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AM Hants • 5 years ago

It's slightly alarming that the meeting between Lavrov and Pompeo planned to prepare the summit is canceled.


US not getting what they want?
Pompeo, scared of the professionalism of Sergei Lavrov?
Stay safe. Remember 17 July 2014, when they assumed the MH17 was President Putin's plane?

Paw • 5 years ago

Hey Trump , who ask you to pay big billions for the NATO ? Simply give this money ALL, to American people and their kids !! Hey, you what and where is your Problem ?
Hey , you can leave Afganistan and save the heaps. Just go . What is your problem ?
Stop stuffing billions into the Ukraine ! Why not ? You stuff them like turkeys..And they sink.
Tariffs are like the boomerangs , they come back to hit you right into that blanket and the blanket will not save you..
Why you increase the USA military budget recently , WHEN THEY /the corrupt generals with corporations and banks/ STEAL EVERYTHING....And why they keep building the new fighters , that resist to flying ? Hey Trump and where is your ENEMY ?
Show us at least one ? Just ,relax and Give yourself a break and to us too !!

wilmers13 • 5 years ago

Your question: Hey Trump, who ask you to pay big billions for the NATO?
Answer: The US corporations who domineer or want to domineer business, control prices, demanded it. But of course they do not pay, they make Mary & Joe Taxpayer pay.

NATO is a protection racket for US corporations who operate internationally and it's a sales organisation for expensive American weaponry.

It is also wrong to use percentages from GDP. Should be from the "taxtake". If a a country borrows a billion to build a metro, that is GDP and the current calculations simply hide the real spend.

neil barron • 5 years ago

Well there is always a smartass that knows more than anyone else and you just got it wrong. Odumbas tried to do as you say and tried to turn this country into a 3rd world communist country. Trump was elected to do just as we wanted turn it around. He is nothing that you know nothing about. HATER

Guest • 5 years ago
Bill Spence • 5 years ago

You are a crook, I am a crook, everyone is a crook. You are just name calling.

Kjell • 5 years ago

There is no lack of traitors in this game.
You are one of the anonymous Liberals here.
Q has started to focus on all the troll floating around on the net. One cannot be as youtube creator without wading into you people. You are everywhere, and that has to be defeated

"by Ruby Henley I never trusted Steve Bannon – ok maybe in the beginning, but after I read of his relationship with a certain someone, who used to work at Breitbart, I became suspicious of him. I won’t say any more about that. Now, we know he was the “insider” who gave Michael Wolff access to the meetings at the White House. Talk about a setup, or maybe it was Bannon’s insurance policy. He now says he still supports President Trump…really? What Bannon needs to realize is he betrayed me, as I am a Trump supporter. I was a Bannon supporter in the beginning and even when he left the White House. Remember how he was going to fight the Deep State from the “outside” by writing at Breitbart? Good grief, Bannon, you are worse than the Deep State! Did Bannon really talk behind Trump’s back? Yes, he did! Bannon had to feed his ego by talking to outsiders, exaggerating his power in the Presidency. Actually he was nothing more than a mere blow-hard. The reason he allowed Wolff access to the White House was ego-driven. Did he know about the book? Again, was the book his insurance policy if he got dumped? "

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Too much meaningless hot air here without a single idea.

Kjell • 5 years ago

Your last 30 messages is without any sources.
- Banks create money, they do not “print” it.
Just nonsense argument
You have no facts, and no followers either.

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Those are the facts. Too bad you do not know that and are just trying to figure out what is happening.

Kjell • 5 years ago

Today money is electronic money. We use plastic cards. Paper money will be made illegal

I wouldn't worry about it, too much. What is funny is Trump's main bluster today about Germany being a "puppet" of Russia or something because of gas imports. Russia would never cut off the gas supply to one of its best customers. In addition, the Russian gas supply is NOT a strategic threat to Germany, as it accounts for maybe 7 to 10 percent of the total German energy sources and about 35 percent of the gas supply, even with Nord Stream II.

The Ukraine Nazis and US oil and gas people are the ones going ape $hit over this and the reason the Neanderthal Trump shot off his fat, pompous mouth at Merkel, as though he is Nero. Like a naughty, gay little boy, Ukraine steals some of the Russian gas as it passes through and then never pays for it. Germany, like die gute Deutschen Mutter, pays Russia for little Ukraine Leather Pervert's stolen gas. US oil people have some fantasy about forcing their way into the European and German gas market, even though US gas is three times more expensive for Europeans than is Russian gas.

If Trump uses the same bluster against Putin, the Russians will laugh in his face, as I'm sure the Germans are doing when the cameras are off.

AM Hants • 5 years ago

Rothschilds purchased Naftoga, but, it is a white elephant, if there is no Russian gas, in the transit pipelines. They need investment, new pipework sorted, then the system is up and running for when the Israel to Europe gas pipelines come on board. Ha-ha, nobody trusts Ukraine, so they lost out, with that investment.

Hmmmm. I think the little Biden boy was handed some Ukraine gas position, as well. Worthless.

AM Hants • 5 years ago

Together with the step-son of John Kerry. Barisma Holdings.

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Those EU vassals supported the Hillary witch. Nice to see Trump kicking their butts in revenge using Russian gas.

Nothing will change for the Russians because they have the only extra supply of natural gas.

Three cheers for Trump and three cheers for the Russians.

anastasia157 • 5 years ago

I can see you watch alot of television.

Padre • 5 years ago

I would say that it is not about Putin, but Trump!I noticed that every time Trump makes a move, somebody in his administration does the opposite!

AM Hants • 5 years ago

Good point.

Jack Luminous • 5 years ago

I agree. I immediately tried to game out the scenario to figure out, "is this some sort of trick?"

BAM. http://www.haaretz.com/misc...

Nosferyahu is going into Russia ahead of the summit. Mike Pompeo isn't needed (because jews run America) OR else he can't be trusted (by jews... who run America).

I mean, right? Because if poorjews® aren't controlling the USA, then why does israel choose who the United States sanctions?

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Israel plays second fiddle. Forget the anti-Semitic propaganda. The neocons dug the deep hole the US is in but are now drowning.

Jack Luminous • 5 years ago


Who do you think "the neocons" ARE?


Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Neocons are Jews trying to do the best thing for Israel but they mess up all the time. They own and control US media and now dominate Congress.

They will fail again just like the communist Jews failed in Germany. Again they are a very powerful minority. So why will they fail? Because they do not represent the interests of the people and are hated by the “deplorables “.

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Is there any example where a tiny minority such as the Jews have been able to rule in the interest of a much larger majority

The question is absurd. They can only perform services for the ruling elites.

Onno Frowein • 5 years ago

Bully Pompeo after his failure in N. Korea is NO level for a seasoned & true diplomat like Lavrov and so is President Trump no party for President Putin. Putin & Lavrov are chessplayers while Trump, Pompeo & Bolton are just 'BIG MOUTHING without ANY BRAINS behind it = American Way.

Paw • 5 years ago

What nasty tricks plays Trump , when he has kicked out his friends ,who helped him with everything and put in the important positions those " the NO TIME PIMPEO" /for who is he Pimping ?/, and with his appearance suddenly Just Several Russians managed the job of millions Americans in the last election. It was by the way, only to elect Trump.
And the Russians would profit immensely . It is not even ridiculous...To the deputy CIA , as secret agent not , but Trump is very good THE INFLUENCE AGENT , so as to change opinions of masses for instance....
Other problem is WHAT EXACTLY IS THE USA PROTECTING IN THE EU . Where he see any danger and where he does not ? Not explained , of course.
What are they afraid is , that Putin is too much successful in his job and in every direction he takes, whatever he touches. Almost incredibly..And the tariffs and the trade imbalances are the sure sign of the sinking economy ,deeply damaged by inept, aggressive acts , useless wars against the terror ,that the USA spreads everywhere , just like drugs the war against drugs. Money is not problem , problem is the SYSTEM and the way they keep increasing their aggressive /on steroids/ managing disasters...

Vera Gottlieb • 5 years ago

I am truly flabbergasted that you mention the MH17 plane as possibly having been Putin's plane. Shortly after this sad incident, there was a report (can't remember where) stating that - at the time of the downing, Putin's plane (returning from his trip to South America) was in that neighbourhood. I was never able to find this report again and as often as I commented on it, never received any kind of reply from anyone. Would be interesting if you could trace this story. I still believe that MH17 was shot down in error - just a gut feeling.

John C Carleton • 5 years ago
David • 5 years ago

Remove the Jews, the Jews fake news, out of every politically important discussion. The whole world knows "the holocaust" is a Jew hoax. The Jews, religion of liars, MUST be moved out of politics.

Kjell • 5 years ago

- The Jews are attempting to start ...
- Putin is no jew
We are talking about Trump & Putin & Brennan & Bolton & Popeo, not about what went wrong for you last war .. and what Putin can do do promote a nazi agenda.
Trump and Putin do not want to be part of you war if the jews. Wrong site

David • 5 years ago

You are a Jew. Go away.

Kjell • 5 years ago

You and some other here are enemy, the Liberals.
When "the Jews = enemy" -> Trump & Putin are enemy too.
That is pure logic.

David • 5 years ago

You are an idiot.

Kjell • 5 years ago

It is nazi trash that is promoted here
RI can be banned in Russia for less

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Kjell please type correctly without errors so we can understand your opinions.

Kjell • 5 years ago

What was wrong in message?

- Success in Russia will obviously depend on their ability to make capitalism work.

You are assuming too much. Capitalism did not work in Russia at all. The Russians are not capitalist unlike the Chinese. The Russians are soldiers, like North Koreans. They want to be told what to do
That is even better than being capitalist. The Russians work together, they don't compete.

Meet the Russians, the perfect people for Hitler


Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Thanks for that reply but it scares me because 1 million people with ideas can invent things. If they have a leader telling them what to do I don’t think they can invent anything unless the leader does the inventing. But you need millions of people looking for inventions and developing them that’s what capitalism is all about.

I hope that the Russians can become capitalists for their sake otherwise they will fail like the North Koreans. And only have weapons.

Soldiers Lose their value when nuclear weapons are available and also when modern precision weapons are available. So you need better ideas and better inventions.

Kjell • 5 years ago

I would not like to have to compete with collectivists. Mostly it will be a lost case.
I hope the North Koreans continue their traditions of being the best of the best ... a culture as old as the Chinese


If you check our North Korean nurses you will notice they have as many shooting medals as our special forces.
Special soldier in West -> nurse in North Korea

Franklin Wisman • 5 years ago

Oh, more on how Israhell arms Ukrainian 'Nazis' from their own lips...

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Blame Israel for the sins of Israeli capitalists?

Franklin Wisman • 5 years ago

They haven't overthrown it have they? And they still get out lawn chairs to watch the phosphorous bombing of Palestinians. Yeah, poor Innocent they. The March of Return,from that month killed 120 adults and 15 children. Thousands injured.

John C Carleton • 5 years ago
Freespirit • 5 years ago

Ahhhhhh, Sweet love :-)

John C Carleton • 5 years ago

Gotta wonder where everyones hands are?

Well, given, one of Nitwityahoo's arms is up the trickster trumpeters rear orifice, but that leaves one hand for ole Nitwit, and two hands for the trumpster, i don't see ANY, ANYWHERE, above the waist.

commonsenseadvocate • 5 years ago

Putin and Russia need to give it up already. There is no negotiating or finding common ground with the insane West. That cesspool is on its last legs.

Garry Compton • 5 years ago

Agreed - one side wants a Prison Planet and other side wants to be left alone so they can move on to the next stage of getting their country back together after the fall in the 90s. I like the "other side" ideology.

commonsenseadvocate • 5 years ago

Well put Garry.

John C Carleton • 5 years ago
Kjell • 5 years ago

If it cannot be confirmed Putin "is s*cking Bibi's d*ick" then everything you have posted on RI will be something you have to retract.
You reputation is at stake now.
You are just a stupid plumber

Hans Dieter Franke • 5 years ago

it has been erased ..Putin's Jews was a very well researched summary. The biggest surprise of the century were Putin is Zionist and self declared Zionist Trump in the deep of his mind is about to annihilate Israel