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It is true. Only Trump can save this nation.

But not alone.

That deep state swamp is a lot worse than ANY of us first though.

I think the fight may be coming to our doorsteps, folks.

Luckily, we fight back!

Trump! MAGA! Covfefe!!!

A deplorable Duck • 6 years ago
Alti • 6 years ago

This part made me laugh out loud: "the victim would be kept at arms length and not informed of the criminal investigation. That’s why POTUS Trump doesn’t know." Sundance is such a liar.

A deplorable Duck • 6 years ago

And you seem to have lost your pacifier https://uploads.disquscdn.c... ,

Guest • 6 years ago
slim-pickens • 6 years ago

"Many soldiers are led to faulty ideas of war by knowing too much
about too little.” George Patton..

m beginization • 6 years ago

He made a huge mistake keeping Obamas staff, I think he thought it was just like one of his company take overs and that the staff would be glad to keep their jobs but politics is different

Agreed, not clearing the decks on day one was a major screw-up on Trump's part.

DreamKilla2.0 • 6 years ago

Yep it's coming to our door step soon. That's why they want our guns.

Well, I'm a reasonable man.

I'll happily give them some bullets.

One at a time.

Very, very quickly...

Sir_Tanly • 6 years ago

I'd be willing to give them all my bullets but I don't have any replacement barrels.

John graham • 6 years ago

And trump is helping them. With the bump stock garbage. And the NICS fix

Al • 6 years ago

Here is the true, non propagandist and real solution...


Someday low information will realize this.

Deb traumaangel • 6 years ago

Well without the help of GOD, this Nation is doomed! I pray HE leads President Trump on the right path to set us straight again. GOD BLESS the USA!

Sir_Tanly • 6 years ago

When it gets to my street, I'll send it back the way it came.

Daniel Brofford • 6 years ago

If Trump doesn’t fire Sessions and I mean now Doc we are in real trouble. We as a nation have lived to good to long and ppl have gotten soft. I don’t think most ppl will fight for their rights anymore. I believe most will give up their guns I mean tell the authorities you don’t have to come get them we will bring them to you. If we lose the majority in the congress this November within two years ppl will be being arrested for violating free speech that the democrats will take away. Within two years christians will be put in jail for speaking out against abortion and same sex marriage. Within two years they will take away all tax exemptions from Christian churches. I believe if we don’t get up off of our butts and make sure that we can push our agenda through our life in America is over as us older ppl have lived. If black ppl would realize that the democrats care nothing about them. All blacks have to do is look at all the cities and states run by democrats look at what they have done to the black communities. Look at how they vote on bills that would help the blacks. Look at how even the black caucus votes against their own ppl. Come to the Republican Party ppl we want for all Americans to work and live the American dream. Look at how the Dems have taken fathers out of the homes for just enough money to squeak by on. Does everyone want the gov to raise your kids and leave you out in the cold? The Dems fought for a 100 years to keep you from the 13th,14th, and 15th amendment of the constitution that the republicans voted for. Not one democrat voted to outlaw slavery not one democrat voted to grant blacks citizenship and not one democrat voted to give blacks the right to vote. Why do you vote for them? It doesn’t make any sense to me. If we want to continue to live in a free country we better be educating ourselves and going to the polls to make sure we keep our country free. God help us all.

Reno Rivera • 6 years ago

It's been two years of Trump and the country is still going to Hades.
Perhaps only true pro-America, not leftist ones, can save the nation.

Leftist ones want an immoral, weak and third world America. That's their version of pro-America.

Guest • 6 years ago
Large Marge • 6 years ago

First of all we have been in a constitutional crisis even before PDJT announce he was running.
Second PDJT said all along in almost every rally that he would not broadcast his intentions to the enemy.
Third nobody knows for sure what is going on or is about to happen.
Trust the man who brought ya to the dance! MAGA

Lorrainie • 6 years ago

Absolutely true💃💃💃

Guest • 6 years ago
LEEPERMAX • 6 years ago

It’s become abundantly clear that
The US is a “Captured Operation”
the country is now at a crossroad

It’s long overdue ... and now time to immediately #FireSessions

Lee Lilly • 6 years ago

EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN - and listen as law professor Jonathan Turley explains why Session's move was "BRILLIANT". It combines the power of IG Horowitz with the powers of prosecutor Huber = ALL the power of a special counsel. They have been working in tandem for months. It truly is brilliant. Watch here:


John Jensen • 6 years ago

Biggest problem after watching the video of Lou Dobbs tonight is that Rod Rosenstein is still acting in an oversite position. He will never let anyone be convicted of any crime because he is a sitting member of almost every crime that was committed. I don't think Sessions is that smart in the first place, I believe that Rosenstein is running the show and that is all it is a Dog and Pony show for the masses. All of them should be fired!!

1stHydrologist • 6 years ago

If rosenstein is in on it, he is bing set up to hang himself.

valerie • 6 years ago

Or he’s flipped.

J.W.Lee • 6 years ago

Truth be told...we've been in crisis mode since (and before) 1776...it is the nature of seeking liberty (e.g., Founding and Maintaining a Republic).

My point is: vigilance and the will of our citizens has always been the key to enduring the slings and arrows of those who foster tyranny.

The past century warrants reflection...tyranny has been snapping at our heels...and it has been the most trying periods that led to the uniting of the American Patriots in her defence.

Be Minutemen: patient, watchful, and ready.

Bob Long • 6 years ago

Read an article in American Thinker that says Sessions move was a good one. Hey- President Trump is not firing him and not much talk against Sessions from the White House... https://www.americanthinker...

John • 6 years ago

We either re-establish a Department of Justice that runs according to the rule of law or disband it and only have a Department of Special Prosecutors, since no one thinks the DOJ can be the DOJ, evidently.

Susieq • 6 years ago

What proof is there that IG Horowitz, Prosecutor Huber and AG Jeff Sessions are not part of the DEEP STATE???

Lee Lilly • 6 years ago

Read Q - he lays it ALL out. Seems unreal at first but keep at it; start at the beginning in October. He has been compromised more than once on boards, but right now you can still find his posts at:


This video will explain and is best to read before you start in on his posts:


Again, Q in process of changing posting boards but searching youtube or others will lead you to current board once Q moves.

Molon labe • 6 years ago

OMG! Give it up already! Sessions is anything BUT brilliant! He's DIRTY AS HELL!

Sir_Tanly • 6 years ago

Don doesn't think so.

Lotsa Snuggs • 6 years ago

gp is going to have to eat an awful lot of crow over all of this sessions bashing.

Molon labe • 6 years ago

Au contraire-All you Sessions sycophants are the ones who'll have an uncomfortably full stomach! That man's public actions are NOT those of a sly old law and order prosecutor maintaining "radio silence" while tirelessly working behind the scenes! They're the actions of a compromised Attorney General who is NOT performing his Constitutional duties and is actively covering for known lawbreakers and Obstructing Justice--NOT demanding it!!

Lotsa Snuggs • 6 years ago

bc you're privy to what's going on behind the scenes? i think not.

Molon labe • 6 years ago

And YOU are privy to the behind the scenes action? I think not.

As I said above, I base my views on Sessions' public ACTIONS and public statements. And on common sense.

Lotsa Snuggs • 6 years ago

no, but i have a cj/leo background and i'm aware of the realities of bringing a case to trial. your common sense is an echo chamber and you don't seem to get prez maga's methodology. but that's ok. i look forward to reminding you of this conversation in the next 4-6 weeks.

Imissglen • 6 years ago

no, because he is over a year in office as Chief Prosecutor, with zero
offensive actions, or arrests against the deep state socialist criminals in ANY alphabet agency.

Lotsa Snuggs • 6 years ago

do you have any idea of the complexity of this, or how long it takes to put a case together? if you did, you wouldn't blather on re: "it's been a year." you want it fast? go to mcdonalds. you want it right? so that no-one is alerted and justice sticks....then learn patience. there is NOTHING in jeff sessions' background to suggest he's deep state. not one damn thing. oj's case, 2 murders/one assailant....was rushed to court in five months. non-guilty verdict. this involves vastly more people and moving parts and enough obama people still in place to hide/obfuscate/slow-walk evidence.

Imissglen • 6 years ago

You're the one blathering. Pathetic! I stated FACTS!

Lotsa Snuggs • 6 years ago

no, you stated opinions, linked to emotions....and lack of wish fulfillment. try reading the conservative treehouse, or following vachel lindsdey/thomas wictor/stealth jeff...you'll be amazed at all the things you'll learn.

Imissglen • 6 years ago

Your emotional response again noted.
I have read Sundance every day for almost 2 years. Good stuff.
That said, some FACTS need restating, because you've ignored them.
Sessions recused himself is not "my opinion."
That he has targeted MS13 & asset seizure is not "my opinion". That he HAS NOT ARRESTED ANYONE in the Obama crime empire is NOT "MY OPINION"!

Lotsa Snuggs • 6 years ago

he had to recuse, in order to follow the rule of law. that is fact. lil trickier to deal with the tentacles of the gov't, up to and including a former president, whereas ms13 is a criminal enterprise. again, it takes time to build a case. but grand juries are already in place....we wouldn't know huber's name if the investigation wasn't already done. that asset seizure signed by prez maga in dec. is going to come in real handy. feel free to point to one marijuana arrest/asset forfeiture under sessions. human trafficking? yep. ms-13 and gang members? yep. sessions is working quietly behind the scenes, and there are no leaks. read sundance harder.

tom • 6 years ago

good reply lilly,agree 100%

Lee Lilly • 6 years ago

Here's more as to what is really occurring behind the scenes. If you take the time to really go through it, you can almost predict what POTUS will do next.

qanon.pub or qanonposts.com

It seems unbelievable at first but it checks out as the story unfolds and Q predicts things before they happen... Also, Trump has signalled the truth of it; do you think he said "tip top tippety top" just for the heck of it at Easter speech? (He was asked by an anon to use this in something to verify validity of Q.) It won't make sense unless you start at the beginning in Oct and read posts from there. (And disregard MSM reports that Q is false; if he was, why even bother trying to discredit?)

Sessions and Trump have handled this beautifully...they even have conservatives screaming for Sessions' head. He is neither uninvolved nor clueless as is being portrayed. It's the Art of the Deal. Many are going down and POTUS and Q team are bringing us to it live through the posts.

Check it out - it will be the best read of your life. And your eyes will be opened to so many lies and scandals...so be prepared.

valerie • 6 years ago

Read this also. Calmed down. If Sessions were not doing his job a President Trump would fire him.

Lee Lilly • 6 years ago

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at what is really occurring:

qanon.pub or qanonposts.com

It seems unbelievable at first but it checks out as the story unfolds and Q predicts things before they happen... Also, Trump has also signaled the truth of it; do you think he said "tip top tippety top" just for the heck of it at Easter speech? (He was asked by an anon to use this in something to verify validity of Q.) It won't make sense unless you start at the beginning in Oct and read posts from there. (And disregard MSM reports that Q is false; if he was, why even bother trying to discredit?)

Sessions and Trump have handled this beautifully...they even have conservatives screaming for Sessions' head. He is neither uninvolved or clueless as is being portrayed. It's the Art of the Deal. Many are going down and POTUS and Q team are bringing us to it live through the posts.

Check it out - it will be the best read of your life. And your eyes will be opened to so many lies and scandals...so be prepared.

valerie • 6 years ago

Thank you ! I will . Great post .

John Weber • 6 years ago

SO how does this brilliant plan hold the IRS and Lois Lerner responsible for the crimes they committed? FIRE SESSIONS.