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Dr Bunmi Binitie • 5 years ago

"...on the grounds that the court lacked jurisdiction to hear the suit."

Yeh!!😨😨 So why has this judge been hearing this case all these months if she was not supposed to!! Hah!! The law baffles me o!!πŸ˜•πŸ˜•

Life is Good • 5 years ago

Read the story again madam APC. EFCC amended the charges and it violated rules. The judge has nothing to do but throw the case out. The EFCC is a very useless agency especially in this Buhari era under Mr "Mugu". You are supposed to file charges after investigations not before and then you start amending and amending. All these EFCC media trial is leading to nowhere! They can only handle yahoo-yahoo boys who don't have good lawyers.

Osibisa • 5 years ago

About the EFCC, the worst part of it is that nobody counts or records the colossal money wasted or spent in prosecuting these useless cases, which is a burden on taxpayers. The case has been thrown out after the prosecuting counsel, etc have all received their fat legal fees (which they, possibly shared with the top echelon of the EFCC). And the beat goes on!

Osibisa • 5 years ago

She only reads headlines. Lol!

Osibisa • 5 years ago

Don't be baffled madam. That is why you are not a lawyer. Stick with your day job.

You keep on watching and you'll soon observe the CCT come to similar conclusion on Onnoghen by tomorrow. I hope you are also reckoning how much is wasted by the EFCC on these useless cases or charade, which could have been avoided if only they did the right thing and followed the proper procedure. Can you imagine how much the prosecution counsel has pocketed in this case since inception? And don't be fooled, the top echelon of the EFCC also have a share in it.

Gbola • 5 years ago

Imagine !!

When the court was deciding the Prima facie of this case, the court didn't know that it had no jurisdiction over this case.

The court wasted all this time hearing the case and then turned around (when it was time to deliver judgement) to now say that it is dismissing the case because it has no jurisdiction to entertain the case in the first place.

Just imagine this crap !!

All the Judges are in a collabo.
They are covering each other's back.

This Judge (Oshodi) knew she couldn't deliver a judgement of "NOT GUILTY" amid the overwhelming evidence.
So, she took the lesser path of dismissing the case on the grounds that her Court had no jurisdiction over the matter. But no motion was raised concerning that.
What she should have delivered today was a "Guilty" or "Non Guilty" JUDGEMENT having heard all the evidence.

Corruption is fighting back.

Osibisa • 5 years ago


Guest • 5 years ago
Gbola • 5 years ago

Oga, what is your point here ??

You have said absolutely nothing other than dancing shaku-shaku around the matter.

This wasn't a decision to a motion raised by ANYONE.

For over a year and a half,
The Court entertained the case, heard all the evidences.
Witnesses appeared.
Exhibits were tendered.

And when it was time to render a decision, the judgement was like the result of a motion.

The judge wasted all court time and processes only to now say she doesn't have the jurisdiction to entertain the case.

Why did she spend an entire year and a half entertaining the case when (as she claimed), she had no jurisdiction entertaining the case ??

This is Comedy bro.

Osibisa • 5 years ago

How is this present case different from the Onnoghen's case? The defence raised a similar objection on grounds of jurisdiction, but that 'ordinary tribunal chairman', called Umar, dismissed the objection on the basis that he will deal with the point or issue of jurisdiction at the end of the trial. If, at the end, he reaches similar conclusion as Justice Oshodi, that he lacks jurisdiction, can you imagine how much would have been wasted on prosecuting such cases?

I hope you won't be disappointed if a similar verdict is returned on the Onnoghen's trial.

Guest • 5 years ago
Gbola • 5 years ago

The Court didn't have to listen to the witnesses, view the exhibits tendered, entertained the entire case BEFORE knowing that it didn't even have the jurisdiction to entertain the case in the first place.

That could have been decided right from the onset.

"Inter alia" Simply means "Among Other Things".

It has absolutely nothing to do in this case.
Stop deceiving yourself.

No Law or Constitution supports the wasting of Court's time, Court's processes or Tax payers money on nonsense.

Don't act as if Courts haven't decided Jurisdiction of itself to entertain a case (in the past) WAY BEFORE A HEARING PROCEEDS.

If a Murder case is taken to the Industrial Court, the Industrial Court wouldn't listen to the witnesses, view exhibits, entertain the court hearing BEFORE making the judgement as to Jurisdiction.

Right from the start, the Court wouldn't sit,

If the defense didn't file a motion to have the case dismissed on the grounds of Jurisdiction, Judge Oshodi shouldn't have.

She should have simply decided the case on its merits ESPECIALLY when she's already entertained the entire hearing.

ayo • 5 years ago

Besides that, has Ajumogobia not been dismissed by NJC before now??? She has been dismissed. So, the issue of FRN vs Nganjiwa being referred to by the judge is what I'm worried about. Kindly juxtapose that with this woman's case and educate me, Gbola.

Gbola • 5 years ago

I just can't understand this.
I can't.

This is simply a case of CORRUPTION FIGHTING BACK.


Rosebud • 5 years ago

That's exactly why you're not a lawyer, something you don't understand (your words) but yet you're quick to conclude it's a case of corruption fighting back and judges being in collaboration.

Haba! Gbola, you're better than this.

Gbola • 5 years ago

I'm glad she's since been rearrested.
I couldn't be more happier.

Hope you are as well ??

Rosebud • 5 years ago

Gbola, no seriously, it's not about happy for a sad situation. It's about a little joy and a nice place to call home. My kids, your kids, our kids and a useful future. For me, it's not a game. It's about living usefully. For me and for you... us all.

Gbola • 5 years ago

I'll like a situation where Corruption is curbed to a minimal.

I know it can't be stopped BUT it can't keep going at the rate its going.

For me, its Simply this :
Let the witch-hunters hunt witches of yesterday.
Tomorrow would be the day when today's witch-hunters would also become hunted.

Thats it !!

Guest • 5 years ago
Gbola • 5 years ago


E dey pain you ??
She's going to remain behind bars for a long time.

So keep crying about religion - you religious bigot.

AWOHENRI • 5 years ago

Good move by Efcc for re arresting the terrorist since the judicial commission had dismissed her from the service.

Guest • 5 years ago
ayo • 5 years ago

Mumu, do you know the number of crimes the rogue judge has committed? So, you expected EFCC to allow her disappear before starting to look for her and you will now say they are mumu again?

Life is Good • 5 years ago

If you can't prove the crime in court you loose the case. The judge is not going to fall for any social media stories, only what you can prove in court and its not the judge that will prove, its you the prosecutor. So leave the judge alone, tell your EFCC to stop media trials and do serious investigations and be diligent in their prosecutions. Social media stunts don't win court cases and that's why they keep loosing serious cases!

ayo • 5 years ago

You apparently did not understand my post. The rogue judge being referred to in post was the Ajumogobia herself. May be you didn't know she was a judge before she was brought to trial. So, go back and read my opinion against to make actual sense out of it because your response to it was incongruent.

Life is Good • 5 years ago

I understood your comment that the rogue judge could disappear. I disagree. Its not a murder case and rather than this jungle arrest, EFCC could get a no-fly order executed. That also requires a court order and when they are yet to file charges, where will that order come from? All these lawless arrests are taking the country NOWHERE because like Falana said in a Punch interview yesterday NO GOVT IS FIGHTING CORRUPTION. Corruption fighting can only be successful if it starts from the TOP not middle or bottom. That will be selective.

Guest • 5 years ago
Gbola • 5 years ago


This has got nothing to do with an attack on Christianity.
Please stop your madness in its tracks.

The judge (Ajumogbia - or whatever the heck her name is) has a case to answer.

Stop being a Bigot !!

SHEIKHEMMANUEL • 5 years ago

After all these months of adjournments and reconvening.....Mr judge, you could do better than this and you know it too. Rita equally is dismissed and no longer a judge and all EFCC got to do now is to refile the charges without going thru the so called NJC.

Vincent Duruji • 5 years ago

Why does it seem that everything with Nigeria's affairs seems pathetic? Why would someone with 31-count criminal charge be set free? What do they have to lose to steal again? What a shady Shambolic Judge setting a Criminal free on the grounds that the court lacked jurisdiction to hear the suit. What have you been hearing all these while? What a flimsy excuse. Guess there can't be a law which states there is no bail at anytime when charged with corruption.

Sure enough, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but in some cases because of the possibility of destroying evidence or jumping-bail before Court day, not all bails are prudent. A judge must have some leeway in looking at the merits of cases before he just ''set bail or set an accused free.'' We can not just say, all accused should be given bail or be set free.

Our justice system is worst than a joke, it goes back to James Ibori corruption case. Judges/lawyers control things and the more chaotic, and confusion in the country, the more it benefited them.

Some of these Judges need to be held accountable, and demand an answer as to why they administer certain Judgement not fitting the crime or setting a Criminal free on a flimsy excuses, after-all, they are not God, they are really servants of the people, and releasing a psychopath or someone charged with corruption to the public, when he or she should be locked way for good, is a grave mistake.

There should be a law, to charge these Judges/lawyers, for perjuring themselves in court.

Guest • 5 years ago
Vincent Duruji • 5 years ago

There are times when we need each other’s opinion on pressing issues. And there are times when those opinions validates our own perspective. I was always suspicious of these our so-called Justice System based on the fact that they are not really concerned about the real victims of crime; they have one sole mission and that is to antagonized the govt. As a result, the criminals have been emboldened. Take for example the CCT/Saraki saga and Now see how progressively brutal many corrupt politicians have become.

P.S. Yes, it did helped me. Thank you!

Tunji Olarewaju • 5 years ago

I'm not disturbed by the rearrest of the disgraced judge ,I'm only annoyed at the double standard of allowing Obla ,her co-defendant to walk free !