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Debt ceiling
Then hand it to every lowlife on the planet while they live in luxury...AND...
Laugh in your face about it.
We going to wake up America?

johncarens • 10 months ago

Matt Gaetz is one of the very few men in Congress who understands the gravity of the times in which we live. The incoming fire he and those few other patriots sustain on an almost daily basis is unimaginable, and yet he does it consistently with grace and passion.

BUT: The 800-pound gorilla in the room is Donald Trump. Kevin McCarthy sits in the Speakers chair for ONE REASON: Donald Trump’s blistering of the Freedom Caucus last January when they were trying so heroically to get an actual Conservative in; If Donald Trump and Ronna McDaniel hadn’t stuck their collective noses in, we could have gotten a fighting conservative like Andy Biggs or Chip Roy in as Speaker.

Matt should use what ever influence he has with President Trump to get him to recant that endorsement of McCarthy. Maybe it would get the ball rolling in McCarthy’s removal.

Frank Benjamin • 10 months ago

There is no statutory or legislative requirement that the Speaker be an elected member of Congress.

Why not make someone like Kash Patel the Speaker? Or, Donald Trump?

Matt • 10 months ago

I love your idea but it's pie in the sky because who is going to vote for them? All our blackmailed reps? All the reps who take big pac money, and know they will lose it if they go against their will? Or the reps whose families have been physically threatened? These are the powers hindering our representatives.

Debra L. Negron • 10 months ago

If I remember correctly Mike Lindell had the most votes from the people.

Dianna Moon • 10 months ago

I would so enjoy that

johncarens • 10 months ago

All very true. The Speakership would, in all reality, be a very good fit for Trump.

But: I’d settle for the attainable: An actual principled, fighting, strategic conservative…

Guest • 10 months ago
johncarens • 10 months ago

In convention-style balloting as would occur on a new Speakership, no one would know until the process started. It could be anyone’s ball. I’d start with Scott Perry or Thomas Massie, and go from there…

Guest • 10 months ago
johncarens • 10 months ago

You have no clue until things get rolling and alliances are made. That’s how the process works— and further: how it’s SUPPOSED to work. In a functioning republic, people debate and horse-trade— they aren’t supposed to just take the crap-sandwich cooked up for them in advance behind closed doors by their so-called “leadership”…

IN THE WIND • 10 months ago

After seeing Trump accomplish more for this country than any other President in my life time while being under constant attack by the liberal party makes him my number one choice, hope and prayer to get back into the WH in 2024. I can't expect just one man to get everything right and not make some mistakes alone. That being said, Gaetz has been gaining my respect and support everyday. For myself, I would consider a perfect scenario to be Trump from '24 to '28 and Gaetz from '28 to '36 if things don't change. FJB! Trump 2024

kag2020 • 10 months ago

10000000000000% correct
wake up América

Charles Dog! • 10 months ago

Maria Bartiromo ALWAYS gave Lindsey Graham a “liars” pass. That pass has been passed onto McCarthy!

Maria, we’re again disappointed!

Quixotic • 10 months ago

Can anyone imagine Maria "shushing" & yelling over Cavin' McCarthy, or any of the other RINO Establishment types?

JUDGE DREDD • 10 months ago

She not as smart as she thinks she is. If these @$$hats in DC can't do anything about the obvious criminal acts of the Biden criminal family,the vote fraud the FBI the border the two levels of justice, hell the Clintoons are back in the money laundry business when Cankles should be under a prison somewhere.The people have had enough of the bullxhit from these LIARS, ESAD everyone of them. (Since this post Miss Maria has changed her tone on this subject.)Maybe she's wiser than she lets on!!!!

Anon-ymoose • 9 months ago

Right or Wrong Maria still has the most Screechy Screeching voice in reporting today!
(IMNSHO) of course!

Gosh Almighty • 10 months ago

Notice how her eyes kept looking down at her laptop? Probably had McCarthy on the other end feeding her rebuttals.

Debra L. Negron • 10 months ago

Maria is controlled opposition. I read somewhere that she was a member of WEF. I don't know if it's true, just what I heard.

Al J • 9 months ago

Maria's CV is still shown on the WEF website, and her membership since about 2008 is still mentioned on bartiromo dot com. Could not find anything about her denouncing the organization.

Van Gogh • 10 months ago

I must say I am disappointed as well.

Jessie Jones • 10 months ago

Double disappointed!

Kay • 10 months ago

Can't spend the sabbath watching that propaganda.

Dianna Moon • 10 months ago

Well, she's on Fox, so...🤷‍♀️

JohnathanA • 10 months ago

Oh yeah, when did this happen?

Charles Dog! • 10 months ago

EVERY TIME Lindsey Graham was on her program!

JohnathanA • 10 months ago

And you watched every time?

Charles Dog! • 10 months ago

Obviously you didn’t watch SOME of the time.

JohnathanA • 10 months ago

I am not the one making the comment, you are!

Guest • 10 months ago
JohnathanA • 10 months ago

It takes your side a day to come back with whataboutism.

Guest • 10 months ago
JohnathanA • 10 months ago


Big Red • 10 months ago


JohnathanA • 10 months ago

Well that provides the details you are basing your opinion on.

cleothemadam • 10 months ago

Her show called Mornings with Maria!!!
How bout ...Wake up Maria???

US Patriot • 10 months ago

hahahahahaha. L.M.A.O

Love it

cleothemadam • 10 months ago


Jimbo sammy • 10 months ago

She used to be a real partier and had to get straight in order to show up to work. Still looks like it though.

john • 10 months ago

I was just hanging out with her the other nite.Snorting everything in sight,sucking on every jug in site. What a F. U. C. K ing clown. So I suppose you have personal knowledge right ???

Dennis Barnett • 10 months ago

Matt is one of the only ones in DC that gets the anger of the American People right. We are even more sick of the go along/get along than he is. Because WE are paying for it all. Either jail the Marxist scum or We The People will be forced to do it ourselves? And it won't be pretty.

Jimbo sammy • 10 months ago

Gaetz is onto something lately and really making a name for himself. Go Gaetz.

F.J.B • 10 months ago

He reduced Bartiromo to a shrieking hysterical RINO defender.

Under Siege • 10 months ago

yes. I am embarrassed for Maria. She is apparently being wooed & cooed by McCarthy.

Interstate15 • 10 months ago

Wow, someone got triggered!
The original top-voted comment earned over 200 upvotes then suddenly has 36 downvotes?

Edit: Here it is to restore its visibility:

BolshevikBiden wrote:
McCarthy hasn’t released the J6 tapes in their entirety, keeps enabling the Dems and continues to fund the Ukrainian Nazis. He needs to go, immediately.
Under Siege • 10 months ago

Apparently, the same people "managing" votes at disqus are the same ones managing the voting in Maricopa County, Az and in Atlanta, Ga.

JD777 • 10 months ago

They must be scratching each others back.

Under Siege • 10 months ago

or fronts...

(remember McRINO & Rene Elmers from NC)

JUDGE DREDD • 10 months ago

The Mc is a slick talker, he goes on a tickles her ears with bullsqueeze and she thinks it's Chanel N°5.

Frank Benjamin • 10 months ago

Maybe one of Kevin’s strange friends is playing lickety-split with Maria.