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Right Edge • 1 week ago

Nobody believes government anymore! Nobody!!!

irene austin • 1 week ago

When Trump got elected in 2016 was when I knew the vast majority of Americans no longer believed the lying media.
Remember Hillary had a 90% poll to win? That day I celebrated because Trump was the proof that the lying media had lost control of their narrative.

Whec-384 • 1 week ago

Just to show more proof , the FBI now wants to hide the evidence for twenty more years.

John Colorado • 1 week ago

Our own Country Assassinated or was complicit in the Murder of JFK … imagine …where is the outrage… nothing surprises me anymore…

Granny Kracker • 6 days ago

RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Seth Rich, etc.

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

Oh there are so many more.

Granny Kracker • 6 days ago

Yep!👍 😔

Jason Ledd • 1 week ago

"911 was an inside job."

Who the hell has not already heard this statement 100 times before?
Also, lets not forget Gulf of Tonkin, or Weapons of Mass Destruction, or the latest evil deed, from our latest "hero" Trump, Warp Speed cancer.
Governments were always the enemy of humanity.
A government even k!lled Jesus.

Beast Slayer • 5 days ago

It's not "our govt" that killed the liberal scumbag JFK. It was Jews throughout our govt, collaborating together with Jews internationally, and the Jews that ran the mafia. They were firing their own employee. They put him in office through voter fraud by the Jew-run mafia in Chicago. When he was too much of a political lightweight to get done what he was supposed to (which LBJ later did), plus when he challenged Israel getting nukes, he was FIRED.

I feel a need to succeed • 5 days ago

They covered up for the Jews who actually were behind it

John Hart • 6 days ago

I don't know how government was involved in 911, but what happened to WTC7 provides strong evidence something fishy was going on. To this day, a rational explanation for the collapse hasn't been given, nor why the evidence was destroyed before the investigation started. After all, it was the first steel frame building to fail from fire and you'd think they'd want to know why. Finally, two years after everything was hauled away, the first investigation started and failed. Then the second began, based on multi-physics computer models. The report released two of progressive collapse, neither exactly matched, but a model of controlled demolition, which they must have done, wasn't even mentioned, much less released. A high school teacher's analysis of video, all but proved it fell at the speed of a dropped object at first, as if all the columns failed at the same time.

I feel a need to succeed • 5 days ago

Happened not long after that Jew took over the lease and was paid over a billion in insurance. He ate at the restaurant there every day, except.......

;^) • 6 days ago

Building 7 is yet unexplained. Insurance was purchased right before! Odd.
The other question mark is the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon. Not one shred of a commercial airliner was ever found! Have you ever seen a plane that crashed? Debris everywhere.

Great Collector • 1 week ago

I think there are alot more people today that are suspicious of gooberment than ever before thats for sure.

Whec-384 • 1 week ago

I spent 63_67 serving my country, the day i was discharged I mentioned to my family what i learned in those four years at the age of 17-21. I told them the biggest thing that i learned in them four years is that our Government is the MOST CORRUPT Gov. in the WORLD. And 57 years later I am 100% SURE

Kobieta1126 • 1 week ago

Thank YOU for serving - and everyone else reading this who has. For so long I believed this country was the greatest in the world, but thanks to the internet and people like you speaking out, my views have changed. Best thing is to enlighten folks.

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

I grew up listening to Nam Vets. Several flew helicopters.
I learned very early never trust the government. Being NA, 1973 cemented just how corrupt our government is.

divinity11 • 1 week ago

Careful...if you speak ill about the evils of this country, the mouth-breathing muppets will label you a "liberal."

I feel a need to succeed • 5 days ago

What are you talking about?

Angry Senior • 1 week ago

Start reading and your eyes will be opened. For starters -
The Mighty Wurlitzer: how the CIA played America by Hugh Wilford
CHAOS by Tom O'Neill.
CHAOS is one of 3 black ops run on Californians in the 1960s. The CIA intended on stopping radicals, but inciting a race war, inciting killings.
Now we see these Trans people, all on drugs with mass shootings and manifestos. Coincidence? I wonder.

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

IF you can find it "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" government fought 10 years to keep it from being printed, led by fbi.

Mark Slinger • 1 week ago

Like Charles Manson spoke of, Helter Skelter. A race war. He was likely a CIA asset if not an agent.

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

He was an LSD experiment gone wrong.

Shawn S • 1 week ago

Oh but they sure believe politicians. Their orange messiah in particular

John Three • 1 week ago

Jesus isn't orange. He's the one and only Messiah for the majority of supporters of Bad Orange Man (BOM).

His supporters don't worship him, we just appreciate his actions on our behalf. Stuff like reasonably-priced groceries, gasoline, not mandating an unnecessary unsafe ineffective experimental injection, secure borders, world peace, etc. I know, crazy shit.

Who's your (false) messiah? Obama?

Westcoastdeplorable • 1 week ago

Tried to say this on "X" but got deranked so I'll try it here...no way in hell those towel-heads flew airliners into the towers and P-gon. They would have crumpled like beer cans. And what about Bldg 7? The "official" story on 911 stinks like Biden's used diapers!

Tigger • 1 week ago

9-11, the only day in history where steel framed buildings that were on fire collapsed at near freefall speed into the path of greatest resistance.

Great Collector • 1 week ago

Building 7 made me rethink the day really... plus the excellent flying skills displayed by a bunch of Cessna pilots really made me sit up and call B S.

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

They all actually went through Flight School. They trained on actual commercial aircraft and simulators.
Bombs are made of metal tube's and go through buildings every time.
An aluminum tube traveling at 469 mph is going to cause issues.
Brennan knew they were here. He signed visas for them.
They went into the building, they killed people, only thing is alphabet agencies KNEW it was going to happen.
You have to go to Afghanistan in the late 50s from Russia invading and Bush Sr. head of cia at the time.
We paid Binladen, for 18 years to keep Russia out of Afghanistan, they fought while our government was in NAM.
When Russia left after 18 years, they skipped the "bonus" payment to Binladen, who was an Outcast from royal family. That's where the Saudi connection is and why they won't pay off. He was no longer a member of the family.

I feel a need to succeed • 5 days ago

Don't forget the dancing Israelis

horniron • 6 days ago

You mean like an empty beer can at 469mph? HaHa.

Jacqueline Brunder • 1 week ago

Greater than free fall speed. That simply doesn't happen unless something weird is afoot.

ken b • 1 week ago

Try not to think. It will be less painful for you. And us.

itookredpill • 1 week ago

Building 7 and the BBC reporting on its collapse before it occured, is the smoking gun. Even Silverstein said they pulled the building down on purpose, which means it was rigged to implode ahead of time.

The angular thermite cuts on the core supports of the main towers were another big glue, but Bush had the rubble removed as fast as he could, so aside from a few photos, there wasn't really a proper investigation on that.

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

Explosives were in that building set off by the explosions of the aircraft.
Concussion from that set off a charge.
It fell as if it had demolition charges.
Yes, the aircraft went in. Parts were scattered all through, jet fuel with added fuel can do the damage. I also had some faa friends who put the parts back together.
Just like TWA 800 was shot down by the Navy. They lied.

VaxWeapon7.0New • 1 week ago

80% of people know this bro.
its the same vapid 20% that buy all the lies.
80/20 rule

~. • 1 week ago

Question is why do Bush and Cheney walk free?

VaxWeapon7.0New • 1 week ago

Because Satan and his cabal run things

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

Oh no no no.
You actually believe a fallen angel has more power than God?
If that election had Not been stolen, do you think you would see the Republic Awaken as it has? If that election had not have been stolen would we finally standing as One to fight demsocialist? Would all the college Baptisms be taking place? Would the 10 Commandments be going back in school? Would Black voters be coming back to their original party? Would Hispanics learn that MAGA/GOP actually align with their values instead of following Ds blindly?
I can go on and on about all the Good things that have happened.
But if you think God isn't running the show you got bigger issues.

VaxWeapon7.0New • 6 days ago

You need to reread my comment because that's not what I said I never said God is running the show because he isn't running to show he's giving everyone free will you need to go read your Bible Jenna people have free will on Earth that was his greatest gift to us that's why bad things happen because he's not controlling us

VaxWeapon7.0New • 6 days ago

Yes Jenna I believe my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when he said that Satan is king of Earth

Jena Oliver • 6 days ago

If USSC rules Against immunity, yes.
Same with 44 droning 2 citizens.
Yes they had terrorists connections, but if 44 had killed them here, which he couldn't, instead he waited until they went out of country.
If he had done it on US soil, what was stopping them from using that same premise to use on folks here?

~. • 6 days ago

3000 were killed in NYC on 9/11. I remember watching some of them jump out of windows. And I remember being told air quality at ground zero was fine.

;^) • 6 days ago

I hope to never again see such a gut-wrenching sight. Leaping to death, rather than burning. A nightmare choice!
Whomever was responsible deserves to burn for eternity!

Mark Belk • 1 week ago

It was an Israel/US Black Flag Operation. Totally obvious to anyone keeping up with what is going on instead of which bunch of thugs are playing ball!

Daniel Staggers • 1 week ago

That's what you get for being on X. Facebook banned me so many times I took the hint and never went back. And YouTube is probably next. I grew up without any of this stuff so I certainly don't need it now. And I'm not stupid enough to think I matter in the least.

AnotherLover • 1 week ago

A lot of people don't know that a Pentagon police officer ran outside after hearing the explosion and watched the plane fly away. He thought it was a second plane for years. At one point Citizen Investigation Team interviewed him for their documentary National Security Alert. Last I checked it's actually removed from Youtube except for the old-style 10 min. segments from tons of different sites. But it's on Odysee. It's a gem. It shows that the plane couldn't have knocked over the light poles it was said to have knocked over, and it does so by interviewing witnesses that almost shat themselves as they cowered directly underneath the plane's path only a very short distance from the Pentagon. And where they saw the plane is not where the government says the plane was. It's a gem.

National Security Alert
on Odysee

ken b • 1 week ago

You are disputing what we all saw. I know flight attendants who lost friends in those planes. Your ability to think rationally and to comprehend the investigations that took place belies your lack of intelligence and preconcieved bias.

apparent51 • 1 week ago

I saw a BBC video replayed by "news" propaganda outlets worldwide. "We all saw" something different

;^) • 6 days ago

We saw what was intended for us to see.