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Charlotte Gogola • 1 year ago

Very well written. As a woman, I can't empathize with the male patients, but I think this whole legal entanglement is all about money. The doctors' focus should be on the safety and efficacy of the implants. I hope the product keeps evolving to be more satisfactory for the patients. I can see where the implant could make a significant difference in a man's life.

JPTrinity • 1 year ago

Interesting article. Fortunately, I was born "average" to a bit more, but I do know a couple of guys who were not fortunate in this area, and it obviously bothered them, so this information will probably be welcome for some. Few of us were born with perfect physical attributes (going bald in late 20's is not for the weak ego) but learning to handle life's highs and lows is just part of living and those who want to "look" better is just human nature.

Richard Nast • 1 year ago

Anything for page views. This just shows this rag is losing eyeballs rather quickly- hence the clickbait wrapped up in a wordy article.

How classless and embarrassing to talk about Penil anything in an article, as your subject. This along with your left wing hypocrisy here in the Great State of a (Republican Texas) is garbage, go somewhere else with that…like California! It’s why I won’t be subscribing again to this junk! Signed a generational Texan.

Melissa • 1 year ago

Goodness gracious. Getting that fired up over a business and money issue sure seems excessive. I thought republicans supported big business. Since you quit your subscription, I signed up for a subscription in your place. I’m not from Texas, but I don’t think it really matters. Cheers!

Truck O'Trolls • 1 year ago

‘big business’ LOL

Apparently, everything isn’t Texas sized in Texas.

George Schwarz • 1 year ago

You silly little prude who can’t even spell penile properly. If it weren’t for penises and the related functions, you wouldn’t be here. And besides, this story is about money and could have involved any number of inventions. I suggest you grow up and/or get into therapy.

Texas North • 11 months ago

If people had been more open to talking "about Penil anything", Dr. James Elist wouldn't have been able to hide that his device was disfiguring men for the past 20 years. Talking about sex doesn't hurt people. *Not* talking about sex has killed people.

karl1948 • 1 year ago

California and liberal Houston -- a matched pair. And not what is located near the subject of this article.

Katie • 9 months ago

This is a very well written and intriguing article. It's depth could only be a result of, what I imagine to be, countless hours of research. Kudos to Michael Hardy! He has written an excellent and informative piece about a topic that is clearly a soft spot for some! Thank you for your hard work and dedication, sir. 😊