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Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

There is a Very Easy Solution to this Problem.... “Ask not what Suckerberg can do for you – Ask what you can do to bring down Suckerberg,”




vard koskoh • 5 years ago

the most kickable face on earth, the son of satan

Richard H • 5 years ago

One of his many offspring .

Paw • 5 years ago

The very poisonous Snake ..from shadows of the Hell of the SnakeBookistan..

ravenise • 5 years ago

I am deeply saddened to see that RT is also on a censorship spree. Their policy is worse than facebook. RT staff claim my comment "netanyahu is wetting his diapers" is against their policy, in the image they had sent to me, available Here: https://image.ibb.co/bGroZe...

I contacted RT, they said:

"Due to our new policy we don't unblock users who have violated our posting rules.

Best regards,
RT team"

A policy even worse than facebook. Making new accounts doesn't get past the censorship... so they are blocking ip addresses, meaning its possible entire households, institutions, universities, colleges, libraries, and wifi hotspots, could be blocked entirely in one swipe over one person poking fun at one of the greatest mass murdering psychopaths the worlds have ever known. Talk about extreme.

Peter Jennings • 5 years ago

Just one of many reasons why i stopped posting comments there. One had to write like a moron to post anything risqué.

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

They can’t stop it unless they pull the Plug out of internet... the Elite has opened Pandorra’s Box...it was to check on us... now we Check them... and it is Good to Claim your Right to say whatever you want...

bluewater • 5 years ago
Manimal • 5 years ago

Nah, Satan is not that lame.

Yep • 5 years ago

Already did.

bluewater • 5 years ago

and a good time to delete THE ROCKEFELLER MEDICINE..VACCINES and

What your wonderful Doctor (Medical Mafia/Big Pharma) will not TELL YOU

This video is for the HIGH INFORMATION Crowd.

Morgellons was patented by Stanford University via US Patent #
6,245,531 B1 “Polynucleotide Encoding Insect Ecdysone Receptor” ….This
video establishes that MORGELLONS is indeed a FACT evidenced by the US
Patent # 6,245,531 B1 HERE:

US Patent # 5,514,578A Polynucleotides Encoding Insect Steroid Hormone Receptor Polypeptides and Cells Transformed With Same HERE.

This Morgellons electrical biological weapon, which is literally
re-wiring us and is powered by electromagnetic fields from the wiring in
our houses, is being sprayed on all of us via chemical clouds
(chemtrails) and is burrowing deep into all of our lung tissue. YOU have
it in our body RIGHT NOW!! So do I, so do all of us, but we are NOT
POWERLESS to defend ourselves! We CAN prevent the full blown disease
from destroying our lives!



Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

The U.S. has become very Bad... Americans have become Guinee-Pigs...Europe is still different...although we have our Chemtrails here too...

Our Sunsets on a Daily Basis:
Made this one in april made whole series and Time-Lapse...Contacted the Government, KNMI, and other Governmental Organisations...they are all silent...Liars...either Sheeples stay ignorant and accept everything or they will Resist them in the near Future...America Has been Completely Destroyed in 150 Years...

bluewater • 5 years ago

I respect your comments as I have seen them. I do not know what country you live in. Those that run the world are in CHINA,DUBAI,France,Switzerland,Italy,England,Germany etc. We are all humanity and those who are Presidents and higher ups belong to the BIG CLUB and we are not in it. YES Europe does not allow somethings that GMO made..but that is why THEY SPRAY CHEMTRAILS in EUROPE. ...They spray fine NANO PARTICLES which land on the food and land on your SKIN..that is the Morgellons and NANO PARTICLES..SO all around the world you think you have LYME DISEASE,SHINGLES and all these rashes and diseases and they are nothing more than NANO TOXICITY...It is in the WATER you drink were ever you are . It is in the liquid vitamins ,pills and medicine and Vaccines..It is in the AIR and you are breathing it...do your research,you will see.
Most fish and shrimp come from SOUTHEAST ASIA..VIETNAM.. it is contaminated as is FARM RAISED FISH were ever it is grown except maybe NORWAY ,WILD SALMON FROM ALASKA.
listen to this good ,decent woman..she is telling you the truth and i know Tony P she is talking about in the end to cure yourself and if you want i will give you his website and has 100's of videos on YOUTUBE. he is in 1666 countries helping POOR people in AFRICA,ASIA,SOUTH AMERICA,EUROPE and THE USA who are desperate and the MEDICAL MAFIA can not help them...

”Sister Keri Burnor spent many years as a nun serving peacefully within
the Catholic Church; that is, until she was sexually assaulted by
Church Clergy. After that experience, her search for justice and truth
put her face to face with some of the highest powers in the world today,
but not necessarily in a good way. Her intimate knowledge of the inner
workings of the Roman Catholic Church and the evils that are hidden and
covered up therein on a regular basis have become the very thing that
has caused Burnor’s life to be in jeopardy.”

Before you beLIEve THE VATICAN

Before you beLIEve the PRIEST

Before you beLIEve that ONLY a FEW
PRIESTS are molesting NUNS and young boys. Go by a NUNNERY and you will
see a Cemetery right next to it.That is were they have buried the babies
aborted by THE PRIEST who had sex with NUNS,going on for thousands of

Before you go to Confession


Before you attend the NEXT SATANIC MASS.

Before you EAT your GMO WHEAT,CORN,SOY,MEAT,CHEESE,MILK LISTEN to this YOUNG WOMAN who was a NUN......who are you going to beLIEve the

KOSHER MEDIA or this Honest woman....absolutely disgusting and THE SHEEPLE are in DEEP SLUMBER with their DumbPhones!!!!

90% of the SHEEPLE that think they have LYME Disease have actually NANO TOXICITY

5G will allow them to be inside your body with THE GMO nano food you are eating and drinking


Dulles Brothers/Rockefeller/Rothschild created The FEDERAL RESERVE in 1913

LEO ZAGAMI 33 degree FREEMASON ..P2 LODGE in THE VATICAN is a whistleblower

Before you beLIEve The KOSHER MEDIA about TRUMP.....IT IS TRUMP who protected this woman




For more info:


Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

I’m from Holland..the Land of Bilderberg, Van Duyn Family & Manhattan....Thanks for all your Links very interesting... My Idea is these People are bringing down themselves... They are an absolute threat to Humanity as a Whole & Life on Earth...they already have proven that by their actions...they think they are Sacrosanct... but they are wrong...
The Vatican & Pope Francis are in Trouble.... the Pope overplayed his hand....he will have to leave soon is my prediction...

bluewater • 5 years ago

These are not my predictions..... I have posted this in the last few weeks and of course I get ATTACKED by all those on here who are GENIUSES. i have stated for a few years that starting in 2018. The man made religions will be gone. YES they want to bring in the ONE WORLD RELIGION and ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT...LUCIFERIAN
but will not happened
THERE WILL BE NO NUCLEAR WAR or WW3.. will not be allowed
They are desperate and trying their LAST SHOT already since September 1st ..there is talk of a NEW 911 which was a SATANIC RITUAL as is THE WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST and everyday rituals performed in HOLLYWEIRD.
I have a good friend who lives next door to you in THE NETHERLANDS were she shows me photos of THE CHEMTRAILS and what goes on in the SKY behind CLOUDS. She was born into an illuminati family and her father was very connected to Prince Bernhard who is THE DRACO that ran EUROPE for the 20th century. Today it is a ROTHSCHILD and he is in GERMANY who give orders to the rest of THE ROTSCHILDS in Switzerland. They too are leaving soon,that is why David Rockefeller left and Barbara Bush and soon DADDY BUSH,SOROS,KISSINGER and all the EVIL ONES. She was molested as a young child by her family and other ELITES,but now is broke because she will not do as they tell her.
She knows everyone as she worked in the banking for them. the NETHERLANDS is PURE EVIL..MOST MEN ARE SATANIC and wealthy and of course those woman also that sleep with them.. She confirmed to me that Ronald Bernard is real even though many trolls here attack me for posting it.


Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

I know the Ronald Bernhard story.... I am in the Lion’s Den for that matter...I’m a Scout gaining Knowledge & Information for Others when the lights go out...I can Unite & Reach Peoples in All Corners of the Netherlands when the shit hits the fan...bein’ prepared these days ain’t an unnecessary luxury....

bluewater • 5 years ago

You are a good person. So you understand that what Ronald Bernard is saying is the TRUTH and exactly what the NUN who was molested found out.
Spread this all you can. WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON that you see and has been going for thousands of years is coming to an End.
THE War ABOVE the Rothschilds and Jesuits and their puppets who THEY ANSWER TO..THEIR OVERLORDS is LUCIFER.
The different factions are fighting for WHO OWNS YOUR SOUL and THIS PLANET.
Forget the BS laws of Man.
The only law that counts is THE LAW OF THE UNIVERSE/THE CREATOR and all must obey it..So they can manipulate you with media,religion,hollyweird,sex etc etc...BUT THEY CAN NOT GO AGAINST YOUR FREE WILL
I do not allow them to invade my SPACE/MY REALITY
try to do this day and night and when in car or outside in city.
BELIEVE in YOURSELF that you are a VERY POWERFUL SPIRITUAL BEING living a human existence...which you are ..You were made with a spark of the Creator and as Jesus said ..what I can do ,you can do better..i am not of this world.
walk on the grass ,beach with NO SHOES,NO SOCKS..let the Energy of the Planet heal you
THINK POSITIVE...no negativity
stay connected to NATURE
DO GOOD,BE GOOD...what goes around comes around.
Pray,meditate,positive affirmations are all the same....
DRINK good water with NO FLOURIDE or CHLORINE plenty of good water
eat clean food and less meat
BE HAPPY and live and enjoy your life....YOU will be protected and starting september 21st thru the end of years ..YOU will see things that you never thought was possible
The ROTHSCHILD already lost and the FEDERAL RESERVE is going to absorb ALL THE DEBT..YOU will start with a clean slate..NO DEBT,NO TAXES...TRUST...things will be better in the FUTURE..WE did not come to be SLAVES,we are made in the IMAGE of GOD.
2019 will be new technology and a NEW SYSTEM COMING IN.
YOU will be on top of the water...those that are NEGATIVE will have weights on them and will sink to the level they belong...They have to be separated so that they can not influence you anymore..It will be the golden age and you will not have to worry about money.
The next couple of months will shock all and will affect Europe and the world,including OZ

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

My Church is Nature... I come from the Rock & to the Rock I shall return...I’m around for Billions of years...I am the Ant & the Universe and do not Fear Death...it is just shifting my shape...I do Recognize Evil and Curse it... my Curses are strong.... I have seen many Fall..and more to come....When People Unite & Division is Gone, these One-Percenters are Nothing....absolutely Nothing....

bluewater • 5 years ago

AHHHH beautiful... it is called DUALITY..when we get rid of DUALITY..we will have SINGULARITY.
Good for YOU ..I have never seen a doctor and I have been in Nature since a young boy and the animals are not afraid of me

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

My pleasure...yeah Humans got a lot to learn....

bluewater • 5 years ago

EARTH is a SCHOOL...only 5% are AWAKE the rest in deep slumber,but many are awakening

bluewater • 5 years ago



Franklin Wisman • 5 years ago

Never used such, smelled it's spy usefulness when it all came out.

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Neither did I... right now they desperately try to close the Net, so the time has arrived to inform others......Their Targets are Clear & Their mistakes are plenty at the moment which makes it fairly easy to convince them users... Facebook will become a Sitting Duck... feel Free to Fire a couple of rounds

Guibus Guib • 5 years ago

same for me.

Theater of the Absurd • 5 years ago

Facebook + Atlantic Council....my God what a tool that Zuckerberg is.

America, where the unbelievable has become a reality.

Franklin Wisman • 5 years ago

CIA involved from their founding.

John C Carleton • 5 years ago

Facebook is entertainment.
Something to keep the sheep's minds from having to be still, and think.

God forbid, the sheep actually stop squabbling over things which don't matter, sharpen the tines of their pitchforks, make some torches, and take care of business

vard koskoh • 5 years ago

Exactly https://uploads.disquscdn.c... In our time its FB Google ect ect keep them dumbed-down and full of ka-ka they can sleep with their 'chains' and take them everywhere the utter sheep.

Franklin Wisman • 5 years ago

This is so many Americans now - just check the Kino and sportsbars and listen to the conversation. Sad. They don't even know they've been deliberately hooked.

Seán Murphy • 5 years ago

The Proles in 1984?

Franklin Wisman • 5 years ago

Americans, 2018.

Bradley Dueringer • 5 years ago

So true. Tptb want us to vent via keyboards and vocal cords. They are bend on sidelining any actual meaningful response that would be of a physical nature against them or their puppets. Tolerance and passivity are the last virtues of a conquered people. People at one time would tar and feather the leadership that violated their liberties. Today we are surrounded by sheep, who imerse themselves in mindless bread and circuses... It is a travesty of submission to tyranny


Kjell • 5 years ago

"God forbid, the sheep actually stop squabbling over things which don't matter,"

means we are "goyim" for Carleton. I am "goyim" for him and you are "goyim" for him.
And you agree, that you are goyim ??

Guibus Guib • 5 years ago

accusatory inversion is your speciality, isn't it ?

Kjell • 5 years ago

It is not acceptable on RI that you make false accusation justifed with nothing, as you do here. If you cannot argue, but behave like another Libtard, leave us alone.
Carleton is very racist regarding his neighbors
I am not racist at all. I am the anti-racist here, as you should understand after 1000 messages on the topic

John C Carleton "I have been dealing with these ignorant spineless sheep for forty years trying to get them to pull their heads out of their butts. I know
the American Head up Assus sheep. I am VERY informed, and if you support evil, you are evil even if you do not murder and rape yourself. Each and every
American Sheep, which cast a vote for one of the two puppets put forward, is in fact saying, blow the hell out of those brown people, kill them until they
surrender their wealth and government to us, starve those children in Palestine, drop white prosperous on little children in UN safe zones, rape the heads of States with knifes before you murder them, COME ON, more blood, more mayhem. fence straddlers are despicable. 10:39 a.m., Tuesday Oct. 18 | Other comments by John C Carleton"

Ilya Grushevskiy • 5 years ago

.. I do think that people that fall for ideologies become the basest two bit, binary universal Turing machines though. Within democratic society, a citizen is a political animal. I quote bin Laden (1998) for sanity:

"First, for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples.
If some people have in the past argued about the fact of the occupation, all the people of the Peninsula have now acknowledged it. The best proof of this is the Americans' continuing aggression against the Iraqi people using the Peninsula as a staging post, even though all its rulers are against their territories being used to that end, but they are helpless.

Second, despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million... despite all this, the Americans are once again trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation.
So here they come to annihilate what is left of this people and to humiliate their Muslim neighbors.

Third, if the Americans' aims behind these wars are religious and economic, the aim is also to serve the Jews' petty state and divert attention from its occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there. The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan into paper statelets and through their disunion and weakness to guarantee Israel's survival and the continuation of the brutal crusade occupation of the Peninsula."

Excellent speech by Bin Laden, thank you!

Rilme Hakonen • 5 years ago

Every word of that is true, yet the English-language media painted bin Laden as evil. Some people still blame him for demolishing WTC2.

MartinA • 5 years ago

I think this Bot-babbling is just an expression of the uneasiness the western establishment is starting to feel about being despised by their subjects. Its a form of wishful thinking:
"Lo that they were bots."

CHUCKMAN • 5 years ago

Yes, and it is just a stylish new form of name-calling.

Calling someone "commie," as they did in the 1950s, sounds primitive today.

Calling someone a "bot" seems less encumbered with old ideology.

Of course, it also picks-up on a term that is stylish with young and technically-oriented people.

Stop Bush and Clinton • 5 years ago

Also, it's a perfect way to totally dehumanize an opponent. A "commie" or "socialist" is still a human. Even a "Nazi" or "fascist" is still a human. A bot isn't even an animal.

Time to turn off the Clintonbots, Trumpbots, Bushbots and Obamabots...

MartinA • 5 years ago

You need to read up on the history of commies in USA. You have bought the hollywood story about the MCarthy hearings.

MJM • 5 years ago


I was actually a bit shocked that Senator Joseph McCarthy was right!!!! I guess it was that I was too Pro-American, no-one-can-infiltrate-us, type person. After reading several books on the subject, hades, all the evidence is overwhelming. Plus, even great books by WF Buckley, Dodd, and Skousen were written DURING THE ACTUAL INFESTATION.

One interesting story, Skousen (an FBI interrogator - under the great J.E. Hoover) listed the Goals that the communists had for our USA; that he had beaten out of them or something. Anyway, I had a Newer addition of the book, that was originally published in 1958 (!), The Naked Communist! When I Read This Part of The Book … I Knew it was a LIE... the Goals had been pretty much completed (By The Way, these are IN LINE with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion). I had thought that THESE HAD TO BE ADDED TO THE BOOK... AFTER 1958!!! So, I obtained an original 1958 copy... and was Floored!!!!!!!!!!! No alterations, in the newer version. *****Bottomline, How the hell did this get under the radar!!! Look at the List on the internet, this makes Nostradamus look like Kjell Hasthi. Remember, what you are reading is from ->1958<-. This is when I knew for sure that Zionist control was, indeed, incredibly powerful.

MartinA • 5 years ago

Thanx for the tips! My only information about this is the "Accuracy in Academia" channel and the lectures and interviews they published. It just has the ring of truth to it. But im not american so I dont dig down deeply into it, I have worse problems to worry about in my own country.
But I just always get upset when people distort history somehow, no matter where it happens (and it always happens, everywhere and every time).

Herbert Dorsey • 5 years ago

Yes, McCarthy was right. But, he didn't realize that many communist organizers and financiers were located right in Wall Street!

In the late 19th century, a number of monopolists came to the realization that politics was the most efficient way create a monopoly. If you could convince the people, that the state was working for their benefit, the people would support the state. Marxism provided the formula to carry this out. What better way to create a state monopoly on the means of production? A Communist State owns the means of production and if you secretly control this State from behind the scenes, you have a perfect monopoly!

These New York financiers, like Jacob Schiff, Directorof Khun Loeb bank of New York, David Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan decided to experiment with communism in the country of Russia and started financing the revolution there, as fully documented in books like "The Secret History of the Twentieth Century" and "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists"

Later, David Rockefeller would buy half the rights to the Caucasus oil fields and invest heavily in creating oil refineries in Bolshevik Russia, while using his considerable influence to convince Europeans, who wanted nothing to do with the "bloody Bolsheviks", to purshase Russian refined oil.

MJM • 5 years ago

#1 Correct, Joseph McCarthy didn't realize that many communist organizers and financiers were located right in Wall Street!

Never forget, top communist in the CPUSA (Communist Party USA), in book by Bella V. Dodd's, "School of Darkness". She stated at one time that she was unable to receive orders from Moscow, in which they were ordered to follow only orders from the USSR. A comrade told her that her only second option was to go to some building (forgot the details, this is all from memory), but she was shocked to find out that they were rich USA capitalists. And, that she did indeed receive her orders!!!

Or W. Cleon Skousen, who was working the communist, only, angle = The Naked Communist. Then unearthed the "capitalist" arm of it, and published the book, The Naked Capitalist.

Herbert Dorsey • 5 years ago

Not only, were the New York capitalists financing the communists, they were also financing Hitler's rise to power in Germany in the 1930s as thoroughly documented by historian Anthony Sutton. Political leaders create "enemies" to justify massive military spending and unify the people, who look to their government to protect them from this enemy, but, at higher levels of secrecy, these so called enemies are working in cooperation with our government, as I reveal in my book "Inside the Secret Space Programs." Ever wonder why NASA keeps buying Russian made rocket engines?

MJM • 5 years ago

One more thing that I must state, I do believe - to a point - that the Atlanticist countries were trying to stop the international takeover of the world by the Communists. Vietnam was important, being that - unlike with the other Asian communists - Ho Chi Minh was a very brilliant and dogmatic, educated in Moscow, communist. He was to start the " dominos falling" once he got back to Vietnam. When the south Vietnam fell, so did Laos and Cambodia. # In the '80's, communist and "fellow traveler" countries had majority of central and South America. R. Reagan, with Larry McDonald, Oliver North, etc. stopped and reversed that. ##International Zionist Communism almost won.

MJM • 5 years ago

Although, read that a couple of times, one thing I firmly believe = The Zionists Did Not Want Hitler and National Socialism and Fascism in Power.

Now, Sutton is Great. I learned some interesting facts from him. But I feel that he was wrong on a few key issues. Plus, I noticed (personal opinion) that he … many times … evaded the Jew (Zionist, to be exact) issue. Blamed it all on the government of a particular country. And made some of his points vague, to where his proper connections were not being met. He oversimplified many issues also .... to which, I do not mind that, but he went to the extreme and/or didn't have a full grasp on certain timelines and conditions on the matters in question.

I remember his writings on FDR. He lumped him into this corporate socialist (not the ACTUAL meaning ,but the MARXIST INTERPETATION) thing. In which, Sutton did not actually know what that was. FDR used both Fascist and Communist policies during his administration. Hitler, he stated was also corporate socialist (again, the Marxist meaning) ... in which he is wrong. The National Socialists monitored businesses. When they got out of line, they were "brought back in" one way or another. If a business, did not follow the simple rule of "do what is best for Germany and the German people" then they were brought back in line. The National Socialists, during one important incident, due to complaints of factory workers, dragged a plant manager through the plant, beating him and leaving him in the parking lot. This news traveled quickly and stopped all exploitation by management... quickly and efficiently. Also, CEO's had a cap on their salaries. Etc.

Moreover, his conspiracy theories of giving USSR aid, between 1917–1930, Atlanticist technological aid and the industrial structure received by the Atlanticists, etc. Seems a bit odd. What advances?!?!? And why were their Commie SPIES, in the Atlanticist countries, still stealing documents (for industrial technology) well into the '60's. There are more points but... ain't got time.