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Toastrider • 4 years ago

Reminds me of an image of Trump I saw, with the caption:

'They're not really after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way.'

Will • 4 years ago

Scarily accurate statement.

terrylan • 4 years ago

I am pretty sure that's a quote - something Trump actually said.

Robert Knox • 4 years ago

He's a marketing genius and that is exactly what he WOULD say. It's short, pithy, and happens to be true. They ARE coming after us.

FireAnt • 4 years ago

President Trump speaks for Americans who have an "unalienable right to life":

Those in the womb unable to protect themselves and
Those outside the womb who keep and bear arms for protection

Trump, Trump, Trump, the people voted
Make America Great Again they shout
Grab your ballot, join the fight
Be a guardian of our RIGHTS
Drive the socialists from our land
Help freedom reign
Dana • 4 years ago

This place is crawling with deranged libtard trolls.

Miss Marble’s Mystery • 4 years ago

It looks like it hit a nerve in their talking-points department.

Henry Clarke • 4 years ago

hi baby

Dana • 4 years ago

The guilty dog barks! 😅

JFE • 4 years ago

Says a brainless troll

Dana • 4 years ago


Willbert • 4 years ago

it's too much fun to crush mental midgets.

Mike Haas • 4 years ago

Says the deranged libtard troll.

Henry Clarke • 4 years ago

yes you are, coward

Mike Haas • 4 years ago

Keep going. You'll get fruit pies for the weekend with all the nickels that Soros is paying you for your silly tripe.

Henry Clarke • 4 years ago

I win

I am in your head buttercup sock

Mike Haas • 4 years ago


Henry Clarke • 4 years ago



Mike Haas • 4 years ago

It doesn't count when you upvote yourself. That's pathetic.

Henry Clarke • 4 years ago

aww, I am really bothering you


Mike Haas • 4 years ago

Really, upvoting yourself is just sad. You poor pitiful thing.

Henry Clarke • 4 years ago


you hate me


Estoban • 4 years ago

My wife and I talked a young lady out of having an abortion scheduled for the next day. We wound up adopting the baby. H's been through college, married and has a delightful daughter. He'll tell anyone, any time, any place, how very grateful he is that he was not aborted.

4Justice • 4 years ago

You guys should be proud of yourself.
Your act brought joy not only to the baby, but to yourself and your wife.

Estoban • 4 years ago

Kids bring so much joy to life.

Dan Ibul • 4 years ago

“They are coming after me because I’m fighting for you,” I used to think that was an exaggeration....but I'm starting to think it is more true than false. Comply or suffer.... because we love diversity.

Mike Knowles • 4 years ago

Don't be a baby-killer vote Trump/Pence, 2020-2040

Mike Knowles • 4 years ago

If babies and infants could talk they would say "please help protect us and vote for President Trump. Please don't vote for the Democrats, they want to kill us".
Trump/Pence, 2020-2040

Henry Clarke • 4 years ago


Mike Knowles • 4 years ago

How great it is to have a President that seeks to celebrate, protect and save the lives of the most vulnerable; babies.
As opposed to the Dems who celebrate killing them.
Trump/Pence, 2020-2040

Willbert • 4 years ago

if the women chose not to have a kid, you ain't stopping it. They'll go somewhere and get it.... And women will vote all the creepy men out of office. So many White men still insist on being in total charge..

Mike Haas • 4 years ago

Yet, oddly, the most pro-choice demographic isn't young women, it's young men: the primary beneficiaries of cheap abortion.

Ciji Jovanovic • 4 years ago

Willbert, the prototypical white guilt cuckold

Alitheia • 4 years ago

And if a baby survives its attempted abortion? What then?

Ciji Jovanovic • 4 years ago

Democrats. The party of men having sex with men, the party of murdering babies, inside and outside the womb, the party of supporting terrorists over our president, the party of open borders, MS-13, and protecting criminal illegal aliens from law enforcement, the party who booed God. What else needs to be said?




Dawn Sonntag • 4 years ago

Exactly! Amen and Amen!

Al Carbone • 4 years ago

rabbi trumps jewish masters will be mad at him being the abortion fight was won with jewish money and most of the abortionists are jews planned parenthood funded and led by jews

JFE • 4 years ago

You are one racist moron fat boy

Al Carbone • 4 years ago

thank you I try to be the best racist I can be

JFE • 4 years ago

That would't be difficult fat boy

newton • 4 years ago

The viper above needs stomping.

Blocked. Flag for good measure.

Henry Clarke • 4 years ago

Trump would not be president today if he had not first promoted the Obama birther conspiracy theory and thereby won over a good part of the conservative base that reveled in his audacious and unrepentant racism. That theory was equally implausible, holding that Barack Obama should not be president because he wasn’t born in America, even though that alone would not have made him ineligible. Obama’s mother was an American citizen, so even if he had been born in Kenya, he still would have been considered a natural-born citizen. In any case, all the evidence supported the fact that Obama had been born in Honolulu.

Dana • 4 years ago

You are projecting your own racism. No one questioned Obama's "race," they questioned his place of birth. Had nothing to do with race. it wasn't "implausible" at all. There were legitimate questions about his birthplace. So put down your silly race card; doesn't apply here.

hazyjay • 4 years ago

No there were not. It was all about race. You can be a piece of shit, but at least be honest about it.

2 Cent • 4 years ago

Right, couldn't have had anything to do with his foreign parentage and upbringing, could it? Or the fact that his own publicist introduced him as having been born in Kenya?

hazyjay • 4 years ago

No. It wouldn't. It was all about his funny name and dark skin.

2 Cent • 4 years ago

You're partially right about the name, just as a presidential candidate with a name like Yuri Mikhailovich Zinoviev might have raised a few eyebrows among some, especially if you couple it with the other factors I just mentioned. But are you seriously arguing that if Jesse Jackson had come close to succeeding those times he ran for president it would have occurred to anyone to ask for his birth certificate?

hazyjay • 4 years ago

There would have been some conspiracy to show that he was unqualified. Kerry had the Swiftboats Obama had birtherism, Hillary had her emails (although the same guy that started the Swiftboat conspiracy tried to get the Clinton Foundation to be it). And the next Democratic candidate will be accused of some wild bullshit woven out of half truths and red string and insinuation. Modus operandi for the right wing fever swamp.

2 Cent • 4 years ago

Hmm, it's possible I may need to get my eyes checked, but I was always under the impression that John Kerry and Hillary Clinton were white.

Anyway, it's not like any presidential campaign ever had something like FISA turned on them unjustifiably, so by and large it's all good.