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Or, Newsmax and OAN could prove in court that Dominion was cheating and walk away with damages. However I think they are lacking the evidence. Let's see if Newsmax/OAN settle or walk away.
Newsmax and OAN are going to prove what FOX couldn’t? Are you serious?
Sure because Fox is part of the whole THING, you know, the THING. Fox, they work for THEM, now, so they're paying 787 million and (falsely) admitting to be liars just to discredit them poor little pipsqueak real conservative networks. Leastways, that's what I read around these here parts.
Just a contribution to the liberal cause for the Murdoch family. And Fox News is just a way to make money. Remember Leland's wife, "We did it." on Twitter when Fox called Arizona for Biden.
Exactly, FOX at the top is deep state...they're on the same side. I wonder about this "settlement"
I wondered about "the settlement" too because FOX put up zero fight before rolling over and agreeing to pay almost $800 million...in a case where there is ample evidence of widespread fraud.
It almost felt like FOX went, "gee we almost revealed too much election fraud to the public so we had better settle before we give it all away."
I wonder why that is?
The globalists have a plan, if you cannot see this by now, you are a f moron. The globalists are the richest most powerful people on the planet. When Dominion counts the votes across the globe , Dominion wins. Wake the f up you complete horror of a human being.
Yes Faux news is in on the whole thing. When Dominion counts the votes the people that own Dominion win. Do you really think that the globalists could have any investigation of Dominion anywhere in the world? Keep telling the lie, never have an investigation get to a judge and jury and the globalist reset plan continues with the politicians elected by Dominion, wake the f up.
Could it be Just a new way of money laundering.
Take down that Texas flag you troll peice of sh.
She's not trolling. I think you might misunderstood what Chet was saying.
Or you're the troll.
Your account is private. I generally assume people that make their accounts private are trolls.
f off
Crawl back in the outhouse hole, where you obviously live. You Mother should have washed your mouth out with soap more often, and your Daddy should have pulled his belt off more.
Be nice or Go fry yourself.
eat a rainbow.
Now that time has passed the whole Dominion settlement is looking more like a charade solely designed to take out Tucker Carlson.
Will money even change hands?
No one will ever know.
You got it man. That's essentially what is going on.
Good Support for next Inventions. Some called it Money Laundering.
I think it's possible. FOX is part of the controlled opposition. This one move will frighten ANYONE from talking against the greatest cheat machine the globalist have. It's an evil brilliance. I think with a legit court OAN/NEWSMAX could win. Remember, even CNN had evidence against Dominion before it was used to steal the 2020 election. There is still video out there, somewhere.
Its a intimidation tactic. If FOX and Dominion are in bed together (I think they are) these small organizations will be too scared to stand up to a company that even CNN had dirt on, at one time. The greatest powers on this planet know that Dominion is their baby.
Well I thought I would put the idea out there in case some readers wanted to contemplate it, but there is no way they could prove it in my opinion.
This is just setting the stage. Fox took this L to legitimize dominion. It’s a Uniparty and foxnews, msn, and all media controlled by black rock are the mouth pieces.
If the military has picked them to provide the evidence...
And they certainly wouldn't have shared it with FOX whom they know was in on it...
right. "dominion was cheating" but for some reason fox, the $17 billion dollar behemoth, had to pay almost $800 million dollars to dominion.
but oan and newsmax have the goods on dominion.
face it, you were lied to.
update: i LOVE how 57 gateway fundament commenters (so far) have upvoted me thinking that i am on their side.
can you guys read?
We were? What was settled here...what was 'lied" about? Why would Dominion settle for half of what they claimed if their case was so rock solid? Fact is there is no admission of guilt or an admission as to what was lied about. Nothing is any different other than Fox News has to pay hush money.
look at who owns Fox News. Look at what they (Fox News owners) support. Examine their motives for Favoring a settlement... (and they can afford it). And you have your answer.
I will also say: when you can't even have one voting precinct/district allow access to people/machines/records (I.E. EVIDENCE of the crime) so as to do your forensic analysis, how are you going to obtain evidence of the crimeS. Organized crime in these cases with the willing support of every (EVERY) Democrat (and RINOs) and with the likes of Rupert Murdoch (look at the trial) and the FACT that they're STUPID (Fox "journalists" Not). ITS been proven that the software (management software) exists on Dominion machines. Its been proven that these machines connect to the internet. Its been proven how easy it is to manipulate every file/DB/journal/log on the Dominion machine and tabulation machines. Its clear from evidence that there were "anomalies" (called CRIMES) and worse on election night and DAYS (weeks) following.
The trial and legal representation for Fox News was criminal.... read what happened.
If you use Data SCIENCE (its math... its science... not supposition... not farting in the wind) to analyze the data, the votes, the data stream in real time ... on election night, its 100% clear that votes were manipulated. And THAT is what the lawsuit is SHOULD BE about.
The States' lawsuit should have been heard by SCOTUS and that election shouldn't have been certified. And this transfer of money doesn't matter. It doesn't change the facts.
The payment money was laundered through Ukraine. Odds are that none it was Fox's money anyway. I'm willing to bet a few political operatives got their cut from this settlement too.
Fox initiated an out of court settlement before even going to trial.
Do you think that Fox would be voluntarily handing over $787 MILLION if they had been denied a fair hearing?
Hard to believe FOX would offer to settle this if they weren't in the wrong to some degree.
Ultimately I think we're being lied to by both sides. We're kept on a reservation in more ways than one.
They have the pictures of Murdoch at Epsteins island. Two globalist entities transferring money between the two. It's all bs at this point. If you do can't understand that a man in a basement beat a man with 80,000 people at rallies is theater you are a f complete moron.
Democrats dont care about rallies or idolizing a politician. They care about womens reproductive rights and so do red states like Kansas and Kenticky that codified abortion.
When Dominion counts the votes , Dominion wins.
this has nothing to do with right or left....just rule of law as it applies to defamation
I know you are a f moron so i will type this slow. What we just witnessed by faux news paying off the globalist entity Dominion 750 million has set a precedent that free speech is dead in this country. You cannot question any globalist entity . You f moron. Put down hunters crackpipe and wake the f up. Goof.
what it shows....is fox was nailed to the wall and was going to lose....so like losers they setteled. there is no shadow conspiracy....defamations laws exist to keep people or entities from being harmed by lies and half truths. Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom form consequences.
Not one investigation, and you get to claim victory? What the f ever , you f moron. Faux news and the Murdoch family are proud globalists and this was a well played sham. People like you don't have the sense god gave you. But here you are a f troll babbling your stupidity for all to see. Now shadow conspiracy? How do you get your head so far up your as? Thats what i want to know.
Bro there is no global satanic cabal. There just isnt. The UN is not trying to cull the herd.
Yea , apparently in your world there is no Davos, no WEF, no Bilderberg group, no Carlysle group, no Bohemian Grove, no Epstein Island, nothing figment of my imagination huh? I could go on and on and on and on but you are so f beyond stupid you wouldn't get it. There just isn't???? lololololololololol keep repeating it , it might come true some day, moron.
I agree with everything you said. Its a big picture and we get to see very little. But you are definitley on the right track.
Fox News said their own claims were lies. We have their communications. That means they've been lying to us all along. The rabbit hole goes deep...
FOX is on the dark side. The laundering of the money that we paid to Ukraine will pay the $787 million. FOX gets to promote the idea that Dominion was innocent and has to pay NOTHING from their own pocket. Sounds like an everyday Soros deal to me.
Dominion had internal documents from FOX stating that everyone at FOX understood that the election was not rigged, and yet they lied to you, their customer. If I were a regular viewer of FOX "News" I'd be pissed!
If that made a difference CNN would have had their plug pulled 30 years ago.
Could you find evidence the CNN lied? Why don't you sue them! You could be rich and a hero to people here.
No standard has been set; a settlement is not a court finding and not a precedent for anything.
Dominion is also suing Newsmax and OAN for $2.8 billion. If they win, it will put both outlets out of business because they are much smaller than FOX. Make no mistake, the goal here is to destroy conservative news sources.