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Stephen Borkowski • 11 years ago

I spoke with Christopher Hitchens a few weeks before Iraq was invaded. He was for it. I was against it. I explained my agenda of getting the certainty of God out of religious faith as a method to prevent suicide bombing and a wahabbi war through education of young people. The well-versed 'Hitch' had just returned from Iraq. He
graciously said the idea had merit but said it was too weak. He also agreed that force was not going to change
beliefs but he had said that we were at the beginning of World War 3 and that religion was was part of the cause and he would fight religion as long as he lived.
I would argue that Mr. Blair was not out to slaughter innocent people anymore than I and/or the haters of him.
'But for----go I' The hope I have is that all will help in his attempt to prevent the certainty of a belief.based on
heresay and not Fact agreed on empirical proof. Too many people don't Know they DON"T Know. Aye! The rub.

Geoff • 11 years ago

How this man has got away with causing the deaths of many many people and is not locked away for life is a mystery. No doubt his religious faith - if it really exists- enables him to square things with his conscience.

John pd • 11 years ago

This foundation is a sop to Tony Bliars conscience. & he should have a hugely troubled conscience having caused the death & maiming of hundreds of thousands in Iraq, both Brit & Iraqi. I stopped believing we lived in a democracy when TB ignored the largest public demonstrations ever to proceed to drag this country into war on what turned out to be a pack of lies.

Bliars true agenda has always been self promotion & self enrichment, firmly backed by his greedy grasping wife.

I truely hope he is indicted, tried & convicted as a war criminal.