il-pajjiz riesaq lejn one-party state. Il-partit ghandu bzonn nies genwini biex xi darba ikun jista jikkumbatti kif jixraq ghal-gid ta' pajjiz, ghal governanza gusta.

Wyatt Zammit • 2 years ago

Intom tiehdu it ruh la tinzel Lura Metsola. Jkun xieraq Al kulhadd . Hemm ikun Hemm opposizzjoni.

joseph gauci • 2 years ago

La Metsola u lanqas l-aqwa politikant fid-dinja ma jnizzilhom mill-poter. Il-partit laburista ghandhu "maggoranza ta' l-elettorat permanenti " li kibret mill-2013,2017 u issa kompliet tissoda 2022.Din il-maggoranza tivvota PL u tigi titmejjel mill-qtil ta'Daphne,mill-korruzzjoni,mill-qirda ta'l-ambjent, etc. L-aqwa li jitla' it-tim taghhom. Bernard Grech hadem fuq li hadem imma meta ghandhek "maggoranza permanenti " u jivvutaw akkost ta'kollox Labour, ghalxejn.Dawn ma jivvutawx b'mohhom imma b'qalbhom.

I Bugeja • 2 years ago

Mario De Marco's time in politics should be over. He and Fenech Adami Junior should be partly thanked for this. Some not long time ago PN used to tell Labourites "ma titghallmu qatt". Malta needs an opposition but it needs to reinvent itself.

Joseph Carmel Chetcuti • 2 years ago

If I were to buy the party I would sack everyone in dar centrali and the majority of PN MPs. They are useless and irrelevant to the new Malta.

I Bugeja • 2 years ago

That perception is equally dangerous. No party should be up for sale to win an election at any cost!

Carmel Debono • 2 years ago

It's probably their only way forward!

Joseph Carmel Chetcuti • 2 years ago

Some PNers will never learn. They will never learn the damage they are doing to their party. If the electorate is 'Gahan', why does the PN bother with it?

Whiskey Danielle • 2 years ago

So true and well said, was the population ' gahan' when they kept the PN in power for 25 years.

Matthias Wille • 2 years ago

No PN politician ever called his or her constituents Gahans, nor any voter in general. You seem to have a short memory, let me remind you: It was a labour member of parliament that called the voters (his voters) Gahans.

So no, until 2013 nobody called any voter Gahan, regardless of being labour or nationalists. This kind of disrespect is coming from the labour side.

Don't you forget that!

Joe Muscat • 2 years ago

Paroli vojt dan kollhu. The gahan thing was taken out of context and the PN followeres (the few that remain) took the opportunity to show their true colours. The desrespect is on these comments every day, by people like you. PNers who hate and divide. Tistahbiex wara subghajk. Mur ixtri ftit lumi.... M'intix xi Cuc malti hux?

Matthias Wille • 2 years ago

I'm not a PNer and no, the words where not taken out of context.

J. Bianchi • 2 years ago

Tonio Fenech called all maltese as cwiec.

A Camilleri • 2 years ago

Are you seriously forgetting that it was one of your own who called his supporters Gahan? If you need reminding this originated from a text by Edward Zammit Lewis to Yurgen Fenech!

Wyatt Zammit • 2 years ago

If the electorate is Gahan ? And mind you you are critisicing your own MP's of being useless. , and so ....if the people voted for useless MP's then they are clever ? Kolla Kemm Intom Ipokriti . Jaqqq . Ghamlu 10 years ohra hemm nin

MARIO CASSAR • 2 years ago

You must be joking!

Aaron Debattista • 2 years ago

This is hilarious. What assortment of post big-bang molecules convinces you that the problem with the opposition can be resolved with Mario De Marco? The party is getting humiliated and punished year-in year-out for its stagnation, hubris and antiquated ideas, and your first instinct is to shove another dinosaur at the helm?

j brincat • 2 years ago

Better a winning GAHAN than a PN desperate with no hope at all for the party future.


Guest • 2 years ago
M.Grima • 2 years ago

Relax man and try to control your disillusionment. I will not tell you what the PL has won, but I would tell you what your messed up party has lost. Eleven consecutive thrashings has transformed your PN into a losing machine with the prospect of being totally extinguished.

C Cassar • 2 years ago

One and the same, there is no hope on the horizon at all with the kindergarten level and excuse for a political 'system'. The slide of the country in all aspects is set to continue with a handful lining their pockets from the blinkered many.

Stephen Borg • 2 years ago

Never expected anything different from you, now we need to believe your claim 'grey listi g needs to be a blessing in disguise' as you claimed otherwise we're doomed as we will never leave the greylist again!

M.Grima • 2 years ago

Just wait a few months and much to your regret Malta will be struck off the grey list. Cannot understand the euphoria of the PN in seeing their own country in this list. Nationalists my foot!

Stephen Borg • 2 years ago

Yeah yeah dream on, issa tara x'gej, bil-vot tijak ghadtilhom ' isirquni kemm tifilhu'

Matthias Wille • 2 years ago

Well, PL got us into the mess, the least they can do is getting us out of it. The electorate decided to make it the PL's job. Now let's see if your predictions turn into reality.

And just so you know, no nationalist is happy about Malta being grey-listed. That is your puerile imagination.

Dav Calleja • 2 years ago

Qeghdin sew min jammatti li huwa halliel u min jammetti li huwa gahan. Qeghdin sew tal-pl araw fiex qeghda malta.

Jake Briffa • 2 years ago

Mixtri. U bil-provj. Ikkuntenta bil-mitt ewro. U min tahhomlok jiffanga bil-miljuni. Ehe... Inti gahan.

emmanuele grech • 2 years ago

U qabel ma tifhmu x'qalillkom postkom jibqa fl-oppozizzjoni.

Manwel Debattista • 2 years ago

u n-Nazzjonalisti tbikkmu!!

mrelllul • 2 years ago

You’re absolutely wrong! The result wasn’t surprising at all. Had it been into the 60-70k majority like you lot were talking about and hoping for during the last legislature, i for one would have been “imbikkma”, but Labour remained just with the same majority! Not to be so happy about it, i suppose!
In a way, I am glad Labour won. At least they have to clean the messes they themselves have created since they have been in government. Enjoy.

Michael Farrugia • 2 years ago

Liema Gahan habib: il-Gahan Laburist jew il-Gahan Nazzjonalist??

Joe Cardona • 2 years ago

U tkellem wahda sew. Xi tghid?

John Spiteri • 2 years ago

Illum Gahan wera xi jsarraf, dahhalhom fil-but bla ma jafu kif.

M.Grima • 2 years ago

Your arrogance has once again pushed your beloved PN back to the ‘still hot’ opposition benches. And the Gahans are making merry…………….

Peter Cizoba • 2 years ago

Bye bye trackless tram

j brincat • 2 years ago

Are you sorry?


Edwin Mifsud • 2 years ago

Hello endless traffic.

Joe Muscat • 2 years ago

Bieh il-Karozza sieheb...Ibda b'ezempju tajjeb hux...

Edwin Mifsud • 2 years ago

Min qallek li jien xi darba qatt xrajt karozza?

Martin Naudi • 2 years ago

Bye bye metro! Do you actually think labour will do it? If they do, they'll only do it to justify land reclamation. The rubble is going to have to be used somehow.

Manwel Debattista • 2 years ago

Bye bye, trackless party.