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RunninglVlan • 7 years ago

>Community-empowered: All content is hosted on Github repositories. What does that mean? Well, readers can make pull requests on the author’s content in order to suggest improvements.
Hi, this is a quote from https://tech.io/blog/techio...
Can I see this feature on the example of this content?

[CG]Nick • 7 years ago

Yes, you can make pull request to suggest improvements. The github is available here: https://github.com/marchete... .
In few days, the feature with edit/fork button should be available directly from the playground interface, in the header.

xiang • 3 years ago

how to partition city map by using voronoi diagram?

MechatHeart • 5 years ago

This is a great explanation for vornoi. Thank you very much

RunninglVlan • 7 years ago

Be careful with JS code in /lets-get-your-hands-dirty, I used the same name for local variable in `fillVoronoi` as existing function (`var distance = distance(tile, player);`) and at first thought that my implementation was incorrect when the problem was with variable shadowing.
Strange, I think this is the first time I see this particular case.

Also there was no errors in the Console. I checked and noticed that all Errors are ignored, they are caught in main.js. I think it would be better to at least log them.

ursusfelis • 7 years ago

can you include an example code??

Marchete • 7 years ago

Added a solution to the exercise as an spoiler block.

Marchete • 7 years ago

¿About a real implementation?
I may depend on the language you use.
The pseudocode is on the first page. If you need a real implementation you can either check the source code of the course ( https://github.com/marchete... ) or in the Rosetta Code web ( https://rosettacode.org/wik... ). There are multiple implementations in many languages.

Thanks i've already check rosetta. it's very interesting

Booligoosh • 7 years ago

wow, this would work well for https://www.codingame.com/m... I assume

Thibaud Jobert • 7 years ago

the playground is actually linked there ;)