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And sadly 90% of the mainstream press is an active participant in this activity. 1) by not reporting the truth, and 2) by pushing a false Trump/Russia collusion story. It's disgusting how bad our country has become.
Or continuing to follow orders from the previous administration....?
Same group, different names.
A lot of spies in these places, too.
Exactly. Here are the top 10 instances we KNOW ABOUT and can prove.
Likely only the tip of the iceberg
This is a very oversimplified version.
In reality there are MANY more people involved:
Evelyn Farkas
Cheryl Mills
Robbie Mook
Susan Rice
Jen Palmieri
George Soros (remember he doesn't just fund the DNC, but also their subordinate puppet orgs - like Center for American Progress)
Slick Willy
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Donna Brazille
Another I add to the list is Lisa Barsoomian. She's a lawyer and has at one time or other represented the Axis of Evil, FBI and many other likeminded groups. Oh an BTW she is the wife of Rod Rosenstein.
The way those throbbing bureaucrats hook-up seems almost like incest! Don’t forget Strozk’s old lady, she’s high-up govt. official, the lovely Nellie Ohr, etc., heck, those guys don’t get wives, they get crime partners when and if they marry!
She is deep, deep state. They handle her like a true spook.
Remember when Ross Perot described NAFTA as that giant sucking sound emanating from Mexico? Now that giant sucking sound is the draining of the Deep State swamp! https://bit.ly/2L1wlCb
NEED ANOTHER PIC OF 20 MORE PEOPLE: Rice, Powers, Mook, Abedin, Mills, Jarrett, Holder, Pagliano, Baker, Schultz, Brazile, Rosenstein, Mueller, Weismann, + more.
This is just the Dossier - and doesn't cover
McCain's passiing it off
Perkins Coie law firm
Hillary & DNC payment
since we're on point:
valerie jarett
biden (despite being a stooge, he did ink a Billiion dollar hedge fund deal with his son...or soninlaw in CHINA....i have nodoubt he's involved)
Hope springs eternal but don’t forget, there’s over 45k indictments soon to be unsealed, Gitmo is being prepared and expanded and there’s also the EO on Military Tribunals that has already been issued but even so, “one never knows”, and I for one need patience, and I need it now!!
Actually the real deep state or shadow government which I personally think is a more accurate term are outside of congress and elected government.
The real masters are never really seen or heard for what they are.....all the DC creeps are simply their bought and paid for minions.
God I hope he shoves it right up their.........................
I believe he does... and the ball will drop soon.
Start by going after them just like they did to Paul Manafort and his wife!
And understanding the Deep State revolves around the sale of 20% of US uranium to Putin! Starting with Mueller silencing the FBI undercover with all the goods on Putin’s uranium monopoly plans from testifying to Congress with a NDA. Yiu know, the type agreement Dems and media are making such a beeeg deal about with Trump? Now, we know how Hillary voted yes to sell, $145 million pay to play plus Bill’s $500k from Putin to lobby Hillary to say yes. But what about the other 8 yes votes? How did that happen? Is it blackmail intimidation from hacking Hillary’s email servers? Blackmail intimidation from the NSA Gamma data base we know from an NSA whistleblower Hillary was lifting data from? Some combination there in? Selling 20% of US uranium to Putin is the Rosetta Stone to understanding the Deep State! And how/why it operates.
As bad as this deep state conspiracy, it still hasn't come close to the level of their JFK assassination
involvement. Fabricated all the evidence against Oswald, He didn't even own a rifle and was never higher then 2nd floor lunchroom when motorcade went by. Tippet was a mob hit hired by CIA to lead police to Texas theater where they had setup Oswald to be taken. Kennedy wounds altered at Bethesda in a preautopsy. Z film altered to hide shots from the front and match the fake autopsy.Windshield replace to hide bullet hole. Numerous photographs altered to cover tracks.
It's fascinating watching history repeat itself with another attempt at a Presidential coup.
I'd add Sessions to that gallery. Sorry, Q-berts, I don't "trust the plan", I just call's 'em as I see's 'em...
Maybe the reason for their actions and inaction, to protect Obama the usurper from being fully exposed and acted on, means Obama, George Soros, and of course, Hillary, should also be in the picture.
This is the sole reason the Dems are deathly panicked about Trump staying in office long enough to expose them. The longer Trump is in office, the greater the risk to them for being nailed.
Absolutely...and that has been clearly the case since it looked as if Trump might win the 2016 election, and right up until today. There is no way Hannity, Gregg Jarrett, Mark Levin and the many others who endlessly discuss why nothing is done about the massive obvious corruption don't know that protecting Obama, because so many people did nothing to stop his usurpation when they could have and should have, is THE reason for the panic over Trump being in office. The crimes committed by both parties in allowing Obama to be sworn in as the putative president in 2009 were so HUGE that all complicit in allowing this, and in covering for Obama while he was in office, must now continue to protect Obama to protect themselves.....and that is what they are doing. None of this is complicated at its core....it's easy to understand....but so far impossible to get anything done. Why do so many Americans not see the significance of Obama's usurpation and why that is driving the panic to protect him and those who could lead to him...or if they do, why is this not the number 1 topic of discussion? The criminality which gave America's government and her military to the enemy must never be forgotten, and the criminals involved must be brought to justice........thanks again for your post.
Hopefully they will run out of lies one day , And the cover up will be uncovered .
there's not enough room for the recliner he's napping in...
One or both shoes?
Ah, but this is no theory. There's actual, factual data to PROVE that the legal definition of conspiracy (two or more persons working together to commit an illegal act). Not to mention sedition, insurrection, conversion of office, espionage, foreign interference in an election, fraud, jaywalking, bad breath, etc...
I read an article this morning on "Before It's News" which is a site that may or may not be legit, but was written by a former ambassador about an indictment for Joe Biden being opened. Some interesting stuff if that article, if true.
Trump like the founder put his life(he's threaten most days) fortune( he paid for his run and gives his pay to the US) and sacred honor( the left attacks him and his families daily) on the line for the US. You can't say that about man leaders since the founding.
yet they constantly say "he lies", "he's a liar" and never give proof -- even though he's the ONLY president that has EVER kept his campaign promises. Can you imagine what more if he wasn't blocked by the left in Congress?
It breaks my heart to see and hear the disrespect of our President. He (Trump) is possibly the only man who can withstand the massive assault of BS thrown at him on a daily basis. He seems to thrive on it and I thank God daily he won the election. He and God are all that stand between us and them, those evil deep state minions of Satan.
Exactly, President Trump is a fighter and he loves it. He loves to win. He has been a fighter all his life out in the real world,he is no politician,by a long shot, but he is doing one hell of a job as a businessman to creating jobs and make America FIRST.
He drives the Politicians crazy because they never know what he is thinking. He out smarts them every time.
We the People, have got to be thankful he is President. But their is a rhyme and reason for everything that’s happens. Thank God he is our leader.
BTW the night he was in Indiana he said if the DOJ and FBI don’t start doing their job he would have to step in, and he will. When he talks, you better listen.
Hope Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray were listening.
If you could make one that just has Trump in between Lincoln and Washington, that just says "Courage" or maybe "Genius", we could make heads explode like popcorn with it.
I hope all will keep POTUS, family and those around him in your prayers. I know many already do, but we are getting closer to the tipping point. If they can't reclaim the majority, which they won't, they become increasingly reckless and desperate. One man is standing in there way, in their minds. If they can't defeat him through illegal or legal route, they will attempt to remove him, permanently.
Every night I pray to God to keep President Trump and family in His loving arms.
I think that has already been attempted....several times. So far, it has not worked, so let's keep praying.
The Deep State flourished under Obama because its most vital mission was/is to protect Barry from being fully exposed as the ineligible, identity fraud con-artist he is. Without performing that critical job everything else they had planned, and the Deep State itself, would be in jeopardy. They did not plan for the promised after Obama continued cover of Hillary losing and the, "birther", Donald Trump being elected. When that happened, even when it looked like it might happen, massive panic took over the left and much of the right and is still on full display in the actions, and inaction of those complicit, and even in those who are ostensibly trying to expose the massive corruption.
And that's just the stuff we know?
I'd hate to imagine what they're still hiding, quite frankly.
This is a very convoluted coup, but it is an actual, real, conspiracy-driven coup.
And those involved need to be punished. SEVERELY...