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AM Hants • 6 years ago

This article so needs sharing, far and wide.

Why does the Pro-Israel America Lobby, that does nought for the people of Israel or America, support the Neo-N*zis in Ukraine?

America’s Nazi Allies in Israel and Ukraine
Posted on July 23, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.... http://www.washingtonsblog....

The Israel Lobby Protects Neo-Nazis in Ukraine... https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Bruno Bardorosso • 6 years ago

Every "neo-nazi" is (((suspect))). A national socialist would never call himself "nazi". Unless Ashke-

BMWA1 • 6 years ago

Indeed, original name of Svoboda was the Social-National Party of Ukraine, nothing to do with Nazis you see! :) Under this name (prior to 2004 rebranding around time of the Orange 'Revolution', aka CIA intervention) the Wulfangel or werewolf symbol was also used, that it was bourne also by Waffen SS Division Das Reich should be of no concern. No Nazi connection here either. No possible links here!!!

Bruno Bardorosso • 6 years ago

Now get your head out of your arse and read again.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Funny why the National Socialist try to avoid calling themselves that name, when it was Adolf that led the Naitonal Socialist 'German' Worker's Party? Guess history and memory are not their strong points?

Bruno Bardorosso • 6 years ago

Not sure what are you talking about.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Sorry, I assumed everybody knew the N*zi Party was the National Socialist (German) Worker's Party.

Bruno Bardorosso • 6 years ago

"Nazi" is a derogatory term. Like "capitalism".

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Really and both played by the same crowd.

Have you seen them over in Ukraine? Nice people, are they not?

Very Real Neo-Nazi Threat in Ukraine. A compilation of what mainstream media isn't showing.... https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Bruno Bardorosso • 6 years ago

I'm sorry, That was too hard.

Guest • 6 years ago
Le Rusé • 6 years ago

60 years before, they would be known as "untermenschens" ??

Bruno Bardorosso • 6 years ago

Singular: untermensch
Plural: untermenschen

untermensch = subhuman (perverts, criminals, good for nothings). Not applicable specifically to jews, as far as I understand.

You're welcome.

Le Rusé • 6 years ago

Yupp.. There's more than one ??

Tommy Jensen • 6 years ago

Some says that Jews are the fiegenleaf and ultimate scapegoat for the zionists.
Mossad is said to have blown up several unwilling Jewish synagoges in Latin America to force them into the Israeli network of Mossad protection.

Sten Gunnerman • 6 years ago

Another great article Max, keep up the good work.
One note, however: they are not "pro-Russian separatists" - they are ethnic Russian separatists.
Calling them pro-Russian is like calling the Quebecois in Canada pro-French; the reality is they are French.

Constantine • 6 years ago

Some are Ukrainians who fel great attachment to Russia. It is unfair for the opposition to the fascist Kiev government to limit it to Russians. O fcourse, in time the rejected Ukrainians might cease identifying themselves as such, but the fact remains that the struggle has been taken up by numerous national groups.

Sten Gunnerman • 6 years ago

Maybe "anti-Kiev separatists" would be the best way to describe them.

zero-hedge1 • 6 years ago

The US would arm Hitler if he was alive today and if they could create chaos in order that the US benefits.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Slightly off topic, but it does randomly fit in.

I was attempting to watch what the General had to say, in a pub, last night. Easily distracted, but, I did almost choke at the fact the UK Forces have woken up to the fact that Russia has the most powerful military in the world. The article will most probably wind many of you up, however, take out the positive parts, ignore the negatices and remember, begging bowls and the budget is in a few weeks. After April, Nick Carter will go back to playing with our one and only Naval vessel, the Portsmouth to Isle of Wight Dinghy, bringing it out, when Russian Fleets are cruising down the English Channel.

Putin is a 'clear and present danger' to Britain: Head of the Army warns of Russia's 'eye-watering' military power and how it is using the war in Syria to test its frightening arsenal
Vladimir Putin could start hostilities against the West ‘sooner than we expect’, the head of the Army has said
Warning of Russia ’s ‘eye-watering’ military capabilities, Sir Nick Carter laid bare the scale of the threat to UK
Kremlin a ‘clear and present danger’ and predicted a conflict would start with something we did not expect
Comes amid major calls from many defence experts for money to be spent bolstering Britain's Armed Forces

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/...

AM Hants • 6 years ago


Think we have a long way to go before we catch up. Plus, does he not realise the back to back military exercises on Russia's borders, does not show Russian aggression, but, NATO aggression.

What were they promising Gorbechev, with regards not moving an inch into Eastern Europe?

Kjell • 6 years ago

Reserve personell
UK 36,880
NK 5,500,000 (with 7+ years training)

Fighter jets
UK 150
NK 458

UK 407
NK 5025

UK 13
NK 11

UK 11
NK 76

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Interesting when you compare the markets. Thanks Kjell.

jetme • 6 years ago

But to be fair, Britain will never take on Russia by itself, The US and NATO (two technically different entities though both controlled by the US) have all those things of war and the numbers are not counted there.
The only reason for pointing out the tiny British military as compared to Russia's is to justify building up the British military. You have to watch for that.

Kjell • 6 years ago

AM Hants - Think we have a long way to go before we catch up.

NATO cannot catch up with East next 10 years. Technically Russia is five years ahead of NATO (because NATO did not develop after the fall of Russia), and in manpower East will always be NATO times 3
NATO today 4-5 mill
East today 12-13 mill (Russia + NK + Iran)
(US has the problem they employ professional soldiers for 10-20 years. By that time they are used up. There is no pool of conscript trained -> manpower shortage. NATO cannot mobilize)
During Iraq war US managed to put together 0.5 mill soldiers. Today that will be a larger challenge.

You can call me Al • 6 years ago

They are not even comparing like with like.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

I noticed that and it is obvious why. Do not want to publicise the fact we have virtually nothing left.

lol • 6 years ago

What, you don't trust us Yanks to watch your back? I'm devastated.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Their leaders, but, have no idea why there are issues of trust haha?

Tommy Jensen • 6 years ago

I have heard Putin made plans to take over England in 30 days. Shirinovsky to be the new Mayor of London.
Scotland and Ireland will be left in peace as they make good whiskey.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

That would be bliss, especially changing over the Mayor of London.

You can call me Al • 6 years ago

I saw a similar article, but to you not feel that it is all smoke and mirrors to carry on the nonsense that we should all be scared of the big bad Ruskies ?.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

I am more frightened of the crowd in Westminster. Not the sanest brains on the planet.

Robert Mcconnell • 6 years ago

The truly sane brains on our beleaguered planet can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Sp true.

You can call me Al • 6 years ago

I think all of the citizens are.

Walter • 6 years ago

How ODD ! Jewish American neocons and Jewish Oligarchs in Ukraine supporting Ukrainian Nazi's who killed Jews in WWII. The so called Azov battalion of a couple of thousand out of a Ukrainian population of about 50,000,000 Ukrainians do not represent Ukraine. Azov is supported by outsiders and consists of degenerates .

Rich • 6 years ago

It is misleading to ignore the ethnicities and histories of West and East Ukraine. The Gallicians were part of Poland prior to WW2. They are Roman Catholic, not Orthodox as is East Ukraine. The west votes for its local candidate, as does the east. The east considers itself Russian and the west does not. The USA State Department is well aware of these differences and uses them to divide a state and conquer.

Guest • 6 years ago

I'm glad to see Jewish voices like that of Max Blumenthal are not silenced here on RI despite the open prejudices of the editor and chief. You have my respect for that Mr. Bausman.

truckingdude2012 • 6 years ago

It is not prejudice to state truth. I think you are just under politically correct mind control. get over it. If you state the truth about Jewish power, the always label you "anti semite" "Nazi" "bigot" and so on. Have you not seen this yet?

hawaii guy • 6 years ago

I say build real, usable gas chambers, round up aipac and the filthy lying crims who bow to them and give the chamber all it can handle.

jetme • 6 years ago

The US doesn't give a damn about the ideology of the people it arms. Al Qaida, ISIS, Kurd terrorists (or not), these Azov Neo-Nazis. Who cares? The American press are lapdogs they will never question who the US military is arming. And the US military doesn't care what tactics any of these groups they can even fight each other and the US military will simply use deniability.
The State Department and Defense Department are simply agencies that cater to the oligarchs and Wall Street. They are answerable to nobody else. No one can stop them and nobody dares.

daveycrockett • 6 years ago

The u.s. motto should read (maybe over the past 110 years) the end justifies the means. Their means are rapidly coming to an end.

Igor Chornyvolk • 6 years ago

What would you do if you caught an american advisor ? I can think of so many things.

Хмрф... • 6 years ago

I would go old school,

Anthony Papagallo • 6 years ago

Whilst unpleasant to consider this whole Nazi debacle in Ukraine some crumb of comfort can be gleaned by the knowledge that those primo suckers, the U.S taxpayer, is coughing up for the lot. All the while that their own country slowly collapses around their heads.
its actually quite joyous when you think about it.

AM Hants • 6 years ago

Headlines to make you laugh or failing that, smile.

France Pays For Nord Stream II, Using Ukraine Money

Kjell • 6 years ago

- According to Simpson, the CIA recruited Mykola Lebed, a Gestapo-trained leader of the Ukrainian OUN militia who oversaw the torture and slaughter of Jews in Krakow, to help bolster West Germany’s intelligence services in 1947.

"Jews" can be anything WWII 1) Nazi "Jews" 2) Bolshevik "Jews" 2) Neither of them.
The same with Cossacks.
Basically every side.

John C Carleton • 6 years ago

What is that smell?
IT's BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
US is Russia's "partner".
Putin said so.

Doom Sternz • 6 years ago

The Maidan demonstrations in early 2014, which led to the overthrow of the legally elected Ukrainian government witnessed an estimated 15,000 people marching in celebration of Stepan Bandera’s 105th birthday. The neo-Nazi Svoboda Party along with the Fatherland Party of Yulia Tymoshenko both supported this commemoration of the former Nazi ally and war criminal. In the late 1930s Stepan Bandera became the leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) was the name of the Ukrainian partisan paramilitary force that arose from the OUN and fought Soviet armies in the 1940s. During World War II the OUN worked with the German occupation and participated in the massacre of Jews, Poles, and Russians.

In 1943 Bandera’s followers massacred 70,000 Poles the majority of whom were unarmed men, women, and children. This mass killing took place in Volyn, Western Ukraine. In the spring and summer of 1943 peasants of Volyn under the leadership of the Galician intelligentsia using bullets, axes and other improvised means assassinated tens of thousands of Poles living in the villages and towns of the region. The political leadership of the OUN had suddenly realised that the Germans might lose the war. So because of the presence of the Polish population the political leadership had simply decided to get rid of that population to prevent Poland’s claim to Volyn. By 1945 the OUN had, in Eastern Galicia, killed 130,000. Many people had their eyes gouged out and were then hacked to death. After WWII the OUN kept fighting against the forces of the USSR and People’s Poland until 1949.

This wasn't ethnic cleansing of the Jews, it was mass murder to remove any claim that Poland or other nations would have to the region. The same is happening in the Donbass, ethnic cleansing to ensure that Russia could have no claim on the region.