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Guardian's Quitter • 4 years ago

I remain convinced future doctors will view the Trans mutilation with the same horror current doctors view frontal lobotomies.

David C. Mackereth • 4 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree, and the tragic truth is that for so many there will be no possibility of turning back. Ever!

Guardian's Quitter • 4 years ago

For a lot suicide is the only way out. Or of course cancer from the hormone treatments.

David C. Mackereth • 4 years ago

Yes, and we are heartbroken by that.

Guardian's Quitter • 4 years ago

An evil of our time. Oh how the Devil loves the left.

Paul Weston • 4 years ago

Piers Morgan reflects the MSM perfectly. Everyone who disagrees with PC XYZ is a bigot. Everyone who agrees with PC XYZ is an Angel. Angels can never be bigoted in Liberal-land, no matter how hateful and bigoted they really are. Extraordinary isn't it? We are living through a very real Maoesque revolution.

It's 2019 said Morgan in 2019.

It's 1939 said Adolf in 1939.

JohnB • 4 years ago

It's true, it is the current year. Moron is a true genius.

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

Just making the salient point that being "modern" isn't always the correct moral stance when viewed in a historical context. Perhaps I should have used 1966 and Mao in terms of Cultural Revolution?

Graham Reakes • 4 years ago

"That which matters most changes least".

Sir Richard Grenville • 4 years ago

Piers Morgan, editor of the Daily Mirror happily published pictures of British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners.

However just a scintilla of investigation and you can see these pictures were wrong. but they still went ahead and published them regardless of the consequences.

There were consequences, thats the Piers Morgan for you.

John • 4 years ago

On that issue alone Morgan is absolutely beyond the pale.

Martin J • 4 years ago

Is he not most usually known as "piss poor" Morgan

Falken Breakfast • 4 years ago

Did any abuse of Iraqi prisoners take place?

Sir Richard Grenville • 4 years ago

Much to your disappointment no, Mr Phil Shiner was employed by the government to ‘hunt’ down the abuse of Iraqis.

After taking millions off the government all he could come up with was a pack of lies against our servicemen.

It was nice to see Mr Shiner bankrupted and struck off.

Falken Breakfast • 4 years ago

No, we want abusers, do you? Are you sure there were none? Suggesting that Shiner was in the HMG pay is something of a stretch, funds for considered claims are processed by various claimants as you would expect. They won't all succeed as with CPS etc.

Sir Richard Grenville • 4 years ago

He was struck off because he was making them up.

Paul Weston • 4 years ago

Dr Mackereth was pretty useless though, it has to be said. Quite why he failed to point out the difference between Judaism and Christianity (Old Testament and New Testament) re stoning was particularly weedy.

Jordan Peterson should badger Piers Morgan for an interview about trans pronouns. Not that Morgan would ever agree to it - dim bullies never engage with superior intelligence or strength.

Nigel Ford • 4 years ago

I'm with you on this.

Trying to be nice and reasonable with the boorish left or pc types is never the best approach.

Fight fire with fire like Norman Tebbitt did or Ann Widdicombe does. It has a far better result.

GenghisMcCann • 4 years ago

Correct JP would have PM for breakfast

Noa • 4 years ago

To be fair Dr Mackareth said and wrote that he struggled to hear what was being said and that effectively all he could hear was someone ranting at him.

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you do for a living Mitor, but how would you feel if you were a doctor and you lost your job because you refused to call a patient Mzr Bloggs rather than Mr Bloggs? Or MzrMzrGladioli Bloggs rather than Mr Bloggs. When the Western world is slowly slipping into insanity, how far are you prepared to go in order to accomodate the insanity? Room 101, where 2+2 has to equal 5? Boot, grinding, face, eternity.

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

Lots of words Mitor, but I don't want to live where 2+2=5 and if you don't agree it's off to the metaphorical Gulag with you. Why are you so keen on totalitarianism?

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

I'm not defending the Doctor so much as I am attacking Morgan. I'm not accusing you of totalitarianism because that would make no sense at all grammatically speaking. I am asking you why you seem to be so keen on totalitarianism though.....

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

On that we can agree. I now await your response to your favouring of totalitarianism.

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

But you approve of political punishment re holding Christian beliefs? Where have we seen that before and how many millions were murdered?

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

You might not buy into it, but I think you will find that Stalin and his Communist cohort certainly did, as did his millions of unwilling Christian victims.

Guest • 4 years ago
Paul Weston • 4 years ago

You don't seem to be following the argument Mitor old chap. It is the punishment for NOT using the preferred pronoun that is totalitarian. Identity politics is politics. People are now punished for incorrect political thought and behaviour. Just as they were in Nazi Germany, Maoist China and Soviet Russia.

Busy Mum • 4 years ago

"people who challenged Christian beliefs"

It was more nuanced than that. People challenged the (Roman) Church's beliefs, and the Roman Church didn't like that and behaved in very unchristian ways, presumably the fruit of their unchristian beliefs.

Guest • 4 years ago
Busy Mum • 4 years ago

Most of Europe remained RC.

Guest • 4 years ago
Busy Mum • 4 years ago

And where people are stabbed right into the 21st century. You need to grasp the concept of a fallen world.

Guest • 4 years ago
Busy Mum • 4 years ago


And Christians don't need altars any more.

Guest • 4 years ago
Busy Mum • 4 years ago

The stab vest industry has grown as Christianity has declined.

Mozzy • 4 years ago

And yet you are in favour of someone imposing a gendered dysphoric mindset on others.

As Wittgenstein observed. Religious statements have meaning.

Mozzy • 4 years ago

"You are prepared to falsify medical claims"

“You are prepared to give your lives?”
“You are prepared to commit murder?”
“To commit acts of sabotage which may cause the deaths of hundreds of innocent people?”
“To betray your country to foreign powers?”
“You are prepared to cheat, to forge, to blackmail, to corrupt the minds of children, to distribute habit-forming drugs, to encourage prostitution,
to disseminate venereal diseases, to do anything which is likely to
cause demoralization and weaken the power of the Party?”

“If, for example, it would somehow serve our interests to throw sulfuric acid in a child’s face; are you prepared to do that?”

theSailor • 4 years ago

my job was to say things about this product that to the best of my knowledge were not true

Fancy that.

Guest • 4 years ago
theSailor • 4 years ago

I don't.

Guest • 4 years ago