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Uncle Rufus • 6 years ago

And Hillary plays the gender card! What a pathetic corrupt hag.

Kassia • 6 years ago

America dodged a bullet with Hillary! What a shrieking clown this woman is.

The Dems really don’t get it, do they? Listen, we hated paying through the nose for Obamacare. We hate when our tax dollars pay for refugees and illegals. The government destroys EVERYTHING it touches. Just butt out of our lives, please.

My cell phone is just $25/month from Tmobile. My auto insurance is also just $25/month from Insurance Panda. Why? Cause the free market works!

Take your socialist agendas and shove them where the sun don’t shine.

Hillary supporters are mad and saying it's Russia's fault for exposing the corruption on Hillary.. lol Anyone else think this is funny?

rick • 6 years ago

Panda Insurance spam!

SWDC • 6 years ago

Write something deemed unsavory and get banned and comment deleted but never those pesky PANDA insurance spammers

If blaming everything and everyone but herself for her loss with her post-election road show of protracted defeat is some how indicative of her writing “What Happened,”

She will mostly exacerbate what she revealed when she exclaimed,

“And why aren’t I fifty points ahead you might ask!”

In her book, Hillary will dive deep and dive alone into Captain Queeg territory:

“The innocent will be punished with the guilty. There will be no liberty for any.

Ah, but the strawberries, that’s where I had them.

They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic, they were all disloyal.

I will not be made a fool of. Do you hear me?”

Save yourself springing $28 for her book, and let me tell you now definitively

the come full circle conclusive realization at the end of her long self-centric read:

Hillary Clinton is the last person on earth that will come to know what happened.

⤵︎ Thanks.

SWDC • 6 years ago

Bill Clinton's door mat of a wife needs to take care of her Russian grandchildren otherwise each will end up on the bottom of the sea as the Clinton's afforded John John Kennedy jr the only beloved POTUS child.

Guest • 6 years ago
Carl Edward • 6 years ago

I think the Clinton's are despicable(illegaly obtained FBI files anyone?) but even I have a hard time connecting that dot. Vince Foster, yes, Marry Mahoney, yes, but John John, no, sorry.
I would have liked him to become President one day because he knew the job and wasn't anti-American, but he flew in the dark without an instrument rating.........

Junior Sampals • 6 years ago

John John Kennedy proved the old adage, "There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots".

JHains • 6 years ago

Oldie but goodie.

Carl Edward • 6 years ago

I was watching on TV the day he saluted his dad(famous photo) as the casket passed by, I was six and still remember.
I was very upset about his death, and thought America lost a great hope who Ibelieve could have brought us out of this politically correct adversarial BS we have been in for far to long. He was a different breed of cat and his mom raised him well.

Junior Sampals • 6 years ago

To each his own but John John's Mommie never wanted her son to fly one of those dangerous contraptions, ie. an aeroplane. He stayed grounded until Jackie passed then took to the skies to join the other Kennedy's killed or injured in aircraft. I too remember the moment in 1963 but if you'll go back and watch John John's reaction to the caisson, that carried his father's casket, you'll see Jackie pushing him forward and urging him on like a good little Hollywood mom. While touching the salute was 100% staged, only Reich Furier for Propaganda Dr. Joseph Goebbels could have done better.

Carl Edward • 6 years ago

Times were different, there wasn't the same cynicism there is today(as displayed by your statement about Goebbels). I see it more as she was wanting him to be more assertive not as much a pose for the cameras, he was a little kid and probably didn't understand everything, the funeral, and JFK was a vet so the salute could have been something they did in private. You can think what you want but I will stand by my feeling John Jr was a decent fellow and it wasn't a cynical thing.

Yupper • 6 years ago

Yes, I forgot too.

Alice Ramirez • 6 years ago

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I find myself wondering whom she hired to mess with his plane.

SWDC • 6 years ago

BINGO Kennedy's plane was housed in an unsecured hanger

MJLehde • 6 years ago

While I concede that it isn't wise to put anything past the Clintons I do think that attempting a night flight over water, a task he wasnt remotely prepared for, really does sound like something out of the "I'm a Kennedy and the rules (including physics and gravity) don't apply to me, mind set.

SWDC • 6 years ago

John John Kennedy Jr. was the USA's only beloved POTUS child so imagine what the fate of the most repugnant will be.

Rich_The_Engineer • 6 years ago

Yep, when you're a Bolshevik Criminal, physics doesn't apply, only politics. Politics - the art of self-deception.

libwithIQ • 6 years ago

If Bill didn't make Hillarys skin crawl then nothing would.

CoupLeaked • 6 years ago

I wonder how much it crawled when Trump donated over 100K to the Clinton Foundation.

The election of Trump was a military coup. The public's pea brain attention span allows our government to get away with everything. Leaker gives proof that cannot be discredited at FreePressMattersDOTcom. Here's a link to it as well.
(for independent thinkers only)

Soros trolls don't bother replying.

Scott_Florida • 6 years ago

Pea brains is why Obozo was elected. Democrats are intellectually dishonest. They are the dumbest among us...

kcmark • 6 years ago

No. Let's be consistent, truthful and unbiased shall we? The reason Obama was elected is the same reason Trump was elected.

The losing party ran a terrible candidate. Do you honestly believe McCain and Romney were superior choices to Obama based on what you now know?

As much as I dislike Obama's policies, he didn't hide who and what he is. McCain and Romney pretend to be who and what they are.

ChopChop24 • 6 years ago

Gosh, of course Barry O hid what he is! He's a socialist/communist with evil family & friends, who raised a ton of overseas money illegally. But he represented himself as just a good ol' Hawaiian boy smellin' of reefer, and fearin' the god of Reverend Wright's church.
He was 'pulling for the little guy' (ha!), and supposedly black… though he set the civil rights scenario back 20 years through his (planned) actions.

JHains • 6 years ago

The name is Odumbo.

Alice Ramirez • 6 years ago

Sounds as if YOU are the Soros troll.

dillonmech1 • 6 years ago

I donk know who makes my skin crawl more hillderbeast or pelosi

William Svoboda • 6 years ago

Yeah that's a close one.

Alice Ramirez • 6 years ago

Make it a threesome and I'm with you: Hildebeast, Pelosi or Maxine Waters. All evil and ugly enough to turn good folks to stone.

hiking • 6 years ago

Yuck thinking of those 3 swamp beasts could make a man go....

Alice Ramirez • 6 years ago

Actually, I always thought it would be the other way around, that Hillary would make Bill's skin crawl. Not sure why I find Bill less loathsome, but I do. At least, he seems less nasty and might be fun to have a beer with.

D.L. Clark • 6 years ago

Exactly. She's married to Creeper Major. Anyone else pales in comparison, even Trump.

rockyspoon • 6 years ago

Yes, after a lifetime married to Bill, Hillary should have been crawl-proof.

Julia Hoffman • 6 years ago

Poor thing.... That's not Trump making your skin crawl; its scabies!

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

Her book will be on sale for $3.99 on the street rack just outside the bookstore door in 3 months,the only people now shelling out 28 bucks are the diehard dimo's and libbies.

Ungullible • 6 years ago

Saw it in a flea market just the other day for a dollar....;>)

fourpmfox • 6 years ago

More likely for $0.79 !!!

TJ • 6 years ago

Wrong. It will be in the toilet paper section of Walmart. You know Walmart, that company with a big yellow sphincter as a corporate symbol.

LibelFreeZone • 6 years ago

It'll be on sale at Dollar Tree stores throughout the land within six months.

Rational_Db8 • 6 years ago


Science Discovers Densest Element Known!
by Rational Db8; Hillariumologist with a fellowship in Pelosium and related element studies, PhD Nuclear Politics

PRECAUTIONARY NOTICE: Hillariphiles may become warped and bent out of shape from the activation energy involved in reading the following research - proceed with caution!

The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by investigators at a major U.S. research university. The new element has been named Hillarium. The chemical symbol of Hillarium is Bs.

Hillarium has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons and 111 assistant vice neutrons, which gives it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called morons.

Hillarium's mass actually increases over time, as morons randomly interact with various elements in the atmosphere and become assistant deputy neutrons within the Hillarium atom, leading to the formation of isodopes. This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to believe that Hillarium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a Critical Morass. When catalyzed with money, Hillarium activates CNNadnausium and MSNBCobnoxium, elements that radiates orders of magnitude more energy, albeit as incoherent noise, since each has half as many peons but twice as many morons as Hillarium. Hillarium has also been reported in some war torn countries to inexplicably draw sniper fire out of thin air where no snipers are present, and to cause shoes to catapult across the room as a result of intense attraction to Hillarium.

Since it has no electrons, Hillarium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of Hillarium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would have normally occurred in less than a second. Paradoxically, in the presence of anti-morons, Hillarium is highly corrosive. The presence of Hillarium is also easily detected using Gagger Counters. When combined with the deadly slick clintonious virus it serves as a catalyst for creating stains on blue dresses. It is also known for impeding the justice process whenever involved in those reactions.

Hillarium appears to have a normal half-life which inexplicably varies between four and six years, at which time it does not decay, but instead undergoes a transmutation, appearing in a new location but displaying the same properties. In this process, assistant neutrons, vice neutrons and assistant vice neutrons exchange places. Some studies have shown that the atomic mass actually increases after each transmutation.

Research at other laboratories indicates that Hillarium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points such as government agencies, large corporations, and universities. It can usually be found in the newest, best appointed, and best maintained buildings. Heightened levels of toxicity have been detected in the presence of low information voters. A single spontaneous incidence of mass moron emission from the Hillarium element has been documented. The morons were apparently stripped away during the Obala Supernova formation event which, with subsequent isodope formation, collapsed into a particularly small dense black hole.

Scientists point out that Hillarium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Human mortalities have resulted from exposure to Hillarium. Hillarium threatens to become a pandemic by 2016. Infection symptoms need to be more thoroughly researched, but appear to include a loss of all logical and critical thinking abilities, extensive memory loss related to crucial issues, loss of all consideration for others, onset of paranoia and conspiracy theory predilections (commonly heard are protestations of a "vast right wing conspiracy" and a "War on Women" -- in which ironically Kennedy has the first confirmed kill), and, of course, the already noted tendency towards fatalities.

Generous use of prophylactic doses of Intense Reality® as soon as possible after possible exposure to Hillarium is a prudent and wise precaution. Large doses of Fiscal and Constitutional Conservatism may be particularly useful. Encourage all your friends and family to take similar precautions, and vote for candidates in 2016 who will work to protect us from the possible scourge of a Hillarium pandemic. Some believe that Palinium, or even Cruzite, is an instant cure - but frankly that research assumed non-Gruberian Statistics. Experimental validation is currently underway in nation-wide clinical trials. Attempts are being made to determine how Hillarium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising.

Q: Would it be possible for you to address shelf life?

A: Research results are inclusive to date. Recent indications suggest that more significant decay may have occurred than was generally realized, so there is hope for lessened effects in the near future.

Q: Are there any know uses for Hillarium? I've spent quite some time looking and have yet to find any."

A: No useful or beneficial applications of Hillarium have been discovered to date, although a few researchers are determined to find some and continue trying.

(Yes, I know, I need to rework a bit of it since we're past the 2016 election now. More importantly: h/t "New Chemical Element Discovered" short joke by William DeBuvitz about the horrors of "Administratium," published back in the January 1989 issue of The Physics Teacher, which I transmogrified into Hillarium through a complex multi-step organic chemistry synthesis project and then added to as appropriate to generate the desired reaction product. Similar highly technical research lead to the discovery of several other notable new elements, such as Pelosium, chemical symbol Bs, and several other novel elements.)

Rational_Db8 • 6 years ago

Hillary had absolutely no problems hugging right up to Trump for a number of photos in the past. That includes at his latest wedding, where she and Slick Willie were thrilled to be in the front row. So here's Hillary, woodenly reading her own lies and proving yet again what a massive pandering lying opportunist she is.

D.L. Clark • 6 years ago

The more she talks, the less convincing she is. She needs to back away and go in peace to be heard from no more. I am a Boomer generation female who registered as a Democrat right out of college. Even I couldn't force myself to vote for her.

rockyspoon • 6 years ago

As a political creature, Hillary the Hag excels: Run with the crowd, test the wind, follow the polls.

She has no character and probably avoids mirrors as they provide no reflection.

JHains • 6 years ago


haha ... great analogy, and you quoted the classic scene from a ("must watch") classic move ... "The Caine Mutiny".

Hitlary is indeed like the paranoid & delirious Captain Queeg character, played brilliantly by Humphrey Bogart.

William Svoboda • 6 years ago

She will have a major press conference on the missing strawberries. She will charge that Trump is guilty of the theft of the strawberries.

rockyspoon • 6 years ago

I'm surprised she didn't announce that her fireworks display was called off because Trump stole them.

Troof Detector • 6 years ago

No way would I give that drunk $28.

the Panda folks make some valid observations and points.

ChopChop24 • 6 years ago

C'mon, you gotta give 'em credit for at least playing the 'comment' game!
I mean, there were no errors in spelling or grammar… as one is expecting in these "spam-ments".