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Josef Ketzer • 5 years ago

My generation was fed with hatred against Holy Mother Church by the promise of a sexual revolution, which we naively thought would mean "roses and myrthles and love and lust" for everyone. What we have got was a "gaystapo", which persecutes harmless people, who refuse to bake a wedding-cake with two black figurines, and transsexuals as cultural superstars. And, yes, #metoo has set up much more "unreachable moral standards", has implanted more bad conscience, fear and feelings of guilt in men's souls than the good old 6th Commandement.

ArthurMcGowan • 5 years ago

That "Pope" in Kansas is a mental case, but if you listen to him at any length, it's obvious that he would govern the Church infinitely better than Bergoglio.

Victoria Estevan • 5 years ago

Mr. Matt, I just want you to know....that as unfunny as all of this is. In fact, through the horror of what we are seeing and learning about in the Vatican.....you make me laugh. You make me chuckle in your articles and in the Remnant Underground. I have three millennial children....20, 19 and soon to be 18. They were well formed in the Catholic Faith. I homeschooled them through 8th grade.....but the internet has "dummied" them down. What an Awesome God we have! For I know that somehow, someway He WILL resurrect their sleeping souls to bring Him Glory.....You and I, Mr. Matt will be His witnesses!

Great article.

There is this satanic thing about Bergoglio, though:

If satan had the whole world following him except just one person, he would not be happy that he had billions. He would be consumed in anger and resentment at the 'slight' of one soul resisting him.

Likewise, the whole world, catholic and the rest, is modernist, hates truth and loves lechery, so one should think Bergoglio would be pleased at how the world chimes with his ideas.

But no, oh no - no, he is bitter at those few Pelagians who hold out.
They must be crushed with more synods.
Synods employing collectivist preparation methods to stifle resistance.

Bergoglio is hate-filled like his master.

poetcomic1 • 5 years ago

One word has summed up the whole Francis Effect for me - cringeworthy.

Guest • 5 years ago
Annie • 5 years ago

Speaking of money, I've given up contributing to the "second collections" at Mass because I can't figure out anymore where the money's going. On Mother's Day there was a 2nd collection "for Mother's Day". Huh? There was no Mother's Day event held, no money spent on mothers for flowers or anything so where the heck did the money go? Don't ask, right? Last week they didn't even give a reason - just said there was going to be a 2nd collection. The reason we had them way back in the 1950's was for the poor of the parish and coins were put in that one instead of the envelopes that went in the first collection. Now it's for causes with mystifying titles or for holidays - would someone explain why we need to give money for secular holidays? - or just because they want money for "whatever" and think we'll be dumb enough to keep handing it over without any accountability. Peter's Pence was the last straw for me. Second Collections are given now to those who further the legitimate aims of the Catholic Church (like the Dominican Sisters of Mary).

Annie • 5 years ago

Speaking of educating children in the faith, at a First Holy Communion Mass last weekend the priest told the kids formal prayers are mostly a waste of time. Instead they should talk to God and it's okay to curse at God if they feel like it. Take a moment to ponder that. Cursing at God is okay. All wasn't lost, though. The priest told them they probably shouldn't curse at their parents because the parents might get mad at them. This was their First Communion homily.

Chris Fortin • 5 years ago

You would have at least thought the parents listening to that priest giving homilized advice to these childrens First Holy Communion about prayer life, would have criticized the priest later. Effectively what the priest was saying that the formal prayers of the Our Father, Holy Mary and the Rosary had no value. Obviously; a New Age Novus Ordo priest with extremely poor seminary formation. So sad. It might be difficult to ascertain where this priest Faith in the Holy Eucharist remains, when reciting formal prayers from the Sacramentary during the Mass. We all need the humility of reciting formal prayers no matter what our age.

Maggie • 5 years ago

Run away as fast as you can.

BVMOPN • 5 years ago

As a completely irrelevant aside, as I looked at that "lets all hold hands, smile at one another knowingly, as we march forward together" hokey staged 70's kodak moment, I thought the only thing that was missing is Mark Zuckerberg's face superimposed over one of them like I've been seeing in those ads which I find amusing. There are a bunch of other faces that would be a hoot in there as well for someone with the skills. Luther? Henry VIII in "honor" of AL? Not to be unserious about the dangers of this bogus synod (again). But some things absolutely beg to be mocked.

Michael Leggett • 5 years ago

What was Vatican II, except a Three Year Convention of Modernists, Freemasons & other Assorted Heretics? It was a time to write a Man Centred Liturgy with a Protestant Orientation, Revision of The Forms of The Sacraments, Revision of Religious Life unto the point of Children never encountering them from Grades K through 12, the Malpractice of teaching children to think of Holy Communion as a Meal instead of as a Sacrament, & utter chaos all around, including Collegiality.

Since Team Bergoglio looks upon Traditional Catholic Practice with Sheer Contempt, changing the data to fit the Modernist Narrative, is not surprising.

It is any wonder WHY I prefer both the TLM & The Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil The Great(Both Doctors of The Church BTW) & the twice offering of the Divine Liturgy of St. James The Apostle. These Liturgies are offered to The Blessed Trinity, as a Propitiary Sacrifice, re-presenting the Sacrifice on The Cross by Christ, for the Forgiveness of Sin & for Praise & Thanksgiving.

Many Young People of Roman Rite do go to these Liturgies. The crowd at so called "Folk Masses" with putrid Man Centred Music tends to have Grey Hair. And the crowd at the Modernistic Contemporary Mass is rather small.

The Young seek to experience Traditional Liturgies. Yet, the "Woodstock Generation", represented by the Ageing Hipsters of the V2 1960s Generation will have no truck with the New Generation.
It took Coca Cola about 79 Days to get rid of New Coke. Do these ageing V2 Types understand this?

MadMC • 5 years ago

Gosh Mr Matt... That's pretty mean on the millennials! I personally don't think the millenials are anywhere near the most dumbed down, stupid bunch of humanity that ever existed. That title goes to that generation now represented by the red and white hats in the Vatican.
If Young Conner in the video is anything to go by, the Church would be in far better shape if we cleaned out the Vatican and replaced everyone with Conner and his mates!

Remnant Moderator • 5 years ago

MadMC, they eat Tide Pods... Well, one thing's for sure--their phones are smart! And the Millennials spend nearly four hours per day on those. So...there's that? But, yes, they certainly couldn't do any worse than les enfants terribles currently running the show in Rome. ;-)

Gint • 5 years ago

Hilarious. Anytime I hear about the concerns of millennials, I'm going to ask, "Yeah, but how does a Tide pod taste?"

Chris Fortin • 5 years ago

Remember the young days of learning from usually your mother that ones mouth got washed with soap for saying foul language. Never dreamed the day when a new generation of kids would be doing this to themselves unless there's some high to be gained by munching down on Tide-Pods LOL. YUKE phosphate.

Gint • 5 years ago

I think the high happens first....

Chris Fortin • 5 years ago

I don't believe there's any high associated with eating the Tide-Pod Teen-Dare-Challenge that's absolutely absurd and dangerous. Tide-Pod consumption which will burn your gizzards out or possibly cause death. Completely idiotic teen dare fad.
(" Doctors Reveal What Happens When You Eat A Tide Pod")

Cam • 5 years ago

Vatican 2 a colossal failure? Maybe the results we see are exactly what those that took over the council intended. It would take 50 years but they knew one day they would have a decatholicized church and mindlessness. Like devout communists (which many of them are) they have been patient knowing victory would not come instantly, but they knew one day their Francis would take the helm and begin dealing the final death blows.

Remnant Moderator • 5 years ago

The idea of using rhetorical stunts like this is to convince those who are as yet unconvinced. Of course the Modernists had an agenda and were wildly successful in what they wanted to achieve. But we're not trying to convince them to admit they were wrong. We're trying to convince those who still believe V2 was good for the Church that it was decidedly not. We're trying to score points in the court of public opinion, in other words. See the difference?

clintoncps • 5 years ago

"we, the young church, ask that our leaders speak in practical terms about subjects such as homosexuality and gender issues, about which young people are already freely discussing.”
- The Young Church of Utopia

“This vice (sodomy), which surpasses the savagery of all vices, is to be compared to no other. For this vice is the death of bodies, the destruction of souls, pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the intellect, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, introduces the diabolical inciter of lust, throws into confusion, and removes the truth completely from the deceived mind...

“For it is this which violates sobriety, kills modesty, slays chastity. It butchers virginity with the sword of a most filthy contagion. It befouls everything, it stains everything, it pollutes everything, and for itself it permits nothing pure, nothing foreign to filth, nothing clean.”
- St. Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church (The Book of Gomorrah)

St. Joseph the Worker, pray for us!

St. Peter Damian, pray for us!

BioFeed • 5 years ago

It's not a surprise the results may have been manipulated. The purpose of the Synod is to further transform the Catholic Church. Francis and the hierarchy are probably surprised the changes introduced by AL have been mostly accepted with little pushback. While the going is good as they say.
The purpose of this Synod it seems is to set the stage for the ordination of female deacons (there is already a commission studying it) and the appointment of a female cardinal. The latter will be a first step as I could see Francis or his successor opening up the cardinalate to laypeople. Female priestly ordination is a pontificate or two away but this is the necessary first step. Some "orthodox" apostolates are attempting already to find a theological way in which this would be possible.
Beyond that a further opening to the LGBT community is likely with gay blessings talked about if not formally endorsed during the Synod.
This could be transformational in a way that the Church can't go back from. Francis said something to that effect.
The guest on Arroyo's program was articulate and to be admired but, to be honest, most Catholics in their 20s that I know are quite progressive. Just like their parents.
For the Art Bell types who are into conspiracies, it is plausible that one world Soros type globalists put Francis on the Throne of Peter (much as Obama came out of nowhere to be put into the Oval Office) to completely co-opt the Catholic Church and transform it into the "approved of" world religion. Promoting secularism under the banner of the cross.

johnotomo • 5 years ago

Opening up the cardinalate to laymen would be to return to tradition.

James • 5 years ago

That's what they said about communion in the hand and vernacular liturgy, etc.

Calls for people who are Bishops to be made Cardinals in this day and age will mean female Cardinals almost immediately. The way to get around the heresy or ordaining women as priests and still have females run the Church rather directly is with female Cardinals.

Gint • 5 years ago

Those who consider themselves faithful Novus Ordo Catholics will never revolt, no matter how unrecognizable Francis or anyone else may make this new religion look. They're quite comfortable believing they are doing what they should, stumbling into the nearest church, semi-dozing for 30-45 minutes, reaching into their wallet when asked to and lather rinse repeat next week.
Francis and his cabal know this, and see no reason not to go as fast and as far as possible with the changes they have in mind. Questioning the pope is heresy, after all.

Montee90556 • 5 years ago

You may be right for the baby boomer generation, but you can exclude most ."Catholics" born after 1970. They may turn up for baptisms and Christmas , but that's about it. The church is dying.Who is going to be putting money in the plate in twenty years time ? Very few.

You would think even those modernist destroyers of faith in charge would face this fact and start trying to evangelize the next generation in the one true faith, but really it is too far gone now. We really do need divine intervention.

Chris Fortin • 5 years ago

Given Colin McLaughlin testimony to Raymond Arroyo in the EWTN World Over Report is a big eye opener. I think its terrible that the ("Vatican is Manipulating Data Collected from World's Youth") for the upcoming Youth Synod. For what its worth it surely looks as though there a Ravenous Wolves in Sheeps clothing who want to change Church moral practices and teachings while putting on this false cloak of misrepresenting the Young in the Church.
Why is Pope Bergoglio inviting Non-Catholic Young People from various religions as being part of this Young Synod when they don't have any iota of reason for being there?
Gotta shake my head a few times.

mattheus • 5 years ago

"Why is Pope Bergoglio inviting Non-Catholic Young People from various religions...?" One important thing to realize about the aging Vatican 2 generation of hierarchy --- Catholicism basically bores them. If was true from their first day in seminary when they felt no connection with the Church and refused to attend daily mass because "they didn't get anything out of it." They get much more of a thrill from going to Sweden to meet with homosexual Lutheran groups, or inviting Aborigine animists to spice things up at a Youth Synod. (Of course I speak in generalities, and hope it's less true than I think.)

Chris Fortin • 5 years ago

Perhaps; but its looking more and more as though there's an evil intent with a number ranking clergy under Pope Bergoglio's camp where upon the Youth Synod is just a directed false facade to make World Catholics look on as though this papacy is doing something positive to move the New Age Catholic Church into some evolving spiritual moral direction. The Synod on Family did nothing to improve the moral cornerstone of society in the Christian roots within family.
I won't hold my breath expecting a great outcome when the Youth Synod comes to a close. I could be wrong in all this, but we all have to wait and fervantly pray on this

James • 5 years ago

Revolution is never satisfied. It must keep moving forward, because stopping means it could be reversed.

By their fruits you shall know them.

Vatican II obviously meant change. The changes that have come have been disastrous. Not merely a bit off, but disastrous. But faith in Vatican II is like opioid addiction in that it is a vicious hamster wheel of downward spiral that if allowed to roll to its end will leave only death and destruction.

Most junkies must crash hard before they are broken and scared enough to seek treatment; they must know deep in their guts that if they do not make total change, nearly 180 degree change in life they will die - and they must repent and want to live.

Perhaps the same is true of the Vatican II addicts. They have not totally crashed the Church. It is a partial wreck but not a true train wreck with cars smashed and their cargo ruined and the rails ripped from the ground. Perhaps the Vatican II faithful - the 'conservative' Novus Ordoists and JPII devotees as well as the overt Leftists - will keep the foot on the gas pedal until the total wreck occurs, until the entire structure is smashed, assuming that eventually they will be saved by the thing that is necessary to the crash. Addicts are that crazy. The heroin addict comes to feel heroin is necessary to life and so cannot allow himself to hear and see that heroin is killing him.

The entire Modern world is that way in regard to secular democracy, which necessarily must promote cultural and moral Liberalism. France, for example, has been on a spiritual death march since its revolution, which it essentially sacralized. And France will die a suicide before too long if it does not repent and re-embrace the historic Faith, striving to become once again the Eldest Daughter of the Church. England will die a suicide before too long if it does not repent of the Tudor and Puritan Revolutions and strive to become once again the Dowry of Mary.

The Catholic Church will suffer much more if it does not repent of the bleeding heart liberalism and Modernism responsible for parts of each Vatican II document and, even more so, central to the implementation of Vatican II. The hierarchy, priests, and laypersons clinging to faith in Vatican II and successful in forcing us to go along will crash the train and leave destruction that will make what the Church suffered in, for example, the British Isles from the 16th through the 18th centuries seem like a bumpy ride.

This synod could be the crossing of the Rubicon into near total auto-demolition.

And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away.

Traditionalist • 5 years ago

It's like if you were fighting a war and polling your enemy to see how you can do a better job with the war and taking their advice. I'm one of the so-called millennial generation, and they surely didn't poll me. Instead, let's poll people who probably haven't stepped foot in a church in years (or maybe just on Easter & Christmas), lean left both politically and socially, and probably have very little interest in what the Church has to say anyway. Those who respond do so either through evil intentions or who just want validation of their sinful inclinations, which they probably only care because they feel a tinge of shame since they were raised in the Church, even if just barely.

Maggie • 5 years ago

Although I may have a suspicious mind, I rather thing that as before the "results" of this so called synod are already prepared. This is a community organizing ploy where it seems that people are being listened to but in reality it is just the few with the agenda who impose a certain agenda. How stupid is this to ask atheists what the Church should do!!! And no surprise that they would want to reverse moral teachings. Only the truths of the Church are the antidote to the evils rampant in the world today. And when the "Church" (many of those in power) fail to faithfully transmit the age old truths and teachings, the whole world suffers as it is now. We await God's intervention.

Montee90556 • 5 years ago

Well , the closer we get to this modernist gab fest,the more suspicious I am that our Holy Father really has a big surprise for us. After all after AL surely there are just so many rigid church doctrines that should also be up for youthful pastoral discernment. Take your pick. Humane Vitae, homosexual unions,cohabitation, holy communion to one and all ,women priests, or what ever else Kasper and Marx and co may have on their wish list.

But of course Michael,there can be no discussion of this illogical wish of a disturbingly high number of our youth who wish to return to the TLM, or those who may even just have an uncool attachment to doctrines and dogmas composed by non hipsters centuries ago. He has already told us that we can never go back. Only foward, forward .

Can't wait for the post synodal papal exhortation. I wonder if it has already been written?

chriscas • 5 years ago

The Chastisement is not far off, I suspect. In this Marian Month let's keep praying all the rosaries we can! Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison!

Chris Fortin • 5 years ago

I can't recall at this moment the exact Saint who said the Great Chastisment would begin on a Solemnity Feast Day beginning on a Thursday at sundown and end on a Sunday morning at sunrise. That feast day is called Corpus Christi echoing in some resemblance to the Sacred Holy Triduum. Like rain that falls on the good and bad only a remnant will survive in God's Holy Justice.

mattheus • 5 years ago

Those aging Vatican 2 hipsters that populate the upper levels of the hierarchy are way too rigid and fanatical in their thinking. They need to loosen up a bit and let some fresh air in. A little Aggiornamento maybe.