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Shout N Australia • 9 months ago

Hi! Just finished your article on the best budget restaurants in Paris. Thanks for the awesome list! Planning a trip there with friends on a tight budget, so your recommendations are a lifesaver. Excited to try Le Bouillon Chartier. Your tips and layout are super helpful for budget travelers like me. Keep up the great work, will check out more of your articles!

Paris has always been on my bucket list, and your article has made me even more eager to visit. Your variety of dining options, from cozy bistros to street food stalls, shows your dedication to helping fellow travelers. Thanks for the effort and personal touch. Bookmarking and sharing with friends. Cheers!

Hans Peter Edlinger • 5 years ago

Any of the small Indian subcontinent restaurants around Gare du Nord. I've tried a few and you can get full for under ten Euros. My favorite spot is so small, I have yet to get a table to myself....

s from Pa • 6 years ago

Excellent list! Coming to Paris next month and I will definitely be trying many of your suggestions

Linzi Clark • 6 years ago

Wow - a very comprehensive guide on eating on the cheap - I do love a French baguette sandwich so much better than British!

Broography • 6 years ago

Wow, I lived in Paris for a year and I hardly knew any of these.
What I know is that some of the best restaurants are so hidden, you wouldn't find them on the Internet or even walking in the street. I use to have a weekly lunch at a place next to the Moulin Rouge, you had to knock on a random door, the owner would pull the curtain wearing his bathrobe and let you in (if he knew you...). This was an old brothel, but they had a chef trained at some of the best restaurants in the capital, who cooked the most amazing meals!

Angela Hassassian • 6 years ago

Thanks for all the tips! This list was great... also it got me hungry :D