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Looks good...

fancycoder88 • 5 years ago

Your settings page link and create a playground link are both not working. I am trying to clone your git repository but I'm not able to.

Thibaud Jobert • 5 years ago

we duplicated all playgrounds from Tech.io to CodinGame, but the playground's creation still happens on Tech.io: https://tech.io/new-playground

Same for settings: https://tech.io/settings/login

MarcoVaz • 6 years ago

Is it possible to put html iframe in the playground page? If yes, How can I do this?

G-Rom • 6 years ago

Not directly but you can use viewer to do so. Check https://tech.io/playgrounds...

MarcoVaz • 6 years ago

OK, Thanks

loloof64 • 7 years ago

Hello ! Is it possible to translate a playground into several languages so that the computer automatically select the matched language or the fallback language (I mean "en") ?

Thibaud Jobert • 7 years ago

it's possible now!

Jerome Cance • 7 years ago

Not at the moment, but we're currently thinking about it. So expect it soon.

t15t • 7 years ago

Hi, How can I delete a playground ? Thx

JBM • 7 years ago

My playgrounds menu (upper right near your avatar)
Select your playground.
On your playground metadata page, next to its title just under the top bar, there's a context menu hidden under that down-pointing arrowhead.
The "delete playground" feature is there.

Jerome Cance • 7 years ago

There is a little arrow next to the title in the administration of your playground.

t15t • 7 years ago

Indeed, there is the small blue arrow :)
Thank you both for your responsiveness

Daxlo • 2 years ago

OMG. There is no arrow. Bug???
However!: Click the emptiness directly after the title, and you will get a dropdown menu as described.

Daxlo • 2 years ago

Select a Playground. On the page showing the preview: Click the emptiness directly right of the title at the top, and you will get a dropdown menu with a Delete option. Maybe there is an arrow for you. My browser showed no arrow or any indication of a menu.

BUG REPORT: This button on the playground page is not rendering in my Chrome and not in MS Edge browser: <button ng-click="openDropdown(!dropdownOpen)" class="playground_header-header-dropdown-button"> <svg class="playground_header-header-dropdown-button-icon" ...=""></path></svg> </button>

[CG]Thibaud • 2 years ago

Thanks, it's a known bug that is currently being fixed.

Gal Horowitz • 7 years ago

Hey there! If I were you, I would into https://idyll-lang.github.i... - it could really help!

Chu21 • 6 years ago

how to learned here

MrBurgess4 • 7 years ago

I'd like to learn more about writing Viewers. I've read the one or two pages of documentation here on the topic, but I've not found the detail I require. Essentially, how do you actually go about communicating between the web page viewer HTML/JS and the test runner - i.e. to change a diagram while the tests run depending on the outcomes. Is it something to do with opening a channel between the runner and the web page, and outputting / reading messages? Is there an example anywhere I could look at?

Jerome Cance • 7 years ago

Here is the playground to help you: https://tech.io/playgrounds...
Let me know if you have any trouble with it.

MrBurgess4 • 7 years ago

Thanks Jerome - that's excellent. I understand now. I knew it would be simple, but just couldn't quite see how to start. I'll have a go at building my own dynamic viewers now...

Jerome Cance • 7 years ago

In your case you can't use the static viewer provided by the -s parameter. You should open your own server on the server side, then use the open command without the -s parameter but with the -p (port) parameter. Doing this will open a classic server. Then you can communicate with it using ajax just like you would have done with a classic website (client <> server). I'll create a simple playground to show you that and come back to you soon.

MarcoVaz • 6 years ago

Hi, How can I put Snippets in terminal mode in my playgrounds:

jpolitz • 3 years ago

I'm also interested in this! I would love to see just the standard out in terminal formatting like with snippets, and haven't seen a good way to do this.

Thanks for bringing this up!

Anonymous • 10 months ago


Anonymous • 1 year ago


Nneoma • 2 years ago

go to githch and login in it should work

Nneoma • 2 years ago

i think i can help

AdrienJoly • 4 years ago

tech.io looks like a promising platform to host and test coding exercises for my students!
just in case: is it possible to host tech.io's webapp on my own infrastructure? (I could not find its source code)

[CG]Thibaud • 4 years ago

unfortunately, it's not possible. However you can embed code snippets

shin okada • 4 years ago

Regarding How to add a Quiz, can you add this to https://tech.io/snippet ?
So that we can copy and paste to websites?

Hypsene • 4 years ago

hello everyone, hello tech.io team !

Here is some context :
I'm building a react app embedding a playground.
I'd like to sync my page status according to the playground Run button result, so I can determine in my page if the playground is validated or not.
basically : when test is ok, i get the info in my app.
I thought about access iframe content but since it's from a different origin, I can't access iframe content.
I thought about having a way to fire a callback from the playground itself, but can't find anything in the documentation to do such thing.
And that is pretty much all about it.

How could I achieve my goal ?
Do I need to set something inside the playground ?
If so, how could I differentiate who's executing the callback or whatever call from the playground ?
If not, is there any other solution ? ( premium features for example )

thanks for your reply

[CG]Thibaud • 4 years ago

You can indeed fire a callback from a playground (sorry, it's not in the documentation). The network is open from the playgrounds.

gattonero1052 • 5 years ago

Is it possible to put python code and java code in one playground?

[CG]Thibaud • 5 years ago

yes, with code snippets

bleedingheart32 • 6 years ago

im just trying to find a way i can learn

Marco Vaz • 6 years ago

what is happening with TECHIO Command OPEN because when I run from my playground I get the following message: Runner error
Unable to open static viewer
TECHIO> open -s / project / target / www ExerciciosSequencial.html
I need to reset the viewer and it executes

G-Rom • 6 years ago

normally it's fixed

Marco Vaz • 6 years ago

How can I put left side menu on my playground?

[CG]Thibaud • 6 years ago

It's not possible for regular playgrounds, but readers can access the menu from the top. The left side menu is only available in the documentation (which is a playground too).

Marco Vaz • 6 years ago

OK. Thanks!

doblesesays • 6 years ago

It is possible to embed only the playground section on a web?

[CG]Thibaud • 6 years ago

If you mean the entire playground, no, it's not possible. If you mean just the code snippets, yes, it's possible. I wrote about that here: https://tech.io/blog/share-...

doblesesays • 6 years ago

What if a want embed more that one code snippets... i mean, have more than one iframe?

[CG]Thibaud • 6 years ago

still possible. Each snippet has an embed code associated to it.

doblesesays • 6 years ago

the snippets share the script code? i think no... This is having me problems right now

[CG]Thibaud • 6 years ago

each snippet has a unique identifier. What exact problem do you have? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at thibaud@codingame.com

Lemures • 6 years ago

Can we use this Ui for our Projects? I like the sidebar more than the drop-down at the top.

G-Rom • 6 years ago

Sadly not at the moment, but this is something we can consider in the future.

[TLS][2021]florian.bord • 7 years ago

Hello, I have my course in French that I translated in English and I would like to know if it is possible that the two versions is on a same playground or I must create two different ?