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mis dos centavos • 6 years ago

BoJo the British Clown and his entourage, in refusing to provide samples and/or their analysis to Russia, has apparently never heard of the concept of 'discovery', where the accused is afforded a review of all 'evidence' against them.

The Brits have now effectively turned the Magna Carta into the Magna Farta. This is no laughing matter.

Pantpurlais • 6 years ago

Please say Brit-Gov and not Brits! :)

disqus_O0Baq2mrfh • 6 years ago

If Brits aren't in control of their own destiny, then fault for that can be found by looking in their mirrors.

Pantpurlais • 6 years ago

I hope you're not suggesting that Britons have any more control over their U$/Nato/EU/Israel-controlled government than do people in the U$ or any other Nato country. We had the largest protest in UK history opposing the U$A's illegal war on Iraq. Two million protesters in London alone, although this figure was downplayed by the government and the bought-and-sold media, but did Blair listen? No! Did the governments of any of the countries that joined the U$-led Coalition of the Coerced listen to the people? No! It is Blair and his ilk and not the British people who need to look in their mirror. But We-The-People were right, and he was a thoroughly corrupt wrong'un earning as he deserves the title of the Most Hated Man in Britain. https://www.theguardian.com...

With all the lies and corruption at the top where the worst scum collects, you tell me exactly how "ordinary" Britons or the people from any other country can be in control of their own destiny.

disqus_O0Baq2mrfh • 6 years ago

It was like this before and the people took control by forcing the Magna Carta. They're too yellow to follow through with real teeth these days. I suppose Brits could gather two million 'protestors' once again with their card board signs. Yeah, that will scare them at the top for sure. It always does. Be nice. Be safe. Stay in your permitted zones. Play by their rules, and clean up any mess you might make.

Seán Murphy • 6 years ago

It was the Barons that forced Magna Carta, not the great unwashed, hoi polloi, about whom neither the king (John) nor the barons gave a tinker's curse.

Pantpurlais • 6 years ago

How many Britons do you think even knew about the contents of, or the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215? A small widely-dispersed population of maybe four million people, hardly any good roads, very low literacy, no national newspapers, radio or television, no postal service, no internet, no telephone, no mass transit, etc. The language of the court in those days was French, and Latin and French continued to be exclusively used in official legal documents until the beginning of the 18th century. Common folk were supposed to somehow know what was really going on?

But why are you attacking only Britons? Isn't what you say true for billions of people? Do you see uprisings with real teeth anywhere in industrialized countries? I don't.

disqus_O0Baq2mrfh • 6 years ago

How many Brits in the 13th century knew about pizza? That too, surely has something to do with today's scenario. Yep. It's someone else's fault. Even though this discussion is regarding Brits, let's deflect. Everyone else is doing the same. So go back to sleep.

Pantpurlais • 6 years ago

Now you're getting really absurd. From the British not being in charge of their own destiny to cowardliness to the Magna Carta to pizza. I am not blaming anyone else, or anyone for that matter, as you are.

I see you are studiously avoiding answer my questions: But why are you attacking only Britons? Isn't what you say true for billions of people? Do you see uprisings with real teeth anywhere in industrialized countries?

What I am saying is that everyone everywhere is too downtrodden, manipulated, propaganised, confused by misinformation, isolated, mind-controlled, and fear-mongered to collectively stand up to the global oppressors.

What are you doing to oppose them? Or do you just sit in your safe little corner and point fingers at others?

Guest • 6 years ago
Pantpurlais • 6 years ago

Well, all I can conclude from your tirade is that you are a very rude person who somehow thinks that violence is the cure for violence. You also appear to be ignorant of the fact that unlike U$americans (where there are more than enough hand guns to give one to every woman, man and child in the U$), Britons don't carry guns. A couple of years ago in the month of March, more people were killed by police in one small U$ town than were killed in the entire 20th century by police in the UK.

Show me a government anywhere that cares about what the general populace thinks or wants. By the way, I wasn't at the protests in the UK, but at one of the very many that took place in Canada. Note: Canada listened and did not join the U$-led Coalition of the Coerced, and then we were punished by pissed off U$american tourists who pouted and sulked and chose to stay on their own side of the border. Much better for us that they stay away.

Le Rusé • 6 years ago

Charles..If the goyim, had swallowed this ?

Then the Skripal hoax will be a piece of cake ??

disqus_O0Baq2mrfh • 6 years ago

Why not? The world's goobers swallowed this. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Tim Webb • 6 years ago

Will those frequenting this site please investigate the difference between the words "reign", and "rain."
Thank you.

Seán Murphy • 6 years ago

And between "your", "you're"; "their" and "there".

my2Cents • 6 years ago

Wat een geouwehoer zeg!!!

Lord Snooty • 6 years ago


Johnson has now clearly been exposed as a liar in this Nemtsova interview [20 March, 2018] with him on DW:

Nemtsova: You argue that the source of this nerve agent, Novichok, is Russia. How did you manage to find it out so quickly? Does Britain possess samples of it?

Johnson: Let me be clear with you … When I look at the evidence, I mean the people from Porton Down, the laboratory …

Nemtsova: So they have samples …

Johnson: They do. And they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself, I said, “Are you sure?” And he said there’s no doubt. We have very little alternative but to take the action that we have taken. But I must say the difference between this time and what happened 12 years ago with Alexander Litvinenko is also that there is much more sympathy in the international community, far more understanding of the kind of behaviour that Russia has been engaged in in the last few years. And round the table in Brussels, talking to all the other European countries, there’s hardly anybody who hasn’t experienced directly or indirectly some kind of malign or disruptive behaviour.


Nemtsova’s question to Johnson:

You argue that the source of this nerve agent, Novichok, is Russia. How did you manage to find it out so quickly?

Johnson’s answer:

When I look at the evidence, I mean the people from Porton Down, the laboratory …they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself, I said, “Are you sure?” And he said there’s no doubt.

That’s not what the Porton Down chief said 3 April.. He said they could not identify the poison as having been manufactured in Russia.

Johnson said a fortnight ago that he was told at Porton Down that there was no doubt about where it had come from.

Am I missing something?

Is that not an outright lie that he told Nemtsov’s daughter in the interview … and others?


I love the way how, following his assurance to Nemtsova that he had been told at Porton Down that there was no doubt that the “novichok” had come from Russia, Johnson says "So...", then gives a pregnant pause, looking slightly baffled, as though he is at a loss for words to express his frustration caused by those wicked Russians; then he looks directly at her, shakes his head, finally, slapping his hands on his knees, and says, “we had very little alternative to take the action that we have taken …” as though those dastardly Russians had forced him and his government to take “robust” measures against the Evil Empire.

What a lying heap of warmongering sh*t is Johnson!

But will Johnson, as an Old Etonian, former Bullingdon Boy, Oxford educated gentleman resign, as he really should?

No such luck!

Too hard faced with a deeply in-built sense of privilege.

Guy • 6 years ago

I would be very careful about pursuing this line of reasoning. From my understanding due to the fact that the substance didn't kill them instantly this means it's impossible that such a nerve agent was used. If we accept what this specialist from Porton Down Say's that means that we are conceding that he actually DID indeed receive such a nerve agent from the crime scene which is in itself a lie.

Formula: Concede to 1 lie whereby the line of reasoning rests on the presumption of a non sequiter.

Basically this scientist is still either lying or more likely he was handed fake evidence due to the chain of custody issue.

mmm if anybody is generally in touch with Mr Armstrong i would urge him to add this line of reasoning to his points.

IMO the use of term false flag is devastating to the case is it implies that the attack took place but the purpose was to blame the pesky Putinites however this is far less plausible (occams razor and whatnot) than THEY JUST SIMPLY MADE IT UP, as they're very well known to do in the past. I.e. colin Powell presenting a vial of white powder VS Colin Powel sneaking the alleged wmd's into the country and screaming "look! They dun have it!!!". This is especially important considering that there has been NO EVIDENCE OF AN ACTUAL ATTACK TAKING PLACE, which is basically what we need to take them to task for.

Scandinavia - • 6 years ago
Canosin • 6 years ago

bizarre.... have a look at his eyes..... seems he is searching for the balls of MbS.....

Guest • 6 years ago
Hmmm • 6 years ago

Pickpocketing his family jewels in all senses of the words, no doubt.

Tommy Jensen • 6 years ago

Note that comments in most Western media are CENSURED.
Comments that jeopardize the decided narrative are simply deleted and profiles with repeated "wrong opinions" (its normally people who refer to facts) are simply kicked out without explanation.
It happens in "Daily Beast", m.m. and in about all Scandinavian newspapers.

Tillthetruth • 6 years ago

I am 58 and have Never seen the Real Truth the Full Truth only LIES put in such a way that if they get Totally Caught they can disclaim the Lies then the show goes on.
bbc - msm all liar's and working for the british "regime's"

mark • 6 years ago

It's even more noticeable in America. When Clinton's book about the election came out, most comments were very critical and negative. They were simply censored out. CNN just pulls the plug on any guest who says anything that doesn't fit their narrative. The faux Left Jew Guardian just doesn't allow comments any more. All the censorship we're getting now is a sign of weakness and desperation, not strength. Nobody believes the garbage they're peddling any more. A couple of days ago we had 200 media stations in the US putting out the same identical statement, all singing from the same hymn sheet supplied by their Jew owners.

When you see how much we have been lied to in the past, you can only wonder what else from the past needs to be debunked. 9/11 and the "holocaust" are obvious examples that need to be put under the microscope.

Tim Webb • 6 years ago

"Irish" Potato Famine, the Titanic hoax, Hitler's aggression, and foremost amongst them all, the globe earth and evolution hoaxes.
Not forgetting the big bang and the age of the earth, of course.

Paw • 6 years ago

Well, the Censorship seems to be in very dense in Putin's advantage.
This looks like revolution in order to defeat the West. Already selfdefeating. Suicidal.
They put a lot of effort before , but now all is very feverish...
Whatever they do returns like a boomerang to hit them big.
History of dr. Gottlieb and Castro, Fort Dietrich and biological war in Korea ....
If they live in the Glass Hoses , they should not throw stones..

Tim Webb • 6 years ago

Or censored, even.

Canosin • 6 years ago

same as in Germany

Magna Farta • 6 years ago

Well, it's harder to 'massage' posts than it is the 'news' of the original article.

Opera • 6 years ago

This is one of a few outlets where can people freely comment.
This is the only place where I comment and I am quite happy to stay here.

Tommy Jensen • 6 years ago

You can only use these debunk tools with open minded free people.

To question the government and authorities as written in MSM is impossible.

Any attempt by you or anybody to question the MSM narrative will make people feel unsafe and uncomfortable and make them reject you because you/we have made them feel uncomfortable.

Even with close friends, you can pursuade them to question the narrative and feel doubt about the case, but they will still refuse to make a personal stand because it jeopardize their relationship with the power.
"If the Authorities lie there is probably a good reason for it, in any case its not my business".

Western people are brainwashed to the state of Matrix and its done by semantics where Authority has decided which words are negative and which words are positive.
This leads peoples thoughts through planned pipes with stop and contra valves like in a drainage system where you will feel uncomfortable if you use words the power has decided are negatives.

You can see the absurd result on West television shows.
ISIS members are excused in MSM because "its their culture", "they have had a bad childhood", "we try to resocialise them", saying Authority give them a cover and positive perception.
Muslim women with scarf are smeared in MSM as a "threat to our western values" and "oppressed by men" giving people a negative perception.
When you now speak with Western people they will feel negative and look down on intelligent moslem women and feel positive and admire mass murders because the System has dictated this perception. Pure Matrix.

Canosin • 6 years ago

this the perfect cognitive dissonance phenomenon all over the place with sheeps ...... you can't get through with your point..... least the real truth

Vera Gottlieb • 6 years ago

It sells so the MSM keeps it up and sensationalizes it more and more every day. One question comes to mind...didn't we learn anything from the Iraq tragedy? We are fed the same lies over and over and, like good sheeples, we keep swallowing them over and over. Disfunctional brain.

Aged Warrior • 6 years ago

This is not an isolated false flag. Allegedly the Baldrick styled cunning plan is just a lead up to Theresa's ff nuke attack on London to be blamed on Russia. The Satanic Tory Party have really sunk to the depths of psychopathic paranoid insanity. Will The Queen save us?

mis dos centavos • 6 years ago

Oh, c'mon...the Brits have been doing these things for ages. Peruse Jamie Shea's prognostications leading up to NATO's attack on Yugoslavia before and AFTER they'd agreed to a withdrawal and replacement by UN peacekeepers. Pay particular attention to the origins of the infamous Operation Horseshoe. The Brits are quite adept at assembling truths from lies. They've had lots of practice.

Lord Snooty • 6 years ago

No, but this is what she probably thinks of her Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs:


Regula • 6 years ago

Well, Yulia told her sister that she is fine, and dad is too. "Don't worry, nothing that is irreversible". A few days later she was discharged from the hospital, but not left free, instead the media claimed she still needs medical care and was transferred to a military medical facility.

That says it all: why was she discharged from the hospital just to be moved to another hospital away from her father's home? Didn't the police have enough time to decontaminate the house so she could have gone home to wait for her father's discharge and police or a security detail could have watched over her there? That would have been way more humane. When you get discharged, care can usually be done ambulant. That is why you get discharged in the first place. They didn't say in the vid she was being transferred to another hospital, they said she was being discharged!

normski1 • 6 years ago

I've never believed a word of the "Skripal" story!. It was obvious from the start this was another UK Government false flag!.

whatwaysup • 6 years ago

Anytime Bill BROWDER and auntie BEEB begin the media-op, the odds on it being false flag go 100 to 1. But to follow with the depleted souls of Boris and tereason May captaining the tub, the odds have just hit the multiplier.

my2Cents • 6 years ago

That photo looks remarkably like Peter Ustinov from an old movie

Seán Murphy • 6 years ago

It is: as Hercule Poirot.

Lord Snooty • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago
Pantpurlais • 6 years ago

Haha. But don't forget the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. :)