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The Shootist • 6 years ago

what's the big deal if the place has 100% Afro employees? if their competence is in question then the must go. is it like the ppp days with an abundance of square pegs in high and low office?

we've spent 23 years watching Indo Privilege and ethnic nepotism in full bloom.
Job seekers just had to be Indo with a letter from OP in their back pockets and the job was theirs. qualification and experience not necessary.
nobody dared to second guess them, and they all got the benefit of the doubt.
it was so bad that now evena constable would take God out his thoughts and pull over a motorist of Indian descent.

it was a given that all the opportunities and resources were reserved for PIO of ppp persuasion.
now the tables have turned these bigots crying foul.
over two decades the ppp had to create an equal playing field, but instead they choose to Indonize the place. what are you shocked that Africans will take care of their own kind?

granny does sey do suh nah like suh.

Gopal • 6 years ago

I highly doubt the numbers GECOM released to the media. The media should be invited to peruse GECOM staff records and to pay a visit to the office. Some investigative journalism is needed here. SN? KN? Guyana Times? Any takers?

vatvic • 6 years ago

Yeah line up all the employees and pin their ethnicity on their sleeves.

Buxton • 6 years ago

As per Benn.....look around de office, there yuh have it

Joseph Caleb • 6 years ago

You all mad at Vincent Alexander because he is the nut that the PPP, Jagdeo and the rest cannot crack. He is a decent and fair minded man, something that cannot be said about anyone at Freedom House. Robeson Benn walked into that meeting with his marching orders to disrupt, accuse and insinuate. Nice try Bharrat. Back to LGE.

QUINCY BAILEY • 6 years ago

My issue is if anyone wants to address this problem let's do it comprehensively don't single out jobs you think will benefit your ethnic group. Let's discuss comprehensive employment that would benefit everyone employment that can keep Guyana on a part to development every time this disgusting chapter in our nation history comes up it seems intelligent people lose their minds which is truly disgusting SHAME ON THE MEN AND WOMEN OF THIS COUNTRY CAN'T YOU SEE ITS THE CAUSE OF OUR SHITHOLE POSITION

Maharanee • 6 years ago

What is required is a comprehensive COI into staffing in the public service and recommendations for attaining an ethnic break down that reflects the nation as a whole. The public service must not be the purview of any political party. Maybe this hullabaloo is the catalyst needed to address this problem. Let's keep the focus on it until it is fixed.

QUINCY BAILEY • 6 years ago

WOW an ethnic break down not even a though about these people ability to do the job that's what so disgusting about some in this country look if Mr Benn had brought to the attention of this nation the inability of the staff to do their job that would have been a different matter but to inject race and to have the gullible here defend such a position is what's so disgusting

QUINCY BAILEY • 6 years ago

This is Guyana's major problem but what is amazing is how easy the ppp can find a foot soldier to do its bidding. I guess some folks are just dumb deaf and blind or as they say history just keep repeating it self by the crumbs warriors action

AHAA • 6 years ago

Who is Vincent Alexander and who is Patterson in the scheme of politics in this country...are they PNC ...just let your conscience speak ...or forever hold uour peace .

olson • 6 years ago

for this purpose was those foot soldier kept within the ranks of the PPP, remember their section commander though advance in age is at PPP HQ spreading his poison on their radio.

Slingshot • 6 years ago

Why not just deal with the issues at hand, rather than throw mud at the PPP...that party is still the major party in Guyana.
...you dont think Alexander doing the PNC bidding??

Markie13 • 6 years ago

The sad thing about the discourse in our country is that almost everything is coloured by race or prejudices. Despite we have brilliant minds, we either allow hidden agendas to jaundice objectivity or become overtaken by emotions. As someone once said, there are lies, damn lies and statistics. Mere numbers or percentages DO NOT indicate a bias one way or the other. There are multiple other factors that must be considered, i.e., who applied, are they qualified for positions applied, etc. Can someone be discriminated against who has not applied for a job in which the criteria are known by all? Was this not the same argument used about the discipline services not so long ago? I still did not see an overwhelming percentage of my Indo-Guyanese brothers (and an almost absence of Indo-Guyanese sisters!!!!) in those forces between 1992 - 2015? Are we saying that the PPP/C discriminated against Indo-Guyanese? And what of our Amerindian brothers and sisters? What of them? Aren't there certain structural issues that need to be addressed before we first cry "discrimination"? If we look at persons in the agricultural sector, or market vendors or employees at some commercial banks, a similar charge of discrimination can be made, but that will be foolish if the myriad other contributory factors that influence employment are ignore. If Guyanese prefer affirmative action, then let's say so, but let's stop this race-baiting and get on with the job of seeking to develop a country in which all can actively participate if they so desire. I rest!

Raj • 6 years ago

Provide the evidence and counter evidence and let us move on.

HP • 6 years ago

"Now, on the eve of the determination of Vishnu Persaud`s retention by GECOM". Can the writer explain how they go about determining retention of a person who is not employed by GECOM.

Burnham-Ghost • 6 years ago

I dont follow this...why is the onus on Benn and not on the people who do the hiring...GECOM? All they have to do is release the numbers...how can Benn get that info?

QUINCY BAILEY • 6 years ago

Because the employer employ/hire people who can do the job

SNobby • 6 years ago

If U make an accusation the burden or onus is on You to provide the facts. If I sue U in court the onus is on me to present my case and facts. Why would the anyone provide U with their figures if U claim U know the facts and figures? PPP on a propaganda fishing expedition...Let them provide their figures and then GECOM will respond accordingly. U know just like how yall made wild accusations about the business used by Exxon and yall leader jumped for a release and now he got a public shaming.

olson • 6 years ago

what Benn should have done first was thru the Commission request of the CEO such info, he would have then be armed with the official report, but like "all good servant heeding his master call", Benn chooses the best forum to aired his Fake News.

Patriot • 6 years ago

GECOM has provided evidence of the imbalance;
46% black +20% mixed = 66%.
Indians - 21%

Like somebody didn't tell Alexander that GECOM released the numbers showing a glaring imbalance.

QUINCY BAILEY • 6 years ago

Mr Benn and his party said 90% of the people employ at GECOM is of one race

Maharanee • 6 years ago

Alexander, you are the spin doctor trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Afro-Guyanese are 46% of the GECOM staff when they are less than 30% of the population. In the mixed category are 20% of the staff, many of whom, it is suspected, are really Afro-Guyanese, identified as mixed in order to skew the truth, and together they are 66% of the staff at the secretariat. That is untenable, unacceptable, and suggests racial discrimination, especially since it has now been asserted that Indians are deliberately not being hired in line with the numbers applying.

Indo-Guyanese are almost 40% or more of the population and are only 21% of the staff. Whoever is in charge of recruiting at the secretariat needs to be replaced by a more objective person/persons and all charges of discrimination investigated asap.

This discrimination against Indians is widespread in the public service and even those currently employed are complaining of pressure to resign/leave at NCN, Office of the President, ministry of housing, ministry of finance etc. The public service must reflect the racial composition of the nation. PNC supporters have a habit of saying the reason the public service is overwhelmingly black, about 80% now, is because Indians don't want those jobs. That is a blatant lie. The truth is the entrenched PNC infrastructure ensures that the percentage of Indians in govt service is kept in single digits.

TrevGuyana New • 6 years ago

This gentleman has classified mixed race citizens as blacks and Stabroek Admin has allowed such nonsense to see the light of day

AHAA • 6 years ago

It rwally is eye pass that you Vincent Alexander can write such nonsense that evidence must be produced about the ethnic imbalance at GEOCOM..it not clear as daylight ? Do you want a headcount? Ok you can have that.On the scores given to Indians and black it is you and your cohorts who will have to produce the real results and not fake ones since they are in your hands...meaning "your own people". look it is foolhardy to think that right thinking people do not know what are the plans and you are just a part of that playbook.

GT • 6 years ago

Alexander writes: If Commissioner Benn, who is the main protagonist of the ethnic balance mantra, is serious, he needs to come up with an evidential basis for his cry and provide concrete solutions in support of his proposition",

This is either so much horse dung - or so much Oxford English nonsense.
It is either there is or there is not racial imbalance. Have Alexander himself count the heads of different races - look at the numbers and make his conclusions. The numbers are what they are. Notice how Alexander begins to obfuscate and play games.

Alexander is not done. He says 'Let Benn provide concrete solutions'. Could anyone believe this man's deviousness? Just rewrite the employment handbook - there must racial balance at all govt. offices - and go out and hire to be in full compliance with that rule.
That's all there is to it.

olson • 6 years ago

are you forgetting that it was Benn who made this a public issue, then he should be reprimand for being in a pack room and bawling fire, knowing such is far from the truth. we should be demanding of Benn to show us the facts.

C I Lewis • 6 years ago

Robeson Benn and Roger Luncheon remind me of " Stephen", the Samuel L.Jackson character in the movie Django Unchained!

Guest • 6 years ago
C I Lewis • 6 years ago

Which part of Moses or Praks resemble Sammy Jackson?

Guest • 6 years ago
SNobby • 6 years ago

Just as long as U people milk Burnham and the PNC.

olson • 6 years ago

as long as they are "old guard" of the PPP sitting as Commissioners, remember "Boodoo" now working in PPP HQ, is still hoping to return to GECOM in spite of the fact that Alexander caught him doing what was so wrong.

Guest • 6 years ago
olson • 6 years ago

Alexander is the PPP living nightmare since he has the answer to anything the PPP thru their Commissioners throws, he knows the Electoral System while the Opposition Commissioners are seat warmers set to only creates mischief.

Guest • 6 years ago
olson • 6 years ago

why go so far back when from 1997, you can enquire of your party what was the reason to allowed polling station at Private Residence of their known supporters.

Guest • 6 years ago
olson • 6 years ago

Kassee, Kassee, Kassee, if you really want to know the truth about rigging election, listen to your leader and his sub-lieutenants explaining the areas that such can happen since they are now in the opposition, such advice can only comes from the experts.
and not forgetting the question you asked, please revisit the Linden issue that Sam held on to knowing it was rightfully AFC, also JFAP where even his personal votes was unaccounted for.

Guest • 6 years ago
olson • 6 years ago

relax your mind, in my dealing with the man in the street I am now firmly in belief that both of the main political parties had followers going against the norm seeking to ensure their party victory at the polls.
the problem with your leaders is that they felt they had the deeds to the minds of the Guyanese Indians and so will never accept the fact that such people will vote for any other party other than the Indian led PPP. the battle cry Apan Jatt seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

Joseph Caleb • 6 years ago

Commissioner Benn is a blowhard. This is well planned attempt by the PPP to begin planting seeds of discord, mistrust and mischief. Benn is one of the PPP frontmen along with Edgehill, Luncheon, Kwame, the one Jagdeo set up for third term, etc. Ultimately, the goal is to allege plot to rig the election. They are priming the pump. The play has not changed and it's time they get a new playbook...Benn's calculated, shameless and meritless allegation was met with an appropriate but measured response.

Go On Tell We • 6 years ago

The PNC/APNU are still asking for Proof that they were Rigging Elections and there ever existed a PNC/APNU brutal Dictatorship in Guyana .
With the Dr. Rodney COI Results in what is the Hold Back to release it ?
Do you see a Similar Pattern here from the PNC/APNU ?

Burnham-Ghost • 6 years ago

Then let them release the numbers and come clean...the PNC when they controlled the institutions of power before...were known riggers...

SNobby • 6 years ago

Why dont PPP put Dougla as a Commissioner?? That that would even out the racial imbalance of the 67%/33% to a 50%

dougla • 6 years ago

Do you really believe Guyanese are fools, dis time na lang time,,,