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Melville Pouwels • 5 years ago

still, knowing the US govt, especially the c.ia., couldnt lie straight in bed, how much faith do u put in this article....good read anyway

MrLogical • 5 years ago

It's a "good read" because it's true.

disqus_YMbuAvsoZu • 5 years ago

I. Remember when this was going on and thought " they're up to something"...
But I had no clue it was this!

D. M. Bell • 5 years ago

"...they’d illicitly stolen a submarine from the watchful Soviets." Inasmuch as this vessel was abandoned and lying on the ocean floor in international waters, this was a perfectly legitimate salvage. But why let the facts get in the way of another anti-American story in this rag?

Michael Willis • 5 years ago

Good article. One thing that needs to be edited: The crew of the Glomar Explorer wore "Coveralls" not "Onesies". The crew definitely earned those belt buckles for safety. There is nothing "fake" about being awarded a belt buckle for tripping 16000' of drill pipe with an experimental tool to the sea floor. Glomar Explorer hoisted what was the deepest and heaviest object ever retrieved from the sea floor with no injuries or fatalities. This would be difficult today with our vast experience working at depth, in 1973 this was a deepwater moonshot. My father worked offshore (Glomar Grand Banks) for Glomar in the early 70s. Those safety award belt buckles, jackets and Zippo lighters were highly sought after.

1Mojo_Risin9 • 5 years ago

I'm currently reading "Blind Man's Bluff" for the second time, wonderful read!

Roger Lee • 5 years ago

Howard Hughes.

The coolest guy of the 20th century.

jack • 5 years ago

Sounds like a Clive Cussler novel.

Mike_E_V • 5 years ago

One story, likely, of many. Pretty cool though. The "Claw" saw duty again in "Bruce Almighty". :-)

Aurobindo Banerjee • 5 years ago

Read like a thriller!