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anarchyst • 3 years ago

There have been many claims about the origin of viruses, especially
today’s latest “COVID-19 coronavirus”.

However, there is a long history of viruses throughout human history and false claims as
to their points of origin.

In fact, the “1918 Spanish flu” virus actually originated in the United States of America and was spread to Europe during the First World War, transmitted by the U. S. military during American military transports to Europe. The commonly-accepted misinformation that this virus originated in Europe is false and can easily be disproven by careful research.

A majority of “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” deaths were not from the virus itself, but were from the then common practice of mask-wearing. In fact, “mask-wearers” were being buried by non-mask-wearers.

You see, just as is the case today, breathing in one’s own exhalations is dangerous and is being promoted by the misguided government-imposed mandates to wear masks.

99% of the deaths during the “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” were a result of bacterial pneumonia, NOT from the virus itself. As there were no treatments for bacterial pneumonia in those days, the death rate was horrendously high. Those who contracted the flu, but not pneumonia survived. As is the case today, almost everyone that dies with COVID-19 dies from complications from other causes, NOT from the virus itself.

Fast forward to today, with our latest “COVID-19 pandemic”.

Today’s “Chinese COVID-19 pandemic” actually originated at the American bioweapons research facility at Fort Detrick Maryland and was purposely brought to China by an American military “trade delegation” where it was released into the Chinese population.
Biowarfare at its worst...

The “COVID-19 vaccines” being pushed are “game changers” as they are replete with substances which will materially change human DNA, unlike previous vaccines which were merely weakened or killed virus remnants which would evoke a protective antibody response.

Sound familiar?

Today’s “COVID-19 pandemic” is actually a “plandemic” being used to take down a legally elected president and to usher in a “new world order” in which medical tyranny will be used to subjugate an entire world population, using FEAR as a weapon.

Today’s “pandemic” is misnamed as it does not meet the definition of a “pandemic” but is being touted as such for political reasons—nothing more. Observe non-medical types such as Bill Gates and others touting untested vaccines with questionable substances, mask-wearing, and other social restrictions such as (selective) business closures, lockdowns and social distancing.

For one, Bill Gates is not a “doctor”, has no medical training, and is a major proponent of
“depopulation”--genocide. Gates is a “silver spoon” recipient, both of his parents being
proponents of forced sterilization and eventual world depopulation.

In fact, Bill Gates’ “vaccination schemes” have resulted in not only diseases being spread, but the use of birth-control and sterilization agents surreptitiously being a part of Gates’ “vaccination” schemes without “informed consent” being a part of the vaccination protocol speaks VOLUMES. Recipients of Gates’ “vaccines” were not informed that they were being sterilized—a violation of the Nuremberg protocols on “informed consent”.

It is easy to see that there is much more going on than a response to a minor seasonal “flu virus”.
Its about CONTROL and eventual human genocide—nothing more.


Guest • 3 years ago
ArthurMcGowan • 3 years ago

Concern Troll.


This election was stolen from President Trump.
The dems pushed for mail-in voting very very hard under the cover of covid-19 for
a reason,
As soon as they did this it immediatley signaled to me and millions of others how they
were going to CHEAT and STEAL the election from President Trump.
mail in voting=easy voter fraud!

The Wuhan China covid-19 virus is a man made bio weapon released by the communist chinese military for the purpose of defeating President Trump.
The atheist chinese don't care how many of their own people die or die in other Nations as
long as they get what they want from the marxist "the ends justify the means" strategy.

And is there any "coincidence: that the chinese wanted biden to win and that biden and his son hunter have very very close business relations to china?

PF also backed CINO pro abortionist biden after PF sold out the Catholic Church in China to the communist atheist chinese regime

Does anyone see CONNECTIONS HERE such as in CONSPIRACY!

qbitman • 3 years ago

"Does anyone see CONNECTIONS HERE": the ones benefiting from the CCP Virus are China, Demoncrats and the Globalists. Can't forget about the Globalist's "Great Reset" program. Can't see why China won't release another virus prior to the 2024 election to trigger mail-in-voting.

dthy • 3 years ago

Seems apparent that the same people who funded the production of the covid virus have now brought us the "lifesaving" (not) vaccine. We need to avoid this unethical vaccine.

Babs Byrne • 3 years ago

I'm a Catholic Brit who moved to Canada and I support Father Paul and Michael Matt 100% - and why? - because make no mistake, America and President Trump are the last bastions against world domination and slavery by the Globalist, satanic Cabal.

I wish I could be with you in Minnesota at the rally but my prayers and spirit are with you. Viva Cristo Rey.


"America and President Trump are the last bastions against world domination and slavery by the Globalist, satanic Cabal."
Everything happening now has been prophesied at Fatima,Akita,LaSalette and Okito by The Blessed Virgin Mary.

PF is "ape"(FAKE) pope of a now "ape" catholic Church hierarchy as prophesied by
Venerable Fulton J Sheen in 1947, in conflict with the True Catholic Church Hierarchy and We The True Catholic Faithful!


Christ is on His way!


GuyGreen • 3 years ago

Courage is contagious. Let's all test positive for whatever the good Father has. I know Michael is a carrier!

Del Miller • 3 years ago

Peace be with all who read this comment. Fr. Echert is one of the few remaining faithful priests whose voice I recognize as being a good shepherd.
In Fr.’s open letter to President Trump, he writes the following. “I will support whatever course of action you deem appropriate and necessary to hold office. As you know, there is more than this election and our Nation at stake. The world itself hangs in the balance.”
It occurred to me that Fr. Echert could be referring to the course of action as being Marshall Law. If the U.S. Supreme Court does not become involved in settling this criminal election fraud, then enacting Marshall Law is the ONLY recourse our country has left to save this Republic. And I too support the president’s actions!

John Hladky • 3 years ago

If that is what he means, then he is echoing the opinions of Gen. Flynn and Mcinerney for martial law. I took the same oath and I agree, but then I lived and operated under the UCMJ during my time in the Navy, so I don't fear martial law. Freedom is not free. Unless men are willing to stand up and defend their homes and their families, even to accept suspension of habeas corpus, this country will be KIA. The Luciferian Left will never abide by the rule of law.

Yet there can be no resistance against this coup d'etat that does not begin with the total rejection of the infernal mask.

As an example, a CA archbishop processed with the Blessed Sacrament, speaking against church closures, but he was shown wearing a mask! So at the same time as he speaks against lockdown restrictions he accepts the fundamental symbol of totalitarian control. Why? Because he is not exercising independent rational thought about what this virus is and what it cannot do. I do not want an army of brainwashed zombies trying to fight this coup d'etat (all wearing masks); such efforts are doomed from the start.

A long-winded way of agreeing with you.

Del Miller • 3 years ago

Please pardon the delay in responding. Your reply is not long-winded at all; but quite informative. I value the time you took to respond. I agree unconditionally about those masks. I have never worn the mask and I mean never! I will not. When I need to run errands, I am prepared to be combative and fight back against any one who tries to bully me about not wearing one. The cowardice of the mask-worshippers in America does not surprise me, as they have sacrificed nothing to live so freely.
As far as the fearful priests, I can only surmise that the seminaries are to blame. It seems that beginning in the early 60s, most seminaries weren't forming manly men, but emascualting and feminizing them into the "activist-priests" they are today.
John, if I may respectfully suggest the following. Locate the nearest FSSP parish you can, and attend the Mass there. At the parish I attend in Phoenix, there is no social distancing, masks are not mandated, and the reverence in which the sacrifice is offered, is heaven on earth. I shall pray for you in my evening prayers kind sir.

John Hladky • 3 years ago

Thank you. I have been attending the TLM for many years; I believe God orchestrated my move out of WA state five years ago in anticipation of 2020. By His grace I have not been without the Sacraments (Mass, Confession) throughout the year, and without any BS social distancing or those ridiculous masks. I have to give credit to the monks for their masculine rebuke and resistance of this viral charade. But then they are men of prayer and I see the correlation between their life of prayer and their recognition of what this virus is not. Prayer is conversation with God, source of life and the light of His truth.

Too many people still listen to fake news. May God bless you.

Del Miller • 3 years ago

Glory be to God. It's been my privilege sir.

Bartlett • 3 years ago

Hooyah Fr. John Paul!!

Anna • 3 years ago

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Father John Paul!! You speak for millions of us and your words are so deeply heartfelt! God Bless!