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Brian Dean • 4 years ago

Great article, I was also a Ted Cruz supporter. But anybody but Crooked Hilary was getting my vote. And also being a child of the seventies, I'm a huge fan of Reagan. But it was my daily dose of Rush Limbaugh that helped me see past the shiny exterior of Donald Trump and into the core of the man. To say I've been surprised by President Trump is an understatement. My short list of his amazing accomplishments are, China, Nafta, Hong Kong, terrorism, jobs, illegal immigration, global warming lies, Iran, Brexit, NATO, DOJ, Fake news, Federal corruption, Veterans, and of course the most important, pro-life. America turned away from God in 1973, our only hope is to stop the murder of the unborn, and pray for forgiveness. I believe President Trump is the only one who can do it. MAGA

Jim Walker • 4 years ago

He accomplished all the above with 24/7 bombardment of fake news, Russian hoax, impeachment, curses/spells cast by witches etc etc.

TrutherX • 4 years ago

Great article!

“That is why Trump has jumped to the top of my personal pantheon of presidents. It’s not something I would have predicted in 2016. But I have never been happier to have been so wrong.“

I too consider Trump to be one of the best Presidents in my lifetime. He wasn’t my first choice among the R field in the primaries but was an easy no brainer choice in the general election and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the work he has done and the commitments he has labored to fulfill. Quite a refreshing change from most of his predecessors.

Yossi • 4 years ago

Good article. When Trump first announced his candidacy, I was concerned that he might have been touting things near and dear to religious conservatives like myself in order to get the Republican nomination, and that once he got it, that he would turn more liberal to appeal to the general population. Once he got the nomination and it was down to either he or Hillary Clinton becoming our next president, I decided to vote for him and hoped that there was some degree of sincerity to what he was saying. I drew an analogy from the movie "Schindler's List" -- Schindler was a serial womanizer and Nazi party member who hobnobbed with Nazi officials to make lucrative deals for himself, but if I were a Jewish prisoner in Płaszów concentration camp, I'd much rather take my chances to be put on Schindler's list and be under his care, than to remain in the care of committed Nazi commandant Amon Göth. In the situation in the 2016 election, I decided it was better take my chances with a Trump who might or might not be reliably conservative, than with a committed, pro-abortion Clinton who would definitely advance the liberal/progressive agenda. Like the writer, I've been amazed at how boldly and strongly Trump has stood for things that I as a religious conservative believe to be important.

Guest • 4 years ago
TrutherX • 4 years ago

The goal posts have to be moved to the left edge of the playing field in order to call Hillary moderate.

Guest • 4 years ago
TrutherX • 4 years ago


LibsAreFascists • 4 years ago

I would have voted for a can of dog food before voting for Hillary Clinton, so when Trump became the Republican nominee I was going to vote for him no matter what. But I wasn't happy about it. His treatment in the primaries of my preferred candidate, Ted Cruz had left a bitter taste in my mouth. But looking back now I can safely say I've never been more wrong about someone in my entire life. His fearlessness in taking on the forces of darkness when it comes to issues like abortion and the protecting of our Christian values is breathtaking. The truth of the matter is that while the unhinged on the left hate Trump, they hate and hold in contempt those of us who put him in the White House even more. They're really after us, he's just in the way. It feels great knowing we have a president who has our backs, we haven't had that since Reagan.

ServosT • 4 years ago

If anything, I think Trump is showing how easy it is to be a great president. Just believe in the principles that make America great, stick to them and don’t give a flying fig about what people say about you.

I think of all those republican senators who are so squishy when they could be strong and get elected easily by standing up to the left.