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Ivan mi je ime • 5 years ago

Dear Susan,
this article is worth a millions!
Thank you so much!
May our Triune God the Lord almighty reward you and bless you and all yours!

Kevin Meyers • 5 years ago

Wolfgang Smith has a great book outlining Tielhard's heresy. Here is Smith's summary of the evolution problem and it is in the Church as it clouded the thinking of Archbishop Sheen and many others:
Smith says:
“As a scientific theory, Darwinism would have been jettisoned long ago. The point, however, is that the doctrine of evolution has swept the world, not on the strength of its scientific merits, but precisely in its capacity as a Gnostic myth. It affirms, in effect, that living beings created themselves, which is in essence a metaphysical claim… Thus, in the final analysis, evolutionism is in truth a metaphysical doctrine decked out in scientific garb. In other words, it is a scientistic myth. And the myth is Gnostic, because it implicitly denies the transcendent origin of being; for indeed, only after the living creature has been speculatively reduced to an aggregate of particles does Darwinist transformism become conceivable. Darwinism, therefore, continues the ancient Gnostic practice of depreciating ‘God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.’ It perpetuates, if you will, the venerable Gnostic tradition of ‘Jehovah bashing.’ And while this in itself may gladden Gnostic hearts, one should not fail to observe that the doctrine plays a vital role in the economy of Neo-Gnostic thought, for only under the auspices of Darwinist ‘self-creation’ does the Good News of ‘self-salvation’ acquire a semblance of sense.” (242-43)

Peter Wilders • 5 years ago

For nearly a century people have been tut-tutting over Teilhard's heresies. Isn't it time to do something about them.

The word "evolution" is a myth. It should be scrubbed out of the dictionary. It is not a science. It offends the laws of science such as biogenesis - life cannot come from non-life, entropy and natural selection. It contravenes the teaching Magisterium (Lateran IV) and the doctrine of Original. It brought about the collapse of the Jesuits - not to mention Russia and China. Isn't this is already enough to put it in the trash can. Where on earth are our traditional Catholics?


Anonymous • 5 years ago

Sorry to see the SSPX heading in this direction:

Between Fr. Robinson's new book arguing for old earth theory, and now a professor of St. Mary's College entering the forums to defend evolution:


S. Murphy • 5 years ago

Just curious, have you read Fr.Robinson's book before detracting him on a public comment page?

Anonymous • 5 years ago

Have you read the article I referenced before accusing me of detraction??

PS: Detraction refers to the public revelation of another person's sins.

Guest • 5 years ago
Anonymous • 5 years ago

Yes, in Novus Ordo land, evolution passes for "the facts."

But the pre-ralliement SSPX used to think this about evolution:


gerald may • 5 years ago

I agree, Fr. Robinson is to be commended for a scholastic-Thomistic approach in presenting a realist philosophy of science.

Anonymous • 5 years ago

True science would not contradict the common patristic exegesis of the first three chapters of Genesis.

If it does, it is a sign the "science" is wrong.

gerald may • 5 years ago

The last patristic father St. Augustin said that the Bible is to be interpreted according to levels of meaning -the literal, analogical, moral, and spiritual, and If a literal interpretation of Sacred Scripture is in conflict with science, then means it is not literal but analogical, moral or spiritual. Science studies the second book of revelation- nature.

Guest • 5 years ago
oldfogey • 5 years ago

It's just dressed up pantheism with an over gloss of spirituality...just right for Satan to lure the gullible and intellectually and spiritually lazy and uninformed. I knew a lot of grad students and professors in biochemistry who would express feelings like they could actually explain and even control nature by their little discoveries. They were so full of themselves.
But if you asked them...why is this or that the way it is? They had no answer. Even now, modern science is descriptive and explains what is observed, but cannot explain the "why?"
Even if you asked them a simple question like...If as Einstein said, that all motion is relative, why can't Earth be stationary and all else moves around it? They had no answer.

Robert McNally • 5 years ago

I loved to read Fulton J. Sheen and was recently surprised to learn that he fell under the spell of Teilhard. At the time, Sheen was in his late seventies. However, I later learned that shortly before Sheen died he gave up on Teilhard. Why he got duped, I don't know, but it might have been an age thing. Thank God he changed his mind. Another surprise for me regarding Sheen was that he favored Vatican II. I could never believe that. Not Sheen, who had a lot of guts. I remember him saying a lot of controversial statements like " If you want your children to keep the faith don't send them to a Catholic university, send them to a state college. He also stood up against the Vietnam War when it wasn't popular to do so. By the way, I believe I liked every comment that was made here. Thanks.

Carlos A Loya • 4 years ago

Robert, what evidence is there that Sheen changed his mind?
i'm hoping to see so. this would help please.

cam • 5 years ago

de Chardin is the key that unlocks many doors. He is noted by none other than Joseph Ratzinger as the principle inspiration for that central document of the novus ordo church, Gaudium et spes. He s essential in understanding the direction of the conciliar and post conciliar church. Ratzinger quotes him favorably a number of times even referring to the cosmos as one day becoming a "living host". The Civilization of Love", the ecology movement, ecumenism, the withering away of tradition, sin and now even Hell have their roots in de Chardin. He' the hidden influence, the spoon stirring the pot. Recently a group of catholic scientists and prelates petitioned Francis to repeal the monitum against de Chardin, someday it will be. Francis is all about de Chardin but so were his predecessors, they just didn't tell us. The great cosmic evolution is underway and the lowly and the un initiated can only be brought along gradually as we all move towards the Omega point. It operates like a Masonic lodge where only the higher ups know the real secrets. It is of course not catholic, in fact quite anti catholic, it is a new religion and with Francis we are starting to see just how really disastrous this has been for the salvation of souls and the True faith. Thank you for exposing this. Much more light should be shone on this deception it is so essential to their agenda and the attack upon the Church.

William Murphy • 5 years ago

This passage in the article rang a bell:

"Evolution is “matter becoming cephalized.” How do you like that? Rocks becoming conscious, lying beneath the Noosphere[7]—that imagined membrane on the earth’s surface, a supposed thinking layer superimposed on the lifeless layer of inorganic matter."

This is about as looney as it gets. The only defence of de Chardin I can think of is that this deranged passage might have inspired a great sci-fi novel - Stanislaw Lem's "Solaris" and then Andrei Tarkovsky's extraordinary movie of the same name (one of three film adaptations). A space station orbits a planet covered by an ocean which is a huge brain.

The movie turns normal sci-fi conventions on their head. Normally an astronaut explores the surface of a planet and discovers strange and terrible things. In "Solaris", the surface of the planet explores the astronauts' minds and discovers strange and terrible things inside them - the lead character is full of guilt at the suicide of his lover. For a Soviet-era Russian film, it is an intensely spiritual experience.

Lem was apparently familiar with de Chardin's work and had a very low opinion of it. Why this Jesuit's speculations should have been taken seriously outside the realm of sci-fi writers is a mystery, except to fill up a spiritual vacuum left by collapse of Catholic faith.


James • 5 years ago

It fit perfectly with the Modern world that had been birthed by the Reformation, and hardened by the Puritans, and had grown up with the French Revolution.

The Jesuits emerged from the suppression very worldly wise in the sense of knowing which ideas would help them find sanctuary among Modern leaders and their moneymen.

ChitownGal • 5 years ago

What most people don't know is that Teilhard perpetrated a hoax in his master plan to promote evolution as the new god. I don't remember exactly what it was, but he claimed to have found something that was a "missing link". It turned out on further examination that his "proof" was a hoax.

PaleoAtlantid • 5 years ago

I assume you are referring to the famous Piltdown hoax. I'm no fan of Teilhard, but there is no evidence whatsoever linking him with the forgeries. There is some suspicion that he may have suspected the fossils weren't genuine, but chose to remain silent. Likewise Arthur Conan Doyle (the creator of Sherlock Holmes and a trained doctor) was also present at the dig and probably had his own misgivings about their authenticity but again said nothing. I suspect both men were content to let established figures in the scientific world make fools of themselves. The real perpetrator was likely Charles Dawson who had ample motives, opportunity and means to make and plant the forgeries.

andrew walsh • 5 years ago

Human beings are like sponges. They absorb what surrounds them in their contemporary culture and mindlessly accept what they read and listen to. Group-think is the default for social animals. Even super-smart Jesuits like Teilhard de Chardin aren't immune - maybe they're even more susceptible than most. Teilhard de Chardin simply absorbed the current scientific thinking of his time and tried to rationalize Christianity to conform to it. That's the essence of modernism. Traditional "formation" - that process where the Church replaces the vagaries of the modern world in one's mind - isn't widely applied these days.

Guest • 5 years ago
Gwynn Ap Nudd • 5 years ago

The author of The Seven Story Mountain was a Trappist. Or is there another Thomas Merton?

martin ginge • 5 years ago

The Seven Story Mountain is a classic, a brilliant introduction to the spiritual life, with one or two pieces of classic humour. Unfortunately, Merton was latter infected with the madness and went stark raving bonkers (religiously).He died alone, in a cheap hotel room in the Far East, I believe he was electrocuted by a faulty fan. R.I.P

slyphnoyde • 5 years ago

Thomas Merton's early works affected me deeply in the 1960s and early '70s when I was not Catholic. Unfortunately he seems to have gone astray later in his monastic and writing career. The Super Flumina Babylonis website (if the moderators will allow an external reference) has a two part essay on Merton which describes his later straying from true Catholicism (as well as some of his personal struggles).

William Murphy • 5 years ago

Thanks so much for the Merton reference! I have just read the essay. What an enthralling story of spiritual confusion.


chriscas • 5 years ago

And we shall be as Gods knowing good and evil when we become Technosapiens, eh? Oh boy, Dr. Frankenstein ain't got nothing on some of these AI Globalist clowns! Danger, Will Robinson! Where's Christ in all of this wonderful Technocratic One-World Utopia? Trouble ahead, folks. Pray and fast like there's no tomorrow! Kyrie Eleison Christe Eleison

Michael Morow • 5 years ago

All true, except nobody reads Teilhard anymore, and few did at time. Teilhard is not the disease, he was part of it, a symptom. The disease is new age paganism, for want of a better word. Coincides heavily with pseudo science of all sorts, especially Sci fi with its ludicrous assumption of other populated world's & eventual space travel beyond solar system, + dead lock belief in constant evolution. A tad Eastern, but fact is does not understand that either. Much bad art, music, poetry, film. Sci fi craze is religion in itself. All very smug, but devotees don't understand science or facts of cosmos either, it all is just a turn on. They are waiting for a transmission from Mr Spock, and once Soros & co figure this all out, they may contrive to concoct one for them. Then look out for the great and powerful Oz.

Paul54 • 5 years ago

Teilhard de Chardin is the pioneer of introducing psychobabble into the Church. His writings are incomprehensible, and that's how he meant them to be.

mattheus • 5 years ago

"His writings are incomprehensible..." This is a long tradition of the French left intelligentsia. Try reading their newspaper "Libération." They delight in being obtuse. And from Teilhard de Chardin's Wikipedia article, under the heading "Evaluations by Scientists" --
-- According to Daniel Dennett, "it has become clear to the point of unanimity among scientists that Teilhard offered nothing serious in the way of an alternative to orthodoxy; the ideas that were peculiarly his were confused, and the rest was just bombastic redescription of orthodoxy." Similarly, Steven Rose wrote that "Teilhard is revered as a mystic of genius by some, but amongst most biologists is seen as little more than a charlatan."

mattheus • 5 years ago

Human beings are like sponges. They absorb what surrounds them in their contemporary culture and mindlessly accept what they read and listen to. Group-think is the default for social animals. Even super-smart Jesuits like Teilhard de Chardin aren't immune - maybe they're even more susceptible than most. Teilhard de Chardin simply absorbed the current scientific thinking of his time and tried to rationalize Christianity to conform to it. That's the essence of modernism. Traditional "formation" - that process where the Church replaces the vagaries of the modern world in one's mind - isn't widely applied these days.

Jim Moriarty • 5 years ago

The prayer of de Chardin, what a bunch of total drivel. Flush him down the drain and forget him.

poetcomic1 • 5 years ago

I am a longtime used book dealer and I assure you that Teilhard's books are a drug on the market. His followers have 'evolved' into radical nun nature worshipers and their ilk. His complex gibberish has been dumbed down into dance liturgies, idiotic slogans and simplistic gibberish.

FreemenRtrue • 5 years ago

Fr. Malachi Martin S.J. detailed the foibles of de Chardin and other Jesuit heretics in his - book "Jesuits". It is a bit of a long and tiring read but he highlights many decades of Jesuit heresy and outright disobedience to Popes - exactly contrary to their founding philosophy. After reading "Jesuits" one will have no problem at all comprehending the strange machinations of PF. The Jesuits have been recreating God in their own image and likeness for many decades. Tielhard, IMHO, simply tried to synthesize Marxism and Evolution into a new form of Christianity in which the people of God collectively evolve to become Christ at the Omega point. It is simply a complete denial of Christ as fully human and fully divine. Satan has some very clever advocates. I think many Church members are attracted by and intimidated by the 'intellect' and fantastic language of de Chardin. Probably they think that since they cannot understand it - it is best to seem intelligent by embracing it. It is truly due to a lack of simple faith.

Margaret • 5 years ago

" After reading "Jesuits" one will have no problem at all comprehending the strange machinations of PF."

Excellent observation. I have "The Jesuits" and it struck me that (sadly) much of what MM wrote is echoed in the speeches of PF.

Gwynn Ap Nudd • 5 years ago

Well said. A new religion, just as the learned author of Iota Unum concluded after 600 or so pages. The Trads who shout "The Church is One" are completely in the dark. They will continue to water the Weed.

Charles Smith • 5 years ago

"Pick up his books and read them if you can."

I cannot. So thanks for writing this article.

Margaret • 5 years ago

Read "The Jesuits" by Malachi Martin. It will save you the trouble of reading TdC.

Augustine7 • 5 years ago

That bone chilling feeling that rises upon reading this brilliant essay is appropriate. The new infernal religion of Fr. Tielhard de Chardin will likely be the religion of The False Prophet. This accursed heresy is the plague of locusts from The Apocalypse.

Our Lady The Seat of Wisdom, protect us from heresy.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Virgin Most Powerful, purify The Holy Catholic Church.

St. Michael The Archangel, cast The Dragon out of Heaven (The Catholic Church.)

Stephen • 5 years ago

And who is the False Prophet if not Bergoglio?

Frankie • 5 years ago

Chilling. The disease is indeed widespread - one can hear this kind of pseudo-rationalisation occur everywhere - ridiculous conclusions from fatuous premises. The muddling and mixing of all ideas. On the BBC every day of the week for example.

One question - what do you have in mind as the correlation between the Apocalypse and Teilhardism?

Chris Piotrowski • 5 years ago

A timely article. It's alarming and perplexing when I see otherwise solid Catholic writers/bloggers extol the writings of de Chardin. His blatant new age and dangerous ideas have spread like a cancer within the Catholic Church and should rightly be avoided.

Chris Fortin • 5 years ago

It really is a wonder how so many great highly educated doctorate minds get lost contemplating spiritual truth within the limits of a cosmic secular universe. Once again science places Almighty Creator God in the confines a box where He can be unravelled and dichotomized into construct humanized truths. Little do they know Satan is the great deceiver of even the highest of human intellect. What these emblazened great Tielhard thinkers lack most is the true "Fear of God" and Practice of "Humility"

Thomas à Kempis On Personal Humility: ("Imitation of Christ")
Everyone naturally desires knowledge, (Aristotle, Metaphysics I,1.) but of what use is knowledge itself without the fear of God? A humble countryman who serves God is more pleasing to Him than a conceited intellectual who knows the course of the stars, but neglects his own soul (Ecclus.19:22). A man who truly knows himself realizes his own worthlessness, and takes no pleasure in the praises of men. Did I possess all knowledge in the world, but had no loves how would this help me before God, who will judge me by my deeds?

Restrain an inordinate desire for knowledge, in which is found much anxiety and deception. Learned men always wish to appear so, and desire recognition of their wisdom. But there are many matters, knowledge of which brings little or no advantage to the soul. Indeed, a man is unwise if he occupies himself with any things save those that further his salvation. A spate of words does nothing to satisfy the soul, but a good life refreshes the mind, and a clean conscience (I Tim 3:9), brings great confidence in God.

The more complete and excellent your knowledge, the more severe will be God's judgement on you, unless your life be the more holy. Therefore, do not be conceited of any skill or knowledge you may possess, but respect the knowledge that is entrusted to you. If it seems to you that you know a great deal and have wide experience in many fields, yet remember that there are many matters of which you are ignorant. So do not be conceited,(Rom 11:20) but confess your ignorance. Why do you wish to esteem yourself above others, when there are many who are wiser and more perfect in the Law of God? If you desire to know or learn anything to your advantage, then take delight in being unknown and unregarded.

A true understanding and humble estimate of oneself is the highest and most valuable of all lessons. To take no account of oneself, but always to think well and highly of others is the highest wisdom and perfection. Should you see another person openly doing evil, or carrying out a wicked purpose, do not on that account consider yourself better than him, for you cannot tell how long you will remain in a state of grace We are all frail; consider none more frail than yourself.

Charles Smith • 5 years ago

Secular types base their arrogance on the notion that "experts" have it all figured out. What's amazing is how often these "experts" admit how little they know and what little evidence exists for what they think they know:

-They dont know how the universe began or why it seems fine-tuned for life to exist.

-They don’t know how life began.

-They have no good theory for how the moon was formed.

-No experiment has proven that Earth moves in space.

-They don’t know what killed the dinosaurs.

-They don’t know if the Big Bang really happened or whether dark matter really exists.

-They've never found a missing link between ape and man.

-They don’t know if the first humans lived in Africa.

-They don’t know how the Great Pyramid was built or what purpose it really served.

-They don’t know what consciousness is, why it exists, or how to even begin thinking about it.

Everything we're taught could be wrong…if not a deliberate deception.

John O'Neill • 5 years ago

And their political leaders arrogantly declare:”the science is settled”, which basically means for us to shut up and sit down.

Gwynn Ap Nudd • 5 years ago

The World's greatest Pyramidologist was named Charles Smith too. He felt it was an inspired work, full of prophetic design.


slyphnoyde • 5 years ago

Cosmic consciousness, convergence, omega point, unification, evolution. What does all this modernist blather have to do with the eternal salvation of souls for whom Christ died? Or am I too old fashioned and too far out of step with the spirit of the times?

Charles Smith • 5 years ago

Just from my experience...even young people are getting tired of this stuff (psycho-spiritual babble). "What are you actually saying??!!" The pendulum is swinging back toward the need for clarity and straight talk. Did Jesus rise from the dead or didn't he? People want hard answers.

goatally_ewesome • 5 years ago

Absolutely. It all sounds like a load of psychedelic piffle to me.

Paul Bev. • 5 years ago

You're too old fashioned, nonredeemable, unfit to run the new washer and dryers that require an Android to run and anything else that requires such or a usb plug in. Like me we are only fit to operate a Maytag winger washer .