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Raymond Mars • 4 years ago

I would not put anything past any government or organization to pull a stunt of that nature. There are some people who would love to see the population of the Earth cut down to a "Sustainable" 500,000,000 people.

john carter • 4 years ago

Now...what would you say about the Democrats and their stupidities that would bring such a pandemic to this country...why...the Governor of California is doing just that. Have a nice nightmare.

Cool Since 1776 • 4 years ago

I had a very strange dream the other night, it was about a huge six sided obelisk with it's shape being outlined by small lights of different colors. It was also being circles by 7 other lights that circled it continuously as it flew along. It was dropping small round orbs that were bursting when they dropped to around 500 feet. As the orbs burst, a gray powder or vapor, was being emitted from them.The vapor, or dust was then falling and spreading out over the earth....

But this was only a dream of mine and nothing more than my own dream, but after reading this, I felt the need to share it to others.
Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but in claiming to be a Christian, this dream does hold significance to me, and it does prompt me to ready myself for what is coming. In the old Dictionaries Apocalypse, meant,"The Lifting Of The Veil",and the forth horse was a pale horse bringing pestilence and death. But as a Christian, I know this has not happened, and will not happen until after the first horse, The White Horse appears. Could the White Horse be near..?

Take this however you wish, it was only a dream of mine, and I thought it to be so very strange enough to mention on this story..

DouglasDauntless • 4 years ago

Its called poor sanitation, and no kind of Rat control. Pick up the garbage and burn it.NOt like in the USA where Where the leftist nut jobs were so afraid of polluting the air stopped all the burning of garbage in all the cities throughout the United States and made the huge 23 400 foot 50 acre land plots of garbage filled over with with dirt in knitting gases that could probably explode at any time. But they think they saved us because they cleared the air of smoke from garbage disposal burners, maybe, but now that garbage is going to start polluting our water shelf.

The water shelf is more important than stopping cities from burning garbage in their incinerators. In stopping companies from improving on there's incinerators to totally burn 20 tons of garbage into a small brick 6 x 2".

Also these wacko environmentalists are allowing acres and acres of land to be covered with windmills that don't work, that kill birds in the sky that fly by and also acres and acres of land that we could be used for farming with mirrors that if anyone or animal walks in the that mirror when the sun is on it it'll cook him right there. So where is that environmentally helpful to the success of we the people living a healthy life. Nowhere!

DustyFae • 4 years ago

Then it will only be a matter of time before it spread world wide.. All the more reasons to close borders and have traveling cut back from the countries with out breaks.. But Birds get fleas also, and they also have migration