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franz kafka • 6 years ago

James Jatras is always an insightful and delightful read.
He confirms my belief that the Talmudo-Satanists are never so filled with exuberant glee as when they turn the only thing that stands between them and total 'possession' - Christian Orthodoxy and especially Russian Orthodoxy - into a plaything of their lust for hegemony.

They have, through Bartholomew and other corrupt and cowardly individuals, turned Orthodox history and theology into a sandbox for them to get their hands dirty and play in.

But given that their main prize, Russia itself and its Orthodox heart, slipped from their vampire grip following the Yeltsin years, their Pyrrhic victory now rings hollow and temporary. Better yet, appended to the USSD debacle which is The Ukraine, this 'autocephally' will wilt quickly when The Ukraine is finally free of the CIA and its Talmudo-Satanist occupiers.

In fact, a proper, conciliar restructuring of Orthodoxy, wresting it from the clutches of the Ecumenical Patriarch, may well be a huge favor in the long run.
It is perfectly obvious that no 'autocephaly' can be given to an occupied state, especially with that state, in the person of Poroshenko, so clearly drooling all over the gift. Thus, we should thank the operatives of the USSD and the CIA for inadvertently setting in motion the juggernaut of real reforms.

As in Goethe's Faust, when Mephistofeles is asked: "Who are you?" he replies:
"I am that power which wills forever Evil but does Forever Good" so the United States acts in its dying days.
A fitting motto, or sooner, epitaph, for the rapidly devolving United States and all its Satraps and Satrapies - the minor devils.

And, yes, this is a long run, which even a century of genocide, followed by brutal persecution by Khazaro-Turkic fakejews and their allies in the West, could not bring to a halt.

Pity that the West seems to have given up its Christian traditions to the same tribe under no pressure whatsoever, other than Bernaysian shaming in the media and a few faint squeals of "AntiSemtism" and a real, but small, pedophile problem, amplified by the enthralled Bernaysian press into the equivalent of the Dutch Tulip Bulb madness of a past era.

Perhaps the only church left will soon be the Orthodox Church, with the Russian Orthodox Church taking the place of 'Protector of the Faith' once more, in which case one could claim to see the hand of God in all things. Certainly the Ecumenical Patriarchy has proved itself unworthy and incapable of playing that role.

bluewater • 6 years ago

Porky a good corrupt puppet of George Soros money and allowed to make millions on the backs of poor decent Ukrainian people and a Dual Israeli citizen like those running USA and

He is made of the same cloth of his brethren tribe Rulers.


commonsenseadvocate • 6 years ago

People can not stop God's plan. The will of the Lord will be done regardless of whether individuals cooperate with it or not. May all come to their senses and support his plan as it will be a great blessing in the end for all who do even if it means martyrdom for many. It will lead to crowns of glory in the next eternal life. Holy Orthodoxy will prevail in the end regardless of who tries to get in the way including the anti-Christ himself.

vard koskoh • 6 years ago

Franz, your comment is the only coherent on here. and it is spot on.

franz kafka • 6 years ago


BMWA1 • 6 years ago

This whole thing will blowup in the face of the Anglo-Zio Vatican lot, we will have a resolve to come together when we are threatened. we will dig our heals in and not move.
We outlasted the independent Ukraine in the 20s under the Germans
and we outlasted the renovationists that Constantinople propped up against Patriarch Tikhon.

The Greeks,have been thoroughly Americanized here is an example a funeral for a dog at a Greek Orthodox church.


Kjell • 6 years ago

- He confirms my belief that the Talmudo-Satanists are never so filled with exuberant glee

James Jatras makes no relation to Judaism. A nazi will draw relationships out of the hat.
Where is "greater Israel" part of the story ?

Thomas Malthaus • 6 years ago

It just seems that high ranking Jews and Catholics are always connected to corruption.

Perhaps the State Department is a good spot to root out Nazis and neocons sympathetic to Ukraine. Perhaps your favorite Jewish Maidan instigator Victoria Nuland is involved here?

franz kafka • 6 years ago

I suspect @KYjelly was being disinJewnuous.

IllyaK • 6 years ago

The JEWISH globalist plan is to Pervert the rest of the world and take over. Just look at the US houses of congress and the f'ing EU: they are mostly Jews or "Christian Zionists" or Jew Atheists. And they have a plan, my pretties. A plan to F you up. And make sure you don't reproduce beyond a controllable slave level.

hanlonsrazor • 6 years ago

As soon as "Killary Clinton" shows up somewhere, all "alarm bells" have to sound! That never means anything good! On the contrary!

Kjell • 6 years ago

You make radical claims with no proof.
The Orthodox Jewish are not even Zionists, but anti-Zionists, just the contrary of what RI communicates. The Zionists are the Liberals, those who commit voting fraud in US. RI is also Liberals.

The Zionists are the Liberals -> it is the Jewhaters who are Zionists

George Soros - Jewhater by the age of 12
Main Liberal.
Jewish = Jewhater

Henry Kissinger
- Israel will cease to exist by 2022
(does not seem to worry him. As a main Zionist Kissinger has no wish to move to Tel Aviv and learn Hebrew)

Those who promote WWIII are the Liberals, and we find them on RI
- War on Trump
- War on Putin
- War on Israel

hanlonsrazor • 6 years ago

Are you joke, a "ruminant", a well trained biological ballast who only represents the voices of his masters? How about it, if you would start to think for yourself (again)? Stop using the TV and do not use any other official media, too! They are mostly in Jewish hands or are tendentious in their message processing!

Your "thinking" was implanted by this - wrong and dangerous - society to you and you repeat only that what you have been teached!

It's a shitty thing to say - wrongly - that such a nonsense reflects your own opinion! Finish your naiveness and start thinking by yourself again and try not to blame other people if you yourself are completely wrong!

When the Talmud was recorded in writing in the 3rd century, there existed no Zionists nor were the Abkhazians jewish!

Once again - as always - the Jews try to put the blame on others! The hatred of goyim begins in the "religion" itself!


Kjell • 6 years ago

- It's a shitty thing to say - wrongly - that such a nonsense reflects your own opinion!

That is harassment, not science. You obviously never studied science , you don't even know what a proof is. You cannot prove anything, like 2 - 2 = 4
Once you have becomes a Carleton you will die without being able to prove anything

Jewshater are stupid people. Example Bausman. No background in politics. He knows agriculture or something like that.
To this day the closest answer to
- Who the f**k are you talking about ?
(as question on RI)
- If you call yourself a Jew you become a Jew

We are talking imbecile answers. No dictionary has that as definition of Jew,.
There are no Jews in the world using the definition of "Jew" that is the norm
So we can conclude you are an idiot (proving - Jewshater are stupid people)

Jewhaters are ready programmed Liberal nazis. We must expept all their friends, girlfriends, teachers to be the same. So one cannot talk to something like that.
They are just Libtards on RI.
That is why there will be civil war in US. US is full of ready programmed Nazis - millions upon millions ... who today prepare themselves to kill politicians

vard koskoh • 6 years ago

Might have know that kunt Miss Piggy ~Clinton was involved in such krap, the vile war-monger Great Satan USA has done, and still does any evil it can to benefit its own greed, plunder, exploitation, robbery.

The Popes? I still believe that former Pope, the pollak one was well-chosen indeed! First Polish Pope? how handy indeed, Gods Will? my arse, he was a stool-pigeon who helped bring-down the regime in Poland and caused the domino effect onwards to the old USSR.

Franklin Wisman • 6 years ago

Not surprised. US will do all it can to destroy Russia. There is also the bio and genetic warfare facility in Georgia which spreads toxins in Russia.

Walter • 6 years ago

Interesting photo of the 2 walking down a stairway. Bart the fart in Black with Hillary the c--- in blue.

Aer O'Head • 6 years ago

I wonder if Victoria Nuland had her hand in this one too.

Franklin Wisman • 6 years ago

If not directly, her relatives in the tribe did. They all work together for this and have been throughout US gov since FDR.

Aer O'Head • 6 years ago

Spot on. It was actually Truman who single-handedly started the Cold War. And established the "National Security State." But yeah, it was FDR who created the "military-industrial-congressional complex," the flip-side of the coin to his "New Deal."

Franklin Wisman • 6 years ago

See all who were brought into his admin. His son-in-law wrote well on this. FDR and Eleanor of the tribe and closet commies. Harry Dexter White was their Svengali in directing them.

Peter Paul 1950 • 6 years ago

And didn't Hill Bill Clinton even admit that Hillary was in spiritual contact with Eleanor and getting her advice from her ... it doesn't get more unorthodox than that ...

Franklin Wisman • 6 years ago

Jean Huston wrote that she helped Killary channel Eleanor. But Killary was a commie and witch before that.

Peter Paul 1950 • 6 years ago

I tried to summon Eleanore myself with my crystal ball ... but all I got as an answer was this ...


BMWA1 • 6 years ago


Franklin Wisman • 6 years ago

When pigs fly.

Peter Paul 1950 • 6 years ago

You mean the hand in the bag full of cookies to feed the dogs ... ?


Aer O'Head • 6 years ago

Victoria Nuland speaks on America's directing the future of Ukraine, in the interest of the United Stated States and big oil. She talks about the United States giving 5 Billion to Ukraine to ensure democratic changes from within.


Peter Paul 1950 • 6 years ago

Victoria Nuland speaks on America's behalf ... ? ... Nuland is not America ... I just have to see the sponsor on the thumbnail and that says it all ... Chevron ... she's as much America as Justin Turdeau is Canada ... ever since it was mentioned here in Germany that the Ukraine was handed to Merkel to integrate in the EU I don't see that anything going on has anything to do with democracy ... changes yes ... but for a different purpose ... after witnessing how Yugoslavia was ripped apart with the help of CNN and NATO it's all the same old story ... they had very good business connections to Ghaddafi through the oil industry ... and along came some crooks and thieves and pickpockets ...

Aer O'Head • 6 years ago

She most certainly was. And is. She was Assistant Secretary of State and a well-known neocon in her own right, married to Prince of the Neocons, Robert Kagan himself. And yes, of course, they are part-and-parcel of the military-industrial-congressional complex. See:


Peter Paul 1950 • 6 years ago

Thanks, nice read even though it's the NYT .... still doesn't warm me towards Nuland ... the US have a two party system that are two faces of the same coin ... and the occasional wrecking ball ... cheers ...

Aer O'Head • 6 years ago

Neocons play both sides of the aisle. They had their clutches on Hillary Clinton, and now they've got Trump in their clutches. It's kind of ironic that it was Bill Kristol (originator of the "Never-Trumper movement") acolytes who first came up with the "Trump Dossier" which was later claimed by the Hillary crowd. Most notably his son-in-law, who edits and operates the neocon rag "Washington Free Beacon" and major funder Paul Singer. And it really slays me that MSNBC, supposedly a "liberal voice," often has Bill Kristol as a "pundit."

Kjell • 6 years ago

- Neocons play both sides of the aisle.

Are you talking about McCain as the Neocons .. or Hillary ...
or some mail-box in Washington DC ...
or a telly program with Bill Kristol "Conversations with Bill Kristol, featuring guests from the academy and public life"

(One never knows in case of Liberals .. what they talk about. They will never tell it either)

Aer O'Head • 6 years ago

I hope you're kidding. You don't know about neocons? Or PNAC? They've been festering in the U.S. government and in "think tanks" for decades now.


franz kafka • 6 years ago

Nulan (real name Knudelmann) is really nothing but a Jew.

There is no distance now between the MIC, the Jewish Mafia and the US Government.

franz kafka • 6 years ago

Ready. Aim. Fire!

David Leach • 6 years ago

How can a country like US, trillions in debt,be allowed to keep printing what in reality are worthless war Dollars to support Global conflict.Amazes me you never hear IMF or anyone really criticize this.

If US economy was held to account it would end over night.

bluewater • 6 years ago

on behalf of SOROS/ROTHSCHILDS ,ISRAEL and their minions..Hillary,Exxon,Monsanto and Corporations that will come in the future if this will be the new jewish homeland etc

commonsenseadvocate • 6 years ago

Look to the monks of Mount Athos as they are the beacons of true Orthodox Christianity. They were against this council that was held on Crete back in 2016. I'm sure they also are against the Patriarchate's ruling regarding Ukraine. Does anyone really think that Hillary Clinton or any other US representative visited the Patriarchate out of respect? Of course not. Their goal is always to influence and manipulate others. I hope and pray the Patriarchate comes to its senses soon.

Matt Hol • 6 years ago

Russia needs to start testing nuclear weapons again. The attacks against Russia are relentless and unacceptable for a nuclear superpower.

ricck lineheart • 6 years ago

All along the money trail the usual hikers keep walking along and collecting and picking and filling their pockets . Bribery is an expensive business today , murder is still cheap one on one .


A $0.45 bullet at the base of Bertholomew would resolve some issues.

Peter Paul 1950 • 6 years ago

To get to the Vampire inside it should be done more professionally ... preferably in a dark basement somewhere around midnight ...



I don't disagree with your up close and more personal method, Peter, as long it's done.One fewer charlatan on this old planet wouldn't hurt anyone and might be damn sight better than this scumbag roaming this Earth.

Le Rusé • 6 years ago

Cheap two bit Ho !

IllyaK • 6 years ago

The only thing I know for sure is that when Sean Hannity's hairline meets his eyebrows the end is nigh.

And that scenario is fast approaching.

IllyaK • 6 years ago

Corrupt duplicitous Polack and Romanian shiptari/gypsy Catholic/witch doctors, who fought on the side of Nazis, with the Jews, are corruptible?

Say it ain't so!

Vera Gottlieb • 6 years ago

Should I be surprised? Corruption tentacles reaching far and wide...