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Barbara Razza • 5 years ago

Just proves that the democrats do not care what their constituents want. It’s about what they want. And what they want is power.

RFisher66 • 5 years ago

I'm afraid we often misconstrue the Democrat's "constituents" as the majority of America which is patently false. They do care what the "constituents" want that vote for them and do not consider the rest of America their constituents but their subjects. Does anyone believe that Nancy is the product of anything but the San Francisco perverts that she considers her constituents? Does anyone think she cares a rats ass about the rest of the electorate? Virtually every Democrat in Congress cares only about what their small group of voters in their district cares about. Ergo the Democrats indeed do care about and represent their constituents. They just don't give a damn about the rest of the country. The Senate is marginally better since they have to get elected by an entire state but in the case of California, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois and the rest of the Left do you think they really care about America? They do not.

Guest • 5 years ago
DiogenesAmericanus • 5 years ago

Your observation pretty much holds true for all Blue States and a goodly number of Red States.

Phantatsy • 5 years ago

DiogenesAmericanus already

Robert Knox • 5 years ago

For sure. Both Hillary and Mr. Obama were disciples of Saul Alinsky, who advocated creating chaos to overload the system so that the people would demand someone to come in and keep order. Their plan was working, but then we got lucky.

"Alinsky's Miscalculation" at http://www.scragged.com/art... shows how they messed up on a vital point of his plan for their taking power. It also points out that 50 years of "community organizing" has led to the highest murder rates in the nation in those "organized" neighborhoods and "The Con" at http://www.scragged.com/art... shows that "community organizing" never helps members of the community.

Alinsky's biggest flaw was that he created a framework for seizing power but no framework for what to do with that power. "Democrat Disaster Cities" at http://www.scragged.com/art... explains why Democrat rule is so destructive.

"Obama and the Book of Life" at http://www.scragged.com/art... shows how the Democrats are reaffirming their title "evil party." They are collecting everything we say by phone, text or email, then they're declassifying it and leaking it selectively. Pure Alinsky!

This is NOT how it should be done. The Democrats are demonstrating once again that they're the "evil party." It remains to be seen whether the Republicans will remain the "stupid party."

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

I wonder if any democrat who gets elected and takes the oath understands that oath and is willing to live up to it.

Barbara Razza • 5 years ago


ed_in_tx • 5 years ago

Not even a smidgen of doubt, the answer to the question is "No" or "None".

JBJ • 5 years ago

all the more reason for term limits!!!!!!!!!

Illini Marine • 5 years ago

Why would Nancy care about the polls? The Democrats have proven they can steal elections anywhere.

Betsy Smith • 5 years ago

Getting better with every election.
Some states make it legal.

jdondet • 5 years ago

They stole Nevada and now our incoming Democrat governor is making noises about gun confiscation.

CmonnMan • 5 years ago

They stole the AZ senate election, too.

Betsy Smith • 5 years ago

Why do these people get to put their hand on a Bible, swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and then do everything they can to subvert it?
Why do we let them get away with that?
They shouldn't even be allowed to hold office.
I don't think it is constitutional for Socialists and Communists to serve in any capacity that requires a vow of support and loyalty to the Constitution.
We're just so used to it, we don't question it.
We better question it, now.
We are running out of time.

SUBVET • 5 years ago

betsy.....the big question should have been who vetted choom boy.....

Betsy Smith • 5 years ago

Those who should have, refused to do it.

SUBVET • 5 years ago

my dear......that would be "both" sides........kind of makes you wonder if there are any real true americans left except us sheep.....

Betsy Smith • 5 years ago

I'd say a lot of us are not as sheepish as we once were.
The Obama years and all that has happened since have opened a lot eyes.

SS • 5 years ago

Evidently not enough eyes have been opened yet though,--- sadly. )-:

Betsy Smith • 5 years ago

Sad and dangerous.

ed_in_tx • 5 years ago

Actively supported him and suppressed any negative news about him.

PolishKnightСША • 5 years ago

Watch what you wish for...

The left have this (very) effective narrative going where anyone who disagrees with them is a...


And shouldn't be allowed into "polite" society and should be "doxxed" and fired and labeled as the "fascist" they are. Anyone who isn't sharing in shaming "fascists" is...

a fascist.

Which is why they have little problem in finding "facists" for quite some time to come.

They would certainly love the idea of a forbidden ideologies running for public office or even in the media. They are far more effective than conservatives at getting unwanted ideologies off of the air by threats of boycotts of advertisers.

At best, the "conservative" party is now a "restoration" party. "Conservatism" only works when one's ideology is the status quo.

Fat Hubie • 5 years ago

They try to pass it off as "free speech".

Fat Hubie • 5 years ago

Those who think that the inalienable rights of Americans are decided by polls are going to get a nasty surprise.

RFisher66 • 5 years ago

I'm wondering what it would take to enforce the Declaration of Independence where it gives the people the right to dissolve the government when it becomes destructive. My guess is that any effort in that direction would be found to be unconstitutional. But, the Revolutionary War was fought over just that principle. How much longer before "we the people" decide it's time for a new Declaration of Independence?

FireAnt • 5 years ago

Easier to just enforce the Declaration we have with our unalienable rights and preserve vestiges of state sovereignty in our Constitution.

Without "individual" and "state" rights, the U.S. is just another socialist government.

PolishKnightСША • 5 years ago

Without identity group politics, individual 'rights' are about as useful as calling your local media outlet and demanding they stop pushing anti-Trump views or you'll watch some other network.

The original revolution was such a fluke that it reminds me of someone going to vegas and hitting the jackpot and then spending year after year going deeper into debt because, hey, he hit the jackpot once so it's not really "gambling", is it?

A monarchy that wasn't really all that "fascist" by modern standards was busy in several other places in the world and the colonists were able to get funding and support from ANOTHER monarch so the USA revolution was about as much about USA versus England as, say, the Korean conflict was about North Korea versus South Korea.

The success of the original revolution was a combination of a whole lot of dumb luck, a willingness to make compromises (You know, land of the free with slaves), and savvy political insights which are lacking in most modern conservatives.

RuleroftheElves • 5 years ago

The government is often the obstacle in our society.
Dems and Republican politicians are not much different. it is the citizens that make a difference.

CmonnMan • 5 years ago

Often? Try always.

Dustoff • 5 years ago

Rep Congress had the chance to fix these problems, but the didn't then lost their jobs.
Fools. All of them.

CmonnMan • 5 years ago

And, sadly, the R's did not learn that lesson. They probably think they weren't liberal enough. Look at Cryin' Ryan, Flake.....

Al Adab • 5 years ago

Pelosi and her ilk know best what the public needs and wants. It is simple, the voters are to ignorant (in her view) to understand what is best for them. The Dems consider the 2018 election a mandate for them to impose their vision on the nation. The rest of us should just shut up and accept their superior wisdom and knowledge. Follow our betters and forget our own misplaced ideas. We are simply not worthy. End of story and of the American Republic.

CmonnMan • 5 years ago

They thought that under Obama too - then lost the House, the Senate, numerous state positions, the Presidency....

Pecos+Pete • 5 years ago

Thus, the need for someone with backbone to be president to backstop us. We will have rough years in the future if future presidents are from the Establishment.

Al Adab • 5 years ago

The future is not particularly bright from my perspective as the Dems will try to ride roughshod over us all believing themselves so correct that other opinions need not apply. Fortunately, few measures will survive the Senate (unless GOP Senators cave which is somewhat likely) and not the veto pen at least on several issues.

RFisher66 • 5 years ago

Al, we are seeing that in action with the Mueller witch hunt. We have watched for two years as the legally elected President of the U.S. has been hounded for no other reason than that he won the election. The corruption of Mueller himself in his past offices should be enough to have him thrown in jail but he brazenly tells the people who voted for Trump to "fu.. off". The Democrats don't even try to hide their illegal power grabs anymore nor does the MSM make any attempt at hiding their Left Wing agenda. Anyone who thinks that the Democrats would not round up and execute Conservatives if they could has not been paying attention to history. There are more than 50 million bodies in Russia and China that probably didn't think Stalin and Mao could pull it off while the world watched. Not to mention Hitler. We live in perilous times. Keep your powder dry.

Pecos+Pete • 5 years ago


Al Adab • 5 years ago

Keep your land and forest safe. Merry Christmas.

Pecos+Pete • 5 years ago

Al, enjoy the holidays!


PolishKnightСША • 5 years ago

Hello Al. I'm a bit confused at how you mix democratic populism and Republicanism. Under Republicanism, the Constitution and it's actions should prevail and in that manner, Pelosi is correct: She is now largely in control of congress and the laws she passes for approval to a president (unlikely to veto them, apparently) are "Constitutional". Democracy, on the other hand, is about the will of the people even if it's a mob.

So which is worse? An out of control mob or a group of egghead elites or worse, a mob in control by elites? :-)

I'm chuckling about the Gallop poll cited because it doesn't come with a URL for me to easily look it up and polls notoriously control the narrative. Which do you like more? Dole or Clinton? :-) Betcha affirmative action wasn't on that poll. Naturally "government" is a top concern probably of both sides. The left dislikes Trump's Government and the right dislikes the left's.

As the parent of a 2 year old, I know that sometimes she doesn't know what she wants or can properly express it. After decades of being asked the same poll questions and subjected to the same cultural ideologies and with most Americans not having a passport and having left the USA to visit anywhere, they can't express themselves just as I'm limited in expressing myself in Russian since I have a limited vocabulary. Unintentionally, George Orwell's 1984 vision of a populace unable to think outside of their dictionary occurs due to cultural inertia.

Al Adab • 5 years ago

Wow, we could launch into a full dissertation on political theory after that analysis. Might be a good idea but given the limited space here probably wouldn't be too comprehensive. I was being facetious about how Pelosi and her ilk view themselves and how they expect us to perceive them.

A Republic is clearly preferable to a democracy. sadly we all too often use the terms interchangeably. The framers were careful to create the one and not the latte fearing as they did the control of the mob.

As to Dole, it was unconscionable that the voters chose the draft dodger over the veteran. Sadly that criteria no longer seems to matter to voters. Given the bilateral choice there should have been no contest even though Conservatives would have certainly preferred another GOP candidate.

RFisher66 • 5 years ago

Al, we are very close to being a Democracy run by minority mobs. I realize that is almost the definition of "oxymoron" but it seems to be the direction we are headed. A small cadre of Leftists can force the rest of the country to accept their perverted lifestyle by simply declaring that they speak for the majority of Americans. We are perilously close to mob rule and unless the "real" majority stands up soon it will be so.

PolishKnightСША • 5 years ago

Hehehe. As I roll the term "republic" around in my head, I consider that nearly all government's through history were republics in the sense they had laws, a political hierarchy, systems of order, etc. There are fascist republics, commie republics, and, in the classical use of the word, republics with monarchies where succession is defined (someone can't just declare themselves King or Queen without some sort of legal precedent as it were.)

There are few democracies that aren't republics. I suppose the only category for this are "direct" democracies where nearly everything is decided by public vote in some small village or clan.

A healthy democracy isn't a mob and is not to be feared just as a healthy republic isn't an Orwellian nightmare but the latter can't exist without the former (sort of). Although, Monty Python did a great skit on an attempt to make one (Lost German episode)

And if you think "mobs" are bad, just imagine how bad a docile, obedient citizenry is. Namely, the serfs of humanity throughout history that largely were uncreative and timid and stayed out to trouble (and the dungeon) and society moved upward slowly and steadily but without disturbing the status quo. Egypt prospered for thousands of years. Docile citizenry and mobs are closely related since the ruling classes figure out how to make the one into the other for their own purposes (mobs are great for culture wars to establish power, docile citizenry for peace.)

Which means... that the left has a use for their "mob" for now but as you say, they eat their own. But then again, free market folks also happily eat their own for a quick buck.

There's a word for a mob that's out for it's own interests: A revolution. The USA is product of it which amazingly enough saw to its own demise not due to corruption of The Constitution but rather of its own electorate.

Pecos+Pete • 5 years ago

Investigations by the House of President Trump will consume much of the democrat House. Otherwise, the republican Senate isn't going to pass much, if any, new legislation and certainly not any "off the wall" legislation produced by the democrat House. And then there is Trump's ability to veto legislation with the veto upheld in the Senate.

Corgifan • 5 years ago

We will never get rid of this anti-American,old communist hag.

JackVan • 5 years ago

All the women reps from Calif are much the same. One pundit stated that the last time he had seen such a collection was the opening of a Shakespeare play, with the four gathered around a pot using stirring sticks.

Sumner • 5 years ago

She is 78. No one lives forever.

MX1336 • 5 years ago

The only pole that pole-osi accepts is the election "pole" that she wins so easily in the feces lined streets of San Francisco.

Daniel • 5 years ago

If the people want less immigration and are not for removing guns and think government is to big or not effective why did they vote for democrats?