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The Other IT Guy • 9 months ago

Lawyers are going to have a field day with this one and in the end GoK will lose, leaving the taxpayer with a huge bill.

G. Kiahu • 9 months ago

Ngumi, Ngumi, ngumi.....footprints of the dynasties point man allover.
I wonder how Migo Kibati escapes all these matope 🤔

Stone • 9 months ago

OK, now let's see where the Kshs 6B lands!

Musa Musee • 9 months ago

This sounds very simple to resolve. Big money transactions with any government- even broke government is the safest business. There is no refund!

Samuel Samuel • 9 months ago

What are the long term consequences, not sure government is positioned well , ownership with shares should be enough but nothing to do with management, there's too many corrupt government official to sustain competitiveness of a company. The government need shares to only maintain the name and block unnecessary direction of these companies

Samburu • 9 months ago

Makes sense. Ruto and Davis Chirchir must get their cut

Mpenda Kenya • 9 months ago

Talk about incompetent government, this is designed to create a legal bonanza for kk shareholder lawyers to milk public money

story za jaba. there is no refund in such transactions. GoK can only resell telcom kenya hahahahahahahahahahaha you can not force an investor to take back telkom kenya

NAJIURUMIA • 9 months ago

Regime on revenge mission while all promises made to hustlers have failed.
Talk of clueless regime

Musa Musee • 9 months ago

It's going to cost the tax payer some hundreds of millions (shillings) and the government will lose the case

Ngamia52 • 9 months ago

Joke of the year! Did the sale agreement have an option for refund?

LewisHamilton • 9 months ago

The shameless corrupt handshake brothers. They are not based in Mauritius with their Jamuhuri holdings. They are in upper bill. Bure kabisa.

Shariffu • 9 months ago

This is just a baubles window dressing to distract the hoi polloi.

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

Ndio! Tunawajua.

IronKing • 9 months ago

If there is to be a refund, it should be in US dollars equivalent of the same that were paid at that time, otherwise with the shilling value drop, the buyers would be paying much less than they paid if they paid back in Ksh.

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

Wachia hiyo DPP and Controller of Budget. Wata i-sort.

Red Pepper • 9 months ago

JAMHURI/HELIOS is a company whose beneficial ownership shares are held by the two evil handshake brothers. So the proceeds of this grand theft, an economic crime against our country, flowed directly to these two demons from hell who looted our country to ashes during the five wasted years of their handshake regime. How does a sane govt close such a corrupt deal on a strategic national asset like Telkom Kenya FOUR DAYS to the elections? Sheer madness! These two devils belong to Kamiti!

peelo • 9 months ago

Kwani wewe umekula nini? Are you unhappy that you (KK) were denied the opportunity to get a fat cut?

Red Pepper • 9 months ago

I'm unhappy that on the eve of the elections, some two big thieves were busy pulling off one of the biggest economic rapes our country has ever experienced!!

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

Hapana! We shall not allow a 'friendly' or 'out of court' settlement on this. President Ruto should not be allowed to expect wanjiku to gracefully shoulder the huge tax burden when he's letting off billionaires with hardly a slap on the wrist. Tumekataa, wezi waende Kamiti. Tumechoka!

Red Pepper • 9 months ago

Absolutely! President Ruto should pursue these thieves without showing any mercy. A big part of our current suffering is a direct result of the reckless and irresponsible actions by the previous government.

tribekenya • 9 months ago

Hahaha. You keep telling yourself that and you will actually believe it but it will never be true.

Red Pepper • 9 months ago

We want to see Uhuru in Kamiti or exile. He's the most corrupt president Kenya has ever had since independence. Worse even than his father

tribekenya • 9 months ago

You ain't seen nothing yet. Watch how this demonic adminstration leads us to hell. Lets start by sacrificing 1000 cops to the devil you n other shareholders worship

Mrembo Ngangari • 9 months ago

What kind of joke is this? Ruto never ceases to amaze. Cabinet has no such powers. The seller did no wrong and cannot be held liable for the monkey tricks in the Kenya government. Ruto wants to waste public time with chasing shadows to distract them from the pain of his government’s mismanagement. After all what is 6 billion. This government has wasted 1.3 trillion with nothing to show for it safe Gachagua’s buffoonery! Loss upon loss. Cluelessness, thievery and total failure to keep promises. Kenyans are hurting. Ruto has come to the fulfillment of the book 1Sam 8:18 when the people ask for a King and they regretted it. The hustlers ask for a King and they got one but he is rapacious and the hustlers are in tears asking for God to take away this King.

peelo • 9 months ago

The big Q is...Will the gods or God take the king away?

LewisHamilton • 9 months ago

You have serious cognitive issues.

Mrembo Ngangari • 9 months ago

Hawa mahustler ni Kichwa ngumu. Wakati nilipowambia Uhuru ako na shetani moja tu ya ulevi. Afadhali yeye kuliko Ruto mwenye shetani kumi na mbili, walinitukana na kuniita majina. Sasa nimewasamehea kwa maana hawakujua walilofanya. They say I have issues. They have look at themselves in the mirror. Are we real better off under Ruto? Maashokofu wamesema hizi ni nyakati za 1Sam. Hata pastor Nganga amekubali. Go take away this King, the hustlers are roaring out. A small group of turn coat support Gachagua buffoonery. Eti chief alikatwa nini? Mak**de. Mambo gani hii sasa.

Njango • 9 months ago

wewe bure kabisa.

Mrembo Ngangari • 9 months ago

Na hii ni share holder government, year 2. My frien, tunaenda mpaka year 7 kabla kupumua.

Njango • 9 months ago

so be it!. Who misled you to dystopia?. Not KK. Go complain to your useless kingmakers and BBInonsenser.
Babu owino wud have said : muthige,ngui, hiti na kathalika na njinyongeni.

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

Is that you, John Ngumi? We know 6b is peanuts to the Uhurus and Railas of this country, but not to us. You have to refund this ill-earned windfall. This time there's no let up. See you in court, punk.

Mrembo Ngangari • 9 months ago

Nguni was paid commission. It common practice in finance to be paid some money for finding business. Wacha wivu.

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

But John alikuwa ni broker pia huko State House kwa ma-cartels. Hata hiyo ni common practice?

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

Now, Mr President, with all due respect, I'm a blade of grass in the grassroots, na tunaomba uwache jokes. Tumevumilia hizo taxes zote umetuwekelea. Why? Because we know you will succeed where others have failed. You've also sold us the dream of the Kenya we all want: debt free, corruption free, and free maandamano. The Controller of Budget gave us a blow-by-blow account of what happened on that fateful day. We know who were involved. To-date, we do not know who is Jamhuri, but we can all make a good guess. If you, Mr President, do not go after the culprits with the full force of the law, then your entire crusade against graft is a sham. Matokeo? Our tax burdens will become just that much heavier. And you should not hold us responsible for the manner which we'll vote in 2027, or sooner if the ODM cows are to be believed.

jtambo • 9 months ago

What about the folk who prides himself as the best Kenyan financial advisor...he handled this transaction and got paid over 400Mio...will he also refund this cash...Probably Helios will also demand from him this cash for giving such a poor and destructive advice...

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

I bet they will. But at this moment, there must be a frenzy of dialing from their side, trying to get who knows someone who knows someone who can change the tide. But this time, without red blood on the floor, we'll not let go. Unasikia, Mr President? Wapatie 'mambo ni matatu' yao. No less.

Enigmie • 9 months ago

How is this supposed to work? What if Jamhuri/Helios refuses to refund?

Tom Randiki • 9 months ago

Most likely they will refuse and move to court. But we know who they are. Every new Administration has such an opportunity to floss 'na hiyo iwe funzo kwa wengine.' But few Administrations have had this opportunity fall pat on their lap so soon after election. It must be God's way of telling us hatujavumilia hizo taxes zote for nothing. We want our pound of flesh!