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Wareagle82 • 4 years ago

without the first-hand requirement, it's not whistleblowing; it's gossip.

rockindubya • 4 years ago

Damn, it's like we are all back in Junior High...

P 38 Lightning • 4 years ago

Not “we”

But a lot of Liberals are just stuck in Jr. High and you can thank the dumb downing of our educational system for that!!

Cadenbire EQ • 4 years ago

It's time to purge the "Intelligence Community". I've had it with these traitors undermining the government of the United States. We need to start over, as I feel these agencies are irrevocably compromised.

relee • 4 years ago

Absolutely, all patriots must now show up and demand 1) who is the person with 2nd hand info; 2) who changed this document and when; 3) what is the background of these individuals.
We must rise up, yell from the roof tops, our republic is at state......these traitors in out government must (not Trump) tarred and feathered...this all leads to Obama. Brenna & Clap Trap

2492 • 4 years ago

The Senate Intelligence Committee needs to immediately send to the CIA a documents preservation order so the revision files don’t “get lost”. I worked in the federal government for 40 years and I’ve done dozens of form revisions and the process is the same across the entire government.

The way it works is the office responsible for the program, in this case probably the CIA IG, decides to revise the form. The new form is revised within the technical office by employees within the office. If they’re doing their jobs in accordance with the Federal Records Act and the Administrative Procedures Act, there is a document written that details exactly the rationale for the change, the impact of the changes, and what the new form looks like.

In the case of this form, since it involves a legal issue (the IC Whistleblower Protection Act) it also should have gone to the CIA or IC Office of General Counsel for a legal review to ensure the new form still complied with the Act. That file should also still be in the OGC’s office.

Finally the form is sent to the CIA’s HR department, specifically the Forms Control Officer. That office then reviews it to ensure the form complies with the CIA’s form control directive. When it does, the new form is formally approved by an official with the CIA’s HR department. The form is then printed (if hard copies are used) and also promulgated online, the old form is removed, and employees SOMETIMES are made aware that a new form is out. The HR file should also still be in the HR department.

If the form was developed and promulgated correctly there is an adequate paper trail to determine who and when the form was revised.

Honest Lawyer • 4 years ago

Yes. But consider this, if the paper trail for enactment of these changes is lost, the enactment is no longer valid. Lost documentation regarding the change would mean that the predecessor rule continues in effect. Under that circumstance, the "whistle blower" complaint is illegal and void.

Congress needs to make certain that the agency network backups are functioning. And secure the workstations of everyone involved (take images of those workstations) since data on workstation hard drives are not backed up to the network. Email and documents last forever unless actively destroyed.

Polllll • 4 years ago

It doesn't really matter. The narrative will be enough for impeachment because the House changed its rules so that an Inquiry vote is not required. Republicans can call no witnesses, and Dems won't call anyone but those who will advance the narrative. It will be exposed in the Senate trial, but they don't care. The goal has been impeachment, and that's what they're going to do. They count on the media advancing the narrative in the echo chamber so that by the time they're exposed, it's too late.

Charlene • 4 years ago

This is so infuriating that they (Dems) can do this and get away with it!! People would say the only way to stop the Dems was to win the Elections which Trump did and they still are lying, cheating and destroying America!!!

dan long • 4 years ago

The Dems didn't do shit. These are Trump's appointees that changed the form under his watch. Since the form revision started in May 2018, the Ukraine issue had nothing to do with the changes. But if somehow it did, God bless the patriotic GOP Trump appointees who finally grew a conscience and put democracy before dictatorship. They are heroes!

The Eyes of Lee • 4 years ago

The form Revision didn't start in May 2018. That's when the PREVIOUS revision was posted, 24MAY2018.

disqus_z2pP0T1Lm3 • 4 years ago

dan doesn't know how to read. Plus, dan disappeared apparently since he never replied back. What a loser.

greg • 4 years ago

these are bureaucrats who more than likely worked there for years these type of people don't change because a new president comes to office.

Dave Ross • 4 years ago

America is heading towards a bloodbath. It will take a generations to heal. The only good thing is it will be legal to shoot Democrat traitors like it was under Lincoln.

Smargalicious • 4 years ago

You're a traitor, son.

Evil Incarnate • 4 years ago

dan, where does it say the new form revision started in May 2018?

The article says the previous version of the form was approved May 24, 2018. I didn't see anything written about when the most recent revision was started. If you did, please help us out.

I'll assume you did what is common on the left- take a tiny little kernel of truth and deliberately twist it into something completely different.

Since you've been caught, if you follow the playbook the next thing you'll try is changing the subject.

disqus_z2pP0T1Lm3 • 4 years ago

Will, forget about that idiot. He's illiterate and a loser who posts his crap then vanishes and does not post again here.

ed_in_tx • 4 years ago

1. The speculation that the change occurred sometime between May 2018 and August 2019 does not mean that we know the change occurred in May 2018, that is the start of the range of dates for the author's WAG of when it could have happened. It is equally possible that it occurred last month.

2. The Director of National Intelligence is, indeed, a Trump Appointee - oh, wait - that was Dan Coats, who resigned effective 15 August 2019. So there is not only a temporary appointee now in place, but there has been a shakeup both before and after Coats' resignation. Not that Dan Coats was a particular fan of the President, there were rumors floating about DC that the President was about to fire Coats for months prior to August.

3. I see I'm replying to either a Socialist-Democrat, or Never Trumper, Troll. Geez, four in a short period of time.

disqus_z2pP0T1Lm3 • 4 years ago

1. ) The revision that altered the requirement occurred in AUGUST 2019. It's well-documented now. And gee...what happened in August also? on August 12, that's when the so-called "whistleblower complaint" came to light.

Yeah....no smoke to that fire here, eh? /sarcasm

Chopdaddy12 • 4 years ago

No, that would be Trump destroying America, Charlene. I'm sorry you don't get it.

ChristineH • 4 years ago

It's also infuriating knowing Republicans would never do to the Dems what they are doing when they loose the House.

Chopdaddy12 • 4 years ago

It's spelled l-o-s-e. Of course, I'd never want to disparage the accuracy and intelligence of a Trumpie. For the record, Republicans made it their only mission to obstruct every agenda item of the Obama administration when they controlled Congress. McConnell made the famous statement about his only goal was to make Obama a one-term president. But you probably don't remember that do you Christine?

pleeb48 • 4 years ago

They promised impeachment the day after he took office. I think they would have done it prior to that but Obama was still POTUS and subject to investigation. Too bad all we know now wasn’t known soon enough. But as democrats and liberal media people keep saying, once a preside t is out of office, he is no longer protected. I keep hoping Obama will pay for his crimes since it has become obvious none of this happened without his involvement and approval. Hopefully, Susan Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Sally Yates, Lynch and Hillary all go down with him.

elpear • 4 years ago

Obama did no crimes. Also he is beloved by the saner part of the country. Give it up. Trump is toast.

CommonSenseIMO • 4 years ago

Obama and his administration were rife with them. Please stop your partisan nonsense.

Robert Knox • 4 years ago

Well put. When they found that Feinstein's driver was a Chinese spy, the Fibbies quietly told her and the MSM buried the story until recently. Why didn't the Fibbies warn the Trump campaign of their concerns instead of planting a spy on him?

We now know that deep state corruption goes way, way back. Back in 1964(!), President Johnson instructed the FBI to wiretap Sen. Goldwater's plane and headquarters during the 1964 presidential campaign. Mr. Hoover said, "You do what the President tells you." The MSM went along with it. See https://www.wsj.com/article... or http://www.freerepublic.com... Given that precedent, these Deep State lawbreakers clearly figured that when Hillary won, all their crookedness would be swept under the carpet and they'd be rewarded.

The Amazon book at http://amzn.to/1KQXwhN points out that Confucius declared that the Emperor's sole job was to find government employees who abused their positions and chop their heads off to encourage survivors to be more virtuous. We don't do that any more, more's the pity, I guess we'll have to get back to "Lock her up!"

Unfortunately, Mr. Comey, Mr. Mueller and the rest are symptoms, not the root cause of problems with the FBI. FBI corruption began to be noticed when their crime lab falsified data to get bogus convictions. It made headlines when sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Viki Weaver in the head as she was holding her baby in her arms back in 1992. It accelerated when they pumped the Waco compound full of flammable gas and incinerated the Davidians. It exploded when the Boston office covered for Whitey Bulger's murders and framed Peter Limone into jail for 33 years to protect one of their informants. The agency wasn't punished, so, as expected, it got worse.

"Comey and Corruption" at http://www.scragged.com/art... shows that we lived in a banana republic during the Obama administration. There was one set of laws for peasants like Gen. Petraeus who only won a war for us and another for grandees like Hillary.

"Obama and Honest Government" at http://www.scragged.com/art... reminds us of a New York Times "Quote of the Day:"

I've got to own up to my mistake, which is that ultimately it's important for this administration to send a message that there aren't two sets of rules. You know, one for prominent people and one for ordinary folks who have to pay their taxes.
- President Barack Hussein Obama

This was when "Turbo Tax" Timmy hadn't paid his taxes. Timmy became our secretary of the treasury, and Hillary got a "get out of jail free" card. There are at least 2 sets of rules if not more.

We also dodged a bullet with Mr. Trump's victory. "Krugman Asks the right Question" at http://www.scragged.com/art... points out that if the Democrats had been able to implement Hillary's stated "Open Borders and Amnesty" policies, no conservative would win the White House ever again.

Dave Ross • 4 years ago

Unless enough African Americans and legal immigrants felt under pressure from a swarm of illegal aliens and went Republican. Democrats stopped representing their interests a while ago. They represent the very rich and the underclass. The Republicans now represent the people in between. Never Trumpers are effectively Democrats. Republicans would get elected but more states would get screwed up first.

Chopdaddy12 • 4 years ago

Obama was fine. Trump is anti-American. Please stop YOUR partisan nonsense

CommonSenseIMO • 4 years ago

Laughable at best.

relee • 4 years ago

That was to the round faced women....elpear….below

relee • 4 years ago

It all leads to Obama and minions

Chopdaddy12 • 4 years ago

Yes. Some of us were smart enough to see that before the election. Apparently, many others were not. Deplorables indeed.

Dave Ross • 4 years ago

He spied on innocent Americans with no probable cause. He was doing it before he spied on Trump. The FISA court already ruled on that but the judgement is still mostly classified. Admiral Rogers, the former director of the NSA, was a real whistleblower and told the court what Obama was doing.

BigRaguHead • 4 years ago

You look like Hillary. LoL....so so so sorry. Turd

UpChuck.Liberals • 4 years ago

Obama WAS A CRIME. He lied from the very beginning and never stopped. Hiding his collage transcripts, his actual birth place, his biological father, his religion, and the list just goes on and on and on.

relee • 4 years ago

It all leads to Obama, Vlad.

ed_in_tx • 4 years ago

His Imperial Executiveness, Emperor Barak the Nonpareil, is beloved by sane parts of the country? That would be the Left Coast, the East Coast starting with DC/Baltimore and following the Acela corridor, Detroit and Chicago (I guess Minneapolis-St. Paul too).

Sane? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That's a good one. Have any more good jokes?

greg • 4 years ago

how stupid your a moron. read the evidence once In awhile ,you think Obama knew nothing about how his adminstration was trying to screw Trump.

Guest • 4 years ago
relee • 4 years ago

We lock and load....especially on individuals like you Vlad.

Chopdaddy12 • 4 years ago

Not going to happen. You can cry in your beer now.

disqus_z2pP0T1Lm3 • 4 years ago

I seriously doubt anything will happen to Trump after he leaves office IN 2024....

People keep bringing up the NY Prosecutors but just watch the case just get dropped due to "lack of evidence"(because there is none).

All this is, is simply ways to make Trump look bad (to have him be a subject of Prosecution upon leaving office which is the buzzword that Dems want voters to have on their minds at the voting booth) and that's it. Once Trump is out of office, he no longer exists in the Political world and they turn their focus on the next POTUS (whom I think will also be a Republican).

ItsJo • 4 years ago

Disagree as America KNOWS what this cast of "Deep State and Corrupt Democrats HAVE BEEN UP TO...EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED"...They mistakenly THINK that Trump will just 'give in to them, and sulk away as they did to NIXON!

Idiotfor12years • 4 years ago

Plus they think we're idiots, my screen name remains as a reminder, voted for Obama twice and HRC. #walkaway here and there are thousands of us.

Chopdaddy12 • 4 years ago

Why do you still want Trump as president, given what we know now? Where is the gain it for you?

Dave Ross • 4 years ago

The Justice Department might uncover evidence that this is a conspiracy to overthrow the government by the same people that were behind the Russia Hoax. Nancy could be in handcuffs for the money the DNC paid to Fusion GPS to perpetrate the hoax. This is the first political scandal where one party paid a company millions of dollars to frame the other party for a crime. The actions of the Justice Department and the courts will be vital.

disqus_z2pP0T1Lm3 • 4 years ago

"it's too late"

Except what happens WHEN(not "if") Trump gets Re-elected? 'Cause that's really their goal here.

What are they going to do then?

Plus, who is to say that they won't lose the HOUSE again and the Senate get even MORE Republican (more seats added)?

2492 • 4 years ago

Grand, you’re correct, no paper trail, no authority for new form. No authority for new form, old form still in effect. Old form still in effect, old standards still in effect. Old standards still in effect, no valid whistleblower complaint.

pleeb48 • 4 years ago

If Maguire had the stones to act as his position demands, the new rule would be terminated and this complaint voided. Then tis corrupt ICIG needs to go.

Dave Ross • 4 years ago

Maguire is part of the coup., He lied to congress about whether the complaint was done by the rules. He should have pointed out that the rules were radically altered to allow this complaint.