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X'ma nkunux GREYLISTED....
Mbagħad b'nies bħalek Sur Michael.....
He is just repeating what his boss said - nothing new!
So....genius....explain in detail what the bill is about.
The proposals are in the public domain. You can check them instead of making a fool of yourself and parrot labour propaganda.
Ok...you just confirmed you have no idea...or else you know only the general headline of the bill....bring on some details and we can discuss. Otherwise, shhhhhhhhhhhhh....silence is golden.
In that case you better shhhhhhhhhhh. Because like you said 'silence is golden'.
....and you are blindly believing your frustrated and incompetent leader!
Well, do you think that bobby the clown is a competent pm? Unfortunately tvm and onetv are completely conditioning gahan minds.
Inthom tifirhu bil greylisting, uzgur. Ahjar taraw ghaliex u min ghamilha il greylisting, min jahseb li hu l padrun assolut tad dinja u min jippretendi linl pajjizi kollha ghandhom jobduh. U inthom tkomplu titfaw il melh fuq il ferita biex taghmlu kemm tistaw hsara lill pajjiz sempliciment ghax minthomx fil gvern. Issa hudu pacenzja u oqodu hemm sakemm forsi 20 sena ohra titilaw fil gvern.
Nahseb aktar inti trid iddahhak ghax mid-dehra ma fhimt xejn minn din il-Bill u qed tirrepeti dak li qal sidek!!
Ghax int fimtu nahseb , mux tirepeti li qal sidek ukoll.
Iva qrajt u fhimt!! Vera li jinvolvi hafna sezzjonijiet izda almenu huwa bidu. Abela qed jibza milli jirfes il-kallijiet ta hafna minn shabu, izda jekk iridu jigu separati l-politici minn certu indhil u pjaciri ta businesses ghal skopijiet ta korruzzjoni, din il-Bill hekk qed tipproponi u mhux kif qal Abela li l-PN qed ibezza lin-negozjanti.
Spjegalna x'qal il-Kap ta' l-Oppozizzjoni please ghax tliftu d-dibattitu.
Did you read the bill?
Could you give us the more salient points so that we can understand how you reached your conclusion?
Forsi…. Imma sur Galea li skop x-ihnu????? Gvern li jivvota kontra sistema aktar demokratika huwa ovja korrutt!!!!
Il-professur tal-ligi Michael Galea qallhom li ghamlu kawlata, hej.
Jien mhux nidhaq, nibki meta naqra posts ta' dil-mentalita' ta' gahan!!
Naħseb li Ġaħan qed jidħak ... bik!
You are right... trying to rush a bill through without the usual consultations does not work.
Since when is PL consulting and not rushing? What about not listening to the mant NGOs that were against the Canabis Bill? Do you think that involved consulting and was not rushed through??
One cannot agree with Repubblika. The only chance to regain votes in the coming general elections is to replace Grech with Delia.
Why not? Delia was sitting just behind Grech. Even he seems to have accepted his fate within PN. So why are you still in denial? Unless you are a labour troll of course parrotting PL drums. PN never hides the fact that it represents various factions. Not easy at times true, but it will succeed. On the other hand PL unity holds by corruption and omerta, mafia style. Yesterday we saw it in action in the PAC. If abela calls an election any time soon, it will prove it beyond any doubt.
I do not accept bullying by anyone especially the blue heroes. Grech is not my choice. No Delia leader, no vote.
One thing is certain.'
The MLP would never stop hoping that the Nationalist Party would EVER AGAIN choose as its leader a Trojan horse constructed by the MLP dirty tricks propaganda machine!
That what was wrong on this MEGA BILL.it was put in one basket not breakdowned to single laws.i wonder why the pn wanted this mega bill to go in one sitting.perhaps because of a looming election and wanted to pass the bill quickly.gimmicks
Between now and the election there is no time to do it quickly.
But doing it well after the election. By LP itself possibly.
The fact that it was rubbished means that the LP has no mind to consider it at all.
So far LP has only dealt with just one recommendation. The other equally or more important recommendations are in limbo and will probably never see the light of day with LP.
We are to listlessly attend practically on a daily basis to such scandalous political shenanigans in parliament (and PAC) which ridicule and shame us to the world.
The government will only table bills of law coming from Castille and Mile End?
The government is not interested in dialogue. The PM should correct the billboards that have inundated Malta's highways!
Let's go Bobby! Anyone surprised that the corrupt mafiosi on the Labour side all voted against? Utter disdain for voters, Malta, rule of law and Democracy from the Ġaħan Brigade.
PL does not know any better. It is the electorate I blame. Not really the gahans, they are beyond repair, but the so called genuine labour voter who votes labour just not to vote PN. I was there in 1987 until raymond caruana was killed. Never voted labour again and never will. Always voted PN since and i do not regret it. They represent my principles much better than labour does. The labour voter needs to start voting by his brain (those who have) and not by his heart. It may be hard but it is the right thing to do. It is up to us at street level to convince our fellow citizens. The PN is doing its part but just like 87 the PN needs to be backed up. Only then it will succeed.
Issa Karol u Jason jiehdu pacenzja jistennew xi 15 il sena meta forsi jekk ikun ghadu jezistu il-pn taghhom u jergghu iressquh dan il-Mega Bill. Pulcinellati biss, Semmejt lil dawn it-tnejn ghax Bendu il-Grieg ikun ilu li sparixxa mix-xena politika.
Kemm int ĠAĦAN
......patentat, bil-Ph.D ukoll.
Kemm inti gharef....tifrah ghax mozzjoni biex twaqqaf il-korruzzjoni ma ghadietx ghax il gvern korrott minn fuq s'isefl. Ifrah ta...capacap.
So, in the meantime, for the next 15 years you become an even bigger Gahan happy that corrupt individuals are getting richer. Bravu hafna.
Who said that if there will be a change in government it will not be as much corrupted.
Purcinellati dsk li qed tghid!! Imbaghad ghandkom il-kuragg twahhlu fil-PN dwar il-greylisting!!
It certainly doesn't care a da*n about the country!
The government majority on the vote of this hotch-potch of 11 Bills , was TEN. So who were the absent opposition members ???
Is that the only thing that interests you?
If the government led by Dr. Abela or possibly as a puppet to Joseph Muscat, on it's own should have voted in favour of the mega bill.
That would have at least given the people who are not fanatic and blind to reality, an opportunity to say well done to Dr. Abela and his parliamentary group of puppets and stink of massive corruption.
Obviously you, with the Mosta Dome on your head would never see the truth of what is happening in Malta and Gozo.
What do you care, Eddie?
It is obvious that the Labour Party feels that it can steamroll over the opposition anytime. It has got the local backing to do it. BUT. In international fora, it is exposing itself for what it is, a quasi dictatorship. This will backfire on Malta, and it will be all the ordinary citizens who will bear the brunt.
hallih il-GAHAN Malti , jiehu go fih.
Mr Abela, no one is saying that everyone engaged in business is corrupt. But evidence emerges almost every day that a good number of those in Malta are. Why does the government fight tooth and nail against Unexplained Wealth Orders? Because it would hit highly-placed and -favoured people where they live?
If the bill will score the PN political points according to Bob Abela then it was a good bill.
He voted against it because it will threaten the corrupt PL band of theives.
The least one would have legitimately expected was that Government and Opposition agree in the national interest on a common bill against corruption in high places. That the Government was not forthcoming and shot down this bill goes to dig the national hole deeper.