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taxpayer22 • 2 years ago

The vaccinated are spreading the spike protein..~ Dr. Bryam Bridle, professor of viral immunology..

Stephen Decatur • 2 years ago

"It was a shock because you know I'm triple vaxed, haven't been anywhere, haven't done anything. Unless everybody gets vaccinated, this is what we're gonna be facing for the next little while."

What kind of anti logic is that? Stupidity combined with ignorance on display. And what does that say about anyone who agrees with anything this nitwit says?

However, like the proverbial blind squirrel who finds an acorn, she might actually be vaccinated now. It's called natural immunity.

taxpayer22 • 2 years ago

Karens freak out that they might get a sun burn - if others do not wear sun block lotion.

The Saint • 2 years ago

Shocked? Whoopsi is just another ignorant Liberal. They should be driven from our shores. I'm sure China will take them.

Bob G • 2 years ago

Like Jane Fonda and Viet Nam.

Gwyllim • 2 years ago

Well, after all, her real first name IS Caryn.

Drumwaster • 2 years ago

"This is the first time in History that people are blaming the failure of a vaccine on the people who didn't take it."

Bob G • 2 years ago

Kind of like: The protected need protection from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to take the jab that failed to protect the protected.

Sounds like a SNL skit. Where's John Belushi when you need him?

Drumwaster • 2 years ago

The worst part is the final stop on that train of thought, the one that Democrats never quite got to. The unprotected are actually the ones who need protection from the vaccinated, since the vaccinated can catch and spread, and the unprotected are at risk from a deadly disease being spread willy-nilly by those possessing those oh-so-stylish vaccine passports.

Ergo, the vaccinated need to be locked away, for their own good, and for the safety of the rest of us. Since the public health is at risk from known disease spreaders, and all.

Joe Alan • 2 years ago

That's good! If it is your original, consider it stolen.

Gwyllim • 2 years ago

I saw someone use it on Twitter a couple of days ago.

FrenchLeTaunter • 2 years ago

The ghettopotomus hasn't figured out that the "vaccine"
is useless for protecting anyone from anything, but it sure
does work killing tens of thousands of people.
I'll NEVER put that poison in me.

Bob G • 2 years ago

But the fools will all go to their graves screaming it's our fault for not getting jabbed. Such insanity.

Jizzmo Onyabhutti • 2 years ago

Ghettopotomus. You win.

Arthur Kingmarlin • 2 years ago

I love the word 'ghettopotomas'. In your coinage of this magnificent descriptor you've granted the language a Blessing and a BOON.

Deguello • 2 years ago

“Onomatopoeia” is a word sounding like what it describes. What kind of word describes perfectly what something looks like?

Arthur Kingmarlin • 2 years ago

Well in that case if you look the picture of her at the top of the article we need the word
Hood-A-Clitoris. Because she looks like a giant lady button☻

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

Probably not going to gain immunity. Her immune system's trained to produce the wrong antibodies already.

Gwyllim • 2 years ago

Besides being about 40% eliminated.

Rambler • 2 years ago

Only they are not vaccinated. They are mRNA'ed.

taxpayer22 • 2 years ago

True - poisoned

CyborgSeer • 2 years ago

Whoopedup Goldbrick from The Skew is old enough to remember when vaccines took 10 years on average to develop and not 9 months, along with never having to distance or mask or booster AND not getting what the shot was for, but she enjoys being lied to which is what Democrats do best. They are always one step ahead as they move on to new crimes after blaming Republicans for prior Democrat crimes. I watched a video of Republicans wanting prison time for Hillary if they take back the House this year, and you can check it out in crawler link top of page at Whatfinger News. We can't get too optimistic as McCarthy already said if Republicans retake the House he will NOT impeach Joe Biden so I'm sure Hilary is off the hook too. 'Whoopie' should want the people who've lied to her and the rest of us imprisoned, but since they are fellow travelers she'll give them a pass...a 'covid pass'.

Deguello • 2 years ago

Big Pharma shot up the control group and killed the test animals, then demand a dark, secret hole on what they did for 75 years.

Waylander the Slayer • 2 years ago

I've been thinking this since the jabs started! Just like overused antibiotics cause MRSA....

taxpayer22 • 2 years ago

The vaxed are the spreaders .

Boudica • 2 years ago

dumb as a bag of hammers?, no dumb as two bags of hammers.

Edward Cane • 2 years ago

Fear mongering a common cold. Sad. Crippling a nation. Treasonous. Calling January 6th an insurrection, a bold faced lie. Allowing Communists to take away our freedoms, pathetic. Biden is a chump.

CyborgSeer • 2 years ago

The globalist alt-far-left-communists crippled the GLOBE with their scamdemic and scariants.

John • 2 years ago

Satan has unleashed a global assualt on humanity. And humanity are clueless. Sitting ducks. Easy pickings.

Gwyllim • 2 years ago

Not THIS human.

FrenchLeTaunter • 2 years ago

"The fairest, most secure election in our history."

All lies all the time now. ANYTHING coming from
government or American Pravda is a lie. Guaranteed.

Mocking morons • 2 years ago

It's not a common cold, but a common flu to be precise.
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloquine will fix you if you take it early. Thats what proper doctors have been doing with 99% successful treatments.

John • 2 years ago

And The Donald and the rest of the RINOs did nothing about it all. ....and still doing nothing the RINOs. Both parties are on the same Anti-American team. Crooks.

Edward Cane • 2 years ago

You're just an anti Trump commie. You probably voted for Hillary.

John • 2 years ago

No you are completely wrong. I was rooting for Trump when it was he that won, hoping that he would be the strong and smart leader that he had painted himself out to be. But I was disappointed. ..and many with me. I'm just not a cultist like you. I stand on principle. I am on the MAGA train. Not on the Trump train, like you and your fellow cultists. I'm on the Right. Much more so than you, I am sure of that, seeing your stupid comment.

Edward Cane • 2 years ago

No you're not. You'd know that Trump was cheated by commies and RINOs. And you'd STFU.

Edward Cane • 2 years ago

You are a progressive liberal democrat trying to spread dissent. It's very obvious.

John • 2 years ago

If I were, wouldn't I proudly say so? Would I claim to be on the Right and on the MAGA train? You are a moron.

Edward Cane • 2 years ago

RINOs do it all the time.

LiveFree • 2 years ago

Well, Whoopster-- get your booster and take up a stressful cardio activity... like professional soccer. I'm sure the problem will work itself out.

Verbal Bomb Chucker • 2 years ago

Bawahahahahahahahaha. Fat-Head Whoopi-pie, who is a triple Vaxxed Sheeple got the WuFlu. Bawahahahahahahaha. Meanwhile, I haven't done a damn thing the Government Weenies have said to do.
Wear a Mask - NOPE
Bathe in Sanitizer - NOPE
Social Distance - NOPE
Don't shake hands - NOPE
Don't hug - NOPE
Close your business for 15 days - NOPE
Get Vaxxed - HELL NO
My neighbor and their whole family are triple Vaxxed and they ALL have WuFlu right now! Bawahahahahaha. They asked me, "Why aren't you ever sick?" Because I have a high amount of Neanderthal DNA (8.86%) and I'm NOT going to get Vaxxed........EVER.

SND • 2 years ago

Amen, amen & amen!!!!

blackfeather • 2 years ago

"shocked"?? maybe she can grab a hot wire on the ground somewhere...then maybe..

CyborgSeer • 2 years ago

"As of this morning, we are completely wireless here on Schrute Farms. As soon as I find out where Mose hid all the wires, we'll have that power back on." -- Dwight Schrute, The Office, Season 4 Episode 4, "Money"

Pluto's Moon • 2 years ago

“ Ted Danson please pick up the white courtesy phone … Ted Danson… thank you “

CyborgSeer • 2 years ago

He moved on to Mary Steenburgen in 1995. Still married.

Pluto's Moon • 2 years ago

Yes, we know.

However, he should always be “consulted “ in matters concerning the Whoopster just for the “ laughs and giggles “ effect !

It’s not everyone who has that much notability for once mounting a water buffalo !

Ken • 2 years ago

OK now thats funny..............................gross....................but funny

Arthur Kingmarlin • 2 years ago

What? Ted Danson commited beastiality with the whingeing black rhino?

cyclepath • 2 years ago

The black Jabba the Hut is surprised.....hahahahaha.