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Minnesotaman68 . • 6 years ago

Thank you Trump and all patriotic Americans who voted Trump for the Trump economy.

JJS_FLA • 6 years ago

After 8-years of "You didn't build that" economic policy, Americans elected a Builder.

Don The Con • 6 years ago

"There's never been an economy like this." - D.Trump 3/29/18
Job growth - 2017 - Trump: 2.1-million
Job growth - 2016 - Obama: 2.2-million

Babushka Hillary • 6 years ago

Democrats considered hundreds of thousands of McBurgerFlipper jobs created under Obama to be "job growth".... while actual CAREERS, such as software development, engineering, etc, were being shipped overseas.

JJS_FLA • 6 years ago

"... growth during President Obama’s final year in office — the end of an “Error of Hope” — landed with a big thud at just 1.6 percent.

That low-water mark puts the Obama presidency in last place among all the post-World War II presidents when it comes to economic growth."


It's OK though, because Obama made up for it in the number of countries he invaded illegally, eclipsing all other Presidents! #1!

Dynamic Mike • 6 years ago

If you missed out on the great stock market run-up during Obama's two terms, that's your problem - not ours.

JJS_FLA • 6 years ago

Any increase under Obama has been dwarfed by the rapid run-up in the DOW Industrial average that began as soon as Trump was elected. Obama darling General Electric, part of his "jobs program" is near to being de-listed due to poor business performance attendant on being the centerpiece of Obama's corrupt statist economics program

libsrnazi • 6 years ago

You are clearly not an investor...

Dynamic Mike • 6 years ago

My large investment portfolio (which nearly tripled during Obama's two terms) says otherwise. Your lame argument fails. LOL!

89ksu • 6 years ago

Then you are one of "the rich". Yes you benefited from grossly inflated assets due to QE and QEII. Further monetary policy benefited banks and incentivized them not to lend because they could earn safe returns at the fed. Meanwhile, the rank & file languished under a moribund economy, declining real wages, decreased labor participation, and increases in numbers in poverty and food stamps. Conservative policy including Trump's business tax cuts will provide incentives for all sorts of investment (shareholders will get richer by businesses investing more than otherwise) which provides jobs for engineers, architects, welders, HVAC, roofers, truck drivers... and so on. That is the ONLY way to increase living standards across the board - provide incentives for more REAL (dare I say "living wage") jobs while we all enjoy productivity gains.

Dynamic Mike • 6 years ago

"Then you are one of "the rich".

What a stupid comment - you assume that only "the rich" (whoever that may be) benefited from the great stock market gains during Obama's 2 administrations? Go back o your Faux "News" and stop bothering the adults.

89ksu • 5 years ago

"the rich" and increasing income inequality is trumpeted by the left. It is your argument, not mine (though I agree) and it is exacerbated by liberal policies. This knowledge comes from taking Finance 101 and speaking with those engaged in finance and economics, not anyone in the media.

Dynamic Mike • 5 years ago

You're the one who used "the rich" meme, not me. Try to keep your arguments straight. LOL!

libsrnazi • 6 years ago

Real investors know you are full of BS...

If you had any significant investments, you would know it took you 5+ years just to break even again from the Clinton economic collapse of 2009...

Blocked troll...

Dynamic Mike • 6 years ago

Bye, loser. As usual, you right-wing trolls don' have a clue.

lolgfy • 6 years ago

Obozo created plenty of McDonald's jobs, fool. "1.6% GDP is the new normal" - OBOZO lol - Chief Clown and his clown followers

Dynamic Mike • 6 years ago

^ Triggered right-wing sheeple. LOL!

Guest • 6 years ago
FakeMassacre • 6 years ago

Employment has increased 10 fold at the Department of Making Up Stats.

zonablue • 6 years ago

Seriously---for one, just try checking the stats at the Clinton Foundation if you're really interested in who's making up what. Unfortunately, like so many of the educationally indoctrinated in this country (which, by the way, is a Marxist/Leninist tenet, you know---controlling the minds through indoctrination in the educational institutions), you're making a total fool of yourself in front of those of us still capable of independent thought.

PersephoneRises • 6 years ago

During Obama’s terms part time jobs, (the result of record unemployment created by his administration) were counted as “job growth”. Americans held 2-3 part time jobs as 1 in 7 families ended up on food stamps.

Obama was the greatest president ever at getting jobs for illegal immigrants, for americans, not so much.

Kevin Goldman • 6 years ago

Factcheck.org, not a conservative fact checker by any means, in Obama’s job creation. 3rd worst since WW2. Only Eisenhower ( who already had full employment and a smaller sized workforce 60 years ago ) and GWB elder did worse.


Can you spell trillion dollar deficit

PartyOfLincoln • 6 years ago

Can you spell WEAK LEADERSHIP from Obama!

FakeMassacre • 6 years ago

Forget about the million jobs a month lost toward the end of Bush's term. Would you like fries with that??

thorverine1 • 6 years ago

Bush was/is a globalist open-borders RINO. A total non-sequitor when talking about Trump.

Unfortunately, Obama continued Bush's economic policies including austerity, and handed Wall St another $700 billion on top of GWB's $700 billion, and did not prosecute a single bankster. Had he done something else, economic growth during his tenure may not have been based on Wall St. economic products, but he was their guy.

omega insane • 6 years ago

And that which is commonly called Obamacare was actually Bushcare; it got rejected cause Bush wanted a larger portion of Medicare coverage in his plan.
Oh this includes the Obamaphone, was actually the Bushphone
But, people soon forget

Obamacare is actually Romneycare, hence no public option or cost controls.

C. Scott • 6 years ago

Bush was not a Republican or conservative. He was a trojan horse.

earring • 6 years ago

Right. The repeal of Glass Steagall and privatization/dereg under the 90's gop congresses brought us the Bush depression. Meanwhile Trumphumpers love them some more trickle down.

libsrnazi • 6 years ago

That was the Clinton recession and you know it. He created subprime mortgages, then forced the banks to take them...

earring • 6 years ago

It was the Bush Depression. No point in your spin.

libsrnazi • 6 years ago

No point in your post...

DCW left coast • 6 years ago

Caused by the Meltdown of the Community Reinvestment Act that created Trillion in worthless mortgages . . . .
Remember the Klinton excitement over "Red Lining" in 93?

frgough • 6 years ago

Yeah, of course, that would have absolutely nothing to do with the massive spending and regulation imposed by idiot voters putting in massive Democrat majorities in the House and Senate in Bush's last two years.

Dynamic Mike • 6 years ago

Made even worse by Trump's tax "reform" bill.

DCW left coast • 6 years ago

O'bumbler years . . .

Poorest Recovery since WW II . . . fact !

Don The Con • 6 years ago

GOP = Recession party

libsrnazi • 6 years ago

Blocked profile Russian troll blocked...

gonzotx • 6 years ago

The 2016 went up after Trump got elected lol
Trump effect baby and not McDonald jobs, good paying jobs

zonablue • 6 years ago

Seriously, seek therapy. By the way, your name sorta speaks for itself, so, you can probably keep fooling the rest of your Democrat cohorts---and, of course, yourself. But you can't fool hardly anyone who has the the ability to conceive an independent thought.

Lyle Hartman • 6 years ago

Ya, what happened to Obama's "new normal?" Socialist Idiot.

Cat's Meow • 6 years ago

The economy is in much better shape under Trump than Obama.

Minnesotaman68 . • 6 years ago

That is true, a fact leftists are brainwashed to ignore.

Oh my, and the Bushco jobs hemmoraghe was what?

thorverine1 • 6 years ago

Bush was a globlist open borders RINO. Non-sequitor.

frgough • 6 years ago

Veto-proof Democrat majorities in the House and Senate flexing their job killing policies during Bush's last two years, courtesy of the idiot American voter.