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Guest • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago
Robindell • 6 years ago

There are millions who have lost their jobs from foreign outsourcing, as Trump himself as mentioned. Trump did not save all of the jobs in the Carrier plant in Indianapolis, and to save the jobs that are being kept there, Indiana had to give the company tax breaks. Poverty is a complicated subject. Uneducated people with an opinion are a dime a dozen in America. The lazy people are those conservatives with an opinion who didn't respect their teachers when they were in school, who only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear, and who didn't do well enough to go on to college (less educated people voted for Trump in much larger numbers than did college graduates). If someone had a bad experience and doesn't want to work for some corrupt corporation, more power to them. There are many small towns and rural areas were there are few jobs and no public transportation to speak of for those who cannot afford their own vehicle. As time goes on, many experts in technology are predicting that many jobs will be lost, as they have already been lost, to automation. Even radiologist, who are doctors, could partly be replaced by computers. This talk of lazy people comes from uneducated people who don't understand what economists such as Joseph Stigliz, who won the Nobel prize in economics and who grew up in the industrial city of Gary, IN, are aware of, that wealth has been increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few who continue to become richer and richer, as wages for the average worker have often stagnated. There are plenty of people who work but who don't earn enough to afford necessities. Cases of corporate corruption, such as Enron or the savings and loan scandal or the financial collapse of 2008, are conveniently ignored and edited out of the discussion, because many want to blame poor people, just as Nazis blamed the Jews for Germany's economic problems. And America is a country which has had a tremendous problem of discrimination and racism in its history, Some of these old attitudes have morphed into new forms of scapegoating.

Guest • 6 years ago
Deb Tyson • 6 years ago

You do live in America right? The first year any President is in office runs off the past Presidents accomplishments or losses.Trumps agenda started in OCT 2017. Your facts are also wrong.Consumer confidence is at a all time LOW. Now show me those numbers next year at this time and if they are up I will give credit where its due.

Joseph Crowder • 6 years ago

NICE TRY! But Obamanation has NO "accomplishments" to run off of. The economy started to turn the day we got rid of that incompetent piece of feces!

Boy, you sure like to make up your own facts - consumer confidence IS NOT at an "all time LOW." That was Obamanation's terms.

According to the FACTS, “Consumer confidence increased for a fifth consecutive month and remains at a 17-year high (Nov. 2000, 132.6),” said Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. “Consumers’ assessment of current conditions improved moderately, while their expectations regarding the short-term outlook improved more so, driven primarily by optimism of further improvements in the labor market. Consumers are entering the holiday season in very high spirits and foresee the economy expanding at a healthy pace into the early months of 2018.”

LIE MUCH? Don't EVER let the FACTS get in your way.

james r ruston • 6 years ago

Neither Trump nor the Republican Congress has done anything to significantly change the thrust of the economy as it developed under President Obama. In two years, when their policies have taken effect, you can brag, but I don't think you will be able to.

Guest • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago
Mark Hamilton • 6 years ago

The Obama Recovery was the slowest recovery since the Great Depression. He was dealt a bad economic hand, but he didn't play his card very well either.

Gdave • 6 years ago

The recovery would have been faster if the Republican party hadn't done everything they could to sabotage and/or prevent that recovery.

Mark Hamilton • 6 years ago

You can tell yourself that. But in reality Obama won in a wave election and had total control of government for 2 years. He passed what he wanted to pass. The stimulus was a Democrat party pork laden bill targeted towards Democrat constituencies. It had much less of an effect than boldly predicted. Next game Obamacare. It followed a similar trajectory in being a partisan bill that didn't live up to the hype and, in truth, is a practical failure by any reasonable measure. Blame the GOP if it makes you feel better.

Guest • 6 years ago
That Guy • 6 years ago

My insurance premiums more than doubled since 2008 (rose by over 130% and the nation average is 140%), and my coverage is worse.

Since when is "Affordable" defined as "Twice the cost or more" for reduced coverage?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Affordable Care Act, which only resulted in a 5% decrease in uninsured Americans.

If I have to pay more than double, I'd rather have paid that increase into a national fund that helped subsidize the health care costs of those who can't afford insurance instead. That would have likely been a better deal for the poorest Americans who couldn't afford insurance, rather than taxing them for being unable to afford it. Talk about a slap in the damn face!

David Grant • 6 years ago

You pretend that health insurance prices weren’t rising before the ACA. Under the ACA health insurance costs have risen less quickly than before. The real solution is to adopt a Single Payer program. These have been shown to cut costs in every country where it’s been tried.

Mark Hamilton • 6 years ago

I know you are but what am I?

PittsburghGal53 • 6 years ago

Nice command of the English language, once again proving that liberals are the classic definition of an 'educated idiot'...

PittsburghGal53 • 6 years ago

Really?? Like Obamacare, which bankrupted many middle class Americans?? Go back to your unicorn-fart universe! MAGA!

Dedier • 6 years ago

The irony here is that Obamacare is actually Romneycare. Romneycare was a healthcare plan devised by the Heritage Foundation as a counter measure to whatever healthcare policy Hillary Clinton proposed back in 1992. Healthcare reform stalled and Romney instituted this Heritage Foundation healthcare idea in Massachusetts when he was governor. Obama came along and took that same plan and passed it nationwide. No wonder republicans hate Obamacare. It's a typical, broken, do more harm than good policy.

PittsburghGal53 • 6 years ago

Agree again, Dedier. Thw swamp is non-partisan!

Tee Rex • 6 years ago

What OBAMA RECOVERY? 10 trillion more in DEBT "saved" us from a full blown depression which only now begun to ease with Trump's positive agenda of regulation dumps and trade agreement renegotiations. With tax cuts and removal of the ACA mandate, it can only get better.
Obama wasted more of our children's money on "cash for clunkers", funding bogus "alternative power" sources and other payoffs to donors than I can ever fully realize. Yeah, it was a "bad hand", but what he did wasn't meant to improve the country, but to satisfy his voters with welfare and payoffs, and finally bring the US to its knees economically so that the democrat party (Hillary) could then become the savior as she implements her authoritarian globalist agenda to "help" the American people. But, that didn't work out for them and now they are hellbent on bringing down the only man who can turn things around and make America what the Founders intended.

Guest • 6 years ago
That Guy • 6 years ago

If you're going to insult people for being idiots, please take the time to educate yourself on the difference between "you're" and "your." "Your an idiot" is one of the most ironic statements someone can make.

Dedier • 6 years ago

If from my entire post, all you could find to critique was a single grammatical error, then I am flattered.

Gus • 6 years ago

They dont like facts like you state, probably cause they cannot comprehend them!

PittsburghGal53 • 6 years ago

Funny how liberals always have to bring perverse sexual language into the conversation, quite a fetish...

Dedier • 6 years ago

Then Trump must be the biggest liberal of all time. It's hard to imagine more perverse sexual language than, "Grab 'em by the Pu**y".

PittsburghGal53 • 6 years ago

Granted, locker-room talk is not appropriate, but in my life of 64 yrs, I've heard it from guys, and I have been guilt of rather salty language myself at times. This conversation occurred in, what he thought, was a private setting. Who made it public? His enemies.

Dedier • 6 years ago

Regardless of how his words came to light, he said them. he's said just as much since than. Would it make you feel better to not hear those words coming from a sexual predator? That idea is not rational. Dropping the "F" bomb during a conversation is one thing. Boasting about an act of sexual aggression is something else entirely.

PittsburghGal53 • 6 years ago

Oh, please! You must be a virgin! Spare me your moral superiority!

Dedier • 6 years ago

Enlighten me. How is my sexual prowess germane to this conversation? You wouldn't be resorting to that liberal trick of perverse sexual language would you? Your boy is at least a sexual deviant, at worst, a sexual predator. By your defense of Trump, I'm left to assume you are willing to let any man grab your pu**y.

Dedier • 6 years ago

I suppose that makes Trump the biggest liberal of all. There's hardly more perverse sexual language than saying "Grab 'em by the Pu**y".

Annie Coleman • 3 years ago

Incredible reading this comment 3 years later. Such prescience, Tee Rex! You are, in a word, brilliant!

Mark Hamilton • 6 years ago

I'm not interested in defending Obama, but the economy improved over the course of his two terms from what it was when he arrived. I believe his policies acted as a wet blanket to that recovery, but there was still an economic recovery.

Gus • 6 years ago

Because the right did everything to stop him!

Mark Hamilton • 6 years ago

Nope. He got his stimulus through on a party line vote. The stimulus simply, as designed, failed. Obama's regulatory agenda then slow-walked the recovery. That's what actually happened. You can blame others if it makes you feel better.

DCW left coast • 6 years ago

The Depression lasted for 8 years . . . poorest RECOVERY since WW II . . . what about that is complicated for you?

What caused the 2008 Global Crash ? ? ?
Do you even have a clue?
Mortages man . . . Trillions in Worthless Mortgages!
Where did they come from?
1993 Community Reinvestment Act . . .

"No one was making bad loans to unqualified people until Democrats came along and threatened to drag banks into court and have them fined and branded as racists if they didn't go along with the left's Affirmative Action lending policies...all while federally insuring their losses. Even the New York Times warned in the late 1990s that Democrats continuing to force banks into lowering their standards would lead to this exact catastrophe.

-Obama himself is even on the record personally helping sue one lender (Citibank) into lowering its lending standards to include people from extremely poor and unstable areas, which even one of the left's favorite blatantly partisan "fact-checkers," Snopes, admits (while pretending to 'set the record straight').

-Even The New York Times admitted that there is "little evidence" of any connection between the "Republican" deregulation measures Obama blames, like the Gramm-Bleach-Liley Act (signed into law by a Democrat), and the collapse of the housing market."

Jason Lawson • 6 years ago

Partially correct but mainly wrong. It was the bundling of the mortgages and more in part the insurance on those derivatives that almost took the global financial markets down. Not the CRA.

DCW left coast • 6 years ago

Jason . . . the CRA was the vehicle that CREATED the enormous pile of worthless mortgages, banks sent them to F&F . . . and F&F created the Derivatives which Wall Street fenced around the globe.

F&F had to move the mortgages on . . . as they were running out of money. Worthless Mortgages created by the CRA of 1993 was 100% responsible for the Global Crash.
No CRA = No Mortgages = No Derivatives = No Crash !

Obama himself is even on the record personally helping sue one lender (Citibank) into lowering its lending standards to include people from extremely poor and unstable areas, which even one of the left's favorite blatantly partisan "fact-checkers," Snopes, admits (while pretending to 'set the record straight').

That was back in his "Community Organizing" Alynski days working for Acorn . . .

Jason Lawson • 6 years ago

Here is a novel idea...try READING that report instead of spewing your own fallacy-laden opinion.

Jason Lawson • 6 years ago
Jason Lawson • 6 years ago

The Federal Reserve in Dallas published a report that stated that more than 50% of the "bad" mortgages and home equity loans had no connection to the CRA. So, yet again you are wrong.

Beyond that, let's assume you are actually right on that point even though you are not in reality. Your argument then goes on to excusing the financial institutions who bundled the mortgages up as derivatives along with the investors who bet against those derivatives. Complete intellectual dishonesty on your part.

DCW left coast • 6 years ago

So YOU are going to believe the FED? The organization that has been robbing Americans for 100 years?

That only leaves close to 2 TRILLION in F&F mortgages . . .

I stick with REAL Economists and FACTS !

Even Bawney Fwank admitted he dropped the ball after he retired.

Klinton OWNES the 2008 collapse . . .

nancyfay • 4 years ago

....which was the result of giving big loans to people with bad credit or insufficient income, because "all Americans DESERVE to own a home." If they hadn't been forced by the government made all those bad loans, price wouldn't have shot up like crazy and a bundle of mortgages would not have been a bad thing to invest in.

Jason Lawson • 4 years ago

Again, partially correct and mainly wrong. Do some reseach on AIG. AIG didn't sell mortgage-back securities. AIG sold insurance on financial and investment instruments. The proverbial "sh*t hit the fan" when everyone realized that AIG was about to go under.

Now if you want to remain ignorant regarding the situation and only blame the people that took the loans out, that is on you. But there is a trail of blame far beyond those people to include mortgage underwriters, ratings agencies, investment banks and AIG who are all also at fault.

nancyfay • 4 years ago

You misunderstand me. I am not blaming the people who took the loans. I would do the same thing. I'm blaming a system, including all the entities you listed PLUS the government, for getting us into this mess.

Guest • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago