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Spike Springer • 7 months ago

Funny how they didn't give a crap about the white man until now.

Muzzle Free • 7 months ago

They don't consider themselves white as in "white privilege." Now we see the real privilege!

jfkauthor • 7 months ago

These firms have ENORMOUS leverage over these schools. Apart from their donations, just a word that they'll stop recruiting on these campuses will send students SCREAMING away from them.

The universities know which side their bread is buttered on. Think they'll kick out the troublemakers in a hurry?

I think so.

Sal Belardo • 7 months ago

I don't see the protests stopping! Seems like it's getting bigger or is it my imagination?

Charles Laird • 7 months ago

Seth Rogen says we’re not white.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

The problem for Jews is that they let trash like Seth and Tim Wise represent them

mportnoy • 7 months ago

We do? I have no idea who those people are. They don't represent me.

The problem with you is that you assume one Jew's opinion = the opinion of all Jews, everywhere, all the time.

Using your logic, all Germans are still guilty because of something Hitler said. All Irish people are guilty because some Irish person somewhere got into a fistfight. All Brits are guilty because of Jack The Ripper.

I'm sure you see what terrible logic that is...

A'Lan Mandragorian • 7 months ago

Don't be so sure. Many people have no problem trashing us for something someone else said or did but when you point out that a person from another religion did something all of a sudden it's "They aren't a real so and so or he's not representative of the rest of us.
The cognitive dissonance is amazing. Sorry for the run on sentence.

mportnoy • 7 months ago

lol, I completely get your point. We’re personally responsible for some bad actor somewhere who happens to be a Jew. But apparently the street only runs one way? So silly.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

That’s great and all but can the right wing Jews on this comment board disavow the ADL? Because Bibbi couldn’t. In fact right before Oct7 he was pushing, along with the ADL, censoring free speech in America. Ask Elon🫢

mportnoy • 7 months ago

What difference is that going to make?

And I don’t consider myself right wing. More like a centrist who holds some traditional values based on my faith.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

I was just being a smart az cuz the media kept asking Trumpy on camera to disavow the nationalists at Charlottesville. The difference that it will make tho, is that the J’s won’t be perceived as a Borg community that only looks out for their special interests

mportnoy • 7 months ago

Trump DID disavow the nationalists.

Tell me what community DOESN"T look out for their own interests? All groups do that. For some reason it's only a problem when Jews do it.

Guest • 7 months ago
mportnoy • 7 months ago

Don’t know & don’t care, not my problem.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

Neither is Anti-Semitism my problem… hopefully the whole area is nuked…. God willing

mportnoy • 7 months ago

Nobody said it was. But you obviously have a double standard for our community. One standard for you and one for us.

And if we don’t subscribe to this ridiculous idea that we’re responsible for solving your imaginary problems, then you threaten us with nuclear annihilation.

A'Lan Mandragorian • 7 months ago

It’s been like that for 100’s of years.
There nothing new under the sun

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

The same logic can be applied to southern Confederates or Nazis? Is being Jew a race, religion or what? Why are All white people inherently racist? You are such a crybaby hypocrites. And if you don’t like that they are perceived as representing you, you need to DISAVOW the ADL.😂

calliope • 7 months ago

I and most other Jews disavow the ADL. They are now a fringe group taken over by the extreme left. Jews are not a race. In Israel, just walk down the street. You will see Black, Brown even oriental Jews. Jews are the people who follow the Torah and its values (except for those who bring shame on themselves and their people- Schiff, Mayorkas, Garland and their reprobate friends, the non-Jews Obama, Biden, Sullivan, Pelosi etc. etc.). White people are not inherently racist and the USA is not a systemically racist nation. Those are all Marxist formulations designed to destroy us from within. If you blame all this on the Jews you are an anti-semite.

Sal Belardo • 7 months ago

Good post calliope!

A'Lan Mandragorian • 7 months ago

There’s a minor typo in my prior comment but I can’t fix it from my phone. You’ll see two extra words that don’t make sense. (Thanks auto correct)

A'Lan Mandragorian • 7 months ago

Take 2 the “censors” don’t like certain words.
We are both. Can you be a white Christian American?
I’m a white J person American.
Who ever said all white folks are racist? Did you even read the comment I was responding to?
And yes we do all tend to “get lumped together”.
The adl is completely antithetical to my beliefs. When they started they were drastically different from what they are today. I almost never see them defending actual J. folks but they have no problem defending all the alphabet people.
Btw Leviticus states clearly what
G-ds stance is in all these types of behavior. With that said the adl wouldn’t take the side of of an orthodox J. who came up against the alphabet mafia.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

America is living on borrowed time. It’s bankrupt and there is no one around to save it. As it spirals faster and faster down the drain, things are only going to blow our minds in the absurdity.

A'Lan Mandragorian • 7 months ago

That I can agree with 100%. Borrowing money, allowing in illegals, paying people to stay home, teaching that America and patriotism is bad is a recipe for disaster.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

Secession or Revolution is the only way forward. These Leftist fanatics aren’t going to go away. They intend to make you conform to their expectations or make you disappear

A'Lan Mandragorian • 7 months ago

I just saw an article that a Fakistinian that’s here on an expired visa was arrested for illegal gun possession. He was also researching bomb making and planning on attacking J. Community centers in Houston.
But never forget George W told us all it’s the “religion of pieces” and President 0 said it’s the most beautiful sound to hear.
We live in an upside down and very dangerous time in history.

Bonicushead • 7 months ago

So take yourself out of the game. Do your bending over and crying ad nauseum about how hopeless everything is and when you're finished...punch out.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

Yea but weak little girly boys like you are gonna need me around because I’m the only one that’s gonna do anything to get the Republic back

Al Knowing • 7 months ago

Js vote almost 80% Dem - pretty telling statistical fact.
I, too, don’t believe in absolutes - besides it’s a sophomoric debate position.
End of the day, where there’s smoke there’s fire.

Sal Belardo • 7 months ago

How about, "not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims."

mportnoy • 7 months ago

Timothy McVeigh.

prof. Gretchen • 7 months ago

Yeah, "something Hitler SAID"...

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

So are All the Gazans guilty because Hamas runs Gaza? Man, woman and child? Get your story straight b4 you speak? It’s cute how J’s on the left and the right come together as one United when their leadership cons them into believing that they are facing total annihilation at the hands of goat herders. The few orthodox J’s you guys just beat into submission, aimirite?

calliope • 7 months ago

Since 2005 when Israel turned Gaza over to the Muslims and they elected Hamas there have been a constant stream of attacks by rocket, by stabbings and shootings on the streets of Israel. The Charter of Hamas which has never been amended states that its purpose is to murderJews and destroy Israel. Many hundreds of Jews have been killed over the years by these despicable beasts wo teach their children from birth to become martyrs and earn their way into heaven. It is not just Jews they are after, but Christians, Hindus and atheists as well. You are on their list but since you are not the imminent victim- just the Jews- you attack Jews who are defending themselves and their children with the justified intention to destroy Hamas and end their evil conspiracy. In polls- 85% plus of the people of Gaza support Hamas which makes them all culpable as well as people like you who support them, The U.N., Iran, Quatar and the U.S. which fund them. You are on the wrong side buddy. The shallowness of your thinking does not do you credit.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

You don’t have to be a genius to see tiny little Gaza is rectangular shaped and fits the perception that it’s a concentration camp for the unwanted Palestinians… you can say what you want but the West is becoming darker and darker and the ME too. What you and I have to say won’t matter in 50 years cuz our Nations will not exist.

mportnoy • 7 months ago

Congratulations! You win the Straw Man Argument.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

Thanks. I’m honored.

mportnoy • 7 months ago

It’s a dubious honor. Like becoming a grandparent when you’re 35.

nett+vonfrüher • 7 months ago

Some brides are 10 or 12 and the marrying uncle is 45. So all is possible in these days now and highly respected by some odd people ...

Bonicushead • 7 months ago

So what, groomer? Lets try this gain and this time don't get distracted by your thoughts about getting to rape children, okay? I'll keep it simple. Being a grandparent at an extremely young age is a...wait for it...dubious honor. Dubious means it's not a good thing. Your example describes a very bad situation, not a good one. The only people that have any of that respect that you mention are groomers that would offer up that situation to provide contrast.

ROTB • 7 months ago

Z10n1snn means Jews run the world from Israel, with the world living in a slum, and Israel in command.

Denounce that evil: here, to your Rabbis, to your friends, and to your family.

YuckYoYiden • 7 months ago

Twisted logic indeed.

Bob Crayne • 7 months ago

Since President Trump has stated that the Democrats are the party of anti-semitism, it would appear that these law firms, which condemn anti-semitism, are also condemning the Democrats - thus this is a step in the Right (and in a Conservative way, too) direction.

Aaron Shmuley • 7 months ago

Wishful…. I don’t think the average normie Democrat has experienced pain to change their vote. The Democrat leadership will offset their terrible leadership with continuing to buy their votes with your taxes

I am The Wolf. • 7 months ago

Most J ews are not considered to be "White", but here in America they have plenty of "Privilege", especially as Attorneys or Politicians. Most J ewish politicians were Attorneys first. They are "Persons of God's Color!

Salty Cracker • 7 months ago

Yes…these are the same people pushing the false “White privilege” agenda.

Plight • 7 months ago

Money talks and so does their post-grad employment rates. Although they can (like all institutions) pay to stay on US News and World Report list of best universities. All money driven and has nothing to do with competence.

Dom Sanderson • 7 months ago

Exactly, they supported BLM now it’s coming back to nip them in the back side.

See who controls you, by noticing who you can't criticize. Kanye bless.