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can you share any link for this
can you please share latest source code. bcs i used and its working very slow
I ran the Source code, the PDF file was generated with _cmp added to the original Name. However, when i tried to open the PDF converted file, it was always throwing error message saying that " There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired. "
Can you please help me regarding this error message.
the below lines throwing an error: {"The system cannot find the file specified"}
Tesseract I have downloaded the folder from the github link specified and unzip and kep in the folder C:\Program Files\..but no luck ..please help
s.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\;
Is it possible get the output file format PDF/a-1b?
I created a Github project for this and brought the code up to 2018.
I apologize for the noob question, but I downloaded your updated code and added both the Hocr and Hocr.Cmd projects to my sample project. How do I call your functions though?
It's in the readme, u have to load the stream and pass the stream
Hi, i tried it, but hocr-gui\bin\Release\hocr-gui.exe crash. the exe in debug folder make a pdf bigger then the source but it isn't whit ocr :(
Dear friend
try to debug the code and track out source code, which line is giving issue
can you send me some sample file to track the issue
Dear all
I have upload its source code in article, Please check and revert in case of any doubt
Source code please
Can you please share Source code and executable for testing?
Please consider it as urgent..
Can you please share Source code?
can you share the Source code and the exe
I have a branch of this code in my github, https://github.com/Fairfiel...
I was wondering if there was a way to incorporate this idea into something that I could include with my windows desktop application?
Also, the example you provided assumes that you know how many pages there are in the input PDF file. We can't know that ahead of time, so could it do something to the file ahead of time and determine how many pages there are?
I downloaded both GhostScript.NET and Tesseract into my VS2017 project but that didn't install any of the command line programs you use in your example.
Finally, what would the use of all three functions (ConvertPDFtoBitmap, CreateHOCR, and WriteUnderlayContent) look in a real example?