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iccheap • 2 years ago

I wish her the best of luck in establishing some form of stability for her country, they certainly need it after the last few administrations.

The last few? Her Husband was the President back in 2008 ... until the Honduran Supreme Court issued an arrest warrant for him.

veerkg_23 • 2 years ago

Uh, it was a coup.

Or it wasn't. I'm no expert but ...
When a coup isn’t

veerkg_23 • 2 years ago

LOL, that's the coup.

An arrest warrant being issued for the President who wants to rewrite the constitution against judicial order constitutes as a coup?

Did you want some more CoCo Puffs?

veerkg_23 • 2 years ago

Yes, that's the coup dummy.

Right on time • 2 years ago

The story continues. The current president HernΓ‘ndez was elected in 2013 and re-elected in 2017 (with many irregularities). So how did that happen? Well, the right amended the constitution. Exactly what had provided the legal justification of the coup of 2008.

Um well ... I guess I cam blame drug usage on Mexico ... According to Biden. But Honduras Supreme Court told the President he. couldn't just use his pen and pick a phone to rewrite the Honduran Constitution.

Um ... Not entirely sure how Honduras political system works ... But ... Of the Judicial branch their said NO! than um.... In America, you need 3/4 of the States to agree upon amending the US Constitution.

Right on time • 2 years ago

The article in the LA Times was very clear that this couldn't be done by amendment.
The Honduras SC ordered the arrest of a left wing president who planned a referendum on a potential change, but sat silently when a right wing government just made the change.

pedroanimala • 2 years ago

it was a coup, orchestrated by hitlery clinton and her honduran cronies

Missionaccomplished • 2 years ago

The current president of the reich wing party, Hernandez, has been in power since 2014. He's a civilian, but the military wields much political power.

Apparently so does the judicial branch.

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

And yet a Socialist got elected...
Wielding not so much power then...πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Didi the Daring • 2 years ago

Nope, a social democrat. Big difference even if you fail to see that.

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

Actually they call themselves ..Democratic Socialists....
Big difference even if you fail to see that. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
You should have read the article before looking stupid..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Missionaccomplished • 2 years ago

Yeah, over ten years later and the whole world watching.

Bill the Avenger • 2 years ago

A sign of stability is no more caravans of illegals coming from there.

Bogira • 2 years ago

Lost another debate, I see...

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

Nope they left because of the rightwing government...now they have a Socialist government that will turn Honduras into a paradise...send them all back...every single one of themπŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

Right on time • 2 years ago

Rumor has it Biden will give each of them $450,000. That would give Honduras a good start. Probably just a rumor though ...

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

Yeah you heard wrong...only those who had their kids allegedly seperated at the border..πŸ˜‰
Tell you what though...that's a excellent solution... here's a bunch of money get out if you come back we shoot you...
Perfect 😁

tyler bennett • 2 years ago

maybe they could each take a magat w/ them, ta teach them how ta freedumb like ya do in amurika...

Missionaccomplished • 2 years ago

I hear banjos playing in your background.

fitz • 2 years ago

She won't. It's going to be so bad, Hondurans will accept asylum in Mexico if they can't get here.

iccheap • 2 years ago

She certainly has an uphill battle. The New Yorker just did a piece a few weeks ago. If you're interested -https://www.newyorker.com/m...
Pretty sad state of affairs. Despots running rampant.

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

No need to worry... Honduras is now a Chinese satellite state...China will look after them ...well after their resources anyway πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Li Tempo • 2 years ago

Where do you get your shift? Blightfart???

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

Just read the article fool😁πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

fitz • 2 years ago

As long as our border is so very open to the cartels, they will flourish. Mexico also has gotten worse under Biden because he's put the traffickers back into business.

Jack Brown • 2 years ago

Our border will ALWAYD be open to the cartels until we legalize "drugs" and our government distributes them.

veerkg_23 • 2 years ago

Biden is President of Mexico? Face it, Trump completely failed South (and North) of the border.

Marc E • 2 years ago

She is part of the problem…!

veerkg_23 • 2 years ago

CIA funded coup and destablization coming in 3....2....

How are they supposed to sell coke if she won't play ball?
Things were easier with the nun rapists.

CheshireKitty • 2 years ago

If it gets bad enough itΒ΄ll give Biden an excuse to send in the Marines. Nothing like a little W. Hemisphere intervention to boost pres popularity.

vet2be1967 • 2 years ago

Same old imperialist dance whether it is a Republican or Democrat in the White House.

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

Exactly...fix your own fckd up country first before interfering in others... And send all those Hondurans back so they can help to build back better their country😁

Didi the Daring • 2 years ago

My guess that the native Americans were the first to say something like: β€žGo back to your home countries so that you can help to build back your own country better.β€œ to the European invaders flooding their lands!

Foreign Observer2.0 • 2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and you're correct...because the native Indians were all racists that didn't want to share their wealth and hated everyone who didn't look like them....
They also rejected diversity and multi culturalism.....
...White man learned and returned the favour....
Poc are the original racists!!.....
White people were quit happy in Europe...then all those pics tried to conquer us... We learner and served them some of their own medicine....
Now they're crying because they are the big losers.....
It's ok ..I won't charge you for this educational lecture....πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

First, if she pulls the same bull her husband tried to in 2008 and try to rewrite the constitution against judicial order than ... I'm sure the Honduran Supreme Court will issue an arrest warrant like they did with her husband.

veerkg_23 • 2 years ago

So you're saying the corrupt elites will engineer a coup just like last time.

So you're saying defying the courts to rewrite the constitution is cool? COUGHAuthoritarianCOUGH

veerkg_23 • 2 years ago

Amazingly you think "the court" was not part of the coup. LOL.

MattyPants • 2 years ago

How do we know if the Supreme Court is more trustworthy than the CIA-backed fascists and drug cartels?

Oh wait ... American meddling? Now you know why nobody cared about, "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA"

Because if I'm going to assume ... the Presidents of Honduras nominate people to the Honduran Supreme Court that are approved by the legislature of Honduras....

MattyPants • 2 years ago

So if the previous Presidents were funded by narcos, or were fascists installed by the CIA, why would a Supreme Court not be a rubber stamp for right wing nonsense?

How can one doubt a nation's executive branch and politics without doubting their legislature and Judiciary by extension?

That's how corrupt governments throughout history have been overthrown ... Civil War or I suppose, revolution.