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VonMisesJr • 4 years ago

Facebutt is a voluntary platform that people choose where they limit their own NEWS and agree to disclose their information via a voluntary agreement. But Ogle is by far the dominant Monopoly for Internet Search where one has little choice. They use algorithms to bury the truth and ban certain content. Moreover, Amazon has almost complete control over the sales of books on the internet and can make them unavailable. One can even buy music from B&N and while the website clunky, I use B&N whenever possible. But even Facebutt could be dangerous as they masquerade as a utility while behaving as a publisher banning content. So Facebutt could be sued, IMHO, but they do not control who uses the platform whereas Ogle does and Amazon similarly dominates as a Monopoly. Obviously the danger is that the Federal government AKA Congress will step in and use the opportunity for them to take control of these platforms. I do not even trust digital books as the reader and content is subject to the provider's availability.

All we can do in the short-term and by ourselves is do not use Facebutt. I start my morning with visiting Infowars and Breitbart directly. We have sites such as TAS and PJ Media that do provide wide and alternative content and comments, and people may need to return to more email blasts and texting NEWS among groups of friends. We must be mindful that in Ancient Greece to Medieval times people communicated when they met each other in the streets or markets. Local NEWS spread quickly. This is why we must resist POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and tell anyone who does not like what one says to STFU. If one cannot speak freely and honestly with certain people, there is absolutely no reason to speak to them.

Public_Citizen • 4 years ago

There are alternatives to the "almighty" G for search, including ~real~ services that don't track you and then package your personal information for sale to anyone willing to pay for it.
Try Duck Duck Go for starters.
As far as the Red Eyed Demon in charge of Fakebook, check into his history and how he gained control of the project.
Fakebook is a ~de-facto~ public utility and it has become that through the same growth process as all of the currently regulated-as-public-utilities businesses. It's long past time to apply the same standards to this out of control business as have been used in past instances of the same class of abuse.

Brian Richard Allen • 4 years ago

.... Fakebook is a ~de-facto~ public utility and it has become that through the same growth process as all of the currently regulated-as-public-utilities businesses. It's long past time to apply the same standards to this out of control business as have been used in past instances of the same class of abuse ....

Sounds good but have you not noticed it's We Who Are Right who're being, by fascistic slander, libel, defaming and Projection, converted into straw men and then blocked, banned and/or suspended on false charges of the kinds of "offenses" none of us could even have imagined. Let alone have perpetrated. The "democrats'" Deep State, for that reason, loves its Orwellian Twitter and Goebbelsian Facebook arms.

william couch • 4 years ago


John1943 • 4 years ago

The growth of internet censorship in the last few years is astounding. Heaven forbid they censor pornography. It is all about censoring right wing or even sane middle of the road thought. We can't continue to allow a few people keep pushing perversion and hate of sane thinking. Lets break up this monopoly of insanity.

Cornville • 4 years ago

Having written many articles on Facebook extolling the virtues of being a Conservative and a supporter of Donald Trump, two days ago I was banned for 30 days by the Facebook Police. No reason was given. I decided to once and for all, close my Facebook page and after following Facebook's sketchy ways of closing an account, I discovered several things that really "lit my fire" For me to close my account, I needed to change my password, since my original password was forgotten long ago. In searching for a new password, I found a page with every password, and sigh on that I ever used on the Internet. Here is where it gets hairy. Why does Facebook want to know what banks or credit unions I use, or what religious organizations I follow? What is it their business to delve into my private and business life? We are witnessing "Big Brother" when we use the likes of Facebook, and this action on their part need to be stopped dead in their tracks.

namberak • 4 years ago

"We are just as dependent on Facebook and Google as on the local electric company." Not really. I take the point of the article, but, we're not dependent on them.

GeneralOfTheArmyMacArthur • 4 years ago

FarcebooKKK, led by America hating subversive zuckerrat, clearly a leftie terrorist hate group.

PolishKnightСША • 4 years ago

"The Prime Minister of New Zealand is calling for an internet ban on depictions of mass shootings, like her country’s Christchurch massacre, that could incite copycat violence. All agree that’s reasonable."

I must not be "all" then.

I presume that the "depiction" refers to the actual video of violent acts. Like "gun control", this "sounds" reasonable but it's a slippery slope since the PM of New Zealand has also banned the shooter's political manifesto with that ban being used to ban conservative and right wing speech in the region (including one NZ man's guns being confiscated simply because he publically states he supports USA President Trump)

Having read the manifesto, the shooter claims that he engaged in the act precisely to escalate the left clamping down on right wing freedom of speech and retaliation by Muslims (which happened shortly after Sri Lanka). Where's the PM of Australia's concern over the massacre of Christians or "Easter worshippers"?)


How about giving CHRISTIAN victims' families free housing and citizenship in Australia and NZ?

Cybergeezer • 4 years ago

How about We use Our citizen censorship and boycott capabilities against Fakebook, Goofle, and Twaddle, and all their advertisers?
The majority of their accounts are fake anyway.

Ben Smith • 4 years ago

We are just as dependent on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Apple ─ and lest we forget the mandated Microsoft OS installed on virtually every PC in America ─ as on the local electric company.

str8razr • 4 years ago

Since when? I have never made any use of so-called "social media", and the more I hear about it the less inclined I am to join in.

Ben Smith • 4 years ago

Wish the 2.5 billion people who use Facebook's apps who will sway the 2019 EU elections, the US 2020 elections, and all the other elections around the world ─ could say the same!

The_Repentant_Curmudgeon • 4 years ago

It shouldn’t take more than 20 seconds of thought to realize how inescapable you are from Facebook’s influence. For instance, this is an online magazine. Many of its writers may be Christian and hold to the 3,000 condemnation of sexual acts between people of the same sex. But as an online publication that relies on Facebook for much of its traffic, they can never write such things on Facebook or the content will either never appear even to their own subscribers, or else they will be banned outright which few online publications can afford. The same holds true for Google (YouTube), Twitter, etc.

porkexpress • 4 years ago

Duh, and what do you call these message boards? I call them social media with the right to use your free speech.

Ben Smith • 4 years ago

And one more bourgeoning monopoly ─ Amazon.

PolishKnightСША • 4 years ago

In the (ironically) Amazon series "Man in the High Castle", an alternate universe where Nazi Germany won is explored. Unlike the USSR and the Nazis who were defeated by economic issues and raw military opposition, respectively, there are new demons to consider as threats to human freedom, expression and dignity don't necessarily arise from the expected governments but rather large corporations and cartels. But this concept isn't new:


John Swanson • 4 years ago

just use linux then

Public_Citizen • 4 years ago

Hate to burst your fantasy but your assertion regarding Micro$oft is just that, a fantasy.
There is a significant segment of the market that is either on Macs or Androids, and the 2.5% and growing steadily minority using Linux Based Systems [such as Ubuntu] completely free of the tyranny of pay-to-play operating systems.

Cybergeezer • 4 years ago

"Android" was developed by Google based on Linux kernel & other open source software.