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Where can we find the answers to the exercises?? The software that tests what we write seems to be buggy. I couldn't pass hte isNotPrime test until I manually copied and pasted my `isPrime` function from the previous exercise. Now I'm again not passing the manual implementation of `reject` and because it's hurt me before I now can't tell if my code is bad, or if the software that's testing the exercises is garbo.
Yeah I figured out that stuffs are weird. For whoever finds this comment, the issue is because the line
const isPrime = require('./isPrime.js'); // our previous snippet
Will require the whole file. So to use the actual function you need to do isPrime.isPrime() (which is dumb).
A nicer way is to change the l2 into :
const { isPrime } = require('./isPrime.js'); // our previous snippet
The brackets will target the actual function.
Hello everyone. I would really appreciate your help with this code. I am stuck and don't know how to get it to run. Can anyone help me please? Thanks.
The cart is an array of objects like this:
var cart=[
{"name":"Biscuits", "type":"regular", "category":"food", "price": 2.0},
{"name":"Monitor", "type":"prime", "category":"tech", "price": 119.99},
{"name":"Mouse", "type":"prime", "category":"tech", "price": 25.50},
{"name":"dress", "type":"regular", "category":"clothes", "price": 49.90},
function isPrime(item){
return item + "type";
function primeItems(cart){
return "type" + cart;
const cart = ['Buscuits', 'Monitor', 'Mouse', 'dress'];
const cartItems = cart.filter(primeItems);
// {
module.exports = {
primeItems: primeItems,
isPrime: isPrime
// }
Hi there. Thanks for creating this resource. I've been stuck for quite some time (and only the 2nd Page, yikes) the code I have for coupon.js returns an error on this test but seems to work fine in JS Bin. I really can'r see what I'm missing. Can anyone shed light on it for me?
Here's my code:
function applyCoupon(cart){
// write your code here let discount = (x) =>
// filter the tech items
let discountedProducts = cart
.filter((product) => {
return product.category === 'tech'
}).map((product) => {
return ( product.price - (product.price * 0.2) ).toFixed(2)
return discountedProducts
you are returning only the tech items, but the function should return all items in the cart
great stuff thanks
Hi, awesome course!
could you please tell what's wrong in the following code?
function applyCoupon(cart) {
return cart.map(function (el) {
if (el.category == "tech") {
return el.price * 0.8;
return el.price;
On page 2, last exercise, I get this error :
1) tests: should return the prime items:
TypeError: totalCost.totalCost is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (higher/totalCost.spec.js:39:49)
With this code (which works flawlessly in Chrome console) :
function totalCost(cart){
const callback = (acc, x) => {
return acc + x.price;
return cart.reduce(callback, 0);
(I'm probably doing something wrong though)
All problems aside thanks for this really cool tutorial !
You probably accidentally removed the line that exports your function.
The correct code is
function totalCost(cart){
const callback = (acc, x) => {
return acc + x.price;
return cart.reduce(callback, 0);
// { autofold
module.exports = {
totalCost: totalCost
// }
Perfect it works ! Never saw that piece of code, I probably CTRL-A + backspaced all of it out :p
Great tutorial series thank you :)
I hate that you have to insert that, but sadly there is no way around
Hello Andrea,
thanks for creating this introduction.
I enjoyed it until the recursion task (bottom of page 4). In my opinion this is a huge increase in difficulty, compared to the previous steps and the examples. The guidance you provide on this page was unfortunately not enough for me.
Having spent a few unsuccessful hours on this problem, is there a way you could share a functional solution? I'm sure I could learn from it.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for your answer. I really like it.
Hello, Andrea!
Code "return _.reject(cart, isPrime)" in notPrimeItems doesn't work. But when I'm writing this as callback "return _.reject(cart, (item) => item.type === 'prime')" it passes all test. Something wrong with tests? Or I'm doing something wrong?
Hi, the line
const isPrime = require('./isPrime.js');
imports the file you created, but to call the function `isPrime` within that file you have to write
, sorry for the confusion I'll clarify that in the playground as soon as possible.
Thanks for reply, I didn't noticed that an object is exported :) The object destructuring can be used here as well:
const { isPrime } = require('./isPrime.js');
4 years and he still hasn't updated it.
Is the spread operator not supported? `{ ...item }`