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osaro runner • 3 years ago

Long Message Alert

I am pretty sure this movie is pure trash/garbage but the white saviour comment really so it's wrong and offensive to have a white man in a lead role.

So no other white man should play the lead in an action movie again (because it seems like you writers at The Playlist seem to have a problem with it) isn't that a form of aggression two wrongs don't make a right for years black actors were not cast as the saviours in Action movies (white people were sure)well they are now so is this a time to be like ok now that has happened lets criticize the casting of a white lead in every movie as a form of vengeance that's just counterproductive.

White saviour these statements just cause confusion and division for someone like me who just likes to see the right actor for the job whatever the colour of the actor is. We already live in an age were all our lead hero's in films are from different backgrounds, you are making out like there isn't any person of colour at all headlining any action movies.

John David Washington (Black Saviour) recently played the lead in Tenet and there are many other movies now were black actors are headlining or playing hero's etc John Boyega Pacific Rim 2 who fixes everything as well in that movie, which he helped produce as well also Anthony Mackie in Outside the Wire...

There seems to be a dangerous agenda going on when you make comments like White saviour the fight for diversity was to have more ethnic groups represented well in movies which is happening now but to say white saviour is saying you have a problem with a white actor playing a lead in a film where he saves the day that could be considered racist in fact and just causes more division.

Then there is the issue of double standards casting white actors in roles predominantly played by a person of colour is wrong and should never happen again. But its ok to cast a black actor in a role that was originally played by a white person Superman recast as a black character you guys have no problem with that but if Blade was recast as a white character all HELL would break loose.

Look I love seeing Black people as the saviour in action movies but I also like seeing white people as the saviour in movies as well you know why because am not racist, and i think there is enough room for both equally. And another thing this is coming from a black person as well movies are just escapism for me but recently they have become weighed down by agendas and politics..

Teddy • 3 years ago

I'm sure your review is fairly accurate, but white savior? If the character was black, would you have said black savior? No, didn't think so. Thought you were above identity politics Rodrigo. I couldn't care less what color he is. And I'm no fan of what the Wachowskis have become or are becoming, artistically that is, but Cloud Atlas is based on a novel by David Mitchell, so saying that they have borrowed from Krzysztof Kieslowski is a little misleading and a bit of a stretch. I guess you could have said that the author borrowed from him, and the Wachowskis have simply honored that. And lastly, the idea that Musk would think this was edgy is hilarious. I think he would simply find it hilarious.

The Playlist • 3 years ago

"so saying that they have borrowed from Krzysztof Kieslowski is a little misleading and a bit of a stretch"

It is absolutely not a stretch at all. You're forgetting that Tom Tykwer is also one of the directors of "Cloud Atlas" too and brought the book to the Wachowskis. Through their friendship, they decided to direct the film together. Tykwer's films are all about fate and chance (like Kieślowski, who made an entire career of this) and what film did Tykwer direct 10 years earlier? 2002's "Heaven," the final screenplay by Krzysztof Kieślowski, intended to be the beginning of a new trilogy (Kieślowski died before he could make it, Tykwer made it like one would make from an uncovered Kubrick script, with reverence). He was an acolyte.

Tykwer said of Kieślowski's influence on his body of work. "It's hard not to admire his work. I couldn't take anyone who said they're bored by Kieslowski seriously." Sorry, dude, no. - Rodrigo

Teddy • 3 years ago

Fair point, I only wish you could have illuminated those facts and the Tom Tykwer (a far more interesting filmmaker I feel) connection during your review. To the layman, that was woefully obscure. And rarely, do you guys mention the source material from which these films are adapted from. An important note. Thank you for the info nevertheless.