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Boris Jaruselski • 5 years ago

Desperate times call for desperate measures, ...isn't that how you English speakers say it? ...we Slavs say it a little differently: emergencies all for change of the rules!

Now, when it finally has crawled form the US' deep state's arse to their head, that their days may be numbered, now they are throwing even the kitchen sink at the Trump-et, ...'s a little little and a little late for anything now., ...

While no one knows what EXACTLY will be agreed upon in Helsinki, ...as neither indeed to I, all the pointers are indicating in the same direction, and have been doing so, ever since the Trump-et stepped over the threshold of the Oval Office: CHANGE is on the way!

It would be immature to expect the US' deep state to keel over and give up, ...no, they are too nasty to do that, but that the Trump-et is going to BEGIN acting on the agreements from Helsinki the very next day after he lands on US soil, is just about as certain, as the Amen in the church!

While the changes he introduces may appear at the beginning as next to nothing, ...rest assured: they are everything else BUT!

...if he manages to diminish his deep state's power by 40 % by the end of his mandate, then he's done VERY well indeed!

Isabella Jones • 5 years ago

The problem with only reducing the Deep State by a percentage, is that what is left will just grow again.
It's a cancer. And like cancer - especially one as aggressive as this one, you have to get it all to have any hope of saving your patient.
Otherwise it just grows back, twice as invasive and aggressive as before, and in no time your' patient is facing the end.
If he can't get them 100%, then the future is looking bleak for us all.

tom • 5 years ago

It's actually even worse than that. Because while we think of "the Deep State" as some kind of organization, no matter how loose-knit, what causes the trouble is the mere existence of a country in which everything is for sale to the highest bidder. While considerations such as honour, justice, decency, kindness, mercy or fairness count for nothing unless they, too, can be "monetized".

As long as you have a culture like that, and people rich enough to buy more or less anything they want, there will be a Deep State.

Isabella Jones • 5 years ago

Yes, when you do the "Root cause Analysis" of every failed civilisation, it always comes back to the loss of values.
It's like so many relationships between people - and that's what a civilisation is, after all. On a grand scale, it's relationships between all the people.
I Remember some time back now, reading a short story; a "James Bond" - not the usual kind - in which "M" says to James "I have seen marriages survive most things; poverty, loss of loved ones, infidelity, even murder. But I've never known one survive in which one partner treated the other as though they don't exist, as though nothing they value or want matters an iota".
It's the same with civilisations I suggest. They can survive crippling natural events, invasions, infrastructure destruction - like Syria.
But none can survive the loss of the cultures core values. As you put it "when such as honour, justice, decency, kindness, mercy or fairness are for sale", i.e. have no value, only a price. They have to be taught anew to each generation, and guarded as carefully as one guards borders with weapons. And it's that which the Anglo West lost, or forgot.

Le Rusé • 5 years ago

The future, as told by George ....


Isabella Jones • 5 years ago

Sadly that one about cutting the ties between child and parent seems to be now endemic. Children leave home young to live with friends who become their family. In all the people I still have some contact with, I know only one person who has a good - what was once normal - relationship with 2 of her 3 grown up children. I know so many who never hear from their kids, whose kids refuse to visit or even talk to them, and they have no idea why. It's never been anything specific, or if it was, it was something incredibly petty. I have seen this in people from UK, Aus, NZ. There was even that case in France, where they had a massive heat wave, everyone took off for the sea leaving elderly and often frail parents alone to cope. The death toll was dreadful.
And indeed, few have the extensive friendships that once existed. In America they seem not to know what friendship is even. What you see on TV as "friendship" is typical of sociopaths - any normal person would walk out in a minute.
The thing is, this is so abnormal and horrific that its another way that the entire civilisation is breaking down. And this breakdown of civilisations is like a heavy truck going over a cliff. The rate of fall increases until it reaches terminal velocity - which is very fast, and once there is unstoppable. It looks to be getting close now.

Le Rusé • 5 years ago

Yes ! Our civilisation, is going to Hell in a hand basket ??
To the question posed to me by doogooders," What kind of a World we will leave to our children"? I always answer, "What kind of children, we will leave to our World"??

Isabella Jones • 5 years ago

Well said - they never seem to realise that it's a two way exchange, do they? Thankfully there are other nations and civilisations to flourish in the space left by the collapsing AngloWestern one.

Le Rusé • 5 years ago

Exactly, Oswald Spengler predicted this a 100 years ago, in his Magnum Opus " The decline of the West" ??
See @ https://www.goodreads.com/b...
As well, you can download it free @ http://www.pdfarchive.info/...

Big book, somehow heavy reading for some, but very prophetic on our time 100 years later ....

Isabella Jones • 5 years ago

Very interesting. Thank you Le Ruse.

John McClain • 5 years ago

The problem goes all the way back to man's beginning. We show in every way, we are naturally fallen, by nature, and we do very well when we operate with fixed constraints, gold for money, death for dishonor, and the constant demand for an open government, however the moment our own personal life becomes more important that "sovereign duty", we open the door to government policing itself, and we have always known only an unconnected arbiter, is ever capable of keeping envy from driving to theft.
Every nation and empire which has risen, has lasted until it lost its honor, and the first sign is usually inflation by government, and the loss of trust, the moment it happens. It used to be hard to do, and easy to note, but we inveigled the world, we lied as we taxed it by deliberate inflation, and the world grumbled, but ate it, because it had no choice, and now it has almost three decades of having acted for its own best interests, and there are a dozen or so real banks in the world, so all our thousands of faux banks are simply time away from falling into oblivion, since we no longer can afford to even fully service our debt, and that is only the openly acknowledged debt, not the true total, and I predict, when our economy collapses, many nations around the world will get windfall, as we won't be able to afford to bring back what we have scattered in a thousand bases, the world over.
Man proposes, God disposes, we perhaps ought to pay a bit more attention to wisdom.
Semper Fidelis,
John McClain,
Vanceboro, NC, USA

Rilme Hakonen • 5 years ago

That is SO antisemitic!

Isabella Jones • 5 years ago

Sigh. I know. My bad. :-)

Guest • 5 years ago
Isabella Jones • 5 years ago

Yes, exactly. Cancer, like the current Regime Rulers, are an opportunistic organism. Unable to survive in a healthy organism, they swoop in and multiply when the host is damaged, compromised.
Ultimately, of course, they are a failed parasitic life form, because they kill off the host and thus themselves.
In our civilisation case, it's an evil energy whose aim is to kill off the host - they then float in the outer darkness until they can find a new host.
It's our job to make sure we never fall damaged or in civilisational ill health and such that we can hold them off.

Kjell • 5 years ago

- While no one knows what EXACTLY will be agreed upon in Helsinki
Or the detail may already been written down, just as for Singapore summit -> what remains is some public display of they "negotiating" and "comings to an agreement" ... and a photo session.
Nothing will be by chance here.
(I don't think gods are that interested in humans messing up their timeline, and destroy all future depending and that timeline -> nuking future.
It will be on level timetravelling back in time and kill your own parents ... so there is no future to return to. When returning back you return back to some guy that does not exist?
- I was born 1960
- I have checked it out. No record of that
- My parent's name were Mary and John Jackson
- Sorry, they died 15 years before 1960
- I you sure ?
- Positive
- So I was not born 1960 then?
- it looks like that )

RussG • 5 years ago

Mueller should be charged with treason. He is endangering future US security and safety by doing what he just did. All in the US who declare Trump to be a traitor by sitting down with Putin should be charged with treason as well - they are the real traitors.

danny holmes • 5 years ago

Trump himself is at fault for sitting on the sidelines watching as the Mueller circus continue to undermine and destroy his administration. Mueller is harassing and bankrupting Trump associates and Trump is completely impotent.

He can fire Mueller by citing his numerous conflict of interests and replace him with a commission to determine the extend of Russia collusion within BOTH parties and the Comission reporting back to congress rather than the current Mueller circus who is on fishing expedition to find any crime ONLY within the Trump campaign.

CHUCKMAN • 5 years ago


Isn't that just a bit excessive?

He has a job, and he us trying to do it.

If the courts say he's wrong, fine, but that is their job, not yours.

Freedom lover • 5 years ago

I have to disagree. Mueller undoubtedly knows these charges are without merit but is reasonably confident that none of those charged will ever face trial. Trump would be wise to discuss this possibility with Putin and convince him to let some of the invited officers to face trial in the US. Mueller's bluff would be called and this whole charade would be over.

Seán Murphy • 5 years ago

Yes, and if found guilty, Trump could pardon them. That could be a quid pro quo for them agreeing to turn up for trial.

John Tosh • 5 years ago

The big picture of the USA now is a country that talks and talks and talks....

China is building structures all over the world including the Silk Road. They have mastered building fast trains within 20 years.... the difference between the world and the Western world would begin to look obvious in another 20 years.

There is only so much you can do tweaking economic indices and playing with Wall street numbers.... sooner or later you have to pump in something physical like trading or productivity. Unfortunately Fracking is an unsustainable investment. Wait until the whole countryside becomes so stinky you cannot breath.

Wake up, stop pulling up Salsbury and Mueller... it makes you sound like clowns who have run out of ideas. Why not just start building?? Build something ... anything....

CHUCKMAN • 5 years ago

Yes, indeed. China is doing wonderful work for the future.

China is providing real leadership now in so many things.

The US talks and spends a trillion a year on death and destruction.

And it makes demands and makes demands and feels it never needs to explain itself.

It much resembles a big dumb selfish child, which is why Trump is such a good representative.

There's no leadership (the real thing) at all from America.

Just imagine the choice of working for either of two large companies: one that builds and dreams and plans, and the other that talks and whines and smashes stuff all the time.

Ocko von Dornum • 5 years ago

Fracking isnt anymore what it was 5 years ago.
The oilfields in the US grow, now Virginia, West Virginia Ohio Pennsylvania have been added.
The US is oil-independant, sells gas and produces energy in many ways.

Foot Ball • 5 years ago

I t is not building..it is just continue robbing the resources of many to benefit the same few, and just to prove JT's point that the bs talk will go on.

Franklin Wisman • 5 years ago

Mueller has no evidence! Spy charges a hoax! Mueller sat on this for months to spring when needed for distraction.

David • 5 years ago

The article fails to mention that Seth Rich, an American, was who "hacked" and downloaded the incriminating data from the DNC server and gave it to Wiki leaks. Seth Rich was the technical admin for the DNC, and was subsequently murdered by Debbie Wasserman Schultz who is a Jew and paid MS-13 to do the murder. The Jews are trying to cover this up with these Mueller indictments of Russians. The Jews are trying to blame what Seth Rich did on Russians in an attempt to derail America friendship with Russia and start WW3.

CT951 • 5 years ago

...and both Donald and Vladimir are fully aware of these details as is anyone who reads multiple sources of information and can think for themselves and piece the various bits together. Well written!!

Kjell • 5 years ago

- Debbie Wasserman Schultz who is a Jew
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a high level Satanist, very close to Hillary

According to our Liberals that is a Jewish synagog, administered by an Orthodox rabbi, where they worship Mammon?
- No sacrifice of humans here
they will assure us
(the signs are Egyptians .. telling us what kind of cult that is. Location is close to Haiti, where they will find orphan children to consume in their rituals.
The patriots have a long list of members of that church. Half of them can expect guillotine .. or public burning. Afterwards a DEM party member will be = a criminal ?)

tom • 5 years ago

"And if the ballot box doesn’t work, then pitchforks and torches come out".

Or, as an American elegantly put it 150 years ago,

"A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box".

- Frederick Douglass (speech, November 15, 1867)

Poindexter • 5 years ago

Ignore this bs, the real action will be in Helsinki.

IllyaK • 5 years ago

The proverbial Ham Sandwich. In this case, piroshki.

Poindexter • 5 years ago

PR BS, nothing more. Mueller has NOTHING!

John McClain • 5 years ago

If there is to be any justice meted out over the affairs of government of the past two decades, pretty much every member of our intelligence community, the few newbies who aren't schooled yet, excluded, but they, the "counselors of three presidents, every one, and the departments of justice, BATF, Homeland security, Immigration, the IRS, pretty much the whole central, not federal government, need be indicted, charged, and tried by the most aggressive, hard-edged prosecutorial team ever assembled in this world, with said central government "on lockdown" until those found guilty are hanged, and only those without a taint of disloyalty to the Constitution be allowed to stay, under the most vigorous scrutiny.
There has never been a nation as enormous as ours, which has had the level and extent of "liberties" in every aspect, as we have had, and by this, we've been more vulnerable to evil by the very nature of the vast spread of "The People" versus the very compactness of the center of power. John Adams stated at the outset; "this form of government is suited only for a moral and a religious people, any other form, require a tyrant, to drive them to do their duties".
It was difficult enough to keep principle before profit, at that time, with the best of circumstances and preparation. It would have taken a dedicated "American Priesthood", no less than the Russian Orthodox Church, to keep "a moral and a religious People" educated in sovereign citizenship and sovereign responsibility and duty, even for doubling our tripling our population, and to meet our expanding spread. It was a great idea, but we were not a "great enough people" to hold onto those first principles, against our own fallen nature, and I suggest perhaps it was too great a stretch, to expect such a system to survive "fallen man". We didn't, and we've allowed great depravity for many long years, and we will reap the whirlwind.
Semper Fidelis,
John McClain
Vanceboro, NC, USA

Guest • 5 years ago
David • 5 years ago

Right wing is not warmonger. The Left, the Jews, the Communists are.

Al Carbone • 5 years ago

do not know why deep state concerned about the meeting being trump is ONLY going there under orders from satanyahu to have Russia force iran out of syria

IllyaK • 5 years ago

The Assclown will walk away with a photo-op. Nothing else.

Billo • 5 years ago

It's about intimidation. If Trump can brush off this zionist industrial mafioso psyop machine he could do some damage to the deeep state. That is if he isn't already owned by them. The jury is still out on that one imo.

Rilme Hakonen • 5 years ago

I have to wonder why Kjell is trying so hard to derail the comments on this story. Is Mueller Jewish, or is there some other reason?

Kjell • 5 years ago

Half of RI commentators are Liberals. Russia is not Liberal at all. Now RI is becoming US Insider / forum for Liberal educated students (all over the world) and some from breitbart.
Liberals are the enemy of Trump and Putin -> not Putinism
How many represent Russia here? Many 1-2.
It is a shame

David • 5 years ago

No. I am not Leftist and I rule these boards.

Kjell • 5 years ago

Liberal education
1. Atheism / evolutionism
2. Antisemitic
3. Anti-Rothschild / anti-Soros (sometimes paid by Soros)
4. False history
5. Vaccination and belief in Scientism

You will be everything here
You are on the losing end. RI is both sides, Trumpistas and Liberals. The Trumpistas are the winning side.
However many Liberals there are in US, they cannot win against US army.
They have been checkmated by Trump presidency.

David • 5 years ago

You are a Jew and your only goal here is to derail.

Kjell • 5 years ago

Bottomline is you are a Liberal Nazi, now substantiated (you did not deny anything)

David • 5 years ago

The Left is run by the Jews. The Jews are Communists and warmongers. The Right are Conservatives who are Individuals, who have enough IQ to self-govern and want to be free of the tyranny of the Jews and non-whites. The Jews and non-whites destroy nations and have destroyed America and Europe. The answer is to move all Jews and non-whites to their ancestral homelands. To literally pay them to move.

Kjell • 5 years ago

- The Left is run by the Jews.
You are a jew-hater, and Leftists are jew-haters. Your are not different in that respect. Leftist like Antifa are typical nazis, and you have also nazi attitudes, of a different shade. Same sh*t. US is a nazi state, meaning all Americans are members of a nazi state. With your people (Infowars+) in power US will not be less nazi, but more nazi [calling for nuking North Korea before US was nuked by North Korea]. It is the Liberals who have run US the last 50 years, whatever president.

David • 5 years ago

No. The Jews run the entire Left. Trump runs the noble part of the right.

Kjell • 5 years ago
David • 5 years ago

The reason why so called Russian trolls are being indicted by Mueller but Jew trolls such as yourself are not is because Meuller works for the Jews. The Jews are trying to move America and Europe into Communism.