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James Rhodes • 2 years ago

Common sense finally making its rounds.

Recognizing_Truth • 2 years ago

It has been making the rounds for quite some time. It's just been censored. But now even the leftist media is having a hard time denying the truth - the (mRNA "vaccine") emperor has no clothes.

John • 2 years ago

We have been fed nothing but lies since the start of this NWO plandemic.

Recognizing_Truth • 2 years ago

"“we can’t vaccinate the planet every four to six months.”

And if we had actual working vaccines, YOU WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE TO MENTION such an outlandish concept.

But you know, as does every virologist, that these attempts at getting the body to produce first an antigen, then antibodies against that antigen, and that this would somehow impart an immunity to an actual pathogen not yet seen by the body because of a similar antigen on it (cross immunity)- DO NOT WORK.

The reason is also now clear.

The mRNA induces your cells to create a bad protein (antigen) and the body responds to the misbehaving cells with an AUTOimmune response. This is what is causing the clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, various other long term effects, and deaths. The cross immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is virtually non-existent (a 0.8% improvement over being unvaccinated), and because the response is autoimmune in nature, the body quickly "forgets" and removes the developed antibodies (no durability) in as little as 2-3 months.

For almost 40 years the mRNA attempt at "vaccine" have failed for exactly these reasons. Every time. No matter the virus/disease they were supposed to help.

We are currently seeing that omicron causes almost no symptoms in unvaccinated and measurable to severe symptoms in the "vaccinated" - which indicates the other problem which have plagued attempts at mRNA "vaccines", ADE, is also now a factor.

The use of these mRNA preparations MUST be ended. Now.
The damage done must be stopped so the bodies that were affected by it can heal.

COVID is done.
Let's stop the insane rrestrictive esponses and fear mongering and mandates.

Besien • 2 years ago

The Vaxx addicts want to shoot drugs up every man woman and child in an orgiastic drug craze

SweetPie88 • 2 years ago

Is it putting teh jew out of any sorts?

The jew is stuffing trillions of dollars in its pockets by teh hour.
The rothschilds say that you can.