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StopLeftyTruthophobia! • 1 year ago

Finally the TRUTH about how INCREASED
Life-Giving co2
IS RE-GREENING our Earth back to the WorldWide Year-Round Jungle/Forest it was for MOST of the last Billion Years (before the RECENT current Carbon Drought Ice Age!).

StopLeftyTruthophobia! • 1 year ago

Finally..!!!! Someone tells the Truth that co2 IS re-Greening our Earth, and that today’s youth can live to see the WorldWide Year-Round Jungle Forest of 50million years ago..!!!!

Chris Terry • 4 years ago

Not working

ahamiltonfederalist • 4 years ago

a nice little bit of science fiction and speculation backed
without facts

heydad • 4 years ago

In the text, there is a hyperlink that says 'interactive map,' click here and it takes you to a page that worked for me.

Nevin Buconjic • 4 years ago

Where are the Great Lakes? Even at zero years ago they aren't showing up on the map...

skepticalvoter • 4 years ago

Hmmm, my post seems to have vanished into that millions of year vortex. Basically my hometown was in and out of water every few million years. Anywho, try this link for those not getting the map page to load: http://dinosaurpictures.org...

skepticalvoter • 4 years ago

It worked for me. Basically my hometown was in and out of water every few million years. Try this link:

Sheila Hotchkiss Rowland • 4 years ago

I tried this address and it worked to some degree.

Erik Gates • 5 years ago

Wow. My house was a haven for neanderthal neo-Nazis. Even back then, we couldn't stand them.

disqus_55ZbWsE8hs • 5 years ago

It worked for me. It showed me what smithsonian.com looked like 750 million years ago

Joel T • 5 years ago

It only worked on my iPhone but not either one of my laptops. Disappointing!

My Idea of Freedom • 5 years ago

Haven't tried it yet, but several wonderful websites have opted to take advantage of the failure of Net Neutrality to charge more for real information sharing. You can read just enough to pull you in, but then you have to pay to get the rest. Hate to say it, but America is being screwed by current administration agenda. They've pushed their lies about what is meant by Democratic Socialism, making people afraid it leads to Stalinist/Marxist,Leninist communism. They compare it to Venezuela, when the only thing that even comes close to that is what Trump is trying to do to us--right under our noses! Why can't everyone see what is happening? As long as Trump is free to use the powers of the presidency, America is in danger of losing what has always made us so wonderful. Net Neutrality is only a drop in the bucket, but it's one result of Trump's war against regulation of all big business--what keeps us protected from depredations of greed.
[Check out other websites. "Another major concern is that consumers could suffer from pay-to-play deals. Without rules prohibiting paid prioritization, a fast lane could be occupied by big internet and media companies, as well as affluent households, while everyone else would be left on the slow lane." It's happening already. More to come.] There are sometimes other websites with the info for free that the big sites charge for. Try this: http://dinosaurpictures.org...

kikdadog • 5 years ago

TDS, not a pretty picture.

carloada • 5 years ago

I like the way you weave the entitlement mentality through out your "thought process"...
you are not entitled to the fruits of others' labor...

ahamiltonfederalist • 4 years ago

it's a terrible common-day attitude sadly

John Marti • 5 years ago

Will it work with Windows Vista?

ratherdrive • 5 years ago


NechedYefuneh • 5 years ago

LOL, ratherdrive!

Aspasia • 5 years ago

Cou;dn't find where to input my location.

Waterboy71150 • 5 years ago

Click on "interactive map" or "Ancient Earth" in the article and a new webpage will open with a rotating Earth. Enter an address or location in the upper left. Select a time period from the pull-down menu.

Debbie Cline • 4 years ago

I clicked on it and nothing happens.

Only the Truth • 5 years ago

Of course it didn't work, people. The earth is only 5,000 years old. Everyone knows that!

BOBinBrooklyn • 4 years ago

5,000? No, everyone "knows" it's 10,000. So around 8000 BC the Earth was still a molten mess, and it cooled and then we had simple plants and animals and then Dinosaurs (whose fossil remains only "look" 65 million years old!) and then there was US --Homo Sapiens Sapiens (the Species so nice, we named ourselves twice)!

Seriously, as one who has Faith in God, I can see why the percentage of those who identify as "Atheist, Agnostic or No Religion" is up about 15 percentage points, to around 30% in the past 20 years or so. I get it. (Some of that can be attributed to Pedophile Scandals, but a lot of it is due to the unjustified "War on Science" waged by some Christians.)

It is sad that many Christians have taken the Age of the Earth to be only 6,000 or 10,000 years and made it into an article of Faith, on the same level as the Virgin Birth or Resurrection of Jesus Christ, in order to be a "True Christian". As if a God who exists in Eternity, outside of this Dimension we call Time, would really be "concerned" with 4 1/2 billion years (the REAL Age of the Earth) and have to have a process than takes only 6,000 or 10,000 years, to fit into the Box that some Christians have "created" for The Almighty Whom they Worship. Why? Saint Peter said "A Day with the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one Day." (2nd Peter Chapter 3: Verse 8), echoing what the Psalmist wrote in 1000BC: "For a thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by" (Psalm 90: Verse 4.

If Saint Peter and / or the Psalmist had lived in the 21st or even 20th Century, I believe they would have substituted a BILLION YEARS for a thousand! But 3,000 or even 2,000 years ago, people would not have understood the concept of a Billion years.

********************************************* ******************************************
Speaking of Pangea ("all Land") : If ALL the Land were in ONE place, the same would be true for all the Oceans. The Land would be all over HERE and all the Oceans over THERE.

Long ago, long before Man had ever conceived of Tectonic Plates, Moses was inspired to write:
"And God said: 'Let the water under the sky be gathered to ONE place and let dry ground appear".
Genesis Chapter 1: Verse 9
*********************** ********************** ***********************

Oh, BTW, the website WORKED for me! But it does not say "Ancientearth.com" In the article's first paragraph, you click on the highlighted words "INTERACTIVE MAP" and this website appears:

You then use the "<" arrow, usually in the lower right corner of your keyboard!
You can then "go back in time 750 million years" and watch all the Continents come together! Cool!

Gerry • 4 years ago

First, I don't believe that Moses was referring to Pangaea when he wrote that God separated the land and the water. And second, the problem that young-Earth creationists don't see with their "appearance of great age" excuse is that the same God Who can create an Earth 6,000 years ago can just as easily create an Earth 30 seconds ago.

Tapas Bhattacharyya • 4 years ago

You are Jokin!
Leave it to your GOD or DOG.
I am sorry!You Scored 0 on Science.
and 100 on foolish Beliefs!

Ivy McClaren • 4 years ago

And Tapas, YOU score a 0 in reading comprehension. He's defending science from the evangelical science deniers, dude.

Drew Hastings • 5 years ago

Hahaha don’t even joke, somebody might actually think you were being serious

ratherdrive • 5 years ago


thbss • 5 years ago

here's the link if you don't want to search it in the article.

Angela Kays-Mom • 5 years ago

Very cool. North America as we know it didn't exist until 20 million years ago. Not before.

Blurgle • 5 years ago

It puts me in northeastern Alberta, about 500 miles from where Zi actually live.

Autumn • 5 years ago

So, where is the map?

Dervick • 5 years ago

Very cool. The place I call home did not exist until 260 million years ago.

Exodus 20:7 KJV • 5 years ago

Nice fairy tale.

Hammond Ecks • 5 years ago

How so? Explain please.

Sheila Hotchkiss Rowland • 5 years ago

I tried my birthplace and my present home. Australia seemed to be in the south. It has turned itself 90 degrees east.

Angharad07 • 5 years ago

Damn thing doesn't work!!!

Hammond Ecks • 5 years ago

"lets you HONE in"? The expression is "HOME in"

(((Drab Hemispingus))) • 4 years ago

No it isn’t.


Ceci Pipe • 5 years ago

Like most things, that depends where you are in the world. NA has a thing for "hone in", and has done for long enough that it's listed in dictionaries as an alternative way of "home in". "Home in" is used in most of the rest of the world where "hone in" is more likely to be a misspelling than anything else.

Raoul Leon • 5 years ago

"The interactive tool enables users to hone in on a specific location . . . ." "Hone" is something you do with a blade on a whetstone. The word you want is "home."

Sue Goodin • 4 years ago

It also means to refine or perfect. So, they do not want the word home, which would make it an incorrect sentence. They are telling you the tool enables you to refine or perfect your search to a specific location. When you are trying to appear smart, at least look at more than the first definition of a word.

anonQ • 5 years ago

Didn't seem to work at all for me.

Nicolette Meyer • 4 years ago

Me neither.

Kindergarten Dropout • 5 years ago

funny Ditto has to wait for the Smithsonian's approval..
edited part
works but not the way I thought.

Todd Chamberlain • 5 years ago

Yes, I thought it would "morph" from time period to time period. It's still neat, but not the wat I though it would be.

David Paxton • 5 years ago


David Paxton • 5 years ago