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G. Mibalzitch • 2 years ago

One more time, help me to get this straight.

The only way to protect the protected from the unprotected is by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that doesn't protect the protected.....Right?

danthedog_2 • 2 years ago

Makes sense to me.

FrenchLeTaunter • 2 years ago


That is called "leftist logic."

USMCDanang1966 • 2 years ago

That's the ticket, (./Sar)!

YogicCowboy • 2 years ago


I mean, wrong: so wrong.

But right.

Leo • 2 years ago

Best statement I’ve heard all week.

Cyberxion • 2 years ago

Not sure why this was held for approval, but nah, not gonna play that game. Go ahead and reject it. I won't be visiting this site again on account of being way past fed up of ridiculous, nonsensical censorship.

Gary Daniel • 2 years ago

That's about it. Oh, and remember to get a booster of the vaccine that doesn't work to boost the vaccine that doesn't work with more vaccine that doesn't work.

Viet Nam Vet • 2 years ago

Almost as confusing as the corrupt government.

LadyWolf • 2 years ago

Wow! I congratulate you on taking a confusing subject and making it succinct!

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

There is now a positive correlation between vaccination and covid cases, ie the vaccines aren't 99% effective, or 75% effective, or 50% effective, but they are negative-percent effective. So try working that tidbit in and you'll just about have it.

Welcome to the Stupid Age! If a police officer can be convicted of murder for causing undo stress on a violent criminal that's about to OD because he ate enough drugs to kill a hippopotamus, this is not that far of a stretch.

Hawk • 2 years ago

Not just that, but the convicted criminal then has statues erected in his honor and murals painted of him! ...even having lightning strike and destroy one isn't enough of a message for these people to get a clue!

YogicCowboy • 2 years ago

While the statues of statesmen are torn down.

It is radical egalitarianism: communism in action.

Marc Craven 🔱 • 2 years ago

So there are no medical requirements to being Surgeon General, I see.

He_Be_Gee_Bee • 2 years ago

Especially when you look at the current one as well. Not into science.

Marc Craven 🔱 • 2 years ago

I suspect the current crop of "leaders" for the Xiden Regime were selected because they were less intelligent than Slo Joe.

Gary Daniel • 2 years ago

Its based on an algorithm of which Cracker Jack box one purchases I believe. And your pronouns.

jimhalfwit • 2 years ago

So glad Jerome Adams is no longer surgeon general. But it's all relative. What we have now may be worse which is the progression of bureaucrats.

Jerry the BANNED • 2 years ago

So the unvacced caused the vacced to die, i now understand libtards

erzengle • 2 years ago

Having made the political personal they are now making things "medical" personal. It is not the virus causing havoc or the man instrumental in its creation, it is the people that do not have the shot. This is a logical two step and an emotional trigger. If the vaccine worked what does it matter? It only works if everyone has it? Even the people that have the shots can pass it on and die from it. So someone must be to blame and not the the "men of letters" that made both the virus and the vaccine.
They lock us up, without charge, to keep us apart. We are all toxic! Then they divide us with the masks and now the vaccine, throwing in mandates to create unemployment or compliance. The refuseniks will be cast out into a lawless wilderness and into domestic banishmen

jenkem5 • 2 years ago

These are the product of affirmative action. Putting people that are not qualified into positions of consequence. Had these two clowns NOT of been black, they would of never risen thru the ranks like they did. It is full on AA. AA may be the true reason of America’s decline. TOTAL FAILURE by the inept.

Viet Nam Vet • 2 years ago

Indeed. Affirmative action sure has been a great boon to OUR America. Nothing better than waiting on some government employed mighty_negro as they lord it over Hated Whitey.

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

This ain't affirmative action, pal. This is outright Marxist insurrection.

kinni88 • 2 years ago

He was in the highest risk category there is -- he had blood cancer, was 80+ years old and a male. He had virtually 0 immunity.

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

No -- higher risk: he was vaccinated. Don't EVEN think I'm joking around.

Uncommon Sense • 2 years ago

Of course, the vaccines have led to an increase in cancers. So, did Powell die of covid or did the vaccine kill him? The world will never know - because they don't want us to know.

Apples and Oranges • 2 years ago

He’s 84 with immune issues.
His work was done. He was finished.

Viet Nam Vet • 2 years ago

His "work was done" or his part in "destroying OUR America" is done ?

WeWa • 2 years ago


AnotherLover • 2 years ago

Don't dismiss the cancer connection. Cancers are killing the vaccinated -- and they're extremely bizarre cancers that explode out of remission and take the people out before biopsies can even be completed.

Look up "The Highwire with Del Bigtree" on Bitchute, and search for the episode:

"Is there a covid vaccine / cancer connection?"

Interview with a highly experienced pathologist describing the situation.

Apples and Oranges • 2 years ago

Cancer isn’t always a death sentence. But if the cancer doesn’t kill you, the chemo, radiation, and surgery will.

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

Understood. What's happening with the vaccinated, though, is death. Cancers come screaming out of remission and -- bang! -- kill the patient. I recommend you go to Bitchute and watch the video I mentioned. Bitchute is terrible for searching, so you have to put in this exact title in order to find it:

Is there a covid vaccine / cancer connection?


Anyone who believes that someone who is TRULY vaccinated can get whatever they are vaccinated against is STUPID. And there are a LOT of stupid people in this world, many more than I ever imagined. If you think that someone that was born with a wiener is a female, if you believe someone who was born with a hole in the front is a male, YOU ARE STUPID. If you think something that has a different dna than it's host is part of the host, YOU ARE STUPID.
Now, there is one political persuasion that believes that crapola, and they are called liberals.

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

So I'm on the corner, swinging my sign that reads: THE VACCINES KILL, and a guy stopped at the light yells out at me: "You know what else kills? Stupidity!" and I tell him: "Agreed. You have a good point."

WeWa • 2 years ago

Leftists or Progressives, or Communists, maybe, but a "liberal" is far more sane and honest than any of those.

disqus_iRqdi1HTGf • 2 years ago

People are dumber than in the movie Idiocracy. Even toddlers would understand how absolutely stupid the vaccine junky logic is.

jimhalfwit • 2 years ago

Many people believe their phone is smarter than they are.

WeWa • 2 years ago

And they're correct.

doc_who_cuts • 2 years ago

the vaxxed population is the reservoir... both when well and when sick, the vaxxed population harbors MASSIVELY higher total viral loads. that's a KNOWN data point.

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

A massive study just came out involving data from several countries and several hundred US cities or counties that shows a positive correlation between vaccination and covid cases. So, yeah. Hit me up if you want the study's title.

Chickie Fillette • 2 years ago

Never met Colin Powell. Perhaps the vaccine didn't work. The vaccine doesn't work against Delta apparently but I'm sure some crack doktor tested to see if this was Delta.

Oh! There's no Delta test? Then maybe the vaccine isn't a vaccine but Zyklon-B.

jimhalfwit • 2 years ago

An actual vaccine arms the body's immune system to the identity of the invader. The vax doesn't matter if your immune system is compromised. Two years ago, Powell would have died with pneumonia. Today, politically correct and profitable for the medical establishment to call it covid. The patient need only display symptoms of covid to call it covid.

Mavericks Ghost • 2 years ago

I'd ask the question of how long ago was Powell's last shot? Because it's on record that they won't count you as vaccinated until 2 weeks after the last shot. So you get the jab and you're unvaccinated, you get the 2nd jab unvaccinated, you get the 1st booster and you are vaccinated ONLY if you last 2 weeks after that last shot. Most cases of death occur within the first week after the shot so technically yes it is the unvaccinated. Of course all those who have had all 3 shots, just wait because the moment they start pushing a 2nd booster you'll be unvaccinated again. Pfizer has stated they plan on 10+ boosters, 1 a month FOR LIFE! Then they have their ivermectin based pill in development which they say will be 2 PER DAY! Truth is you can never be protected from COVID. Indeed Pfizer's latest advice is to catch COVID after getting the jabs because their jabs are garbage and natural immunity trumps it.

Ibeanta Darwin • 2 years ago

So, it is possible for Powell to be fully vax'd sometime after his funeral.

Mavericks Ghost • 2 years ago

That will probably be Fauci's next edict. "No one may attend a funeral unless all present, including the deceased, are fully vaccinated" The point is you can never be fully vaccinated. Soon as Pfizer announce their second booster all those proud libtards that took the 3 shots now have to trot along and get the fourth, then the fifth, the sixth on and on. The UK PM envisions a DAILY vaccine shot and unless you can prove your vaccine status and you took that shot this morning you won't set foot outside your door! Pfizer's latest advice is to get the vaccines...AND THEN CATCH COVID! Yes if you want to be properly protected catch the disease that the shots were supposed to prevent you catching...See can't be vaccinated because they aren't vaccines that's just a convenient name so Pfizer don't/can't get sued!

AnotherLover • 2 years ago

I'm sure the fucker had a booster shot as well. The vaccine almost surely killed him -- it causes cancers to take off like a rocket. Search Bitchute for the The Highwire episode called:
"Is there a covid vaccine / cancer connection?"
Interview with a pathologist that explains how the immune-system modification inherent to the modified mRNA could -- "could" -- cause cancer.

Mavericks Ghost • 2 years ago

The head scientist at Pfizer admitted you take the 2 main shots and your immune system is gone 84%...then they bring out the booster! It's because they want us all DEPENDANT on them. Wake up take your pill, go to the bathroom to take your shot and slap that patch on, eat your GMO meals and live your day. They are pissed about the fact that 50% of the US public are on anti-depressants (the SRI SSRI types like Prozac, Zoloft etc.) they want that figure to be at least 85% that's in spite of the link to suicide/homicide that they put on the insert! The FAA even lets pilots take that crap, think about that next time you get on a plane, the pilot could be on drugs that admit he could succumb to feelings of suicide/mass homicide. Then look at the next pilot error plane crash! But Big Pharma want to take away all our immunity so they can a) pump whatever crap they want into our veins and b) play the messiah by screwing you over with a shot that will offer protection against the effects of the last shot they pumped into you. I knew someone who was on 11 separate drugs, they gave her 3 to begin with for her condition (chronic nerve pain), then 5 more to counter the side effects, then 3 more to counter the side effects caused by those 5. She ended up trying shredded Japanese Rishi/Reiki mushroom in her coffee and got off ALL of those drugs. I myself took a drug for 2 years for the same condition, my dosage reached potentially lethal values because it did nothing for me. Do you imagine the GP cared? His best advice was "find your dose!" Then I find out the drug company KNOWS in 67% of cases like mine that drug doesn't work and has been in court multiple times for bribing GPs to prescribe it, in their own words "even in cases where the prescription is not appropriate!" THEY DON'T CARE BEYOND THE PROFIT LINE!

Clint_Beastwood • 2 years ago

Rando non-medical-career guy on the street here. Let me help 'doctor' Adams out a bit.
The double 'vaxx' that was given to Powell (or every other recipient of it) gave him only ONE type of antibody (and an artificial one at that, instead of natural immune system-generated antibodies). Just ONE. If Powell came in contact with any of the other various strains of the 'rona his immune system was mostly 'disarmed' and unable to fight it. Adams' dishonesty about this cuts against extremely basic knowledge of how the immune system works, and his refusal to point this out identifies him as being a willing collaborator in the scheme.
The creators of the 'vaxx' knowingly rushed/released an incomplete and extremely flawed product.

Jim McClane • 2 years ago

The reason why? Inactivated polio vaccine is a vaccine because it does keep people from getting polio. There is no vaccine for covid and the science community should stop calling it that. The shots only suppresses the symptoms of covid, it does not cure or prevent persons for getting sick.