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Serg Derbst • 6 years ago

I have the same worries. The mainstream media here in Germany, which is entirely and 100% under CIA control, has been ramping up anti-Russia propaganda since weeks. I didn't think it would be possible after the Ukraine conflict but it is even worse now. The comments of this filthy lunatic Boris Johnson but also of his boss-bitch Theresa May have been way below any line of decency. It's even below the kind of rhetoric Hitler has used when he talked about other statesmen such as (this fat, ugly war-criminal and mass murderer) Winston Churchill.

But it's not "the West" that is going to war, it is the Anglo-American establishment. "West" is an artificial propaganda term that should not be used anyway, because all it denotes is the countries dominated by Anglo-America. Germany and France, the only countries powerful enough to stop Anglo-American madness, are usually dancing to the tune of Warshington and London, but I am not so sure if they will really go all the way here, especially with Iran. Also and despite all the propaganda, while German and French people may not trust Russia and see Putin as a "dictator", they also see the US regime (especially with the Trumpet in charge) as nothing but a dangerous, trigger-happy war machinery. There is no way you could sell a war against Iran to them, also not the rest of Europe including Britain. I even have doubts about whether the American public would swallow such a war.

Either way, it will be a disaster for the "West" - economically, politically, militarily. In fact, it will be the end of the "West" and of the Anglo-American empire including the Zionist colony. So in the end there might be a great result of yet another horror. What Russia really needs to do now is to give both Syria and Iran the full power of Russian air defence.

Scandinavia - • 6 years ago

Craig Murray is on fire -

Evidence submitted by the British government in court today proves, beyond any doubt, that Boris Johnson has been point blank lying about the degree of certainty Porton Down scientists have about the Skripals being poisoned with a Russian “novichok” agent.

Yesterday in an interview with Deutsche Welle Boris Johnson claimed directly Porton Down had told him they positively identified the nerve agent as Russian:

*You argue that the source of this nerve agent, Novichok, is Russia. How did you manage to find it out so quickly? Does Britain possess samples of it?
Let me be clear with you … When I look at the evidence, I mean the people from Porton Down, the laboratory …

So they have the samples …

They do. And they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself, I said, “Are you sure?” And he said there’s no doubt.*

I knew and had published from my own whistle blowers that this is a lie. Until now I could not prove it. But today I can absolutely prove it, due to the judgement at the High Court
case which gave permission for new blood samples to be taken from the Skripals for use by the OPCW. Justice Williams included in his judgement a summary of the evidence which tells us, directly for the first time, what Porton Down have actually said...

Read more here:https://www.craigmurray.org...

Guest • 6 years ago
franz kafka • 6 years ago

They are total Israeli-controlled degenerates,starting with BORIS Johnson and ending with the barren lesbian, Teresa May. (May what? we should have asked.)

Just in case you thought the Talmudo-Satanists were NOT in charge.
The Weird Sisters, L to R:

"Double, double toil and trouble" anyone?

Guest • 6 years ago
franz kafka • 6 years ago

What is even WEIRDER is WTF are they doing together in one unshopped photo. Conspiracy? Oh Yeah!

Guest • 6 years ago
franz kafka • 6 years ago

It may have come from @Woland, Behemoth and Koroviev LLB

It is more evidence that Talmudo Satanist witches run the West than they have on all of their stupid 'Russia did it' claims put together.

franz kafka • 6 years ago

Boris Johnson is a closet Jew and an Israeli mole. Why do we spend any more time on him than it would take to hang him?

Cyric London • 6 years ago

Having spent some time in Germany, I have to agree with these comments. If you think the Propaganda is bad in the US and the UK, in Germany it is even worse. It is almost as if they are in competition to be the most servile and obedient to their masters. It is if history doesn't even exist. It is 1941 all over again. The difference being Germany has nothing to fight with and if it comes to war they will be absolutely pulverized to nuclear ash.

This is how stupid the media is to hype this Anti-Russian propaganda 24/7, 7 days a week. There is no real "alternative" news that I could find either. If there is a silver lining in all this though, is that many Germans don't take the media seriously at all anymore. When you overcook the pot, this is what can happen. Just like that fool Boris Johnson. He has now compared Putin to Hitler and the 1936 olympics. How stupid can this buffoon be? You think you can just carry on with business as usual once this stupid provocation with the poisoned spy blows over after saying something like that? He hasn't just insulted Putin, he has insulted all of Russia who sacrificed more than any other country to stop Hitler. I can't believe what low IQ clowns the UK is producing as politicians these days. It is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Guest • 6 years ago
Peter Jennings • 6 years ago

Has Germany ever had an election without US interference? I would imagine that securing power for anyone they choose in the EU has been a doddle for the US, even Hitler's daughter. That would be a sick joke typical of US neocons.

Guest • 6 years ago
rosemerry • 6 years ago

Not just you-this has been shown by Gilens and Page in 2014- the needs of the mass of the US population do not even get considered by the "lawmakers", the Congress elected by lobbies and money, and only the laws wanted by the 1% are ever passed.

Yugoslaw • 6 years ago

All that "elections", "voting" in the so called "western democracies" are staged. Preprogrammed. Zionists/neocons/bilderbergers decide, who's gonna be elected. First selected, bribed, given tasks and then "elected". Electronic vote count is fraud.

Canosin • 6 years ago

yes.... 100% right.....
the servility of Germany with Merkel is disgusting and unbearable.....

wilmers13 • 6 years ago

As a former journalist in Germany I agree. All German news and current affairs are sanitized. People who object to too much power in the hands of the US on German soil or who are against the wars will be sidelined or blacklisted, depending on what their job is. "They" prepare for a new war, or they would not need a new billion $ military hospital near Ramstein. It said in one article that the German government could not prevent it and had to contribute, too. Pawns.

On the whole, though, what they prepare is NOT a war by the West, it is by the US for Full Spectrum Dominance. They rope in allies,sure, but I'd like to be optimistic. After the Iraq and ME experiences the populations (also here in Australia) are not enthusiastic. So maybe this time it will be US vs .... and they cannot hide behind a coalition.

The governments of Germany and Australia always kowtow of course. Ramstein and Pine Gap are crucial for the warmongers.

Serg Derbst • 6 years ago

Thank you for recognizing this, but you're wrong about the German alternative scene. I think it is one of the strongest out there, it is just, well, German. Not so aggressive and more analytical. If you ask me, what the world needs is German Spirit, but this spirit has been oppressed (largely voluntarily, I admit) for the past 70 years or so, but it is still there. And when I say German, I mean the real meaning of it, so the cultural heritage of the German language. Switzerland, Austria and others are definitely included.

Do you speak German?


And the core of the German Spirit still is and remains philosophy and economics. The Anglo-American model (often falsely appointed to the Jews who are just freeloaders) is absolute bullshit. Karl Marx was German, so was Silvio Gesell, the first who understood the fraud behind the debt money system. This was the core of the DAP's programm, the forerunner of the NSDAP and they never had "Jews" in their program, only the capitalist Anglo-American fraud. Then came Hitler, financed by Henry Ford and other American anti-Semites... but I digress.

The core of German critique still largely is pointed against the monetary system which is so widely accepted in Anglo-America:


And they are even on the mainstream (if they cannot help it):


Dirk Müller is an investment banker himself but highly critical and outspoken against the debt money system and Anglo-American imperialism. He was one of the first to point at the lies surrounding the Maidan plot.

And we do know very well who is all behind it (hint: it's not the Jews):


And we do realize how they are manipulating us:


When I say "we", I am only talking about a small yet growing minority of course. My point is that the German Spirit is different from the Anglo-American one. We are far more analytical than aggressive (the Nazis were a US import, literally). Also it comes from a traditional European "left" view of things, we simply cannot follow this American comic bullshit, sorry. :)

It is a difficult story, I am not even "pure" German, lol, (half-Portuguese) but I live in a society who has a kicking force oppressed by a traumatic self-hatred. But I have a feeling that is about to burst, the morphogenetic fields are telling me this. :)

joe • 6 years ago

The globalists need low IQ people to carry out the water for them but their days are numbered anyways...

Peter Jennings • 6 years ago

It's what one expects from Merkel and her NWO domesticated admin. EU gov'ts have been crying wolf for so long that few now believe a word coming from their media. Most sit there and view it all as a form of entertainment. Maybe it's the reason why many people in the west are ambivalent.

Muriel Kuri • 6 years ago

And they should have a mutual defense pact that if one gets hit the other goes on the attack. With Russia's new weapons on hand, it MAY just make some western leaders stop and think.

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

Not those in the US - we're indispensable, remember?

Vtran • 6 years ago

CIA is U$ american

CIA is not a country

As to WAR ... Well Millions of U$ american Citizens Murder, Rape, Destroy people in Foreign Lands every Year .... And then these Same U$ American Citizens are called Hero's / Patriats by U$ American Citizens / Pro U$ Americans in the West !

Now those wars are going to get Larger - Music to the West and All U$ American and Pro U$ American Lovers


Washington is technically not American, it is an independent zone within the US not under rule of American law. Just like Rome being its own state with-in Italy. They call it Washington District of Columbia... Not Washington, New York...

Peter Jennings • 6 years ago

The same goes for the 'square mile' in the shitty of London.


Yes, the country established in London that holds all the Banks and Financial Institutions so that they are outside of England's laws. Just as Rome is outside of Italy's Tax laws and Washington, DC is outside of American Laws... all are outside of international law.

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

Congress critters are ours and violate their oath and need to be hung on the Mall.

Vtran • 6 years ago

But those U$ american Citizens that donn Combat gear and Volunteer to Murder/Rape Innocents in Foreign Lands serve "someone" ... or are they acting alone ??


Maybe just useful idiots... Unwittingly serving the interests of their handlers...

Vtran • 6 years ago

As they volunteered, they have No defense to crimes committed

FYI • 6 years ago

Washington's sandwiched in between Maryland and Virginia.

Ned Carbine • 6 years ago

Yes, they call that a shit sandwich.

Guest • 6 years ago
Peter Jennings • 6 years ago

Your trolling has become slightly jaded of late. Is there something wrong Edward? problems at work?

Can we expect a return to some quality trolling.

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

Americans have long been brainwashed by their media, Hollywood and their schools - all by design of Marxist-Leninists.

Vtran • 6 years ago

By definition I assume you are not ... and expect thier are a few others (tho they may not make them self's known) ... and so therefore if One, or One Thousand are not "brainwashed" ... then why have the 98% allowed it to happen ??

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

B/c they'er the brainwashed ones. How all believe media lies, I don't know. Guess "as seen on TV" works. Don't need to read the book they say, I saw the movie.

Vtran • 6 years ago

Again it is a Choice not to READ, but to Accept Goggle box / Media without question !
Take any typical Book (Fiction / Novel) .. 4 days to read; even in Audio mode (someone else reading for you) takes 12 plus Hours ... the Media "movie" condenses the Novel into 2 hours (plus of course story changed to reflect a different message)
Therefore ... the 98% take the "movie" as they have nearly 2 days of FREE time for other activities ... a General View is all they Need or Want ... They are not Interested in Characters, Understanding, Structure etc
Personally I do not like "movies" as find them Shallow ... but then I can Scan Read / Listen at the same time, so maybe my view is biased !

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago
Vtran • 6 years ago

That is just another Excuse of basically not wanting to THINK ... but rather take the Easy option and accept, leaving more time for Baseball, Football etc

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

There's a conditioning aspect to it too. Lenin spent much time with Pavlov. I note extreme disconnect, zombie like, among young kids, their computer games and iPhones. They're being stupefied, mesmerized via subliminal.

Vtran • 6 years ago

Do not buy into it ...

Do not play computer games, do not use Iphones / smart phone, do not use Facebook ....

Could say I am missing out on "so much" ... maybe true, but it is a choice I made ... others can do the same, but majority "want to follow as they want to belong" ... Choice Decision accept the consequences

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

Haven't watch TV since '05.

Vtran • 6 years ago

Case in point .... you have "survived" .... Others can / could ?

But I am sure you will agree that it takes far longer, eats more of your time to "find / read the news" than watching TV that is given on a plate / on a agenda ?

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

Look, I'm not a child either - post PhD and was 'awakened' by late '70s. So enuf of the patronization. Dad an original America Firster.

Vtran • 6 years ago

I was not trying to patronize you ,,, just agreeing

For what ever reason whether through studies or through a casual conversation with someone whose name is long forgotten you are awake ... and if "we" can be awake ..so can others

Sorry if have caused you offense

Bruno Dias • 6 years ago

the mainstream media is entirely and 100% under cultural marxists control (and zionists to).
(this fat, ugly war-criminal and mass murderer) Winston Churchill. This guy, he was a drunk who hated germans. he ruined the british empire. the English can thank this man for having destroyed the british empire.

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

Adolph offer peace to him many a time - refused just like in WW1. Few know. We know who wants to eliminate the Goyim tho and they the same who financed Joo Winston.

Crypto • 6 years ago

It's well known by everyone with a brain. Even the movie Darkest Hour showed that.

Cassandra2 • 6 years ago

Actually, it seems few do know and very little on Hess' mission.