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Loser boy • 1 year ago

Ok i admit I am beta and my gf is alpha she is best and I am nothing infront of her even in wrestling she beat me like a toy but also torture me by making me wear chasty all day in night she burst my ball 🛐 she is always superior to me

universal truth • 1 year ago

The intelligent and educated women are far superior to all the men in this world.
but they are lower in population and are suffering at the hands of bad people.
many delusional misogynistic perverted women are killing off good women and that's why the world is male-dominated world.
men are right about one thing : - majority of women have deficiency of intelligence ✔
that's why billions of men are born every second.
I really wish the world became full of men and no woman lived. That way both men and women are happy. Men hates women and women need not get anymore abuse by misogynistic men in such a world.
Either that, or the world should be full of good women and no man lived. women will be happy living a life where they will never abused and men need not feel anything as they aren't born or existing in such a world.
but this is wrong when both are co-existing together. Neither are happy. women will be tortured in such a world i.e our world. THIS IS SAD. VERY SAD.

Either137895 • 1 year ago

I’m sorry but this is extremely sexist towards men. A lot of this information actually comes up as false. You should have done your research.
1. IQ is based on a test, not overall knowledge.

2. Men endure pain by showing no emotion. I will say there are weak men out there, but statistically men hide their emotions and don’t let things affect them.

3. You have insulting comments towards men throughout this post. Which doesn’t really reflect this website’s goal

4. This is based on your opinion and not actual facts

5. There are more famous inventors then men

6. Trying to flip the status quo just shows that women aren’t superior

7. In ways both genders are superior in different areas, but a lot of this world was built by hard working men

8. The fact that you even sit down to write an entire post on a website shows that you are insecure and having a mindset that men are superior. To cover that up you have to write a post targeting men. I mean how petty are you

fact is men are inferior • 1 year ago

your 5th point, There are more famous male inventors than women? i think that's what you meant.
do you know history and books are written by men and not by women?
so they are the ones who made their own species famous? isn't that common sense?
yes, many women could've become famous inventors but the actual unspoken truth is women were denied of many things so that's the reason why many couldn't ever achieve their goals.
another thing, men are very understandable and cooperative towards each other. that's what is missing in womankind. Very few are good and smart but they do die early because of bad people killing them off with an army.

fact is men are inferior • 1 year ago

your entire comment and every other man's comment in this comment section are extremely sexist towards women.
your 2nd point, men endure more pain blah...blah...blah... by showing no emotion?
who tf cares?
what does that prove?
are you naive and ignorant?
women are the ones who feel more pain and are better tolerant to it.
do your research.
what kind of pain are we talking about here?
do you guys seriously endure any pain, just tell me the truth?
men live a much better leisurely life than women as y'all are overpopulated in this world. do any of you suffer in any way?
women are abused everywhere. every month they endure the pain of menstruation. many ways, women are enduring pain. they do show emotions which is a good thing unlike y'all who are emotionless. men should also emotion because it's your human right and you will be at peace.

fact is men are inferior • 1 year ago

shut tf up!
what all nonsense you wrote !?
that's a huge load of bullshit!
men like you have taken away women's rights
men like you invented religions (cults) to suppress women
i guess you guys are intelligent and smart in finding schemes, methods, strategies and tactics to control women that i do give credit to y'all since y'all are overpopulated in this world.
but the reality-based universal fact is real intelligent women are superior to all men worldwide.
the women who are idiots will remain as idiots and be inferior to men. such women are delusional.
your 7th point, the world is build by hardworking men?
what world we are talking about here? a male-dominated world, precisely! a world where y'all are able to live comfortably but not women, kids and animals!
no women has ever been happy to live in this world!

Guest • 1 year ago

shut tf up, garbage!
not all women are bad, okay !?
there are few good innocent highly intelligent women who are valuable but what's the point of pinpointing them? if anybody knows their location, they will be killed off by misogynists like y'all like y'all did with every such women throughout history.
all men are violent and cruel and so are majority of women.
the reason why men support such misogynistic women is because they give birth to children. They won't support the good ones because according to their logic, they are useless if they don't give birth to children.
wow!! what logic! stupid logic! who tf are you to judge on that?
nobody in this world owes anybody marriage, kids, love, romance or anything! nobody owes anybody anything. let me remind you that!
even sir isaac newton and nikola tesla, two greatest male scientists, never married a woman. won't these two say the same thing about 'not owing anybody anything' if you'd ask them when they are still alive?
they would.
so don't go around attacking women, jobless mfs!!

killerbunny • 1 year ago

This article is a complete joke....probz written by a complete simp.....

William Senft • 1 year ago

I am a boy and women are far superior to men. This article proves it, and so does more research. Men who say the are better are stupid. I understand that women are just better.

Lee Walter • 1 year ago

So many concepts that have been proven false. However, they are listed here.
(studies sometimes are executed to prove a given hypothesis- instead of seeking the truth)

conceited lee walter • 1 year ago

what you did is called gaslighting abuse.
the truth still stays true that women are far superior and more powerful than men.
that's a fact.
now, you might wanna say that if both men and women wrestled then who wins?
well, that depends on each person's body stature. if a man is bulkier and taller than a woman then obviously the man will win because that's how maths works. if the woman is bulkier and taller than a man then surely, woman will win 'cause that's how science works, you know.
anyway, who needs muscles when women can wipe out your whole existence because she is the mother, the creator? isn't she the most powerful? wake up , delusional!
educated women can outperform men in various fields because men have brashness and are aggresive. whereas women are calm and composed. there are idiotic women but we aren't talking about them.
it's stupid for women to think they are equal to men when they should be realising the fact that they more powerful than men. they underestimate themselves a lot and they give up easily. plus, mainly due to perversion and lust / love , they hold themselves back.

my brain cells commited suicide while reading this. you do realize men can wipe out your existince by not banging your mom in the bed y'know ? Not to mention men are generally stronger. And not to mention they control the society.

And men could enslave every women and just use them to make babies. But we dont ? Why ? Because we are not retarded and dont hate half of the world for no fucking reason

Dog • 1 year ago

The poor level of debate under this article is a remarkable reflection of the quality of the article itself, gender research is dodgy, clouded by multiple other factors that influence individual attainment (genetic and environmental), when the Nazis claimed Aryans were this height of worth, they did so in the same capacity as this article attempts to advance the notion of female supremacy. All supremacist thought is ludicrous, we are all human, we are all fallible, we all die in the end. we all have as much right to individual success and each other, stop looking for reasons to prove your selected class of person is superior, and demonstrate individual success on your own merit.

Ganesh Varma • 2 years ago

What a joke women ain't superior in intelligence i can't see a single or rare tech youtuber ,famous hacker ,inventors ,then why Elon Musk is not a women why most of the inventions are not done by women how come women stronger physically not in a single sport a women is better than man competitively
Women are much better in different things completely feminist article
Both are superior in each of there fields women are much better in memorizing ,emotional balance ,taking care , bringing balance when thing goes out of control they take less risks less interest in the technical side mostly prefer to live a simple life that's why live longer , have amazing control of things ,etc
All the power men get is from women
If any gender is superior in something doesn't mean that gender is superior
There must not be inferior and superior but balance
Of both otherwise this gen is doomed accepting there egos

fact is men are inferior • 1 year ago

you slumdog! idiotic indian!
why don't you Google search on female inventors instead of posting an ignorant comment here?
also, the ceo of youtube was a woman
famous hacker? why should a woman hack? you indian scammer, shut up!
hacking...spying....infiltrating.....breaching...scamming.... etc... are all the work of men, not women.

Elon musk is not a woman, yeah so? like what are you trying to prove here? elon musk became who he is now because of his mother! he didn't have a father to support him. his father divorced his mother when he was a little kid. his mother made him what he is now. all thanks and credit goes to his mother otherwise where would he be now if it wasn't for her?
plus, america is a great country to make men great but not women (unfortunately). they always favor men than women.

why most of the inventions are not done by women? kid, how old are you?
don't you know the reason why? were you born today? if yes then start learning. even in today's era millions of women are denied of education. if majority of women are educated and fended a lot then probably, there'll be thousands of female inventors, outnumbering men.
there are physically stronger women than men. many women aren't working on making their body physically strong because they like to impress men / society I guess, who all have set up a social stigma to want them to be seen as weak.
but there has been a recent discovery found out that earlier women during pre-history did have superhuman strength. look it up if you don't believe me.

there's no such thing as feminist so stop using that word. just because women excercise equal human rights doesn't mean it's called feminist, okay? y'all don't need to make a word for it, incels! make a word for men performing human rights equal to women.
women take less interest in the technical side? is this a joke? are you living with mothers and no other educated working woman?
there are hundreds of female computer programmers, software engineers etc... in this world. they may not be in your area but there are many in other areas

women live a simple life that's why they live longer? how many braincells do you have?
no woman is living a simple life in this cruel male-dominated world, dreamer. the ones who lived longer than men probably, had healthier bodies. they had good immune systems but their lives were definitely harsh, more harsher than men and animals.

E Warner • 2 years ago

Women 'ain't' superior. Very educated of you, lol. To cover your topic about inventors, women do invent many things, prior to the last 50 years or so, women were held back and held down by men. The women who were able to invent things back then, were pushed to the side and the men took credit. Use logic, not feelings.

ARYAN • 2 years ago

"Women make better leaders than men" I totally agree! Throughout history us men have been starting wars and slowly destroying the planet. We need to remove every man from position of power so women can lead us to success. Women are superior in EVERY single way.

MoeMoe • 2 years ago

I used to be an anti feminist, then the facts showed me women were oppressed. Then I was neutral, but the facts again prove women were superior. Men have been in charge since the start of humanity, and things didn't end up going well. There's nothing wrong with wanting to try the other side (Especially since data shows they'd be better leader) I'm doing my part by supporting female-owned businesses, voting for women, and calling out toxic men.

Good article

George R McKinney • 2 years ago

if women are susperior to men and studies purport that women are smarter,stronger and braver than how can it be true as women have charged that the weaker dumber cowardly males managed to subjugate the smarter,stronger braver females

Bella Weber • 2 years ago

Hey moemoe. Girl here. I’m really glad that you changed and stopped being an anti feminist, but believing that women are superior to men is just sad. There are many things about a woman that is better than a man, but many things about a man that is better than a women. Everyone is respectable until proven unrespectable :)

Catalog • 2 years ago

Believeing that women are superior to men isn't sad, it's blissful.

Bella Weber • 2 years ago

Hi. I know many people in this comment section or going to seriously rage out on me for no reason, and with no proof. But I just want to say this. I think one of the biggest problems in today's society is that a lot of people struggle to understand that Men and Women are DIFFERENT. Some traits are better, some traits are worse. Does that mean that one should get more respect than the other? No. We don't need to treat everybody the exact same, we need to treat everybody like individual beings. Everybody is respectable until proven unrespectable.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

Yes, women are superior to men that's why women should get more respect than rubbish men. Also, No one is going to rage out on you without reason or proof. They indeed do have reason and proof.

Rickey Dahmar • 2 years ago

Heya thoughtful. I don't think you got my point :). I was trying to state that men and women are equal, and they both have their differences. I'm trying to say that men and women are equal as human beings, until proven disrespectable. Also, I don't necessarily get your comment. They don't really have reason or proof, aside from the article above. However... the article above is not very trustworthy. Many of these experiments were only conducted once, and could entirely be based on luck. I'm betting that there's a lucky experiment out there that says men are better in all of these things. However, these too are most likely based on luck.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

No, You don't get my point. Men and women aren't equal, women are superior to men and it's not about equality, it's about equity. They really indeed do have reason and proof aside from this article. This article is indeed very trustworthy, incel. Stop being jealous and shut your ego. It's not based on luck or the experiments were conducted once. The experiments were conducted many times world wide. And you are saying it's based on luck because you are egoistic. Men are never better in any of these things and you'll never find an article about it. There's no luck in proving how women are superior to men by scientific research.

Either137895 • 1 year ago

You’re the reason this world is so corrupt. You don’t believe people should be treated equally. There is a thing called double standards you know

Jake • 2 years ago

Your point doesn't make any sense though.

Rickey Dahmer • 2 years ago

Ok, then I would love for you to show me articles that prove that any of this is true. If you can, then I will be proven wrong. If not, it just shows how idiotic you are.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

No, it shows how idiotic you are and you are wrong. These articles are facts. Believe it.

Rickey Dahmar • 2 years ago

This is hilarious. You didn't even read my question. You didn't provide me with ay articles supporting any of your thoughts. The fact that someone can be this stupid is so mindblowing that refuse to believe that you're being honest. You have to be trolling.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

This article is the proof for supporting my thoughts. You are the one who is trolling and the fact that someone that is you can be this stupid is mind blowing because you can't debunk any of the facts in this article.

Rickey Dahmer • 2 years ago

Ok, you're either nine and can't read, or you're a troll. Either way, you simply don't understand English vocabulary. You aren't responding to any of my points with factual evidence, but rather simply trying to point them back at me without any proof. I can already tell that you're going to respond with "oh no! Youre the one who cant read! Youre the one whos trolling! Youre the one who doesn't have any factual evidence!" In any case, please grow up and I hope that you become a more intelligent being as you mature.

Dog • 1 year ago

The article is an exercise in wishful thinking and perhaps the author has a sexual fetish for this stuff (lotta guys really into submission, start to convince themselves its a lifestyle for everyone) This thoughtful person is clearly heavily autistic, lack of emotional intelligence, tunnel vision and complete certainty of their view (intelligent people have doubts, they know there are things they don't know, and also that they don't know they don't know) anyone as abusively certain as this lacks the capacity for intelligent inquiry, little point engaging with them,

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

No, You please grow up and become an intelligent being as you pathetically mature, b*tch. Your points are silly and this particular article is a proof, it is a factual evidence to point them back at you. You are the one who is in denial of these universal facts.
You are a troll baby and you can't read or understand English vocabulary because you are repeating the same thing again and again that this factual article isn't proof when you can see it real life how these facts are proven everywhere in this world. You have a huge ego problem.

WakandaForever • 2 years ago

This article is very matriarchal and sexist. The definitive proof on all of these claims may be true, but are completely irrelevant to the current situation of what is being held at hand. Whilst there are many ways and possibilities that some aspects of a woman are better than a man's, it does not conclude the argument as an overall superior given. I will be willing to debate with anyone who replies in the comments.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

This article isn't matriarchal or sexist. It's the truth. You are the one who is patriarchal and sexist. You are an incel that's why you are saying this. It does conclude the facts as an overall superior given. Stop being jealous and triggered.

WakandaForever • 2 years ago

Yes. Some of the facts in this article are in fact true. However, they are completely irrelevant to the situation. Being able to make a computer game better doesn't make a woman better than a man. A man being naturally stronger doesn't make a man better than a woman. I believe women and men are humans, and therefore should be treated equally. Not only that, many of the facts in this article were only performed once, which meaning by similarities of various other experiments, these are 1 out of 1,000. A test has to be performed multiple times to reveal the true statistics, as doing it one time could be based entirely on luck in which certain individuals are better than the other at the current moment. Also, you're saying that this article is matriarchal, but the definition of matriarchy is where women hold the authority over men. So, by definition, this is matriarchal, and matriarchal is almost always considered sexist.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

They aren't completely irrelevant to the situation, liar. They are relevant in every situation, in every phase etc. No matter the circumstances. Women are naturally stronger than men physically, mentally and emotionally which means women are better than men. No, women should be treated differently because of their superiority. Support equity not equality. Also, No... many of the facts in this article aren't performed once, liar. Where's the proof? It has been performed multiple times. These aren't 1 out of 1000, they are 1000 out of everything. These tests were performed multiple times which revealed the true statistics in the article. It is not based on luck. You are really sexist, this article isn't matriarchal or sexist. This article isn't implying women's authority over men, it's stating facts about how women are superior to men.

Damon • 1 year ago

To the fucktard who actually believe “women are superior to men in every single way” you make me hate myself for being the same species as you. We both have superior abilities to each other on different aspects of life. e.g. most the time women are generally superior at raising and nurturing children. On the other hand, men are generally much physically stronger, which is why the best MMA fighter, runner, football player, swimmer, rugby player, tennis player, boxer etc is an undisputed man. If your desperate for evidence from me, don’t waste my time and go google who the best players or athletes are at those sports. Trust me you don’t need any university study to tell you that information.

WakandaForever • 2 years ago

Ok, since you are too stupid to make any claims with evidence, how about I ask you some questions. If you can give an answer WITH proof via an article, or textual evidence, than I will believe you. If not, it just proves how much of an idiot you are.

1. What makes you think being a better computer programmer makes you a superior gender?

2. Give me at least 6 articles proving women are physically, emotionally, and mentally stronger than men. Since they are supposedly 1000 times experimented.

3. Prove to me via article on how “these were proved 1,000 times.”

4. Explain to me how I am sexist. The definition of sexist is believing one gender is superior. I am stating that both are equal. You however, are becoming the exact definition of sexism.

I am absolutely willing to bet that you can’t even answer one of these, but if you do, than I will feel free to answer some of your questions.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

No, You are the one who is too stupid to make any claims with evidence. You can't provide textual evidence then it proves how much of a idiot and closed minded you are. Being a better computer programmer does make women the superior gender. Women are physically, mentally and emotionally stronger than men, it's a universal fact. These articles were proven 1000 times, was said by journalists in this article. They are not lying of course. And No, you are becoming the exact definition of sexist because you deny facts on how women are superior to men. Your stupid questions are already answered in this article. I am absolutely willing to bet that you can't debunk any these facts mentioned in this article.

Catboi • 2 years ago

Anyone getting mad about this is just too jealous and stupid to admit that women are just better than men there is no denying it I'm a guy and I know for a fact women are superior to me in every way

Wakandaforever • 2 years ago

Why are you willing to believe in this propaganda!? Please go ahead and give proof via articles that women are better than men.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

This is not propaganda, you incel. These are actual universal facts. What you are doing - is spreading propaganda.

WakandaForever • 2 years ago

If you aren't spreading propaganda, then go ahead and give me some links to articles that show women are better than men. Go ahead. You won't even be able to find any.

Thoughtful • 2 years ago

You are the one spreading propaganda and this article isn't propaganda.
Also, Isn't this article enough to prove that women are better and superior to men? This article is enough proof. You are so egoistic that you lose your common sense and become blind and bigoted.

WakandaForever • 2 years ago

No, you idiot. A simple article written by a radical feminist without any links to the proper government or mayo clinic itself does not prove to be a true article. It is simply opinion, and not fact. And the fact that you can't find a true article that says women are superior to men just further proves my point of how incorrect you are.

God • 2 years ago

Shut the fuck up you fucking loser. Women are superior to men in every single way and crying about it won't help anything.

WakandaForever • 2 years ago

I would love to see you try to prove me wrong. While all of these may be true in evidence, they have nothing to do the actual claim. It's 100% ad hominem and irrelevant. It's like saying, "Chocolates are better than strawberries because they have a good doe of milk in them." It just doesn't make sense.