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kouroi • 4 years ago

DoD, the War on Terror are not about protecting American lives....

ZizaNiam • 4 years ago

All well and good, but will israel allow the US to withdraw from the Middle East? Not likely.

veteran2013 • 4 years ago

And the overwhelming majority of Americans are going to vote for more of all of this horror, again!

Baruch Dreamstalker • 4 years ago

Could you unpackage that, please?

Trump did not win any kind of majority. That was Hillary. The Electoral College elected Trump.

Biden, unlike Trump, is not running under the banner of getting us out of "stupid wars." But it is an imposition on the truth to say a Biden victory would be a vote for more wars.

In a democratic election, we don't get to vote for the foreign policy of Candidate A and the farm policy of Candidate B. Doesn't work that way. More likely, a Biden win would be a victory for no more Trump.

Feral Finster • 4 years ago

Forever War is a bipartisan thing.

likbez • 4 years ago

Rabid militarism is the result of "Full Spectrum Dominance Doctine". It can't be changed without changing the doctrine. Which
requires elimination of neocons from foreign policy establishment. But the there is not countervailing force to MIC to push for

Clyde Schechter • 4 years ago

There is not, and has not been since the Cold War, any daylight between the Republican and Democratic parties on foreign policy. Both have been consistently in the thrall of the neocons. While a few Democratic contenders took anti-war stances this year (Sanders, Warren, Gabbard), the rest did not, and Biden, specifically has been on the wrong side of all of these issues in the past. There is no reason to think he will not continue the endless wars and, probably, start new ones if elected.

Since relatively few people vote for third parties, it is a sure thing that the vast majority of Americans will vote for one of the two warmongers on offer from the major parties. And so it was in 2016: whether you voted for Clinton or Trump, you were voting for more endless war. Those who supported Clinton mostly knew that; many who voted for Trump deluded themselves into thinking otherwise.

veteran2013 • 4 years ago

Feral and Clyde summed it up succinctly. What makes you think it is an imposition on the truth to say a Biden victory would be a vote for more wars?