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Melissa H • 6 years ago

Wow. Thanks Michael for such a stirring, passionate talk. Amen, amen. I think Satan and his minions have taken over the Vatican. As Pope John VI said after Vatican II, "The smoke of Satan has entered through a crack in the Church". So yes, we Must resist and keep our beloved faith. Pray the Rosary everyday, wear our Brown Scapulars, offer sacrifices, and practice the First Five Saturdays Devotions. And continue to practice the First Five Saturday Devotions there after, as Sister Lucia continued to do all her life. This is what Our Lady of Fatima told us to do. We have to also encourage other Catholics to do the same. If enough people do this, then the Consecration of Russia to Mary's IH will take place and there will be a time of peace in the world. And maybe, just maybe, Holy Mother Church will be right again, before Vatican II took place. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

schoooter • 6 years ago

Amen! Yes, Cardinal Burke, where are you? Perhaps he's being 'held against his will' and purposely hidden and silenced. When he was called back to the Vatican to retake his old job w/o any of the real responsibilities and privileges, was he taken to be a prisoner, for all effects? Michael Voris has 'resistance' groups all over the country. Perhaps we can hook up.

Dan • 6 years ago

I just read an article where the Vatican is now declaring "Enough" and to accept amoris laetitia .... last name begins with 'P' and recently speaking at a seminary and laying down the ultimatum over it. Sad

schoooter • 6 years ago

It is being rolled out in diocese' right now, without resistance. We need to peacefully protest. We need to get organized, as the Left is.

James • 6 years ago

If Bishop Fellay were to do what Michael Matt encourages, I would start attending Mass at the SSPX chapel that isn't much farther away than the parish I attend because it has TLM every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation.

JR • 6 years ago

He is doing this. The whole mission of the SSPX is about confronting people like Pope Francis. Just because he doesnt attack Pope Francis 24/7 doesnt mean he has acquiesced to him. Dialogue with the Vatican for regularization isnt a compromise with his agenda. Bishop Fellay is leading us all the time.

Yvonne • 6 years ago

Whatever we decide has to be founded on our love for God and not make it dependant on a man's word. Our Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church is rooted in Tradition and the TLM is the Mass of all Times and the true Sacrifice of the Mass.

Joe Meshumad • 6 years ago

Me too !

And this is why a remnant will lead the true Church. Do not expect the leaders to do it because many suffer from Satanic smoke inahalation

Joe Meshumad • 6 years ago

Remnants need leadership too . Where is it ? Where is cardinal Burke ? His silence is deafening . Did they threaten to cut down his weekly allowance and free room and board . One wonders

Margaret • 6 years ago

+Burke will be in Philadelphia at the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul on April 21st:


Fr. Gerald Murray will be there too.

Warren Rousseau • 6 years ago

No matter what Pope Francis does or says, the real Church will not go away. The pseudo-church of the Novus Ordo has removed itself from Catholicism already, because it has lost its Catholic faith, promotes heretical practices, and leads souls away from God. The pseudo-church will die when God wills it so, and not before. It is not for us to decide these things, but to remain faithful and obedient to our Catholic tradition and pray for the souls of
our enemies.

Joe Meshumad • 6 years ago

The real church is gone for all intents and purposes and a few TLM here and there will not change it . Old catholics do not understand that the neo-catholic sect has already won the war with the full support of western governments and media . Apostasy rules .

Carolyn C • 6 years ago

Why would a Catholic site accept advertising from Google? And please, don't say that they need the money. Because accepting money from Google to help spread truth is completely contradictory.

Remnant Moderator • 6 years ago

Shoot 'em while they're down, why don't you.

William St. George • 6 years ago

Will the USA be called upon again to rescue Europe--and this time from the Muslims? Sounds like a novel or a futuristic film. Perhaps. The West does seem to be headed towards some kind of totalitarianism. Fortunately only that which is in harmony with Divine Order lasts.

James • 6 years ago

The US of today actually warring against Moslems over running Europe?

Not likely. The US of today would probably demand that the EU compromise with Moslems to make Moslems happy to keep flooding in.

Luigi the Barber • 6 years ago

Cdl. Burke and Bp . Fellay aren't going to lead anything. His Eminence has been silenced by the weight of the world on his shoulders, and Bp. Fellay and the SSPX have faded into their own in-bred, non-confrontational, comfortable little world. I called for a change of tactics on the part of the SSPX several months ago, on another blog, to deal with the Stalinist threat of Francis, whereupon someone from St. Marys, boasting of his SSPX credentials, showed up to defend the "business-as-usual" approach. So be it. The Counter-Revolution is swelling up from the grassroots, with or without the SSPX. Probably without.

Enteajay • 6 years ago

The images of Ratzinger bowing and scraping and smiling at Bergolio reminds me of the scenes in Godfather II when the blackmailed senator does likewise with Michael Corleone after they frame him for the grisly murder of the call girl. The purple gang in the Vatican sure are squeezing all the blood from his pound of flesh. Who knew brotherly love could be such a slippery slope?

Barbara • 6 years ago

Mr. Matt says above that we did not expect the mess, and apostasy at the top…but wasn't this predicted (prophesied) by Our Lady at Quito, and at Akita? Why the surprise? Did we think our prayers would stop this from coming true?

There is no escape from Providence. God sends events to cheer us, or to try us, and we have no choice but to live through, and in, these events.

From what I recall Our Lady predicted pretty dire things to come. Forgive this negativity but I think we have not done enough, prayed enough, fasted enough, resisted evil strongly enough in our parishes and states - whatever - because I see the train coming through the tunnel directly at Holy Mother Church.

Remnant Moderator • 6 years ago

I'm confused. You write: "Did we think our prayers would stop this from coming?" and then you wrap things up by writing: "We have not prayed enough...." Which is it? By the way, Our Lady of Fatima was pretty specific that praying the Rosary could stop a lot of pretty terrible things from happening.

Stephen • 6 years ago

Agree absolutely.
Why be shocked. All is foretold in Sacred Scripture.
And Catholic prophecy.
Just absorb the shocking truth that we are the generation that will witness, nay LIVE, the events of the Apocalypse.
But PRAY MORE than ever for our families and loved ones , indeed, all souls
so as to bring in a great harvest as Heaven and Earth unite after the
purging of evil from creation.

Paul Bays • 6 years ago

Cardinal Burke and the other real Catholic Cardinals are mysteriously quiet. Why? Have the leet wing mafia controlling the Vatican threatened the safety of their families? It seems they don’t call this problem out because they can’t. It is perhaps in the hands of the lay people to lead the charge.

mattheus • 6 years ago

They're professional clerics. That's all they've done all their lives. They know the politics of being a safe, professional cleric inside and out. They know how to quietly tip toe between shouting groups and not say anything dangerous. They're not Leon Trotsky charging the barricades.

George Craig • 6 years ago

It is the duty of every traditional Catholic to urge all the traditional bishops to get together and declare Francis a heretic , reject protestant Rome and to elect a reliable pope from amongst them. Bishop Fellay must also promise to cease re3cognisiong Francis and his cohorts as catholic. He must stop immediately chasing Rome and the red hat. We are in a state of sedevacantism and if we do not scream about it we will be demolished by the powers of evil that occupy the Vatican and the heretic Francis. All traditional Catholics must unite to create a force against this terrible situation. God and the truth will triumph in the end but we must continue praying the Rosary for this to happen soon so souls can be saved.

Mark Robertson • 6 years ago

What is really scary, if one is to believe the polls, and though declining some, Francis still has strong approval and/or popularity among those who call themselves Catholics.

Sum Romanus • 6 years ago

Sadly, that's the problem. I can assure you that 99% of 'Catholics' are completely nascent about the faith, the faith they claim to profess. And this was deliberate, a plan/ploy by forces in the universal presbyterate - the clergy. Although there are one or two desperately trying to make things right. Perhaps ironic that our greatest foe are those standing next us, and watching us.

Mark Robertson • 6 years ago

What does Benedict want to protect his brother from?

mattheus • 6 years ago

There was alleged abuse at a boy's choir where Georg Ratzinger was the director for many years.

mom of three • 6 years ago

We need to say the Saint Michael prayer in latin and more and more rosaries.Make extra thanksgivings after Mass --either latin or nor. ordo Mass. At least we know Jesus is there (valid) for now....

Guest • 6 years ago
Gint • 6 years ago

Wow, that's impressive, honestly.

Guest • 6 years ago
JeSuisLavinia • 6 years ago

Very much something to be proud of! God bless :)

Gint • 6 years ago

Amazing...being proud and bragging are different. Clearly you're proud of them, as you should be!

Gint • 6 years ago

You as well! I believe God has already rewarded me. I go to bed thankful each night that I have access to a true Mass and true Sacraments, when so many don't even have that.

Gint • 6 years ago

This is a great suggestion. I will certainly try it out! Thanks Kim!

Mickey'O • 6 years ago

Mr. Matt, this is a technical comment. As you correctly point out, our enemies are pushing us Catholics off of their Internet services. Now is a good time to rapidly move to alternative hosting platforms. For video, consider Vimeo, BitChute, DailyMotion, and PewTube (?). For funding, you might as well accept that PayPay, Amazon, Google, and the rest will outright ban The Remnant. I've noticed other sites that have been pushed off of the mainstream Internet channels have found a way to get $$$ from WalMart. Perhaps other companies would advertise on The Remnant as well.

Margaret • 6 years ago

I don't quite understand the beginning: "As LifeSiteNews gets demonetized by Google...".

"Demonitized"? I understand the term as used in economics but not in the context used here. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

mattheus • 6 years ago

De-monitized means they stop giving you your pittance for the advertising they do on your videos. There's a way to make money from youtube if you post a video that's very popular, for example. But if they say the video is racist or something, they won't give you the money - therefore demonitizing it. At least this is my rough understanding.

Margaret • 6 years ago

Thank you very much for the information. My poor brain couldn't figure it out. 😊

BioFeed • 6 years ago

The corruption within the Vatican is stunning. Yes, it's the human side of Christ's church and has human foibles but this is hard to fathom. It appears that the Catholic church may be, if not the most corrupt church, one of the most corrupt. Where is the Holy Spirit? Imagine what this does for Catholics trying to evangelize. One of the two biggest issues with potential converts is the Papacy (the other being the Marian dogmas/teachings) and infallibility. The current Pontificate especially makes it nearly impossible to bring converts into the church.
Interesting video of Laura Ingram. She and the late Tony Snow were brought into the church by the famous priest convert maker. Infallibility and Papacy were issues for them. As they were for Dreher. Dreher struggled to come to a belief in the papacy as a specially divine office but, after the priest scandal and the Legionaries fiasco, he lost that belief and left the church. Dreher feels JP2 knew what was going on and hid it. Ingram is rumored to possibly be converting to Orthodoxy too. She is a good friend of Dreher's and of Ross Douthat whose devastating book on the current situation in the Catholic Church comes out this week. Dreher has done a great review of the book which one can google and find online.
The church is in collapse around the world and has been for a long while now. Francis, instead of trying to stabilize the church, is accelerating the collapse. JP2 and Benedict, in Douthat's view and as written in his book, tried to stabilize things but failed. As he notes, the rapidity with which the revolution in the church took off after their pontificates shows the failure of their efforts.
Where are the bishops and priests? Most, maybe a large percentage, do not believe IMO. There is no other explanation. If they truly believed Francis was leading the church into heresy and negatively impacting the souls of many how could they not publically object? If only for their own souls fate. But they don't.

MJK • 6 years ago

Shopping around for a "faith" is so protestant....Dreher's journey exemplifies that perfectly. He never left being one.

standtall909 • 6 years ago

"Imagine what this does for Catholics trying to evangelize"? ......Part of my family has fallen away from the Church. I have been in the past actively trying to steer them in the direction of 'truth in the Church'. Now......this is LAUGHABLE. This is an impossibility at this point. 'Evangelize them to WHAT, exactly?' I guess I'm supposed to lead them to the UNDERGROUND.

BioFeed • 6 years ago

As one reviewer of Douthat's "A Church In Doubt" puts it, if the Catholic Church reconciles itself to the new secular moral order of the West and embraces it as Francis and the Vatican seem to be doing, then the church will abandon its past, and its tradition and its identity. It would give up its claim to being the source/vehicle of God's Truth and, in so doing, its claim upon our faith. In that scenario there will be no more need to evangelize.

William Murphy • 6 years ago

The killer point here is Universalism. The ever excellent Sandro Magister wrote an most disturbing article a few months ago which indicated that Pope Francis believes in Universal Salvation. Sandro actually pulls back from that conclusion, but I am baffled as to how else you might interpret PF's words - unless you dismiss his recent speeches as miscellaneous ramblings which have no doctrinal significance.

And the new boss whom PF appointed at the CDF, Archbishop Ladaria, has written a book which reportedly advocates Universal Salvation. I have not read this book - anyone able to confirm the blurb on the cover?

Obviously if everyone from St Teresa of Avila to Adolf H is saved, whether they want it or not, what is the point of the existence of the Church or any religious organisation - except as a secular custodian of all the peerless buildings, art works, museums and libraries?



Margaret • 6 years ago

Prokimenon, Tone 6: Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.

Verse: Unto You I will cry, O my God, lest You turn from me in silence.

kapockz • 6 years ago

The Vatican II sect in Rome is not the Catholic Church. We are in the Great
Apostasy of the End Times. Wake up! The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon.

Stephen • 6 years ago

I believe Pope Benedict will flee Rome shortly (he's 91 so not so speedy). Then we will know where the Church is not: not with Jorge and not in the Vatican. The Warning is near, and thankfully so.

Concerned parent • 6 years ago

Benedict should have spoken up at the outset - when he was forced out of the Chair of Peter. Getting Bergoglio out seems well nigh impossible - meanwhile countless souls are being lost.