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Captain • 5 years ago

It was a war of aggression against the prosperous South.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver • 5 years ago

The Tsar should have sent help for the South who was under imperial aggression from insane war pigs.
Now these same types are bringing the aggression to Russia.
Circle jerk of death.

spoint • 5 years ago

Well that was certainly as mistake - and the the punishment of Russia followed.

Billy Brown • 5 years ago

pathological altruism. then they lash out at others for their own ruin. *white people things*

Jeff Z • 5 years ago

Never heard this version. Many years ago a rabbi stated that Russia had sent its navy to stop the Brits and French from getting any ideas on invading the US while they were divided and killing each other. This enraged the Euro oligarchs and they held that contempt for the Tsar's family for interfering.

This whole 'anti-slavery' white hat mission story sounds too melodramatic to me. Regardless, I would bet there was more to their presence than that.

Backward • 5 years ago

What a tragic blunder the tzar did. Had he supported the South, the North would perhaps not have morphed into the world oppressor that it is.
And it's high time to dispel the myth that the war of aggression was about slavery, for heaven's sake. How can one write such ridiculous claims and expect to be taken seriously?

Le Rusé • 5 years ago

How can one write such ridiculous claims and expect to be taken seriously?
Only by those, who can't spell "slavery" ??

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Forget the past...Kick the ZioNazi-Neo-Bolsheviks Out of Washington...Shake Hands & become Friends again...That is the best advise I can give..easy does it....

Jay • 5 years ago

The War was initially brought about over States Rights, The JewW’s and neeegros want you to think that in the 1700’s there were White men who would die to free black slaves..... LOLOLOLOL
a ridiculous notion and total propaganda .

Robert McMaster • 5 years ago

Russia dispatched naval asset to US ports to prevent their being bottled up back home by the British and French.

Brian Eggar • 5 years ago

Does anybody else see the similarity to today with Venezuela but with America taking the role of Great Britain and Russia still following the same path?

Rod Coffman • 5 years ago

I don't believe the Tsar did this for Lincoln or the North, the Tsar did this to prevent Britain and France from carving up the United States. During the War Between the States, Britain had recently sent 10K troops to Canada. Napoleon III had installed Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian as Emperor of Mexico along with French troops and navy. Apparently Mexico had defaulted on their loans to Europe, not much changes. Along with the fact that Lincoln issued Greenbacks to finance the war instead of borrowing money from the Rothschilds at 20% interest.

Brannon Tucker • 5 years ago

Correction: Russia and the North were friends, not Russia and “America”. Definitely no friend to my ancestors at the time.

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Forget the past....it has been one big LIE...today is another day....my Brothers were Massacred by ALL Americans back then....gotta leave the past behind right? There’s more important shit goin’ on these days


Billy Brown • 5 years ago

you are good dude. there are more of you than ever, you are more awake than ever, and you now can recognize you have 1 billion chinese cousins. one day all of south america will be yours. grino cant go back to europe though. necesito petroleo or we will be slaves. better to die

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Humanity shares a common Enemy...out for our Total Destruction....we already failed to create a paradise on earth with all our intelligence & technology...instead we used it to destroy & to satisfy our endless greed...but I never planned to go down without a Fight....

Dimitri Ledkovsky • 5 years ago

Who were your ancestors at the time? I wish I could change ancestors too.

Richard Hollembeak • 5 years ago

Some of the same slave traders later turned out to be some of the biggest anti slavers ; Satan' s spawn always does a good job of dividing and conquering through lies and deceit .

Plains6748 • 5 years ago

Getting involved in another nation's internal affairs is not wise. You make bitter enemies for generations.

John C Carleton • 5 years ago

Russia was the enemy of America.
Russia and the USA were great friends.

Course the USA was gang raping children to death, gang raping black women to death.
Burning whole cities filled with civilians.
(Like Russia did to the German children and civilians in 1945).
Purposely starving tens of thousands of children, old men, old women, mothers to death.
(Like Russia did to the Ukrainians.)
Stealing everything which was loose or the criminal USA could pry loose.
Digging up fresh graves looking for loot, throwing the dead on the ground for wild animals to eat.
Shooting civilians.
Gang raping American ministers daughters, because their minister fathers dared pray for their country and their leaders, publicly, as the bible teaches one to do.
Burning farm houses, (often with grandma and grandpa still in them), courthouses, hospitals, churches, seminaries, convents.

So Russia was an evil bunch of degenerates, who stuck their noses in American affairs which did not concern them, in support of the basest, worst, evil warcrimes which were ever done.

Americans ever get around to fighting for their freedom again, and the Russian military shows up to try to keep them slaves again, each will receive one to the back of the head, as criminal mercenaries deserve.

John Tosh • 5 years ago

Maybe you need to cut down on the moonshine! You do not dictate what others do... they do as they like.

John C Carleton • 5 years ago

The Raped Semitic Palestinian Child Identified Kjell Hasthi

The Semitic Palestinian child ran screaming to his father-
He said i am so sorry to give you such bother-

But this evil pedophile zionist Israhell Hazbara troll-
Which was born on a three shekel cat house muff fluff roll-

Cornered me in an ally outside the zionist pedophile temple-
Said IT wanted to show me on each cheek of IT’s saggy ass IT’s dimples-

IT grabbed me and had IT’s pedophile way up my tush-
While singing a song about an evil burning Bush-

The crowd from the Satangogue clapped and cheered-
When i screamed in pain and terror the zionist Russian expats jeered-

Tell me father, why must we Semitic Palestinians endure such evil like these crazed Russian hogs rootin-
His father replied, you see son, theres this sold out Turkmen/slavic SOB called Putin!
The Ole Dog

John Tosh • 5 years ago

Putin did what he had to do to fix his country... kind of like when he had a good time with US presidents who thought he was with them.. its called being smart!

John C Carleton • 5 years ago

It is called selling ones soul to evil.
"For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and lose his own soul."

Course, I would not expect a zionist zombie, in the terminal stages of the zionist virus infection, to comprehend the ramifications of selling out to evil.

John C Carleton • 5 years ago
John C Carleton • 5 years ago

Is there something in your rambling hissy fit at me telling the truth, which contradicts the truth?

No, you just did a personal hissy fit attack, trying to discredit the truth teller, in order to discredit the truth.

Typical Israhell pedophile and Usury promoting hazbara tactics.

'Hasbara Handbook: 7 Basic Propaganda Devices'

John Tosh • 5 years ago

Your hatred of Jews is second only to NAZIs ... I do not hate jews... I am not a Jew but I dislike painting a group of people as bad. The British did great things in the world, they also stole the world dry. The British brought education and canon law to Asia, Africa and many parts of the world... they also brought slavery and stole raw materials. You cannot hate all British people for that.

The Jews like Albert Einstein did wonderful in Physics... others in Medicine while a few Jews are busy killing innocent Palestinians and trying to control global money supply and global trade. You cannot hate all Jews for that...

Open your eyes.... pinpoint the problem rather than painting all tribes or races as bad... then you will realize there are bad people in every group, tribe or race... Pluck out bad people and let the rest of the world live in peace!

John C Carleton • 5 years ago

Who said a damn thing about the mythical "jew"?

i was speaking of USA war criminals, Russian War Criminals.

i did not even mention the zioinst pedophiles, which hazbaras always try to equate with the mythical "jew".

You just throwing a hazbara hissy fit because the illumination of the truth i told, burns your hide, you cannot rebut the truth, so you descend to personal attacks based on total zionist lies.

LaCarreta • 5 years ago

I like how you by a Freudian slip used cannon law instead of canon law. You seem to be a bit of an Eaistein.

You couldn't be more right! The British did bring cannon law to many countries but in some cases when that proved to be insufficient they also bought carpet bombing law to Europe, ME and Asia.

But in principle I agree with you. We shouldn't hate anyone and especially not the innocent. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't point out, condemn and resist evil with all our strength.

Guest • 5 years ago
John Tosh • 5 years ago

Never knew that

Backward • 5 years ago

To be realistic you need to take percentages into consideration, John. And to read the names on the boards that counts.

Chris Chuba • 5 years ago

To be fair, it follows, if Jews were treated badly in Czarist Russia (ie pogroms), they voted with their feet and left Russia for the U.S., then they said bad things about Russia (why wouldn't they?) it's not a stretch.

I love RI but I'm not a fan of the Jews are to blame for everything theme they have taken on lately. This is new. I loved how they analyzed U.S. foolishness when we went bonkers when Russia intervened in Syria and destroyed our 'moderate rebels' who were allied with al Qaeda.

disqus_yHMzegs06p • 5 years ago

Lincoln got what was coming to him. To top it off, all trace of his seed was soon eliminated.

Billy Brown • 5 years ago

honestly only white war dogs left are southern kids. worst history lesson you could possibly teach them. nothing they hate more than the union yankees

Simulacra • 5 years ago

Intesting article, learned something new.

Thomas Malthaus • 5 years ago


Off topic but I couldn't resist posting. Russia mob bosses and their associates will be arrested and given 10 to 20-year sentences just for having meetings. They will be labeled as terrorists.

Not sure what to make of it, but perhaps a boots on the ground perspective would be enlightening.

LaCarreta • 5 years ago

One more thing we can blame on the Tsar. Maybe it's justice what was done to him.

Guest • 5 years ago
Dimitri Ledkovsky • 5 years ago

And Lincoln did not emancipate "the slaves". Aren't we over yet with pushing the victor's version of history?

LaCarreta • 5 years ago

So what was it? A civil "police action"?

REPTOIDCOMMAND • 5 years ago

At the time...the war was known as "The War Between the States"....not a "civil war"...
The paramount issue of the day was "state's rights" ; for they are individually sovereign states , united...NOT conjoined. Slavery was an important issue of the day but was already
on the wane throughout the Western Hemisphere. The issue of sovereignty concerns
ALL laws thereunder. Backed by the Vatican...Great Britain wanted the return of principal control of "Her Colonies". The North and South, by their own mutually indulgent alienation, fell into the trap and Washington D.C. now stands as proof that the Vatican (Roman Empire) was victorious.
The moral to the story ?.......Black folk aren't really the niggers...."Americans" stupid enough
to turn against their own brother in a full blown war are..[equivalent to 8 X WWII, per capita ]
..and so the republic was lost.. and the war was given a new name fit for "niggers" by the Victors...... the Roman Empire's Fasces stand inside and before "Congress" to this very day........
If "Americans" will only take a few moments to listen.....they will hear the Pope's song playing
throughout the Halls of "Congress".....of Caesar's surmounting the Americans... half-savages
one and all !!!
🎥 Kool & The Gang - Jungle Boogie (Soul Train 1974) - YouTube

Guy Montag • 5 years ago

Colomial war .
The yanks colonizing the Confederation :-(

XSFRGR • 5 years ago

Good question. By definition a civil war is a war wherein two or more sides are vying for control of a government. Since the Confederacy didn't want anything whatever to do with the Union The War of Northern Aggression is accurately defined as a war of secession. In other words, a very messy divorce.

Guest • 5 years ago
Billy Brown • 5 years ago

aka the war of northern aggression. the south was subsidizing the useless bureaucracies of the north and decided they had no need for the union. then they got invaded. how overwhelmed their navy was played a big part in their eventual, not defeat because it wasnt a war, submission. it was like crimea being forced to stay with the rest under hateful bolshevik rule. they should unpublish this article or only release it in african languages where people still believe in lincoln stories

Guest • 5 years ago
Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Perhaps there’s some interesting video in this list that you haven’t watched...Building 7 was a Controlled Demolition....If Building 7 was a Controlled Demolition then all Three Buildings were a Controlled Demolition...Vans drove on and off at night until the early morning...in the days before the Attack and unloaded boxes...The Pentagon was most likely a Cruise-Missile....Larry Silverstein made a shitload of insurance money with the Demolition of the ASBESTOS TOWERS... removing the Asbestos in the official way would have costed Mr. Silverstein Billions...perhaps that was why the Israelis were Dancing with joy...easy does it....It ain’t even about all the Details....it was an inside Job executed by Traitors in IsraHell & Washington...Osama Bin Laden a CIA-Asset dating back to the Russian War in Afghanistan & he played an important role in Former Yugoslavia too with his Band of Mujahideen Headchoppers...the Skull & Bones Bushes should Hang for it just like the Rest of the Filthy Traitors....
















Controlled Demolition:












Guest • 5 years ago
Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

A lot has got to do with our food...the chemicals we spray on them...but even more important: Our vegetables contain only 30% of the nutritions that it used to contain half a century ago....overuse of the soil through the industrialization of agriculture only take..take...take and not putting anything back in the ground like we should (humic and fulvic acids...good menure without antibiotics mixed with straw....basically the old way of farming) The Soil became Poor and thus all our food became Poor...The Polish People were very Healthy they Grew their own Vegetables...then they Joined The European Union...and started eating the Mass-Produced Food...using Chemicals to grow Vegetables like we do in industrialized Farming these days ain’t the way...Result Western diseases: Obesitas, Diabetes, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Coronary Heart disease and Colon Cancer... Better start growing your own Food...on Clean Good Soil...in essence back to basics... Symbiosis... Permaculture... We can’t Improve Nature is my personal opinion....

Rudolph Steiner...Biodynamic Agriculture: