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Guest • 7 years ago
Jack Gil • 7 years ago


WillJamison • 7 years ago

Nice avatar.

abigail • 7 years ago

Many events cost Hilary the presidency. Her message was NOT what the PEOPLE had been saying for 6 years. JOBS was one of the main reasons, the tendency to mainly deal with SOCIAL issues that are NOT part of the governments job. For 8 years Democrats focused on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, doing everything to keep them here, while American lost jobs, and declined in Living wages, losing homes, and becoming complacent and despaired...YET the democrats DIVIDED us, blamed us, and dismissed us by name calling if we opposed, causing dissension among the public and Law enforcement by painting all people with broad brushes with racism....

They forced Obamacare on us even though none of us could afford it. I am now up to $700/month for my spouse and I. It’s too much. Rent is going up. Home prices are going up. EVERYTHING is too expensive. My car insurance is just $25/month ( Insurance Panda ), and ARM is just 4%. But I expect them to be rising soon!

Democrats considered the citizens as stupid, uneducated, and if did not agree with the Democrat views we were subjected to be labeled, racist, xenophobes,bigots and misogynist...all because we had different views... the DEMOCRAT PARTY has moved TOO FAR LEFT TO BECOME A MARXIST party of totalitarianism. It is now being played out again during this transition, attacking, death threats and trying apolitical coup to throw the USA into chaos and constitutional crisis....The GOP ELECTORS NEED TO BE SUPPORTED TO DO WHAT THEY TOOK THE OATH TO DO TO PREVENT THE PARTY OF THE LEFT, from harming the USA and causing us to be vulnerable and hurt by disrupting a SMOOTH TRANSITION...SOROS should be deported, and Clintons should make sure her elections do the right thing and stop this stupid, dangerous attempt.

alpha1six • 7 years ago

The biggest reason that Hillary is on her way to the trash heap of history is that she misjudged PA, MI, and WI. These were all supposed to be blue states. She counted on that assessment and didn't put in the time or effort to get out the vote. If just 1 million of her 3 million vote surplus had been distributed in PA and MI she would be picking out her inauguration costume instead of watching it on TV. Arrogance and laziness says it all.

Poor62 • 7 years ago

Google "{Detroit voter fraud" to see why she could ignore MI and still get the leftist 'votes'. The Jill Stein recount exposed the voter fraud that otherwise was going on unnoticed.

upsetgranny • 7 years ago

Hillery did not win the popular vote. I would bet my last dime on it. There are people who belong in prison for perpetrating vote fraud on the electorate for Clinton. Like say the guy in charge of elections in Detroit where they had to shut down the recount there was so much vote fraud.I suspect if attorney general Sessions looks into Broward county, Clark county, Philidelphia, even Virginia and New Hampshire Trump probably won but vote fraud was used, huuuuuge vote fraud.The Governor of Virginia used vote fraud to help Clinton by giving 60,000 felons the right to vote even though it was turned down by a court. Those involved in it should be charged for perpetrating vote fraud on the electorate. Vote fraud was everywhere for that corrupt woman and that is why she thought she had it in the bag. The woman never got over 30% in her ceiling of support. That was proved again and again in online polls which they tried to shut down.The truth is a coupe d'etat was being tried to steal this from Trump and the American people showed up in droves to stop it. Along with whistle blowers that let the public know of Clintons grevious crimes.

Dan • 7 years ago

Spot on comment. And you didn't even touch on the illegal migrant voters, whose numbers surely were in the 100's thousands if not millions.

SJvet • 7 years ago

A lady asked obama if illegals would be deported if they voted. He said if you vote, you're a citizen, so it was fine
to vote. I paraphrased most of this, but not, "if you vote, you're a citizen."

Pelosi Galore • 7 years ago

CA issues driver's licenses to illegal aliens like a rider throwing beads off a float during Mardi Gras! Know what you need to get services and to register to vote in CA?? One guess....

GriffonClaw • 7 years ago

Nevada has done the same and given illegals licences. I wonder if the illegals must prove insurance to maintain their driver's priviledge like citizens do....

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

You really should go to night school and get your GED. It would help you cipher fake news from the real news.

Mike678 • 7 years ago

So CA doesn't provide illegals drivers licenses?

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

That's right. Only 3 states do and CA isn't one of them. If you are referring to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals CA does, as do 34 states.

Mike678 • 7 years ago

Then you may want to tell the DMV as they have a process to do so.

"California Assembly Bill 60 ( AB-60) is a bill passed into law that, in effect, allows illegal immigrants to the United States to apply for a California driver's license with the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Previous to this bill, driver's licenses were only issued to California residents who could prove their legal presence in the United States, usually by providing a Social Security number. Per AB-60, a California resident who cannot prove their legal presence in the U.S. can still apply for a driver's license as long as they can prove their identity AND California residency, as well as pass all required tests for an original driver's license."


"As of January 2015, eligible California residents can receive a driver’s license, regardless of their immigration status. An applicant who does not have proof of lawful presence will receive an AB 60 license, which will have a visible distinguishing feature. Licenses are will only be available from the DMV. DO NOT pay anyone for a license."


LesGubmit • 7 years ago

Major burn on "upsidedownfellonmyhead". I think he swallowed one too many ciphers.

LesGubmit • 7 years ago

noun: cipher; plural noun: ciphers; noun: cypher; plural noun: cyphers
a secret or disguised way of writing; a code."he was writing cryptic notes in a cipher"
synonyms:code, secret writing, cryptograph, cryptogram
"information in cipher"
a thing written in a cipher.
synonyms:code, secret writing, cryptograph, cryptogram
"information in cipher"
a key to such a cipher.
a zero; a figure 0.
synonyms:zero, 0, nil, naught/nought
"a row of ciphers"
a person or thing of no importance, especially a person who does the bidding of others and seems to have no will of their own.
a monogram.
a continuous sounding of an organ pipe, caused by a mechanical defect.
verb: cipher; 3rd person present: ciphers; past tense: ciphered; past participle: ciphered; gerund or present participle: ciphering; verb: cypher; 3rd person present: cyphers; past tense: cyphered; past participle: cyphered; gerund or present participle: cyphering
put (a message) into secret writing; encode.
do arithmetic.

Perhaps you mean "detect" upsidedownfellonmyhead?

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

Nice try at proving you not a dimwhit. You failed Billy Bob. Must be them one room schoolhouses.

SurvivorVeteran • 7 years ago

No. You just made it up. Like fox news did when they reported the false story with heavily doctored video. Go watch the original, you gullible mark.

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

The hillbillies are out in force on this comment blog, aren't they? I guess that in the bible belt the 8th grade isn't enough to teach how to cipher real news from the bs that Hannity peddles.

X Gempler • 7 years ago

Trump asked an illegal to be his wife. He raped her as she stated in her divorce testimony, she recanted after reaching a divorce settlement. Trump then asked another illegal to be his wife, but this one was also a law breaker who worked in this country when she was on a travel visa. Perhaps she will be the first one that he deports.

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

Where did you read this bs? One of the alt-right fake news outlets?

Mike678 • 7 years ago

Fake news? Let's see. Rolling Stone, the recent walk-back by the waPo on Russian hacking, etc....

LesGubmit • 7 years ago

Crickets from "upsidedownfellonmyhead"? Can't refute you citing prog Bible, Rolling Stone?

joy • 7 years ago

Especially in California.Anyone can get a driver's license there and that is used as a pass to vote.I really wish we could shut down that constant mantra of the popular vote mandate.The Founders rejected the idea of popular vote in favor of a Republican model.

GriffonClaw • 7 years ago

Obama was actually caught telling Illegals they were citizen's so they had the right to vote. Look on YouTube to find the videos of him stating exactly that to a young woman who claimed she was illegally here.

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

You are an idiot dude. Breitbart is a fake news propaganda network. You should really check out the bs that you pass on. What you are doing makes you look dumb.

Mike678 • 7 years ago

you convinced me! That was sarcasm, as I am sure it went over your head....

GriffonClaw • 7 years ago

You don't want to see the clips of Obama telling the woman who claimed she and her family were afraid to vote because they were illegals and thought they would be deported if located by voting, and Obama says if you vote you are a citizen and can't be deported for it?

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

You orange jesus fans will believe anything, won't you. The orange jesus did say that republicans are the dumbest voters around. He was correct.

GriffonClaw • 7 years ago

You still refuse to believe Obama's own words?

GriffonClaw • 7 years ago

I did Not Know you thought Jesus was orange, personally I thought he was of Arabic decent, you know, like an "Israelite" as in "one born of the 12 tribes of Israel"...oh, I'm sorry, you meant to belittle our Preident-Elect by calling him"Jesus"?
I'm not sure I would personally liken Trump to Jesus...just seems a bit sacrilegious to liken anyone to a Christian's Lord and Savior, even if you don't believe in their faith....
But then again, I'm not you, and maybe you thought calling Trump Jesus was an insult to Trump.

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

No insult to Christianity was intended and my sincere apology to anyone who interpreted my remark as you did. Please note that I used a lower case j to specifically direct my insult at the big orange president-elect, who bills himself as a savior. He is a con-man. He is Aaron who built the alter to the Golden Calf, to put it in a biblical context. Shame on him. And shame on his many followers. Follow him and we are all going back to slavery in Egypt.

Sloanl • 7 years ago

"look it up on Youtube"..THAT is all anyone needs to know

LesGubmit • 7 years ago
upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

And you too. Student of Joseph "Hannity" Goebels, I see. No news is to fake to be believed by the gullible.

LesGubmit • 7 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/wat... and a later CNN misinterpretation https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Get a shunt put in to relieve the pressure on your brain from being "upsidedownfellonmyhead"

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

Hey Les, the scary thing is that the movie DELIVERANCE comes to mind every time I interact with one of you Trumpanzees. I have nightmares of a one tooth, banjo playing, country boy looking to make me squeel like a pig. Does that description sound like you or one of your relatives pal?

McFeely Bhoob • 7 years ago

Well, here's why. When the popular LIVE vote win is above a certain number, they DO NOT even open the mail in ballots. MOST mail in ballots (military) vote REPUBLICAN, so her margin in California would be less than half of what it is now. Same with NY.

GriffonClaw • 7 years ago

Too bad every vote is not counted before they decide to award the electorial votes.

Pelosi Galore • 7 years ago

The actual count goes as follows: if you take away the votes from LA county and NYC, Trump wins the popular vote by over half a million. So, when you take our illegal aliens, dead people, cartoon characters, and vote early and often cRATS, President Trump wins AGAIN!!!

Pelosi Galore • 7 years ago

In other words, the electoral college worked EXACTLY the way it was designed to!!

laurelladesborough • 7 years ago

Are you nuts? Checks on voter fraud indicate very little. Research also indicates massive re-districting by GOP operatives, removing of legitimate voters from the rolls (thousands in Florida), and so on. Get real here.

SurvivorVeteran • 7 years ago

No shortage of brain-dead, gullible Americans. Vote fraud by illegal immigrants?!? Thanks for spouting your spoonfed bs. It makes me laugh.

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

Oh boy. You been watching too much FOX Fake News Network.

Pelosi Galore • 7 years ago

I'm shocked Google is actually linking to it!

upsidedownjustice • 7 years ago

You are a fake news idiot.

Poor62 • 7 years ago

You didn't google it did you? But good at childish name calling which is what self-radicalized leftists seem to be best at.

Mike678 • 7 years ago

It's another victim of the the Dunning-Krugar effect.

lloydc1234 • 7 years ago

And, Ryan bringing the Repubs home in order preserve Senate and House. And, Comey's message.